exploiting the potential of a flexible generation architecture

Báo cáo khoa học: "From RAGS to RICHES: exploiting the potential of a flexible generation architecture" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "From RAGS to RICHES: exploiting the potential of a flexible generation architecture" pot

... communicate exclu- sively via the OASYS server. The O /A data representation is a simple typed network representation language. An O /A database consists of a collection of objects, each of which has a ... demonstrate the feasibility of a system based on both the RAGS data model and the OASYS server model. The modules collectively construct and access the data representations in a shared blackboard space ... identifier and a type, and From RAGS to RICHES: exploiting the potential of a flexible generation architecture Lynne Cahill , John Carroll , Roger Evans , Daniel Paiva , Richard Power , Donia Scott and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 04:20

8 368 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Testing the potential of a virtual reality neurorehabilitation system during performance of observation, imagery and imitation of motor actions recorded by wireless functional nearinfrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Testing the potential of a virtual reality neurorehabilitation system during performance of observation, imagery and imitation of motor actions recorded by wireless functional nearinfrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)" potx

... 4 of 13 the analysis. The median was chosen instead of the mean as it is more robust to outliners that may have statistically unbalanced the analysis in our relatively small subject sample. The ... et al: Characterization of the near infrared absorption spectra of cytochrome aa3 and haemoglobin for the non-invasive monitoring of cerebral oxygenation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) ... pre-processing. KE and DK participated in the design of the study. MW participated in the design and coordination of the study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Declaration of competing...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

13 577 0
Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles doc

Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles doc

... Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the ... Director RICHARD CAMPBELL, Program Officer ALAN CRANE, Program Officer MARTIN OFFUTT, Program Officer SUSANNA CLARENDON, Financial Associate PANOLA GOLSON, Project Assistant ANA-MARIA IGNAT, Project Assistant SHANNA ... analysis of the particulates indicated that the plasma was also effective in reducing the polycyclic aromatic content of the particulate matter. Such charac- teristics of the particulate matter are...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20

134 467 0
Bell & Howell Information and Learning 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 USA 800-521-0600UMI.The Potential of Soil Survey Data in a Quantitative Evaluation of Surficial Geology Mapping in Northern Maine by Rosalia EvansThesis submitted t pptx

Bell & Howell Information and Learning 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 USA 800-521-0600UMI.The Potential of Soil Survey Data in a Quantitative Evaluation of Surficial Geology Mapping in Northern Maine by Rosalia EvansThesis submitted t pptx

... percent of the two study areas, are thin layers of gravel and sand of limited extent formed by the wave erosion of till or other materials along shores of glacial lakes. The derivative map (Table ... climate and vegetation cause little of the variation in soils along the St. John River. Parent material, landform and age are independent variables in soil formation in northern Maine and are the ... include stream alluvium, swamp and marsh, glacial-lake bottom, glacial-lake beach, glacial stream, till, and till over glacial-stream deposits. Analysis of Genes’s Data Till is a heterogeneous...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

131 599 0
"The Potential of Cellulosic Ethanol Production from Municipal Solid Waste: A Technical and Economic Evaluation" doc

"The Potential of Cellulosic Ethanol Production from Municipal Solid Waste: A Technical and Economic Evaluation" doc

... paper, cardboard, ADC final, woody waste, ADC green, and grass wastes. Among these fractions, ADC final and ADC green are the fractions that will be sent to landfills with the median average ... glucan recovered 79.1% of potential glucan and 88.2% of potential xylan in solution from ADC final, and 83.3% of potential glucan and 89.1% of potential xylan from ADC green. Experimental results ... amount of impurities in raw ADC final, grass waste, woody waste and cardboard was removed after pretreatment probably because of the solubilization of organics in pretreatment filtrate. Table...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

41 554 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Critical roles of Leu99 and Leu115 at the heme distal side in auto-oxidation and the redox potential of a hemeregulated phosphodiesterase from Escherichia coli pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Critical roles of Leu99 and Leu115 at the heme distal side in auto-oxidation and the redox potential of a hemeregulated phosphodiesterase from Escherichia coli pptx

