evaluating the process and your performance

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... good tests and theoretical ideas on test reliability and validity as well as achievement tests Chapter 3- The study is the main part of the thesis showing the context of the study and the detailed ... chapter, the writer has presented a brief literature review that sets the ground for the thesis Due to the limited time and the volumn of this thesis, the writer wishes to focus only on evaluating the ... there are two modes, which are and Measures of Dispersion: the standard deviation (sd) and the range Range is the difference between the highest and the lowest scores Range = 8-0 = - 26 - Standard...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 15
On the process and aesthetics of sampling in electronic music production* ppt

On the process and aesthetics of sampling in electronic music production* ppt

... made during the recording process and embodied in musical gesture (Barthes 1991: 276) The grain of a sample reveals the tactility and pleasurability of the recording process, and, in the case of ... typically focuses on the band’s feminist lyrical content rather than the intricate sample-based grooves that they construct in the studio They concluded that their music may not reflect the pristine ... thorough understanding of the sampling process Existing literature does not justice to the musicality of the sampling process; instead, it fosters an incomplete understanding of sampling and spreads...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

8 722 0
Evaluating the Executive Director Your Role As a Board Member doc

Evaluating the Executive Director Your Role As a Board Member doc

... Check the following list to prepare for and avoid these • Procrastination The board delays the evaluation for a meeting, then another, and then another… • Accentuating only the negative The board ... large degree, the performance of your executive director and the performance of the organization are one in the same The executive needs your input to deliver the policies, priorities, and plans ... executive and board list and discuss the executive’s strengths and weaknesses They then focus on action plans for building on the strengths and addressing the weaknesses In a typical strength and weakness...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:20

31 284 0
Improving the mechanical and functional performance of extrusion based additive manufactured scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Improving the mechanical and functional performance of extrusion based additive manufactured scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

... and thereby to improve the functional performance of the scaffolds The hypothesis, objectives and significance of this research will be elaborated in the following sections 1.3 Research hypothesis ... comprehensively as they have the potential to harness the advantageous properties of both polymer and ceramics (mainly Ca-P), and thereby improve the biochemical and mechanical properties of the bone tissue ... polymerization occurs and the liquid solidifies to a certain depth After the first layer is built, the platform holding the model is moved down from the surface into the vat and the built layer is...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

195 438 0
!! maximum energy for life   a 21 day strategic plan to feel great, reverse the aging process, and optimize your health

!! maximum energy for life a 21 day strategic plan to feel great, reverse the aging process, and optimize your health

... integrity, you will go the distance with your client, even when the chips are down You will stand by your people, handle and minimize the damage, cut your losses, analyze what went wrong, and create a ... in the here and now but also to be able to look down the road and see what’s approaching Some blows are inevitable, and the best we can is to see them coming and try to limit the damage Others ... exercise, and stress management that has helped thousands of everyday men and women achieve optimum performance in their careers and the level of emotional balance they long for in their personal...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 17:53

281 552 0
8 Ways to Great: Peak Performance on the Job and in Your Life pps

8 Ways to Great: Peak Performance on the Job and in Your Life pps

... minutiae and can concentrate on the big picture Now it’s your turn Get out your notebook or turn on your computer and make your own list of strengths and weaknesses Then write down how each of them ... either help or hurt you Make your lists as exhaustive as you can and then go back and add some more The more qualities you are able to articulate, the better you’ll come to know yourself, and the ... in your field (Principle #4), to determine your own value without comparing yourself to others (Principle #5), and to stop yourself from allowing your ego and/ or emotions to get in the way of your...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2014, 03:20

126 658 1
slike bài giảng quản trị ngân hàng chương 10measuring and evaluating the performance of banks and their principal competitors

slike bài giảng quản trị ngân hàng chương 10measuring and evaluating the performance of banks and their principal competitors

