english test level 2

English Test Level A & B

English Test Level A & B

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 17:24

280 819 0
English Test level A

English Test level A

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2015, 04:00

4 347 0


... see www.ofqual.gov.uk *863376 428 0* Cambridge English Key Handbook for Teachers â UCLES 20 12 | EMC/4605/2Y03 9 781907 87 022 4 ISBN 978-1-907870 -22 -4 36 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH KEYHANDBOOKFORTEACHERS PAPER ... awarded the Key English Test certificate at Level A2. Level A1 Certificate If a candidate’s performance is below Level A2, but falls within Level A1, they will receive a Cambridge English certificate ... Distinction* Level A1 A2 * Pass with Distinction was introduced in September 20 11 Cambridge English: Key – Level B1 Pass with Distinction Exceptional candidates sometimes show ability beyond Level A2....

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

41 8,2K 105


... 06 520 434 Lớp: K1MTT01 Khóa: 20 06 NĂM 20 09 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN KHOA MẠNG MÁY TÍNH VÀ TRUYỀN THÔNG    PHÂN TÍCH XÂY DỰNG TRANG WEB ENGLISH TEST ONLINE I. Mô tả đề tài ENGLISH ... học – Nhà xuất bản Đại học Hà Nội – 20 01. [4] Hoàng Kiếm – Giải một bài toán trên máy tính như thế nào I, II, III – Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục – 20 01, 20 02, 20 04. 3. Nguyên tắc kết hợp Khi hoàn ... THÊM/ XOÁ/SỬA SINH VIÊN THIẾT BỊ NHẬP CSDL D2D1 D5 D3 D4 NGƯỜI DÙNG XỬ LÝ LƯU TRỮ THÊM/ XOÁ/SỬA CÂU HỎI ,CÂU TRẢ LỜI, CẤP ĐỘ, MÔN THIẾT BÒ NHAÄP CSDL D2D1 D5 D3 D4 Bộ môn: Phương Pháp Luận Sáng...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 11:51

9 1,2K 11
english test

english test

... crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. Despite his………………………………………………………………. 2. John only understood very little of what the teacher said . John could hardly………………………………………………………. 3. ... graduation. She…………………………………………………………………… Section C: Translation (15 points) Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Nhiều hiệp định kinh tế, buôn bán, hợp tác khoa học kĩ thuật được kí kết nhằm tạo khuôn ... nước ta và các nước khác ổn định. ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. Nghĩ về Nha Trang, chắc rằng mọi người trong chúng ta ai cũng nghĩ đến một vùng đất đầy tiềm...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:00

5 1,1K 4
The 11th form non-english majors’ level of satisfaction with their reading comprehension lessons at phan boi chau specialized upper secondary school, nghe an

The 11th form non-english majors’ level of satisfaction with their reading comprehension lessons at phan boi chau specialized upper secondary school, nghe an

... considered. 2. Participants 2. 1. The students In this study we chose the participants in the two classes in which there are 40 non -English major students at the age of 19 -22 from NACEC, including 12 males ... the test familiarity on the students' gains between the two test administrations, some items of the first version of the pre -test were reordered for the second use (post -test) . 3 .2. 2. Questionnaire Questionnaires ... the post -test within groups Experimental Control M 7.75 6.65 Variance 1.57 1.19 N 20 20 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 df 38 t tat 2. 97 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.005 t Critical two-tail 2. 02 As we...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

46 841 3
Premilinary English Test 1

Premilinary English Test 1

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2013, 16:03

168 3,5K 24
THANH HOA High school	ENGLISH TEST Class: 10C1

THANH HOA High school ENGLISH TEST Class: 10C1

... cues given to build up the sentences. Sentences :2 Marks :2 Percentage: 20 % Sentences: 2 Marks :2 Percentage :20 % Sentences :2 Marks :2 Percentage :20 % 5. Make questions: Wh-quetions Sentences: 3 Marks:1.5 Percentage: ... just got) a new timetable. 20 . No, he doesn’t. 21 . (He has) eight periods (a day). / five in the morning and three in the afternoon. 22 . (He likes) English and Physics. 23 . It took me twenty minutes ... 35% Sentences: 27 Marks:10 Percentage:100% Compiler: Huỳnh Quang Vinh. THANH HOA High school ENGLISH TEST Mark: Class: 10C1 Time: 45 m Comment: Name: Date: October 2 nd , 20 12 D I. READ THE...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 20:07

