esl grammar sentence structure worksheets

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Sentence Structure

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Sentence Structure

... Sentences Writing sentence fragments is a serious error. Writing run-on sentences is an equally serious error. Question: What is a run-on sentence? Answer: A run-on sentence is two or more sentences ... Sentences As we learned in Part One (pages 105–107), two or more simple sentences can be combined to form a compound sentence. SIMPLE SENTENCE : Dogs show affection for their owners. SIMPLE SENTENCE : ... object, car, like a verb.) PROBLEMS WITH SENTENCE STRUCTURE 161 150 COMMON USAGE ERRORS Lesson 20 Problems with Sentence Structure There are three basic kinds of sentences: simple, compound, and complex....

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

21 763 2
Sentence structure 1 47

Sentence structure 1 47

... wasn't very interesting. A. The sentence pattern is used to express the nature or the characteristics of N. (Example 1) B. This sentence pattern indicates a condition or the state ... (Examples 1~7) C. This sentence pattern is used for stating the sequence of actions. In this case, the agent of the two actions should be the same person. (Examples 1,2,3,4) D. This sentence pattern ... gave explanations after drawing a map. A. This sentence pattern indicates that V1 happens before V2. (Examples 1~6) B. This sentence pattern is used for clearly stating sequential relation...

Ngày tải lên: 11/02/2014, 13:11

66 382 0
Sentence Structure

Sentence Structure

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:00

4 541 0
sentence structure

sentence structure

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 20:00

22 812 1
60 worksheets grammar focus

60 worksheets grammar focus

... eleven o’clock D) Fill in the chart for yourself. Then look at the example. Choose and write TEN sentences from the chart: Always Usually Often Sometimes Never Tom You Tom You Tom You Tom You ... at your party. ……………………………………… ? 8. it / hot / last week. ………………………………………. ? L) Make negative sentences using WAS / WERE: 1. Kevin / at my party. …… Kevin wasn’t at my party……… 2. Nick / ... young man say, “Do you speak English?” ……………………………………………………………………………… E) Fill in the following sentences by using PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: 1. We ………………………………………………… (play) football for...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2013, 01:25

182 992 7
Grammar Correction in ESL.doc

Grammar Correction in ESL.doc

... content. Why Doesn't Grammar Correction Work? The first reason why writing class grammar feedback doesn't work is that it treats only the surface appearance of grammar and not with the ... in terms of their grammar level. Yet because of the complexity involved in learning grammar, this would be a virtual impossibility. The third reason for the ineffectiveness of grammar correction ... 341). Grammatical Correction in ESL/ EFL Writing Classes Can Actually Be Harmful To Students' Performance and Development Numerous studies have revealed that grammar correction to second language...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

4 313 0
Grammar Correction in ESL

Grammar Correction in ESL

... content. Why Doesn't Grammar Correction Work? The first reason why writing class grammar feedback doesn't work is that it treats only the surface appearance of grammar and not with the ... in terms of their grammar level. Yet because of the complexity involved in learning grammar, this would be a virtual impossibility. The third reason for the ineffectiveness of grammar correction ... 341). Grammatical Correction in ESL/ EFL Writing Classes Can Actually Be Harmful To Students' Performance and Development Numerous studies have revealed that grammar correction to second language...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 262 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Sentence Composition

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Sentence Composition

... House table. 146 SENTENCE COMPOSITION 116 SENTENCE COMPOSITION Lesson 18 Characteristics of Good Sentences Sentences vary widely in style and subject matter. Yet all good sentences have certain qualities ... time. CLEAR, FORCEFUL SENTENCES 127 115 Part TWO Sentence Composition All writing begins with the sentence. In Part One, we explored the parts of speech, the building blocks of sentences. This part ... swimming, hiking, and playing volleyball. CLEAR, FORCEFUL SENTENCES 145 Appositives Use appositives to achieve conciseness and vary the sentence structure (see also Lesson 25, page 203). WITHOUT APPOSITIVES :...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

34 562 0
Structure - Grammar and Style

Structure - Grammar and Style

... Unit of Writing: Sentences and Sentence Structure When we write, we express our ideas in sentences. But what is a sentence, anyway? S UBJECTS , P REDICATES , AND O BJECTS A sentence is the basic ... chapter.) – STRUCTURE: GRAMMAR AND STYLE – 59  The TOEFL Exam Structure Section: What to Expect Section II: Structure does not require you to actually write grammatically and stylistically correct sentences. You ... issues can make the difference between clear, smooth sentences and sentences that are clunky and confusing: misplaced or dangling modifiers, parallel structure, and wordiness and redundancy. M ISPLACED...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

