executing a trigger sql server

Tài liệu To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server pptx

Tài liệu To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server pptx

... database to a new database, see the How to export Contact list from McKoi database to Microsoft SQL Server? document. Step 1: Download a shareware database management tool You need a database ... IP Address of the MySQL database machine) Port: <3306> (default MySQL port) Database: (left blank / database is created via the opn_mysql .sql script) How to create a Microsoft SQL Server ... Interface and log onto the system. 3. Navigate to Database > Connection and add a new database handler for Microsoft SQL Server. Click Save to add the database handler to the configuration....

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15

10 580 0
Tài liệu Executing a SQL Server Stored Procedure By Using ActiveX Data Objects doc

Tài liệu Executing a SQL Server Stored Procedure By Using ActiveX Data Objects doc

... use the ADO Command object, as well as the Parameter object if you are passing parameters. You will create a Command object and supply the command text, which in this case will be the name of ... Command object you are creating-in this case by using the type of ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdStoredProc. The next step is to create a parameter that the Command object will use. This parameter ... basCommandExamples.vb: Calling a Stored Procedure By Using Parameters Sub UseAStoredProcedureWithAParameter(ByVal txtResults As TextBox) Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection() Dim rstCurr As New ADODB.Recordset()...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16

2 450 0
SQL Server 2000 Administration in 15 Minutes a Week: Administration Fundamentals

SQL Server 2000 Administration in 15 Minutes a Week: Administration Fundamentals

... servername\instancename ). Only SQL Server 2000 can act as a named instance, but you can have many named instances operating at the same time. You can also Run SQL Server 6.5 or 7.0 as the default instance ... Mode authentication you are asked to provide a password for the system administrator (sa) account. This account is available so you can authenticate as a “sysadmin” via SQL Server Authentication. ... default instances and named instances, understanding the available upgrade paths to SQL Server 2000 is not difficult. - An installation of SQL Server 6.0 can’t be upgraded directly to SQL Server...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 09:15

16 497 0
Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database

Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database

... command. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, conn, tran); // Create the DataAdapter and CommandBuilder. SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); ... from changing data being read by a user and preventing users from reading data being changed by a user. Locks are acquired and released by user actions; they are managed internally by database ... ReadCommitted. A DataAdapter is used on the transacted connection to fill a DataTable. A CommandBuilder is created to generate updating logic. The default view of the table is bound to the data grid...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 20:15

5 417 0
Performing a Bulk Insert with SQL Server

Performing a Bulk Insert with SQL Server

... parent-child tables at the same time, a feature that is not available in the OpenXML Transact -SQL extension. For information about the XML Bulk Load component and its methods and properties, ... a XML bulk load operation. The example defines an optional error log file, where the default is an empty string meaning that no error log is created. You can bulk load data into multiple parent-child ... Customers table The sample uses a single XML file: Customers.xml Contains the data that is bulk loaded into the Customers table The sample code creates a bulk load object SQLXMLBulkLoad and sets...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 12:15

5 395 0
Getting a SQL Server Query Plan

Getting a SQL Server Query Plan

... SHOWPLAN_TEXT (from the Query Execution category) is ON, SQL Server returns a result set containing detailed information about how the SQL statements are going to be executed rather than actually ... Microsoft SQL Server Books Online. [ Team LiB ] "ORDER BY CompanyName"; // Retrieve the plan into DataReader. SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader( ); // Iterate over all ... the second contains rows detailing the plan. For batch SQL statements, the result sets alternate between statement and plan for each statement in the batch. SHOWPLAN_TEXT does not need to be...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 18:15

3 419 0
Executing SQL Server Stored Procedures phần 1

Executing SQL Server Stored Procedures phần 1

... mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add( "@MySupplierID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1; mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add( "@MyCategoryID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1; mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add( ... System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; class ExecuteAddProduct { public static void Main() { SqlConnection mySqlConnection = new SqlConnection( " ;server= localhost;database=Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=sa" ... mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add( "@MyUnitsInStock", SqlDbType.SmallInt).Value = 10; mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add( "@MyUnitsOnOrder", SqlDbType.SmallInt).Value = 5; mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

6 440 1
Executing SQL Server Stored Procedures phần 2

Executing SQL Server Stored Procedures phần 2

... read the rows using the DataReader object while (mySqlDataReader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine("mySqlDataReader[\" ProductName\"] = " + mySqlDataReader["ProductName"]); ... using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; // step 3: execute the Command object using the ExecuteReader() // method SqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); ... "@MySupplierID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1; mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add( "@MyCategoryID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1; mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add( "@MyQuantityPerUnit", SqlDbType.NVarChar,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

6 398 1
Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 1

Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 1

... mySqlConnection.ConnectionString = server= localhost;database=Northwind;uid=sa; mySqlConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 15 mySqlConnection.Database = Northwind mySqlConnection.DataSource = localhost mySqlConnection.PacketSize ... stores database connections in a pool. Connection pooling offers a great performance improvement because you don't have to wait for a brand new connection to the database to be established ... when there's a suitable connection already available. When you close a connection, that connection isn't actually closed; instead, your connection is marked as unused and stored in...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

7 730 0
Debugging a SQL Server Stored Procedure

Debugging a SQL Server Stored Procedure

... [ Team LiB ] Recipe 9.8 Debugging a SQL Server Stored Procedure Problem Given an application that uses a SQL Server stored procedure that is causing errors, you need ... Use Visual Studio .NET to debug SQL Server stored procedures (in both standalone mode and from managed code). Discussion Debugging a stored procedure in standalone mode You can debug a stored ... 2. Create a connection to the database or select an existing connection. 3. Select and expand the node for the database that contains the stored procedure. 4. Expand the Stored Procedures node....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 13:15

3 423 0
Tài liệu Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2 doc

Tài liệu Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2 doc

... that handles an event is known as an event handler. You call this method when a particular event is fired. All event handler methods must return void and accept two parameters. The first parameter ... // create a SqlCommand object SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); // run a PRINT statement mySqlCommand.CommandText = "PRINT 'This is the message from ... SqlConnection(" ;server= localhost;database=Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=sa"); // monitor the StateChange event using the StateChangeHandler() method mySqlConnection.StateChange += new StateChangeEventHandler(StateChangeHandler);...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

7 593 0
Tài liệu Connecting to a Named Instance of SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) docx

Tài liệu Connecting to a Named Instance of SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) docx

... ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[" ;Sql_ Msde_ConnectString"]); Manager and Query Analyzer are also shared. The System.Data.SqlClient class cannot automatically discover the port number of a named instance of SQL Server ... understand what a SQL Server or MSDE named instance is and how to connect to one. The sample code contains a single event handler: Connect Button.Click Creates and opens a connection to a named ... [ Team LiB ] Recipe 1.7 Connecting to a Named Instance of SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) Problem You want to connect to a named instance of a SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

3 406 0
Tài liệu Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database doc

Tài liệu Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database doc

... command. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, conn, tran); // Create the DataAdapter and CommandBuilder. SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); ... as a transaction with an isolation level of READ COMMITTED. READUNCOMMITTED Same as NOLOCK. REPEATABLEREAD Use the same locking as a transaction with an isolation level of REPEATABLE READ. ... SqlCommandBuilder(da); // Fill table using the DataAdapter. DataTable dt = new DataTable( ); da.Fill(dt); // Bind the default view of the table to the grid. dataGrid.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

5 541 0