... DosH as a template and using the following respective 5¢-sense primers: 5¢-gatga gtcgggagACCcagctggagaaaaaag-3¢,5¢-gatgagtcgggagTTTcag ctggagaaaaaag-3¢,5¢-ggacccgttttgcgACCtcgaaagtgagc-3¢, and ... decreased the rate of auto-oxidation [5], whereas Ala and Asn substitutions at Asp40, an amino-acid residue that interacts via two water mole- cules with the proximal ligand His77, markedly increased ... mutations, although the effects of the Leu99 and Leu115 muta- tions were modest compared with those of Met95 mutations. It seems likely that potential data based on our data and that of others have accuracies of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

14 390 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "The immunological potency and therapeutic potential of a prototype dual vaccine against influenza and Alzheimer’s disease" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: "The immunological potency and therapeutic potential of a prototype dual vaccine against influenza and Alzheimer’s disease" pdf

... 9:127 http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/9/1/127 Page 3 of 15 RESEARCH Open Access The immunological potency and therapeutic potential of a prototype dual vaccine against influenza and Alzheimer’s disease Hayk Davtyan 1,2 , Anahit Ghochikyan 1 , ... [20]. A digital camera (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) was used to capture images of the plaques at an × 4 magnification. The binding of anti-Ab sera to the b-amyloid plaques was blocked by 2.5 mM of Ab 42 peptide ... from AD today. A potentially powerful strategy is immunotherapy with anti-Ab antibody that can facilitate the reduction of pathological forms of Ab in the brain [42-52] via several pathways,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

15 431 0
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

... prevent. • Data manager changes data. A malicious data manager may change the value of its data on each cache refresh. While this is an advantage for shared memory applications, it is a serious ... temporarily allow read-only access to cached data. The locking on a page may later be changed as deemed necessary by the data manager. [To avoid race conditions, the pager_data_provided call also ... to the default pager is identical to other external data managers, there are no fundamental assumptions made about the nature of secondary storage. For example, the default pager may use local...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

23 1,3K 1
List the components of a radio system

List the components of a radio system

... sent – Imprints a unique address on the data – The longer the code is, the more users will be able to share the same channel – Number of chips in the code • Determines the amount of spreading or bandwidth Wireless ... (TDMA) – Divides the transmission time into several slots – Each user is assigned the entire frequency for the transmission • For a fraction of time on a fixed, rotating basis – Advantages • Uses the bandwidth ... strength falls near the level of noise – Interference can take place • To reduce the interference of noise – Boost the strength of the signal – Use of filters when receiving the signal • Attenuation – A...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52

30 922 0


... lineages of mitochondrial DNA exist among the San (‘Bushmen’) of southern Africa and the Biaka Pygmies of the modern Central African Republic. About 100,000 years ago, some of these anatomically ... common in the East African highlands by 20,000 years ago, appeared at that date also in southern Africa, spread into western and northern Africa during the next 10,000 years, and thereafter became ... that it awaits further confirmation. 8 The forest margin of Cameroun and Nigeria was the region from which Bantu speakers gradually expanded throughout the southern half of Africa. All Bantu languages...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

386 1,2K 4
Guest the meaning of a word

Guest the meaning of a word

... guest the meaning of a word Could you guest the sign of a new word? Yes, Of couse. This is 20 prefix and 14 root-word helping you improve your vocabulary. You can guest the meaning of 14.000 ... hurl, cast)]. offer: ob-và ferre [Gồm các biến dạng fer và lat (Latin: line, bring, carry)]. insist: in-và stare [Các biến dạng c a stare là sta, stat, sti, và sist (Greek: standing, stay, make ... talk, speech, speak; word)]. aspect: ad-và specere [Gồm có 2 dạng spec và spic (Latin: see, sight, look, appear, behold, and examine)]. uncomplicated: un-, com-,và plicare [Có 11 biến dạng sau:...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 12:07

2 874 1
Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

... and Methods: The data obtained from all of the four university hospitals, and one referral tertiary-care educational state hospital in Ankara. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of 14,233 selected ... Hospital setting and antibiotic policy: NARP was initiated in Turkey in February 2003 by a central regulation of Ministry of Health and was announced nation-wide via official newspaper of the ... we have esca- lated all antibiotic prices. The cost of antibiotics was calculated as US dollars (USD). Statistical Analysis: Rates in every 6 months periods of the study period were analyzed...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

6 693 0

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