family and friends 5 student book pdf

Family and friends 5   student book

Family and friends 5 student book

... and I are friends Jaidee and Tai are brothers from Viet Nam from Thailand HD_E-books W here are you from7 I'm from V iet Nam Unir Lesson Th ree Gram m ar and Song Choose a boy or a girl Ask and ... HD_E-books There í íl |IUt Read the chant again Circle the words with igh, y, and i_ e Match and write HD_E-books long vow «?! íouird i Listen, point, and repeat Listen and read, o n 10'S 1 05 ... Grandm a I Dad Amy Dad I'm still young! when she was young Wow! He was handsome them I'm still handsome! — "T —n - V I Amy HD_E-books k Wow! Grandm a was pretty! y Ệ Ị Grandpa I th ink Grandm

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2019, 15:50

95 422 10
Family And Friends 4 Class Book 2Nd Edition.pdf

Family And Friends 4 Class Book 2Nd Edition.pdf

... llIustration) pp .5, (Ex1), (Ex3, 4), 10 (Ex2) , 15 (Ex4), 21 (Ex3, 4), 28 (Ex1, 2, 3), 29 (Ex5), 33 (Ex4), 34 (Ex2) , 39 (Ex4), 40 (Ex2), 45 (Ex3, 4) ,52 (Ex1 , 2,3), 53 (Ex4, 5) , 57 (Ex3), 58 (Ex2) 61 ... - - - - and the boy is my His name's Patrick Read and circle Grandma an.d Grandpa are visiting Lucy and Peter ask their mum, "(an you help l@ /we make some smoothies for Grandma and Grandpa?" ... names, and can understand their ~~ ~ commands This robot can respond to what you say and it can learn to speak any language ASIMO has arms and hands, so it can open doors, carry things and turn

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2023, 09:01

138 9 0
Family and friend 4 student book ameed full

Family and friend 4 student book ameed full

... rhgthm 18 rice 45 nephew (the) news 6U right 1 05 64 rood 56 newsPoper 58 roo r 20 niece 80 56 nurse 77 robot rocket room 52 tl oceon 102 po9e 45 pointed 67 possen9er 58 possport 58 pottern 24 Pencit ... cushion customer cute cambo[s 34 56 fit 17 ftute 77 foxes 39 fridge (the) future 96 100 74 71 99 18 89 24 62 67 1 05 1 05 100 83 62 11 80 86 56 61 62 52 ice 45 it[ness 56 instruments invent invitotion ... photos 5torfer Bock together! -mf}iD \ I' I:ii:il My other cousin is Leo He's 12 tle really skateboarding and we lots of things Great! And you skateboard together? Well, he skateboards and t read books

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2017, 06:28

122 754 0
Family and Friends 1 Class Book full

Family and Friends 1 Class Book full

... chont @ r, I Listen ond sing @ o" Sing ond - :l? tr., Sing o roinbow! and yellow, And pink and green, Purple and orange, And blue Red I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing (o'*Fl @ a rainbow ... ruLer book W - Whot's this? lt's o Unit I Lesson Three 5on9 Listen, point ond repeot @ ,, Listen ond sing @ ,o Sing ond Open fhe book! what's thisz what's thisz It's a book open the book Close ... ond chont @ o, Hello, Rosy Hello, Tim Hello, everyone Hello, ailly and Miss Jones Come and have some fun! Listen ond reod @ o, 5torfer Hello Goodbye lerson Two I Listen to the storg ogoin ond repeot

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2018, 11:16

112 6 0
Family and friends 4 class book

Family and friends 4 class book

... ltaly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South l(orea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine VietDam oxrono and oxroRD ENcLISH are r.egistered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the LK and in certain ... for learning English Student MuttiROI{I " Fhotocopg Mosters Book Testing ond Evotuation Book Fhonics Cords Words Flsshcords TEqcher's Book Reoders Audio Clsss CDs 6rarnmar Friends Digito L CLsss ... (Review banner), 1 15 (Review banner); Brian Lee p 85; Carlos Pearce/Advocate pp 18, 19, 56 , 57 (Exz), 91; Jorge Santillan/Beehive Illustration pp 51 (lightening bolt), 119; Harris SofokleousiSylvie

