fce practice test use of english

PRACTICE TEST - University of Economics English Language Division pot

PRACTICE TEST - University of Economics English Language Division pot

... many people. The town of Hershey offers unique attractions for those who visit. Chocolate Town is surely one of the sweetest places on Earth. 41. What is the main topic of this passage? A. famous ... Many of the world’s famous cities are known by some special names. Paris is known as the ‘City of Light.’ Los Angeles is called the ‘film capital’ of the world. Hong Kong is the ‘Wall Street of ... ‘cocoa massage.’ This treatment uses massage oils made from chocolate. Guests can enjoy cocoa beauty treatments of every type imaginable. And, of course, the restaurant offers not only chocolate desserts

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 16:20

10 525 1
thi FCE, Use of English

thi FCE, Use of English

... FCE Use of English (Exit) Part One: Multiple Choice Cloze For Questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. Example: (0) A in B at C of ... become professional authors, and even fewer have the joy of seeing their novels top the (1) of bestselling books. Some of the world's famous crime writers have achieved the (2) success of all. ... annoying complaints". CE Use of English (Exit) Part Two: Open Cloze For Questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2015, 21:59

12 640 4
Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 1

Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 1

... 17 Practice test 25 [D The lnfinitive/-ing form/Participles 29 Questions/Short Answers 197 Practice test 11 206 Inversion/Emphatic Structures 210 Practice test 12 216 Revision 220 Practice test ... Practice test 140 Irregular Verbs 259 Conditionals/Wishes/Unreal Past 144 Suggested Answer section 260 Practice test 156 Revision 160 • Nouns/ Articles I 129 Test 1A / 18 T1 Test 2A / 28 TB Test ... [ ] Clauses/Linking Words 81 Appendix - Verbs, Adjectives, Practice test 106 EJ Reported Speech Nouns with Prepositions I Prepositional Phrases I 110 Prepositions of time 250 Practice test 125

Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2022, 05:17

121 26 0
Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 2

Ebook FCE use of English 2 (Teacher''s book): Part 2

... best of, a cake, certain, changes, coffee, a deal with sb, a decision, a difference, a discovery, an effort, an enemy of, ends meet, an excuse, friends with, a fortune, haste, fun (of) , a fool of ... normally used in the passive Get is used in colloquial English instead of be to express something happening by accident She'll get in trouble if she goes on driving like that Use The passive is used: ... Ann a bunch of flowers • Ann was offered a bunch of flowers (more usual than: A bunch of flowers was offered to Ann.) Verbs followed by a preposition (accuse of, take down, etc) take the preposition

Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2022, 05:31

166 11 0
Key of FCE Practice test 3rd

Key of FCE Practice test 3rd

... 25 practice test RECORDING SCRIPT This is the Cambridge First Certificate in English Listening Test. I am going to give you the instructions for this test. I shall introduce each part of the test ... at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet. There will now be a pause. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak during the test. [pause] Now open ... week [...]... end of Part Four [pause] There will now be a pause of five minutes for you to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet Be sure to follow the numbering of all the questions

Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2015, 21:28

11 5,5K 11


... improve your use of English grammar in Teaching : The best method of improving your use of English is to study the formulas and sample sentences.Then the practice exercises at the end of section ... 1.Grammar in general Grammar- an essential component The aim of grammar practice II How to improve your use of English grammar III Types of grammar practice and the ways to deal with them : type : Awareness ... by reading authentic English as it is used by native speakers of English everyday And it should be a goal of every English learner to acquire the language and be able to use it as naturally as

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2016, 17:47

17 676 1
The use of english idioms related to parts of human body by the third year students at faculty of english, hanoi open university

The use of english idioms related to parts of human body by the third year students at faculty of english, hanoi open university

... Open University Faculty of English GRADUATION THESIS B.A DEGREE IN ENGLISH The Use of English Idioms Related to Parts of Human Body by the ThirdYear Students at Faculty of English, Hanoi Open University ... the test It is very crucial for them to know and have a deep knowledge of English idioms in general and the items of my topic in particular because idioms are often used to comment how an English ... students of English in HOU, the causes of the errors Some suggestions to avoid these errors will be proposed for more effective uses of English idioms related to parts of

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:21

41 390 0
use of english sample cae

use of english sample cae

... T I O N S Aerial photography Photography has many forms and (0) …… Of all of them, the APPLY practice of taking pictures of earth from the air has had the most value for geographers (28) … ... his jacket had been ……………… when he fell off his bicycle In some urban areas, tower blocks are being ……………… down to be replaced by rows of houses 41 The use of wind power is still controversial ... source of energy It soon became clear that what my neighbour really wanted was to ask me a……………… Because of their effect on the environment, large cars have fallen out of ……………… in some parts of

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2017, 23:00

20 545 0
Use of English  Key word transformation Use of English  Key word transformation

Use of English Key word transformation Use of English Key word transformation

... USE OF ENGLISH - KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION KEYS EX 1) You might lose your passport, so make a note of the number case Make a note of your passport IN CASE YOU LOSE ... environmental laws accused The company HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF BREAKING several environmental laws EX 17 If we fail to look after the environment, it could end in disaster of If we not TAKE CARE OF the environment, ... couldn't EX 10 1) Sam lost his job because he was lazy Sam was SO LAZY THAT HE LOST HIS JOB _ 2) I couldn't buy the house because it was expensive The house was too EXPENSIVE FOR ME TO BUY

