Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 12:20
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 18:21
Cách tìm password cho file .rar hoặc .zip download từ Internet
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2013, 01:10
File System and Disk Administration
... /etc/fstab file for a Linux machine # # Local mounts /dev/sda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1 mkswap /dev/hda2 2. Mounting and unmounting file systems Mounting file systems Nh ta đà biêt hệ thống file của ... umountall Lệnh umount: Bỏ mount một hệ thống file (điểm mount). I. File System and Disk Administration 1. Cấu trúc th mục trên Unix / - Th mục gốc trên UNIX file system. /bin - Là symbol link tới ... /lost+found Cha các file đợc recover bởi fsck. 1. Creating file systems Để tạo hệ thống file cần thực hiện các bớc nh sau: Chọn quyền hạn của đĩa. Tạo các partition Tạo file system Mỗi loại...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 11:20
File system and Disk Administration
... newfs), mkswap tạo swap file system. Ví dụ mke2fs /dev/hda1 mkswap /dev/hda2 3. Mounting and unmounting file systems Mounting file systems Như ta đ biêt hệ thống file của UNIX được lưu ... các thay đổi vừa tạo. Tạo File Systems: Sau khi đ tạo partition thì hệ thống file vẫn chưa được sẵn sàng cho việc sử dung. mà cần phải tạo file system. Để tạo hệ thống file trong Linux dùng lệnh ... giai đoạn 2 và 3 để kiểm tra các file không tham chiếu và đếm liên kết không đúng trên các file, directory, hoặc file đặc biệt. Thông báo như sau: UNREF FILE I=inode number OWNER=O MODE=M...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 13:20
Chapter-10-File systems and devices
... stands for read permission, w stands for write permission, and x stands for execute permission. The three groups represent the permissions for the owner,the group and others respectively.Ifthe permission ... r-x (I can read and execute the program, and nobody else can do anything with it). The permissions for the draft document would be rw-r (I can read and write, the group can read, and others can’taccess ... snapshots Youcreate snapshots with the mount command and the -o snapshot option. For example, you could enter # mount -u -o snapshot /var/snapshot/snap1 /var This command creates a snapshot of the /var file...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft Windows 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers pdf
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Installing and Configuring Microsoft® Windows® 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers doc
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu File-Sharing and Copyright: Felix Oberholzer-Gee Koleman Strumpf docx
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System
... between Sprite LFS and Unix FFS. This example shows the modified disk blocks written by Sprite LFS and Unix FFS when creating two single-block files named dir1 /file1 and dir2 /file2 . Each system ... named dir1 /file1 and dir2 /file2 . Each system must write new data blocks and inodes for file1 and file2 , plus new data blocks and inodes for the containing directories. Unix FFS requires ten non-sequential ... Networks for Computer Communications, pp. 355-373 North-Holland, (1981). 18. Ross S. Finlayson and David R. Cheriton, ‘‘Log Files: An Extended File Service Exploiting Write- Once Storage,’’ Proceedings...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05
Directory and File Commands
... cat Command to join two files into one $ cat filename1 filename2 > file3 This example joins filename1 and filename2 files into filename3 file. Note – If filename3 is existed, this command will ... format for the redirection of standard input, standard output, and standard error is: command > file or command >> file command < file command 2> file Control Characters Purpose Control-s ... existing files using the touch command Create and remove directories using mkdir and rmdir Manage files and directories using the mv, cp, and rm commands Save the output from a command into a file ...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20
File and User Information Utilities
... follows: File1 inode number Data Display File2 inode number Absolute pathname to File1 The data contained in File2 is the absolute pathname to File1 , but displaying either File1 or File2 will ... If File2 is deleted, there is no effect on File1 . If File1 is deleted File2 will still exist, but it will point to an invalid file name and therefore be of no practical use. The ln Command Use ... create a symbolic link. The source _file is the existing file and the target _file is the new file to be linked to the source _file. Creating Links You can link two files with a : • Hard link $ ln...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20
Interruptions and file managing
... "Introduction to file handling". FCB Method 0FH Open file 14H Sequential reading 15H Sequential writing 16H Create file 21H Random reading 22H Random writing Handles 3CH Create file 3DH Open file ... communication Contents 5.7.1 Working with handles 5.7.2 Functions to use handles 5.7.1 Working with handles The use of handles to manage files greatly facilitates the creation of files and programmer can concentrate ... Assigned handle Return registers: CF = 0 if there were no mistakes, otherwise CF will be 1 and AX will contain the error code: 06H if the handle is invalid. This function dates the file and frees...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 20:20
Tracking Playback and Downloading Progression
... > Tracking Playback and Downloading Progression The number of frames in a movie and the file size of their contents determine the movie's overall length and size—a fact made evident ... process of downloading and viewing an SWF from a Web site actually occurs one frame at a time. Another property, _framesloaded, provides the total number of frames that have been downloaded. ... percent and ends at 100 percent. Among other things, our script moves this movie's timeline to the appropriate frame number based on the percentage of frames that have been downloaded, and...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 12:15
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