38 452 1
Practice makes perfect english grammar for ESL learners

Practice makes perfect english grammar for ESL learners

... notes. exercise 5-20 40 Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners 02 (017-043) Unit 5 11/3/04 1:41 PM Page 40 24 Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners 8. You buy flowers every ... really very important to understand and use correct grammar. But what is grammar? Funk and Wagnalls’s New College Standard Dictionary describes grammar as “a type of science that explains the various ... standard grammar you should use who as the subject of a sentence and use whom when it is used as an object. But that’s not always the case in casual language. For example: Standard grammar: “Whom...

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2013, 19:33

161 1,1K 19
Tài liệu Grammar worksheets ppt

Tài liệu Grammar worksheets ppt

... restaurant.) ………………………………………… ………………………………… B) Write TRUE next to a correct sentence, and FALSE next to a wrong sentence: Example: She’s liking pop music. FALSE He’s learning German. TRUE ... eleven o’clock D) Fill in the chart for yourself. Then look at the example. Choose and write TEN sentences from the chart: Always Usually Often Sometimes Never Tom You Tom You Tom You Tom You ... tennis * eat sweets * watch TV in the evenings * save money * 9 SUBJECT : Going to A) Complete each sentence. Use GOING TO and the verb in brackets: 1. ………………. Are you going to buy …………………………. (you...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20

161 1,1K 2
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Optimizing Typed Feature Structure Grammar Parsing through Non-Statistical Indexing" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Optimizing Typed Feature Structure Grammar Parsing through Non-Statistical Indexing" doc

... paper introduces an indexing method based on static analysis of grammar rules and type signatures for typed feature structure grammars (TFSGs). The static analysis tries to predict at compile-time ... data structures is therefore required. Indexing by static analysis of grammar rules combined with statistical methods also can provide a higher aggregate benefit. The current static analysis of grammar ... that of TFSGs. While simpler formalisms such as context-free grammars (CFGs) also face slow all-paths parsing times when the size of the grammar increases significantly, TF- SGs (which generally have...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 15:21

8 199 0


... overview of Structure Unification Grammar, then present the parser design, and finally a sketch of its implementation. STRUCTURE UNIFICATION GRAMMAR Structure Unification Grammar is a formaliza- ... Combinatory Categorial Grammar, Lexi- cal Functional Grammar, and Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. An SUG grammar is a set of partial descrip- tions of phrase structure trees. Each SUG ... about the phrase structure of a sentence until this structure is com- pletely described. This information is specified in partial descriptions of phrase structure trees. An SUG grammar is simply...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20

8 427 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Bayesian Synchronous Tree-Substitution Grammar Induction and its Application to Sentence Compression" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Bayesian Synchronous Tree-Substitution Grammar Induction and its Application to Sentence Compression" pdf

... method. 2 Sentence compression Sentence compression is the task of summarizing a sentence while retaining most of the informational content and remaining grammatical (Jing, 2000). In extractive sentence ... translation, paraphrase, and sentence compression. The induced tree map- pings can be expressed by synchronous grammars. Where the tree pairs are isomorphic, synchronous context-free grammars (SCFG) may ... tree- adjoining grammars may better capture the pair- ings. In this work, we explore techniques for inducing synchronous tree-substitution grammars (STSG) using as a testbed application extractive sentence compression....

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

11 424 0


... semantics, reflecting a modular view in which grammatical structure an~ abstract logical structure have independent status. The understanding of a sentence occurs in a number of stages, distinct from ... research, combining the advantages of precise, grammar- driven analysis of utterance structure and pragmatic inferencing based on discourse structures and knowledge of the world. We stress, ... phrase structure grammars (CF-PSG's) directly relevant to the enterprise, and permits utilization of all the well-known techniques for the computational implementation of context-free grammars....

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

8 422 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar " pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar " pptx

... give the syntax book. Our grammar incorporates two additional principles. First, the grammar is LEXICALIZED (Schabes, 1990): each elementary structure in the grammar contains at least one ... functional unification grammars. In Dale, Hovy, Rtisner, and Stock, editors, Aspects of Automated Natural 204 Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar * Matthew Stone ... the syntax and semantics of sentences simultaneously. To drive this process, we take descrip- tion as the paradigm for sentence planning. Our planner, SPUD (Sentence Planner Using Descriptions),...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

8 180 0

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