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2019, 19:12

122 333 1
Family and friends 3 class book full

Family and friends 3 class book full

... a grandma and a grandpa, too l've got an aunt and an uncle and l've got two cousins Hello l'm _*- * l've got a sister Her name is Holly she's seven we've goth|o cousins Their names are Amy and ... 1uly, then August and September, May, June, July,then August and September, Twelve months in a yearl october, November and December, october, November and December, october, November and December, ... RC; -,, -, '/ , , fi5 e 'r 'r _ {[ ," 't- t# ; 'i ii,i:};:1i" t **#"" -ffi January, February, March and April, January, February, vtarch and April, January, Februaty, March and April, *ou, May,

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2019, 19:13

122 288 0
Ebook Family and Friends 6 Class Book: Phần 2

Ebook Family and Friends 6 Class Book: Phần 2

... on holiday With friends and family too And laughing aJJ day through Smiling, talking, playing games, '.>~~/", , s ~ J.'~~ I wish I wasn't at the bus stop , wish I was on holiday And feeling colcl ... reasonabLe advisable believable usabLe listen and repeat o When a verb ends in -e, we remove the -e and add -able , Dictionary Workbook tS> 62 Read and circle This choi r's very comfort /~fortabiVI'd ... Kate, Ed and Fin arrive They carry the dolphin The man thinks The children see the dolphin with Un,l 12 0 0 o b c d e back into the sea pouring water on the dolphin its friends and family the

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 10:40

58 125 0


... "_t"' l+i Comparative and superlative adjectives Too and enough , can't believe it these decorations are prettier than the others! :{t,ii,u$tt This band's as toud as the last band! {:r*l]::i lt's ... odjective insteod This book is more interesting than that book The opposite of more is [ess We use less in the some wou os more That book is less interesting than this book ," '',,- , " "t ,"" ... things ore equol we use os os When theg ore not equoL, we soU not os os This band's as loud as the last band!(Both bonds ore equo[[g toud.) London is not as big as Cairo (Coiro is bigger.)

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2021, 07:09

26 167 0
family and friends 5

family and friends 5

... Listen and match - HS: Textbook (30) 2/ Kiểm tra cũ: hỏi “How many steps to make a card?” 3/ Hoạt động dạy học Hoạt động GV Hoạt động HS Ghi Listen and match - cho hs mở sách xem hình p 25 - ... yêu cầu hs học từ 5/ Dặn dò: chuẩn bị cho tiết học tới (part Listen and sing) * Điều chỉnh, bổ sung Date of compiling: ……… Date of teaching:………. WEEK 14 Period 55 Unit 4: LESSON THREE ... 5/ Dặn dò: chuẩn bị cho tiết học tới (Part Speaking) * Điều chỉnh, bổ sung Date of compiling: ……… Date of teaching:………. WEEK 19 Period 75 Unit 5: LESSON SIX I/ Mục đích, yêu cầu (51 )

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2021, 14:16

93 9 0
family and friends 5 special edition grad e 5 Unit starter lesson 1

family and friends 5 special edition grad e 5 Unit starter lesson 1

... deskmate and ask his/her name 6 MANIA.COM Describe an animal and ask the whole class to guess 1 Listen and sing Listen and read Listen again and write down the missing parts Role - play Max Teacher ... your hobbies? MANIA.COM And what you in your freetime? MANIA.COM Describe about your best friend 4 MANIA.COM Sing your favourite song 5 MANIA.COM Say hello to your deskmate and ask his/her name ... Max’s family? What does his sister like? Who is Amy? What does Leo like? b! o j at e r G Thanks! CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2021, 00:04