... values and profitability ratios Measuring credit, liquidity, and other risks Measuring operating efficiency Performance of competing financial firms Size and location effects The UBPR and comparing ... (σ) or variance (σ2) of stock price Standard deviation or variance of net income Standard deviation or variance of ROE & ROA The higher σ and σ2, the greater the overall risk 6-26 Bank risks … most ... unchanged? What are the most important components of ROA and what aspects of a financial institution’s performance they reflect? Bank risk …Popular measures of overall risk Standard deviation (σ)...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2014, 10:03

58 484 1
The relationship between an organization’s structure and culture and the effects on business performance

The relationship between an organization’s structure and culture and the effects on business performance

... group-decision On the other hand, Ballmer has reduced a level of management to manage more easily and efficiently Microsoft structure is less flat therefore, the span of control is narrower and the gap ... just about technology It’s also about improving the way the company handles relationships with customers and others in the technology industry” Further, specific manifestations of culture are people ... Because of the main mission is an openness and opportunity on the Internet rather than business, like profits or price of stock therefore authority are decentralize and opener “Developers and programmers...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 21:50

10 718 1


... directors As the leader of the firm, the CEO has an astounding impact on the performance of the firm and many believe this to be the result of the tremendous growth in executive compensation over the ... managers and the governance of corporations in the United States and legislators and regulators have been quick to respond to the latest corporate scandals Despite the debate among the academic and ... in the null and alternative forms Statistical analysis allows the researcher to either accept or reject the null hypotheses The null and alternative hypotheses for this study are: H01 (null) There...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2013, 11:44

132 640 0
Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search

Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search

... the lines To take this approach, ask yourself which of your skills will most likely appeal to the reader and include them, thus, effectively targeting your audiences’ expectations and needs The ... Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search Marketing and Distributing Your Curriculum Vitae 81 Effective marketing and distribution of your curriculum vitae and accompanying ... continuing negotiations among the Cleveland Browns, the city of Cleveland, and the National Football League in the 90s Needless to say, I was enormously impressed by The Plain Dealer’s in-depth...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

22 429 0
Tài liệu Maximizing the Testing and Debugging Process pptx

Tài liệu Maximizing the Testing and Debugging Process pptx

... problem is to recharge your batteries Okay, so you've approached your project with a well-defined plan, used comments and a standard naming convention, and double-checked all your code—but you still ... double-checked all your code—but you still have a project that's just not working properly What can you do? The remainder of this lesson will deal with that question < Day Day Up >   ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:17

2 342 0
Tài liệu The maximum achievement seminar online- the keys to peak performance and personal leadership ppt

Tài liệu The maximum achievement seminar online- the keys to peak performance and personal leadership ppt

... achieving men and women use a series of systematic processes and plans to achieve their goals Unsuccessful men and women, on the other hand, throw themselves at their goals in a random way and are ... tools and commands to change the way you think and feel about yourself As you are thinking and feeling the changes, your attitudes, beliefs and expectations change as well Your behavior then begins ... reflection of your internal world The way you think and feel inside determines your attitudes, your expectations, your values and your behaviors The key to peak performance is for you to understand clearly...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

49 364 0
Tài liệu Laser-Optimized Fiber: Built for Price, Bandwidth, and Distance to Make the Most of Your Investment doc

Tài liệu Laser-Optimized Fiber: Built for Price, Bandwidth, and Distance to Make the Most of Your Investment doc

... to carefully examine your network and evaluate the distances and bandwidths required now and in the future To maximize your investment, you must choose the correct type and grade of fiber to ... developed, and tested for effective use with 850nm VCSELs With standard fiber, defects and variations in the fiber core can affect the angle and speed that a light pulse can travel This effect is the ... IEEE 802.3 and ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B Following is a table of IEEE GbE and 10GbE standards with related fiber types and bandwidths/distances (see Table 1) As shown in Table 1, standard 62.5µm and 50µm...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 11:20

4 461 0
Tài liệu Implementation of the Asthma Practice Guideline in the Army Medical Department - Evaluation of Process and Effects pdf

