every each whole both either and neither

Both either and neither

Both either and neither

... a) either b) neither c) both ‘I know you don’t like me I don’t like you ……………….’ a) either b) neither c) both ………………… Martin nor James turned up today a) either b) neither c) both 10 She ... hardworking a) either b) neither c) both Answers I didn’t like either of these two dresses I like neither of these Have you got another one? Both of them have been invited I have invited neither / both ... different.) I haven’t invited either of them They were both eager to hear the news Both Martin and James are brilliant boys ‘I know you don’t like me I don’t like you either. ’ Neither Martin nor James...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 09:20

2 249 0
19380 either and neither

19380 either and neither

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 18:24

1 108 0
Bai tap ve Either...or,neither...nor,both...and,not only.....but also

Bai tap ve Either...or,neither...nor,both...and,not only.....but also

... He didn’t have to go to school last Sunday => Neither ……………………………………………………………………… Mary hasn’t studied Spanish Her friend hasn’t studied Spanish => Neither ……………………………………………………………………… 10 They didn’t ... => Neither He not only read the book but also remembered what he had read => Not only She can’t write fast She can’t type => She can’t either ……………………………………………………………… ... He doesn’t like to go on foot => Dick doesn’t either …………………………………………………………… They won’t come here tomorrow They won’t stay at home => They won’t either …………………………………………………………… I didn’t have to...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2015, 04:00

2 12K 167
bai tap trac nghiem tu luan voi both and not only but also either or neither nor a3957

bai tap trac nghiem tu luan voi both and not only but also either or neither nor a3957

... months old He can speak walk A neither / nor B either / or C both / and D not / nor He _ a teacher or a doctor A is neither B neither is C is either D either is She is friendly _intelligent ... because she has husband children A both - and but also B neither - nor C either - or D not only – 33 I love of my sisters equally! A both B either C neither D nor C Neither D Or 34 me ... promise A bothand B either – or C neither – nor D not only – but also 16 Neither my A both brother B either my mother knows C and about this D nor 17 I felt happy and sad at...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2017, 11:10

18 2,6K 15
Both, either, neither và cách phân biệt

Both, either, neither và cách phân biệt

... xác định phải dùng too so Ví dụ: Sai: I like dogs He does either Đúng: I like dogs He does, too Tôi thích chó Anh Sai: I like dogs Neither does he Đúng: I like dogs So does he Tôi thích chó Anh...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 19:38

2 2,2K 5
Both either neither  grammar exercise

Both either neither grammar exercise

... a) Either b) Both c) Either could be used here We can ……………… swim a) both b) either b) neither ……………… of them is here a) Neither b) Both c) Either could be used here 10 ... didn’t come Neither did Peter I don’t like either of these colors I can’t decide between these two dresses I like them both Either cheese or butter will We can both swim Neither /both of them ... of them a) either b) neither c) Either could be used here Answers Both my sisters live in the US Both of them were ill and didn’t go to work I know you don’t like me I don’t like you either John...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 09:20

2 454 2
Either vs neither vs both   test 01

Either vs neither vs both test 01

... both C either D none _ Leslie and Jean came at seven o'clock A Neither B Either C Nor D Both Your brother left a week ago but he has written phoned A either/ or B neither/ nor C neither/ or ... enough A either B neither C both D none There were six or seven ties but them suited me A none of B none C neither of D either of 10 The room was _ bright _ large A neither/ nor B either/ or ... written phoned A either/ or B neither/ nor C neither/ or D either/ nor We entered the room and found it _ hot and humid A both B either C neither D nor © http://www.englishteststore.net Photocopiable...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 06:20

3 193 0
Either vs neither vs both   test 02

Either vs neither vs both test 02

... the ball A neither/ nor B either/ or C both/ nor D either/ nor _ you and your brother are welcome A Neither B Either C None D Both 10 _ windows were wide open A Neither B Both C Either D None ... C either D both Several methods were proposed but _ them was appropriate A neither of B none C neither D none of She _ wrote a letter _ gave us a ring A neither/ nor B either/ or C neither/ or ... ring A neither/ nor B either/ or C neither/ or D either/ nor Bob and I had drunk a lot of water, so _ us was thirsty A both of B both C neither of D either of © http://www.englishteststore.net Photocopiable...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 06:21

3 155 0
Either vs neither vs both   test 03

Either vs neither vs both test 03

... B either C none D both Is that Mr Dumas, the writer?' 'Yes, _ father _ son are writers.' A both/ and B either/ or C either/ and D neither/ nor We _ knew the answer It was very easy A neither ... B either C all D none She tried both keys but _ fitted the lock A either B neither C nor D both © http://www.englishteststore.net Photocopiable We _ got the geometry problem right A neither ... problem right A neither B all C none of D both The two windows were open _ them had been forced A Both B Neither C Both of D None 10 I tried two jackets but neither the right size A was B has...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 06:21

