File System and Disk Administration
... để kiểm tra file không tham chiếu đếm liên kết không file, directory, file đặc biệt Thông báo nh sau: UNREF FILE I=inode number OWNER=O MODE=M SIZE=S MTIME=T (RECONNECT?) LINK COUNT FILE I=inode ... dùng lệnh newfs), mkswap tạo swap file system Ví dụ mke2fs /dev/hda1 mkswap /dev/hda2 Mounting and unmounting file systems Mounting file systems Nh ta biêt hệ thống file UNIX đợc lu trữ dới dạng ... quy định khác tên file: Ví dụ với đĩa IDE, EIDE Linux thể dới dạng file sau /dev/hd[drive][partition] Với đĩa ký hiệu hd a cho primary disk b cho slave, c cho primary secondary disk d cho slave...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 11:20
File system and Disk Administration
... để kiểm tra file không tham chiếu đếm liên kết không file, directory, file đặc biệt Thông báo sau: UNREF FILE I=inode number OWNER=O MODE=M SIZE=S MTIME=T (RECONNECT?) LINK COUNT FILE I=inode ... lệnh newfs), mkswap tạo swap file system Ví dụ mke2fs /dev/hda1 mkswap /dev/hda2 Mounting and unmounting file systems Mounting file systems Như ta đ biêt hệ thống file UNIX lưu trữ dạng thư mục ... partition w Ghi lại thay đổi vừa tạo Tạo File Systems: Sau đ tạo partition hệ thống file chưa sẵn sàng cho việc sử dung mà cần phải tạo file system Để tạo hệ thống file Linux dùng lệnh mke2fs (trong...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 13:20
Directory and File Commands
... Command to join two files into one $ cat filename1 filename2 > file3 This example joins filename1 and filename2 files into filename3 file Note – If filename3 is existed, this command will overwrite ... program The format for the redirection of standard input, standard output, and standard error is: command > file or command >> file command < file command 2> file Angle Brackets ( >, ) Use the ... practice/dir1/admin: Copying Files Use the cp command to copy files Command Format cp [-i] source _file destination _file cp [-i] source _file( s) destination _directory Copying a File to Another Within a Directory...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20
Chapter-10-File systems and devices
... hierarchical directory structure, there is little standardization of the directory names: it’s difficult to know where a particular program or data file might be UNIX systems have a standard directory ... (I can read and execute the program, and nobody else can anything with it) The permissions for the draft document would be rw-r - (I can read and write, the group can read, and others can’t ... Mail Makefile Makefile.bak Makefile˜ depend deppert.floppy doio,v v4.17 (2003/04/02 06:43:57) April 2003, 17:00:47 The Complete FreeBSD ( /tools/tmac.Mn), page 183 183 Chapter 10: File...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 19:15
... Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools, - 44 - 70 - 297 Fileserver1 Fileserver2 Fileserver3 Fileserver4 SQL1 New York New York DHCP server, file server Member server, ... access to Active Directory will be given to the help desk staff and the regional network administrators Although bandwidth is not currently an issue, and incremental increase in bandwidth usage ... Active Directory by using the Ldifde command-line tool Export all user accounts from the UNIX servers to a text file Export all user accounts and their passwords from the UNIX servers to a text file...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
... for importing and exporting Active Directory objects, LDIFDE.EXE, which is found in the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory LDIFDE stands for LDAP Directory Import File Directory Export, and uses the LDAP ... Active Directory Recovery Console Directory Service Restore mode is applicable only to Windows 2000 DCs for restoring the Active Directory service and SYSVOL directory Restore mode is a command-line ... Publishing, all rights reserved 17 DNS and Active Directory After Active Directory is installed, there are two ways to store and replicate DNS zones: • • Standard text-based file storage for the zone, either...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft Windows 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers pdf
... Active Directory directory service that provides a way for users, and other clients in a distributed environment, to name, store, and retrieve information Active Directory enhances file and print ... network NTFS file system Supports file encryption, the ability to add disk space to an NTFS volume without restarting, distributed link tracking, and per-user disk quotas to monitor and limit disk space ... to access and change information in Active Directory 8 Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft Windows 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers Active Directory also provides benefits for file and print...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Installing and Configuring Microsoft® Windows® 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers doc
... Describe the Active Directory directory service and its benefits for Windows 2000 file and print servers Installing and Configuring Microsoft® Windows® 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers vii ... Represents commands, command options, and portions of syntax that must be typed exactly as shown It also indicates commands on menus and buttons, icons, dialog box titles and options, and icon and menu ... (continued) 4:45 5:30 Module 5: Enhancing File and Print Servers with Active Directory viii Installing and Configuring Microsoft® Windows® 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers Trainer Materials Compact...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu File-Sharing and Copyright: Felix Oberholzer-Gee Koleman Strumpf docx
... Broadband Networks.” Sandvine (2008b) “2008 Global Broadband Phenomena.” 29 Shalunov, Stanislav and Benjamin Teitelbaum (2001) “TCP Use and Performance ... Economic Review 71: 845-858 Sandvine (2002-2007) Occasional white papers and press reports on file sharing activity in North America and World-wide Sandvine (2008a) “2008 Analysis ... sophistication and access to broadband as instruments; no measure for the intensity of file sharing Having shared files reduces the probability of purchasing music by 30% Relates the supply of files on file- sharing...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20
Parallel Query Processing Using Shared Memory Multiprocessors and Disk Arrays