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2017, 15:10

10 590 1
First for schools 2015 reading and use of english đề thi

First for schools 2015 reading and use of english đề thi

... the (5) of hundreds of dinosaurs, some of which they have (6) to museums Many tourists visit the farm in the hope of coming across something unusual The tourists may not stand much (7) of discovering ... disapprove B accuse C criticise D prohibit Turn over ► Reading and Use of English ● Part For questions – 16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap Use only one word ... success of surfing films (16) also by pop songs about surfing culture 5 Reading and Use of English ● Part For questions 17 – 24, read the text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2017, 17:33

12 956 0
Longman exam skills   new proficiency use of english teachers book

Longman exam skills new proficiency use of english teachers book

... Proficiency Use of English Proficiency Use of English is ideal for students preparing for Paper of the Revised Proficiency exam It provides comprehensive coverage of all the essential areas of ... University of Cambridge sample answer sheets Components: Proficiency Proficiency Use of English Students' Book Use of Eng,lish Teacher's Book ISBN 0-582-50478-3 111111111111111111111111111 NEW PROFICIENCY ... Paper of the CPE exam successfu Ily The Proficiency Use of English Teacher's Book includes: ~ An Introduction to Paper of the Revised exam and to the Students' Book ~ A photocopiable Diagnostic test

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2019, 09:45

47 441 0


... values of Thuongmai University are guiding, promoting and supporting all of their choice as well as give a call of English values through English course on learning Currently, the level of English ... .26 The survey of Thuongmai University’s seniors in difficulties of English in the use at international work placement .26 1.1 Thuongmai University’s English level of seniors in reality ... estimating their English level 29 Chart 3.3.The weaknesses of English skills of Thuongmai University’s seniors 32 THE TABLES N o Table Page Table 3.1 .English level requirement output of Thuongmai

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 19:28

59 151 0
Eleventh graders’ actual use of English listening learning strategies at Duong Van Duong high school

Eleventh graders’ actual use of English listening learning strategies at Duong Van Duong high school

... could use clues to guess meaning of words or pieces of information However, as emerged from the questionnaire and interview findings, a great number of the participants did not make use of this ... high restore them (M= 2.14, SD= 97) Likewise, use (e.g cognitive and affective strategies), most of the participants did not often use moderate use (e.g metacognitive and social semantic mapping ... Alhaysony, M (2017) Language learning strategies use by Saudi EFL students: The effect of duration of English language study and gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7(1), 18–28 Berne,

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 03:45

17 129 0
The use of English vocabulary learning strategies among university students

The use of English vocabulary learning strategies among university students

... vocabulary strategy use 39 Table 13 Means of vocabulary strategy use (cont) 39 Table 13 Means of vocabulary strategy use (cont) 40 Table 13 Means of vocabulary strategy use (cont) ... Advisor: Trinh Dieu Hien, MA Nguyen Van Tan, PhD The use of English vocabulary learning strategies among December university2019 students The use of English vocabulary learning strategies among university ... strategies used by students 40 Table 15 Independent samples test on vocabulary use by gender 43 Table 16 Means of the vocabulary learning strategies use by gender 44 Table 17 ANOVA tests

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2020, 09:28

118 24 0
The use of English pronunciation websites for improving grade 10 students’ pronunciation = Sử dụng các trang web phát âm để cải thiện năng lực phát âm của học sinh lớp 10. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

The use of English pronunciation websites for improving grade 10 students’ pronunciation = Sử dụng các trang web phát âm để cải thiện năng lực phát âm của học sinh lớp 10. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

... Students’ results of pre-tests and post-tests VIII XI XIII LIST OF ABBREVIATION MCQs: Multiple Choice Questions ESL: English as a Second Language EFL: English as a Foreign Language LIST OF TABLES Table ... One-tail t -test for control group (Listening test) Table 3: One-tail t -test for control group (Speaking test) Table 4: One-tail t -test for experimental group (Listening test) Table 5: One-tail t -test ... (Speaking test) Table 6: Two-tail t -test for control group and experimental group (Listening test) Table 7: Two-tail t -test for control group and experimental group (Speaking test) LIST OF DIAGRAMS

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 20:57

65 50 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) the use of english pronunciation websites for improving grade 10 students’ pronunciation

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) the use of english pronunciation websites for improving grade 10 students’ pronunciation

... Students’ results of pre-tests and post-tests VIII XI XIII LIST OF ABBREVIATION MCQs: Multiple Choice Questions ESL: English as a Second Language EFL: English as a Foreign Language LIST OF TABLES Table ... One-tail t -test for control group (Listening test) Table 3: One-tail t -test for control group (Speaking test) Table 4: One-tail t -test for experimental group (Listening test) Table 5: One-tail t -test ... (Speaking test) Table 6: Two-tail t -test for control group and experimental group (Listening test) Table 7: Two-tail t -test for control group and experimental group (Speaking test) LIST OF DIAGRAMS

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 09:06

65 41 0
Ebook Use of English B2 for all exams – Teachers book

Ebook Use of English B2 for all exams – Teachers book

... pint/can of beer a set of traffic lights a bunch of flowers sheet bar of paper o f soap pair of sunglasses flock of birds tube of toothpaste pair flock of scissors of sheep set of rules claP of ... FCE Use of English Paper contains fo u r parts and lasts 45 m inutes The task types and the num ber of questions in each part are presented in the fo llo w in g table PART TASK TYPE NUMBER OF ... o k E MOUTSOU Use English for all exams (2 )Use of English B2 for all exams E M outsou Published by: M M Publications www.mmpublications.com info@mmpublications.com Offices Great Britain

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2021, 06:02

20 171 2

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