extend role based management to the management of change and configuration

Báo cáo khoa học: A novel 2D-based approach to the discovery of candidate substrates for the metalloendopeptidase meprin pot

Báo cáo khoa học: A novel 2D-based approach to the discovery of candidate substrates for the metalloendopeptidase meprin pot

... matching of protein spots first to reference gels of the same condition and thereafter to reference gels common to both conditions The stepwise annotation of protein spots to two independent levels of ... (Fig 1) The four level match-sets are the reference gels of the respective quadrants from the 2D gel sections of each condition and the four higher-level match-sets are the reference gels of the ... the major role of the MMP family is the control of cellular responses critical to homeostatic regulation of the extracellular environment and the immune response [19,20] We decided to apply protease...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 06:20

20 506 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Memory-Based Approach to the Treatment of Serial Verb Construction in Combinatory Categorial Grammar" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Memory-Based Approach to the Treatment of Serial Verb Construction in Combinatory Categorial Grammar" pdf

... SVCs: the series of V1 to V3 and the series of V4 to V5 , because they not share their tenses The directional verb p©j ‘go’ performs as an adverb identi— fying the outward direction of the action ... quantification to resolve pro-forms and VP ellipses to their antecedents The variable quantification in TLG is comparable to the use of memory in storing antecedents and anaphora The verbs V1 and V2 are ... 2d and 3d , c c respectively For example, the syntactic category 2< 3> s has a filler of type np on the left side and np np a gap of type np on the right side The filler 2d and the gap 3d of the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

9 572 0
Tài liệu Actions Against Abuse of the Global Financial System: Report from G7 Finance Ministers to the Heads of State and Government docx

Tài liệu Actions Against Abuse of the Global Financial System: Report from G7 Finance Ministers to the Heads of State and Government docx

... not be able to discover the identity of the beneficiary of the account and will be unable to meet their “know your customer” obligation The combination of market access and obscurity of ownership ... addition to ongoing initiatives in the FATF and the OECD, the Report of the OFCs Working Group of the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) has made recommendations to enhance OFCs’ observance of international ... endorse these initiatives and urge these bodies to cooperate with each other and coordinate their actions, as appropriate, to address problematic OFCs 10 We call on OFCs to respond positively to these...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

8 485 0
financial risk taking-an intro to the psychology of tr and behav fin - elvin 2004

financial risk taking-an intro to the psychology of tr and behav fin - elvin 2004

... thanks and gratitude to Tom Williams, Director of Genie Software and author of The Undeclared Secrets That Drive the Stock Market, who through his friendship, guidance, and mentorship, inspired and ... aforementioned topics took up the rest of the time CW employed classic techniques to maintain credibility in the eyes of most of his students First and foremost, he offered them the hope of attaining ... knew and add to it, to “improve” it; others would try to refute the ideas with ideas of their own; still others would keep parts of the whole concept and discard other parts not to their liking...

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 13:15

294 1,5K 0
the blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information-(all, but no chp 10, 21, 22)

the blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information-(all, but no chp 10, 21, 22)

... discovery of other civilisations, the scientific revolution, the foundational crisis in mathematics and the rise of mathematical logic, evolutionary theory, and the theory of relativity, just to mention ... defined by the semantic space they wish and opt to inhabit The phenomenon of globalisation is rather a phenomenon of erasure of old limits and creation of new ones, and hence a phenomenon of de-limitation ... phenomenon of de-limitation of culture; 3) a de-physicalisation of nature The physical world of shoes and cutlery, of stones and trees, of cars and rain, of the I as ID (the socially identifiable...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:27

657 419 0
princeton university press religious experience reconsidered a building-block approach to the study of religion and other special things oct 2009

princeton university press religious experience reconsidered a building-block approach to the study of religion and other special things oct 2009

... in their published work and were not able to overcome the emerging division of labor between religious and theological studies, on the one hand, and the anthropology of religion, on the other ... constituted the essence of “religion” and the common core of the world’s “religions.” This understanding of religion and the religions dominated the academic study of religion during the last century ... divide The book addresses the subject of religious experience directly and the problems of reductionism and humanistic fears of the sciences indirectly and by example The orientation of the book...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:43

229 1,5K 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Sensitivity of methods for estimating breeding values using genetic markers to the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance" ppsx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Sensitivity of methods for estimating breeding values using genetic markers to the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance" ppsx

... independently to calculate MEBV, the accuracy of these methods when the number of QTL and the distribution of QTL variance varies is unknown Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the ... until the number of components was equal to the number of observations or to the number of marker loci The plsr function in the pls package [22] of R was used to fit and cross validate the models ... variance, variance of every tenth QTL was set to 81 and variances of the other QTL were set to In this way 10% of the QTL were responsible for 90% of the total additive genetic variance The QTL effects...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21

11 380 0
A study on common errors related to the usage of DO and MAKE collocations by English non-major students at Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA)

A study on common errors related to the usage of DO and MAKE collocations by English non-major students at Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA)

