excel 2010 pivot table group dates by month and year

Giao trinh Huong dan su dung Excel 2010 - Toan tap

Giao trinh Huong dan su dung Excel 2010 - Toan tap

... Những điểm mới trong Microsoft Excel 2010 Ch Backstage View Giao din ribbon ca Office 2010 t c các ng dng trong gói Office 2010. Công c c ... ch bn s thy ht nhiu khi x lý d liu và tính toán trong Excel. PivotTables và PivotCharts Gic thc hin mt cách d dàng ... Officen chun ch Microsoft Office Excel 2010 thì dng li. B3. Nhp chut vào bing  khng Excel. Phóng to, thu nh ca s Excel 23 Column Width: chn l...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2013, 19:50

219 1,7K 72
Modifying a Pivot Table

Modifying a Pivot Table

... replace the City field in the pivot table. CHAPTER 6 ■ MODIFYING A PIVOT TABLE1 36 6.14. Using Pivot Items: Showing All Months for Grouped Dates Problem In your pivot table, you added the OrderDate ... ■ MODIFYING A PIVOT TABLE 125 6.18. Using a Pivot Table: Allowing Drag -and- Drop Problem In previous versions of Excel, you were able to drag fields from the PivotTable Field List onto the pivot table ... you can change a pivot table option. 1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and then click PivotTable Options. 2. Click the Display tab, and add a check mark to Classic PivotTable Layout. 3....

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

16 500 0
Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data

Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data

... affects all fields in the active pivot table, not just a specific field. 1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and click PivotTable Options. 2. In the PivotTable Options dialog box, click ... label, and then click Group. 3. In the Grouping dialog box, the earliest and latest dates in the SalesWeek field should automatically appear in the Starting at and Ending at date boxes. 4. In the By ... by their values, in ascending order: CHAPTER 2 ■ SORTING AND FILTERING PIVOT TABLE DATA22 Figure 2-7. Viewing the filter and sort details 2.8. Filtering a Pivot Field: Filtering Row Label Dates Problem In...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

19 522 0
Calculations in a Pivot Table

Calculations in a Pivot Table

... total by month per product Notes If dates in a pivot table are grouped by year and month, the running total will stop at the end of each year, and then begin again at the start of the next year. ... file ProductYear.xlsx, product sales dates range from October 2008 to March 2009, and they are grouped by year and month in the pivot table. Product is in the Column Labels area, Years and Date ... "yyyy-mm") 3. Refresh the pivot table, add the YearMonth field to the Row Labels area, and then remove the Date and Year fields. 4. Create a running total with YearMonth as the base field. 3.7....

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

29 371 0
Formatting a Pivot Table

Formatting a Pivot Table

... style, and then paste the pivot table. 3. Delete the pasted copy of the pivot table. The custom PivotTable style now appears in the PivotTable Styles gallery, and it can be applied to any pivot table ... the PivotTable Style Options group, add or remove the check marks from the style options (see Figure 4-2). Figure 4-2. PivotTable Style Options 4.2. Using PivotTable Styles: Removing a PivotTable ... of the Dark PivotTable styles, and you apply it to almost every pivot table you create. You’d like to change the default PivotTable style, to save time when you create new pivot tables. This...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

30 379 0
Grouping and Totaling Pivot Table Data.

Grouping and Totaling Pivot Table Data.

... number 5.11. Grouping Dates in One Pivot Table Affects Another Pivot Table Problem You have two pivot tables based on the same Excel Table. In one pivot table, the order dates are grouped by month, and ... on the GroupMonth.xlsx sample workbook. Solution When you group the dates, select both Year and Month in the Group By list. With this type of grouping, data from each year is grouped, and within ... prefer to group the dates in the pivot table. This problem is based on the GroupWeek.xlsx sample workbook. CHAPTER 5 ■ GROUPING AND TOTALING PIVOT TABLE DATA108 Grouping and Totaling Pivot Table...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

21 425 0
Pivot Table Security, Limits, and Performance

Pivot Table Security, Limits, and Performance

... contains a few pivot tables, and it has almost doubled in size, even though you only added a few rows to the Excel Table that’s the pivot table source. Every time you add a pivot table, the size ... Use PivotTable Reports. With either choice, if the worksheet is protected, use of the pivot table is affected. Not Allowing Use PivotTable Reports If the worksheet is protected, and Use PivotTable ... create an empty chart on an unprotected sheet, and change its source to the pivot table. Other pivot tables, based on the same Excel Table as the pivot tables on a protected sheet, will have some...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

11 750 0
Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data

Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data

... ■ PRINTING AND EXTRACTING PIVOT TABLE DATA 183 Also, you can include up to 126 pairs of pivot fields and pivot items in the GetPivotData function, after the pivot_ table argument: =GETPIVOTDATA("TotalPrice",$A$3,field1,item1, ... pivot table and stored on a hidden sheet. In your GetPivotData formulas, refer to this hid- den pivot table. Users can change the layout of the main pivot table, and it won’t affect your GetPivotData formula ... data when the grand total cell is double-clicked. CHAPTER 9 ■ PRINTING AND EXTRACTING PIVOT TABLE DATA174 Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data O ne of the strengths of pivot tables is the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

22 467 0
Programming a Pivot Table

Programming a Pivot Table

... 15 deleting pivot tables from, 137 event code and, 206 formatting data as Excel Table and, 6 protected, refreshing pivot tables and, 152, 225 Show Details feature and, 214 ■ X .xlsm files, 205 ■ Y year- to-date ... 43 programming pivot tables, 205–236 changing recorded code and, 212 pivot cache and, 223 protection, 157–161 preventing changes to pivot tables and, 157 protected worksheets, refreshing pivot tables and, ... 194 custom lists, 25 custom PivotTable styles, 74 customized copies of pivot tables, 187 Excel Tables, 6 lists of formulas, 67 pivot charts, 189–196, 203 pivot tables, 1–20 current month, conditional...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

41 419 0
Updating a Pivot Table

Updating a Pivot Table

... area, and then adding and removing fields from the layout. The pivot table updates after each change, and this slows things down. You’d prefer to make all the changes, and then update the pivot table. ... Wizard, and then click Finish. 11. In the Import Data dialog box, select PivotTable Report, and select a location for this temporary pivot table, and then click OK. 12. Delete the temporary pivot table, ... Source Excel Table Problem You’ve been asked to make changes to the pivot table on the ProductSales worksheet, and you’d like to find the Excel Table used as its source data. Several Excel Tables...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

16 424 0