... number of disks) Hashing declustering assigns tuples to disks according to a hash function Among the shared nothing systems, Teradata only supports round-robin and hashing, while Tandem, Bubba and ... provide a lower price/MIPS Moreover, the disk array technology that provides high bandwidth and high availability through redundant arrays of inexpensive disks [37] has emerged to ease the I/O ... way to meet the high CPU and I/O demands of these new database applications is to build a parallel database system based on a large number of inexpensive processors and disks exploiting parallelism...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 13:32
... nối file - Output file : thư mục xuất nơi ta chọn đặt file gốc sau nối file lại với - Split parts are in different locations : Các file cắt vị trí khác tức tiến hành nối file file cắt từ file ... link file có đuôi Cách nối file có đuôi 001,_a - Mở chương trình FFSJ lên chọn phần Joining - First split part (001,_a ) : Đây nơi bạn chọn file để nối file thành file file gốc cần chọn file ... TRÌNH FILE SPLITTER AND JOINER - Phần mềm file splitter and joiner phần mềm nhỏ gọn giúp nối file có đuôi 001 , a… chia nhỏ tập tin lớn ví dụ file phần mềm , video có dung lượng cao thành file...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 12:20
File Input and Output pdf
... task? a b c d FileStream Fs = new FileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); FileStream Fs = new FileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write); FileStream ... FileStream Fs = new FileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write); FileStream Fs = new FileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); 9.18 File Input and Output ... DirectoryInfo class DirectoryInfo MydirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\WINDOWS"); // get all the files in the directory and // print their name, and size FileInfo [] FilesInDir = MydirInfo.GetFiles...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 09:21
Chapter 13 - File IO and Isolated Storage pps
... about existing files and directories Performing typical file system operations such as copying files and creating directories Classes File and Directory Figure 13.2 The File- and Directory- centric ... specified directory or file MoveTo() Copies the directory and its contents or the file For a DirectoryInfo object, you need to specify the new path; for a FileInfo object, you specify a path and filename ... in the Directory and File classes Share a common set of properties and methods because they derive from the common FileSystemInfo base class Microsoft 17 Figure 13.5 DirectoryInfo and FileInfo...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 09:20
Module 5 enhancing file and print servers with active directory
... Directory directory service in Microsoft® Windows® 2000 It outlines the purpose and structure of Active Directory and also identifies the benefits of Active Directory integration with file and ... structure of Active Directory Integrate Active Directory with a file server Integrate Active Directory with a print server 2 Module 5: Enhancing File and Print Servers with Active Directory Multimedia: ... Enhancing File and Print Servers with Active Directory Enhancing File Servers with Active Directory Slide Objective To highlight the tasks that are necessary for enhancing file servers with Active Directory...
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 18:21
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System
... Sprite LFS and Unix FFS when creating two single-block files named dir1 /file1 and dir2 /file2 Each system must write new data blocks and inodes for file1 and file2 , plus new data blocks and inodes ... Table — Disk space and log bandwidth usage of /user6 For each block type, the table lists the percentage of the disk space in use on disk (Live data) and the percentage of the log bandwidth ... corresponding directory block or inode During roll-forward, the directory operation log is used to ensure consistency between directory entries and inodes: if a log entry appears but the inode and directory...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05
Java Naming and Directory Interface
... Naming Service DNS Java Naming and Directory Interface Dịch vụ Directory Đối tượng directory bao gồm nhiều thuộc tính Cho phép truy vấn thuộc tính đối tượng Directory tìm kiếm đối tượng dựa ... dịch vụ Directory LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol NDS - Novell Directory Service NIS - Network Information System: directory service for Solaris Microsoft Active Directory ... JNDIStateFactoryImpl Java Naming and Directory Interface 16 Lập trình với JNDI Các thao tác JNDI context bind() / rebind() list() lookup() rename() Java Naming and Directory Interface...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16
Environmental engineering Dictionary and Directory
... or acquisitions This led to an expanded directory entitled, The Dictionary of Water and Wastewater Treatment Trademarks and Brand Names, published in 1991, and which contained 1200 commercial ... relevant and appropriate requirements Cleanup standards, control standards and other substantive environmental protection requirements, criteria, and limitations promulgated under federal, state, and ... required to understand and discuss them This Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory defines many terms that did not even exist a decade ago My own field of water reclamation and reuse is...
Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 14:44
Energy efficiency and cost analysis of canola production in different farm sizes
... the random sampling method [8]; so, it was calculated as 130 and then the 130 farms were randomly chosen from 30 villages in the area of study For the analysis of energy use in different farm sizes, ... parameters when the availability of arable land is the limiting factor for plant production [21] The energy inputs were divided into direct and indirect and renewable and non-renewable energy forms [18] ... spreadsheet and SPSS 17.0 software programs Results and discussion 3.1 Analysis of input-output energy use in canola production The amount of inputs and outputs for canola production in different farm sizes...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30
File and User Information Utilities
... current directory (.) and from the parent ( ) directory, and a number for each file or subdirectory included in the directory The structure of a hard link is as follows: File1 Inode number File2 File3 ... number File1 File2 Data Display Absolute pathname to File1 The data contained in File2 is the absolute pathname to File1 , but displaying either File1 or File2 will produce the same output If File2 ... the files and directories by the inode number and can therefore refer to them faster Note – Inode numbers are unique on each file system, even when file names are identical Linking Files and...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20