17 55 0


... (1)(2)(3)(4) (5) (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)( 15) (16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)( 25) (26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)( 35) (36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)( 45) (46)(47)(48)(49) (50 ) (51 ) (52 ) (53 ) (54 ) (55 ) (56 ) (57 ) (58 ) (59 )(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)( 65) (66)(67)(68)(69)(70)(71)(72)(73)(74)( 75) (76)(77)(78)(79)(80)(81)(82)(83)(84)( 85) (86)(87)(88)(89)(90)(91)(92)(93)(94)( 95) (96)(97)(98)(99)(100)(101)(102)(103)(104)(1 05) (106)(107)(108)(109)(110)(111)(112)(113)(114)(1 15) (116)(117)(118)(119)(120)(121)(122)(123)(124)(1 25) (126)(127)(128)(129)(130) ... (1)(2)(3)(4) (5) (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)( 15) (16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)( 25) (26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)( 35) (36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)( 45) (46)(47)(48)(49) (50 ) (51 ) (52 ) (53 ) (54 ) (55 ) (56 ) (57 ) (58 ) (59 )(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)( 65) (66)(67)(68)(69)(70)(71)(72)(73)(74)( 75) (76)(77)(78)(79)(80)(81)(82)(83)(84)( 85) (86)(87)(88)(89)(90)(91)(92)(93)(94)( 95) (96)(97)(98)(99)(100)(101)(102)(103)(104)(1 05) (106)(107)(108)(109)(110)(111)(112)(113)(114)(1 15) (116)(117)(118)(119)(120)(121)(122)(123)(124)(1 25) (126)(127)(128)(129)(130) ... (1)(2)(3)(4) (5) (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)( 15) (16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)( 25) (26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)( 35) (36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)( 45) (46)(47)(48)(49) (50 ) (51 ) (52 ) (53 ) (54 ) (55 ) (56 ) (57 ) (58 ) (59 )(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)( 65) (66)(67)(68)(69)(70)(71)(72)(73)(74)( 75) (76)(77)(78)(79)(80)(81)(82)(83)(84)( 85) (86)(87)(88)(89)(90)(91)(92)(93)(94)( 95) (96)(97)(98)(99)(100)(101)(102)(103)(104)(1 05) (106)(107)(108)(109)(110)(111)(112)(113)(114)(1 15) (116)(117)(118)(119)(120)(121)(122)(123)(124)(1 25) (126)(127)(128)(129)(130)

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2021, 11:15

130 46 1
Tiếng ANh 3 - Family and Friends 5 - Võ Hà - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

Tiếng ANh 3 - Family and Friends 5 - Võ Hà - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

... _ and that is my (4) They are new Pencil case pencil ruler rubber backpack PART III SPEAKING a, Listen and repeat.(0, 25 đ) b, Point, ask and answer (0, 25 đ) c, Listen and comment.(0, 25 ... _ and that is my (4) They are new Pencil case pencil ruler rubber backpack doll PART III SPEAKING a, Listen and repeat.(0, 25 đ) b, Point, ask and answer (0, 25 đ) c, Listen and comment.(0, 25 ... LISTENING Question Listen and number (4 câu x 0, 25 đ/ câu) Mức Câu Đáp án My favourite It’s a ruler He’s a pilot colour is blue Question Listen and tick (4 câu x 0, 25 đ/ câu) Mức Transcript She’s

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2022, 02:12

12 4 0
de thi HKI - Family and Friends 5 - Bành Nguyễn Vân Anh - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

de thi HKI - Family and Friends 5 - Bành Nguyễn Vân Anh - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