3 179 0
4087 both and      neither nor

4087 both and neither nor

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 09:33

1 262 0
Both either neither

Both either neither

... a) either b) neither c) both 10 She ………………… dances and sings a) either b) neither c) both Answers Both of them were ill so they stayed at home I didn’t like either of these colors ... them both Neither Angelina nor Jennifer turned up today You can take either the bus or the train I know you don’t like me I don’t like you either Neither John nor Peter could solve the problem Both ... John nor Peter could solve the problem Both my parents enjoy riding She has invited us both 10 She both dances and sings Stay on top of your writing! Download our grammar guide from www.englishgrammar.org...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 16:31

2 154 0
(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

... and Vietnamese teachers in particular are putting much emphasis on students’ memorization of language rules and discrete details (Le, 1999) stated in his study that both Vietnamese teachers and ... gender and strategy use have come to mixed conclusions Ehrman and Oxford (1989) and Oxford and Nyikos (1989) discovered distinct gender differences in strategy use The study by Green and Oxford ... understanding of individual learner differences in general and of gender differences in learning in particular is of great importance Proper adjustment and adaptation from the side of the teachers and...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

83 624 0
Tài liệu How To Close every sale By Joe Girard and roBerT l. sHook ppt

Tài liệu How To Close every sale By Joe Girard and roBerT l. sHook ppt

... understands how the prospect thinks and feels by listening Bibliographic Information Title: How To Close Every Sale: Field-Tested, Can’tLose Techniques to Win Lifetime Customers and Make Every ... difficult situation, the salesperson and the client can write down everything that is favorable about the sale under a “yes” column, and then write down everything unfavorable under a “no” column ... to believe in you Page  Preparedness Know everything about the product, company and competition This helps create confidence during the presentation and negotiation while stirring a positive...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20

7 470 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular and biochemical characterization ofD-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase fromEntamoeba histolytica A unique enteric protozoan parasite that possesses both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated serine metabolic pathways docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular and biochemical characterization ofD-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase fromEntamoeba histolytica A unique enteric protozoan parasite that possesses both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated serine metabolic pathways docx

... set of enzymes involved in amino acid synthesis of Ser from Gly and Ala from Cys and conversions between Asp and Asn and between Glu and Gln [49] Serine metabolic pathways are often absent in parasitic ... residue between 58 and 59 of EhPGDH (also missing in other Type III organisms and Type IIB B anthracis) in the substrate binding domain and five–ten residues between amino acid 172 and 173 (Fig 2) ... be implicated for cooperativity in serine binding and serine inhibition, and an adjacent Lys141/Arg141, both of which are conserved among Type I and Type II sequences All the other important residues...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 13:20

12 464 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Gene transcription of fgl2 in endothelial cells is controlled by Ets-1 and Oct-1 and requires the presence of both Sp1 and Sp3 pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Gene transcription of fgl2 in endothelial cells is controlled by Ets-1 and Oct-1 and requires the presence of both Sp1 and Sp3 pdf

... loading and first strand synthesis with forward primer, 5¢-ATGTTTGAGACCTTCAACAC-3¢, and reverse primer, 5¢-CACGTCACACTTCATGAT GGA-3¢ then excised from PCR2.1 by digestion with HindIII and SalI and ... regulating fgl2 expression and requires the presence of both Sp1 and Sp3 Collectively the linker-scanning and EMSA analysis suggest that Oct 1, Sp1/Sp3, Ets family members, and a Stat3-like protein ... endothelial cells and the Drosophila system, supports the contention that both Sp1 and Sp3 positively affect fgl2 constitutive expression Importantly, the presence of both Sp1 and Sp3 is required...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

13 525 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Composite Kernel to Extract Relations between Entities with both Flat and Structured Features" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Composite Kernel to Extract Relations between Entities with both Flat and Structured Features" ppt

... ) where N1 and N2 are the sets of nodes in trees T1 and T2, respectively, and I subtreei (n) is a function that is iff the subtreei occurs with root at node n and zero otherwise, and ∆(n1 , n2 ... comparing the performance of T1 and T2, we can evaluate the effect of sub-trees with partial production rules as shown in T2 and the necessity of keeping the whole left and right context sub-trees ... relation types and 23 subtypes Since Zhao and Grishman (2005) use a 5-fold cross-validation on a subset of the 2004 data (newswire and broadcast news domains, containing 348 documents and 4400 relation...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 467 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Different Structures for Evaluating Answers to Complex Questions: Pyramids Won’t Topple, and Neither Will Human Assessors" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Different Structures for Evaluating Answers to Complex Questions: Pyramids Won’t Topple, and Neither Will Human Assessors" docx

... binary and pyramid F-scores for each run Figure 5: Scatter plot comparing the binary and pyramid F-scores for each Other question pyramids—their ability to smooth out assessor differences and more ... with the series and run as factors, and the binary F-score as the dependent variable We found significant differences between series and between runs (p essentially equal to for both factors) To ... thank Kiri and Esther for their kind support References H Dang, J Lin, and D Kelly 2006 Overview of the TREC 2006 question answering track In Proc of TREC 2006 W Hildebrandt, B Katz, and J Lin...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 508 0