11 684 0
45-minute English test

45-minute English test

... 10D 45 – minute English Test N 0 1 A. Reading comprehension Circle A, B, C or D to choose the correct answer Leopards are mainly ……………(1) over nearly the whole of Africa, south of ………. (2) Sahara, ... traffic …………. It ……………… from 25 cars per minute in 1997 to 50 now. A. doubled, increased B. doubled, has increased C. has doubled, increased D. has doubled, has increased 2. "I will succeed, ... the underlined sound pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. cow B. bowl C. town D. mouse 2. A. please B. piece C. bus D. price 3. A. pair B. chair C. square D. clear Choose the word which...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:25

2 579 1
English test for 11th form

English test for 11th form

... 15, 20 06. The 16 th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China from November 2 , 20 10 to November 27 , 20 10. 1.How often are the Asian Games held? …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Who ... I: 4ý x 0 ,25 điểm = 1điểm. 1. D 2. A. 3. A 4. B Câu II: 15 ý x 0 ,2 = 3 điểm 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A Câu III: 5ý x 0,5 = 2, 5 điểm 1. ... anthems and flags. 5. (They were held) in Doha, Qatar from December 1 to December 15, 20 06. Câu V : 4ý x 0 ,25 = 1 điểm. Tapescript: My hobby is reading books. I inherited a valuable collection...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:27

3 983 0
English test for 10th form(No 2- 2nd term)

English test for 10th form(No 2- 2nd term)

... Câu I: 4ý x 0 ,25 = 1 điểm. 1 C 2. D 3. A 4. D Câu II: 15ý x 0 ,2= 3 điểm 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. B. 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B Câu III: 5ý x 0,5 = 2, 5 điểm. 1. It ... Wednesday 4. They can only Tuesday. A. meet B. watch C. play D. see THE END Đáp án ( §Ò 23 4) English test for 10 th form -23 4 Full name .Class 10 .…………………………… ……… I-Choose the word whose underlined part ... 0,5 = 2, 5điểm 1. Football is the most popular game in England. 2. They often take place at weekend ã T/F 1. F 2. T 3. F Câu V: 4ý x 0 ,25 = 1 điểm. Bài nghe: Jane and Mary are planing to see a horror...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:28

4 1,6K 4
English test for 11th form (2 ma de)

English test for 11th form (2 ma de)

... ) 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D II. Mỗi ý đúng đợc 0 ,25 điểm ( 15 x 0 ,25 = 3,75 điểm ) 6.A 13. D 7.C 14. D 8.D 15. A 9.B 16. B 10.C 17. B 11.C 18. A 12. B 19.C 20 . A III. Mỗi ý đúng đợc 0 ,25 điểm ... ( 6 x 0 ,25 = 1,5 điểm ) 21 .It is his brother who teaches him English. 22 .It was a new hat that my mother gave me some days ago. ( It was a new hat that was given me some days ago. ) 23 .Both Lan ... 1. Mỗi ý đúng đợc 0 ,25 điểm ( 2 x 0 ,25 = 0,5 điểm ) 1. Because they like music and they feel happy. 2. Male birds. Task 2. mỗi ý đúng đợc 0,5 điểm ( 3 x 0,5 = 1,5 diÓm ) 1. T 2. T 3. F V. Listening:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:28

5 833 1
1st English TEST for grade 10

1st English TEST for grade 10

... ____________________________________________ 2. Their game of badminton is always on Saturday. They _______________________________________. 3. We have learned English for 4 years.  We started _________________________________ 4. ... a shop and a small hotel. I live and work on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 20 people live there but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. Every weekday I get up ... Mcsporran does all the following jobs EXCEPT ……. a. a mailman b. a driver c. a firefighter d. a farmer 2. Gigha is the name of a. His wife b. The island where they live c. His hotel d. The shop where...

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27

2 2,3K 12