... DIALOGUE JOURNALS WITH ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 16 language, creating a non-threatening forum for writing that often leads to improvements in writing fluency among English Language Learners. This ... method for improving the writing performance of English Language Learners and aid in second language learners struggles to achieve academic success. DIALOGUE JOURNALS WITH ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS ... WITH ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 49 Appendix B Dear participant, Thank you for choosing to participate in this study on “Using Dialogue Journals to Improve Writing for English Language Learners. ”...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20
Approaches to Writing Instruction for Adolescent English Language Learners pot
... language TL Target language FL Foreign language Programs: ESL English as a second language EFL English as a foreign language ESOL English for speakers of other languages TESOL Teaching English to ... Nonnative English speaker/speaking NELB Non -English language background LEP Limited English profi cient/profi ciency ELL English language learner Languages: L1 First language L2 Second language TL ... draw from research on a wider sampling of L2 English writing students. PART I Approaches to Writing Instruction for Adolescent English Language Learners A DISCUSSION OF RECENT RESEARCH AND...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Reporting Test Results for Students with Disabilities and English-Language Learners ppt
... for English- language learners. These problems become more immediate with the newly implemented ac- countability measures that require disaggregated reporting of results for English- language learners ... states’ policies for English- language learners. One study, de- signed to collect information on policies for 2000-2001, is currently under way. Another study, examining policies for 1998-1999, ... perform poorly in school. Similarly, a wide variety of methods are used for identifying students as English- language learners. Durán is especially concerned about identification of English- language learners. ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Examples of the Standards for Students’ Writing 2009: English Language Arts Grade 9 ppt
... Narrative / Essay Writing and Functional Writing scores as follows: Narrative / Essay Writing /35 (63.6%) + Functional Writing /20 (36.4%) = Total Score /55 (100%). The mark for Part A: Writing ... writing from only the English Language Arts Part A: Writing tests for inclusion in portfolios of the year’s work. Copies can be made for parents who request them. The Exemplars of student writing ... scores for Content and Organization by 2 as these categories are worth twice as much as the other categories. The maximum score possible for Narrative / Essay Writing is 35. For the Functional Writing...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20
Supporting English Language Learners A practical guide for Ontario educators ppt
... 51 Making language and content accessible for English language learners 55 Strategies to support beginning English language learners 57 On-going strategies for supporting English language learners ... available for a variety of purposes. Introduction 2 Section 1 Understanding English language learners 5 English language learners (ELLs) in Ontario schools 5 Canadian-born English language learners ... Ontario curriculum for English language learners 49 Differentiating instruction for English language learners 49 Program adaptations: Modifications and accommodations 50 Describing language behaviours...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20
The Help! Kit - A Resource Guide for Secondary Teachers of Migrant English Language Learners
... Guide for Secondary Teachers of Migrant English Language Learners Every word or utterance in a second language is a step forward and should be seen for what it accomplishes rather than for what ... Resource Guide for Secondary Teachers of Migrant English Language Learners Most limited English proficient students speak an- other language in their homes. If you’ve ever stud- ied a foreign language, ... Guide for Secondary Teachers of Migrant English Language Learners CHAPTER 3: Strategies for Involving LEP Students in the Mainstream Classroom In most school districts, English as a Second Language...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:46
Tài liệu English language learners pptx
... intonation to deliver academic information using multiple sentence structures. STANDARD 2: English language learners will speak in English for a variety of basic interpersonal ... from their denotative meaning , such as, “Break a leg!” STANDARD 2: English language learners will speak in English for a variety of basic interpersonal and academic purposes, with fluency, ... and academic topics, using varied sentence types. STANDARD 2: English language learners will speak in English for a variety of basic interpersonal and academic purposes, with fluency,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu Essay Writing for a Score of 6.0 on the TOEFL and TWE pdf
... For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Essay Writing for a Score of 6.0 on the TOEFL and TWE Tutored Essay Writing Program This essay- writing ... Practice Writing Paragraphs - Writing a Good Concluding Paragraph - Practice Writing an Essay Essay Question 3 - Introduction - Body - Write the Essay - Summary For more ... errors on your essays and provide you with some feedback on these areas. Writing Strategies You can also view the section on Writing Strategies for further information on essay topics, choice...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu The Literacy Skills of English Language Learners in Canada docx
... experienced in one language will be experienced in other languages. LIPKA , SIEGEL, AND VUKOVIC: LITERACY SKILLS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 43 with measures of English rhyme detection and English phoneme ... reading task (WRAT3; Wilkinson, 1993), the Portugese -English RD, the Italian -English RD, and the Arabic -English RD performed much like the native English speakers with RD (Abu-Rabia & Siegel, ... LEARNING DISABILITIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Finally, as is evident from our review, studies were not consistent in their reporting of the level of proficiency in first language for ELLs. Thus, it...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20
... 29 Language 33 Grades 6–12 Standards for English Language Arts Reading 47 Literature 48 Informational Text 50 Writing 53 Speaking and Listening 60 Language 64 Standards for ... and career readiness for all students. 5. It is also beyond the scope of the standards to define the full range of supports appropriate for English language learners and for students with special ... John Burstein (2009) Guiding Principles for English Language Arts and Literacy Programs in Massachusetts Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for English Language Arts and Literacy, March 2011...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20
helping english language learners succeed
... 105 Ten Truths About Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 How is Writing Different for English Learners? . . 107 Writing Strategies Especially Useful for English Learners . . . . ... Helping English Language Learners Succeed 16 How they interact and the importance and prominence of particular elements are language- specic. Why is this useful information for a teacher? Your English ... about academic concepts and writing formally is vastly different from informal uses of spoken and written language. Why is this useful information for a teacher? Social language will be more easily...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 03:24
Improving High School English Language Learners’ Second Language Listening Through Strategy Instruction doc
... are English language learners (ELLs) and, thus, still in the process of developing their English language proficiency via instruction in their English as a Second Language (ESL) class. Unfortunately, ... in that foreign language. Thus, the penalty for failure to comprehend oral input in the foreign language is limited to poor grades in the foreign -language course. This is not the case for high ... tasks. Rationale for the Study Positive results have been found in studies of listening strategy instruction for foreign -language learners and for high school ELLs. Clearly, more information is needed...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20
... achievement for their English language learners. Teach- achievement for their English language learners. Teach- achievement for their English language learners. Teach- achievement for their English language ... ELD, English reading, English writing, primary language ELD, English reading, English writing, primary language reading and primary language writing. On average, reading and primary language writing. ... How Well are California’s English Learners Mastering English? How Well are California’s English Learners Mastering English? How Well are California’s English Learners Mastering English? UC Linguistic...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20