Tài liệu Implementation of the Asthma Practice Guideline in the Army Medical Department - Evaluation of Process and Effects pdf

... care and hospitalization, one or two MTFs had either much higher or much lower levels than the other MTFs in the sample However, the importance of these differences depends on how the actual performance ... in the Western Region (Farley et al., 2005) For each demonstration, RAND performed a process evaluation of the implementation process and an assessment of the effects of the Implementation of the ... from the evaluation In the remainder of this chapter, we provide an overview of the military health system and we summarize the process that DoD and the VA used to establish practice guidelines and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

212 443 0


... policies and the state of the SME sector This covers: • • • • • • The state of the SME sector, its needs and its reactions to policies; The process of formulating a policy for SME development; The ... upon the scale and structure of business in the economy and varies from country to country Definitions are useful: • • • • In the preparation of statistics and the monitoring of the health of the ... authorities, banks, the professions and the large corporate sector lacks empathy with SMEs, then it will be difficult for the sector to survive and grow The stakeholder environment must therefore be...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

110 482 2
Tài liệu The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event Service doc

Tài liệu The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event Service doc

... are satisfied and (2) consumers receive these events in time to meet their deadlines An important metric for evaluating the performance of the RT Event Service is the schedulable bound The schedulable ... event, then delivering the event to the consumer needlessly wastes bandwidth and processing CONSUMER Consumer To address these shortcomings, TAO’s RT Event Service exObject Ref Proxies tends the ... Module in the context of the Event Channel The particiessence, this implements the semantics of the standard COS Event Channel push model Subscription and Filtering configuration – Removing the Correlation...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20

20 738 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Inorganic pyrophosphatase in the roundworm Ascaris and its role in the development and molting process of the larval stage parasites doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Inorganic pyrophosphatase in the roundworm Ascaris and its role in the development and molting process of the larval stage parasites doc

... parasites and their soluble extracts used in the assay system We observed that during in vitro cultivation, the L3 could not develop and molt to L4 in the presence of inhibitor, even at the end when the ... hypodermis, and the longitudinally oriented somatic musculature The ecdysis of an old cuticle and deposition of the components of a new cuticle that are synthesized in the hypodermis and are secreted ... PPi hydrolysis by these inhibitors, is likely to prevent the synthesis of the new cuticle from the hypodermis and/ or ecdysis of the old cuticle This assumption is supported by the fact that PPase-activated...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

13 691 0
Tài liệu Rubber plantation performance in the Northeast and East of Thailand in relation to environmental conditions docx

Tài liệu Rubber plantation performance in the Northeast and East of Thailand in relation to environmental conditions docx

... ample and relatively evenly distributed rainfall On the other hand, the extreme Southeast coast is very similar to the West coast of the peninsula (Pendleton 1962) 24 The driest regions of Thailand ... in the Northeast, on the Khorat platform, which suffers from lack of water in the dry season In the lower part of Khorat the average annual rainfall is only 1050 mm On the other hand, in the ... rainfall The Northeast of Thailand has been promoted for rubber plantation establishment, and, on the other hand, considerable variation in the amount of rainfall exists within the northeastern...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20

70 815 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Structure and Process of Talking About Doing" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Structure and Process of Talking About Doing" pdf

... approach to the study of problem solving action and report: I) the collected of data on problem solving and talk about problem solving, 2) development of a process model of these behaviors, and 3) ... o r t of the t a s k aoClona ~n the psr~lo,,~ar problem demean o f the H~aeionsr£ee and CannLbae8 p u s x l e , 5he ~aek POliCed ao~Lonl and obJeo~e are d e f i n e d a s oonoopco An the long ... nalIAenoln, and ~he more oaIAent a preoeaa As, 5he lar|er %5e %npae5 on oSher presences (and therefore on the o v e r a l l prooeaoLng) 1, -qLa~in{ilqnv; DOle the nodo~, I ~ o b e l ~ y porFoM0 ~ k e the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

4 585 0