... 2 Listen and and complete(1 pt)(Đúng mỗi câu 0, 25 diểm)1 F l at 2 bl ackQuestion 3 Listen and tick (1pt) (Đúng mỗi câu 0, 25 diểm)1.Nam : Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 2 Mai: Snow White and the ... October 25th c November 25th3 a November 20th b September 5th c October 10th4 a the last Friday of Octoberb the last Wednesdayof Octoberc the last Saturday of OctoberQuestion 5 Listen and fill ... Listen and repeat.a I’m from England I’m English.b I surf the Internet for my project.c We danced, sang songs and played games.d I practice English with my friends every day.2 Point, ask and answer.a

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2022, 02:30

13 3 0
Family and friends 2 class book

Family and friends 2 class book

... pAcK Cr-Ass BooK MULTTRoM Coverand titlepageillustrationby:TomekGiovanis & Christos Skaltas Illustrailonsw: Kathy Baxendalepp 18 (handwriting), 58 , 59 Andy Catling/ Advocatepp 104,1 05. Simon Clarepp ... (tricycle), 45 (boy'sbike, football, sheet music), 53 (boy/ girl), 58 (girl), 59 (girl); p 45 (swirnming poolage footstock), (girfBlindlmages); Punchstock p 45 (computer), 53 (tennis ... rollerblades/ClareCharleson), 45 (hands and homeworklmagebroker, CD Player/OliverLeedham) ,53 (boy/trVoodystock, paints/Michael Riccio, spongeanimals/Kari Marttila, chocolates/FoodFolio); Dorling Kindersley p 45 (open book) ;

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2023, 17:50

113 3 0
Family and friends 4 class book hh

Family and friends 4 class book hh

... ltaly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxpono ENcLISHare registeredtrade marks of Oxford University Pressin the UK and in certain ... (PacificStock/PhotoAgencyVision), 56 (Radiuslmages/redhaired boy), 100 (Tips ltalia/Andrea Pistolesi/BangNiang Beach);The Picture Desk p 58 (The Kobal Collection/WARNERBROS./Charlieand ticket); Rex Featurespp 51 (David ... r'#ill'(l'lf i'.ii, r'f' we'reall backtogether with friendsfrombefore It'stimeto showwhatwecando we'rereadyto workand learnsomemore Theholidays areoverfor meandyou! Listenond reqd @ o, i"l"o*\e\ i"'Y4

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2023, 18:35

124 2 0
Efl teachers’ perspectives on the textbook “family and friends 5” (special edition) a study at primary schools in thu duc city

Efl teachers’ perspectives on the textbook “family and friends 5” (special edition) a study at primary schools in thu duc city

... textbook and recognize specific advantages and shortcomings in textbooks that are already in use The selected textbook in the present research is in ? ?Family and Friends? ?? series for primary students, ... that is, Family and Friends 5, (Naomi Simmons and Tamzin Thompson, special edition) 60 EFL teachers of males and 52 females participated These EFL teachers have been teaching the textbook for ... textbook’s features, such as the diversity of the topics, the compatibility with students’ ability, and the motivation that the textbook brings to learners Therefore, ? ?Family and Friends 5? ?? (special

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2023, 07:28

108 5 0
giáo án family and friends 5

giáo án family and friends 5

... đúng * Key: 1 a; 2 b; 3 c; 4 c; 5 c 4/ Củng cố: hướng... xét - trả lời * Key: 1 clock cloud; 2 plum plate; 3 drum dress; 4 flat flower 5 Look and circle 5 - cho hs xem tranh và nhớ các ... word and write 3 the correct word - sau khi đọc xong, cho hs nêu lại đặc điểm - trả lời của phòng học trong tranh - cho hs đọc lại 5 câu bài 3 - đọc - viết 5 câu... Ghi chú 2 Listen and ... tranh listen and write - HS: Textbook III/ Hoạt động dạy học chủ yếu 1/ Ổn đinh lớp 2/ Kiểm tra cũ: cho hs trả lời câu chuyện học 3/ Hoạt động dạy học Hoạt động GV Hoạt động HS Listen and write

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2016, 08:33

95 3,5K 8

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