... scope of the study Part B is divided into three chapters; chapter both reviewed some previous studies related to the research area of the thesis and provides theoretical background to the concerning ... Structure of the thesis The thesis consists of three main parts: Part A, B and C Part A is an introduction that gives a rationale behind the study It also presents the aims, objectives, the significance ... look into English MAKE and DO collocations And, on account of this, well-formed utterances containing DO and MAKE collocations might be produced And, this constitutes the practical value of the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:47

3 820 7
Tài liệu Water Pollution Control - A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles ppt

Tài liệu Water Pollution Control - A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles ppt

... each species, the chemicals added to the feed of the livestock to enhance the growth and to reduce the risk of disease, as well as information on the toxicity of specific substances to the different ... (established within the framework of the 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement) to judge the suitability of candidate organisms to serve as indicators of the quality of the ecosystem Based on these criteria, ... livestock watering is, therefore, to protect both the livestock and the consumer Criteria for livestock watering usually take into account the type of livestock, the daily water requirements of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 20:20

459 4,9K 0
Water Pollution Control - A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles ppt

Water Pollution Control - A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles ppt

... particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/DGIS of the Netherlands Financial support for the activities undertaken by the Working Group has been provided by UNEP and by the Government of the Netherlands ... work and accumulated experiences of the Water and Sanitation Division of the World Bank, and of the environment team of the Urban Development Division and the UNDP/UNCHS/World Bank Urban Management ... over the last three and a half years The Council is grateful to them, and I want to express my own personal appreciation for the voluntary time and effort they have devoted to the task The result...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

14 721 0
Water Pollution Control: A guide to the use of water quality management principles docx

Water Pollution Control: A guide to the use of water quality management principles docx

... each species, the chemicals added to the feed of the livestock to enhance the growth and to reduce the risk of disease, as well as information on the toxicity of specific substances to the different ... (established within the framework of the 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement) to judge the suitability of candidate organisms to serve as indicators of the quality of the ecosystem Based on these criteria, ... work and accumulated experiences of the Water and Sanitation Division of the World Bank, and of the environment team of the Urban Development Division and the UNDP/UNCHS/World Bank Urban Management...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

431 595 0
Water Pollution Control - A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles doc

Water Pollution Control - A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles doc

... involved, the quality standards to be met, the skilled staff and land requirements, and the reliability of the potential for recovery by the technology, all have to be evaluated to give a total score ... production and preparation of raw materials, the production and assembly of final products, and the management of all used products at the end of their useful life This approach will result in the generation ... awareness of the environmental effects of the production process, lack of understanding of the true costs of waste management, no access to technical advice, insufficient knowledge of the implementation...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

39 596 0


... “changing the pitch” or selling “differently” as opposed to addressing the fundamentals of the environment, the process, and all of the steps leading up to the conversation and then the follow ... is stored, accessed, worked, developed, the quality of effort placed into the final product, as well as the time spent to create the product, the efficiency of the work environment, and the communication ... Minute Exchange of Die This may be one of the most remarkable advances that the Lean / TQM Method brought to industry The history and definition will give you a good understanding of how the concept...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20

37 369 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Object-Oriented Approach to the Design of Dialogue Management Functionality" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Object-Oriented Approach to the Design of Dialogue Management Functionality" doc

... heuristics of the relevant Expert subclass (here the Travel Expert), the system analyses the supplied information, to try to establish the context of the transaction, and then to process the transaction ... on to the class candidate list within Domain Spotter Otherwise it performs a Prolog cut and allows the call to pass to another subclass In the next dialogue turn the Dialogue Manager uses the ... attribute and travel to the destination on the day and at the time requested Figure below illustrates the process If the instance is unable to meet the criteria it simply performs a cut and passes the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

7 298 0
United States Government Accountability Office GAO April 2009 Report to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget_part2 doc

United States Government Accountability Office GAO April 2009 Report to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget_part2 doc

... copies to the Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of OMB, the Deputy Director for Management of OMB, and the Acting Controller of OMB’s Office of Federal Financial Management ... in the financial statements to include a review for reasonableness of changes from the prior year to the current year However, because of a lack of details on the objectives of the analysis and ... process to begin with the fiscal year 2004 CFS, the Secretary of the Treasury should direct the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, in coordination with the Controller of the Office of Management and Budget...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

10 450 0
United States Government Accountability Office GAO April 2009 Report to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget_part3 pot

United States Government Accountability Office GAO April 2009 Report to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget_part3 pot

... Secretary of the Treasury should direct the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, in coordination with the Controller of OMB, to develop and implement a process to ensure that the Statement of Changes in ... coordination with the Controller of OMB, to develop and implement a process to ensure that the Statement of Changes in Cash Balance from Unified Budget and Other Activities properly reflects the activities ... analysis of the agency management representations to determine if discrepancies exist between what the agency auditor reported and the representations made by the agency, including the resolution of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

10 342 0