english reading practice online free

Practice English Reading

Practice English Reading

... Practice Test A – Reading Line (5) (10) (15) (20) (25) Question 1- 10 The conservatism of the early English colonists in ... temperatures below the freezing point (B) Too much moisture in the air (C) Too much wind off the mountains (D) Atmospheric temperatures above the freezing point. Practice Test A – Answers ... solid particle of matter around which moisture condenses and freezes. Liquid water droplets floating in the supercooled atmosphere and free ice crystals cannot coexist within the same cloud, since...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 06:00

12 361 2
Practice English Reading B

Practice English Reading B

... Practice Test B – Reading Line (5) (10) (15) (20) (25) ... scientists for an urban area? (A) Lines 4-5 (B) Lines 7-8 (C) Lines 21-23 (D) Lines 27-29 Practice Test B – Answers Question Number Answer Level of Difficulty Answered Correctly 1 A...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 06:00

12 262 1
Practice English Reading C

Practice English Reading C

... Practice Test C – Reading Line (5) (10) (15) (20) (25) ... lands were below freezing for eight or nine months of the year. Subsurface soil in the Arctic's tundra remained permanently frozen. Even when summer temperatures were above freezing and the ... cold arctic air throughout a long winter and spring season. Summer temperatures ranged from near freezing to the mid-20's Celsius, while winter temperatures were often as low as 40 degrees...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 06:00

12 324 1
Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

... are non - English - majors. The specific aims of the research are:  to assess the learners’ achievement in improving reading skill with English of Civil Engineering after 120 period reading course.  ... 15-unit textbook on English for Civil Engineering. 2.4.Methods of data collection and data analysis To collect data for the research, a 34-item test of Civil Engineering English reading was delivered ... background knowledge of English. The non-majors of CE have chances to learn General English (GE) during their first three terms to prepare for their 120 periods of English for Specific Purposes...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12

51 1,2K 7
An investigation into english reading strategies employed by ethnic minority junior first-year english major students at tay bac university

An investigation into english reading strategies employed by ethnic minority junior first-year english major students at tay bac university

... investigate the impacts of reading strategy-based instruction on English learners' reading proficiency. Based on the findings of the present study and others on reading strategy, researchers ... collect data on the reading strategies employed by TBU students. First, the two reading comprehension tests were given to the subjects in order to identify their English reading proficiency ... investigation. 2.4. The theory of reading 2.4.1. Definition of reading For many foreign language or second language learners, reading is a very important skill. Concerning the role of reading, Carrell (1988:1)...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

46 1,2K 10
Longman English Grammar Practice

Longman English Grammar Practice

... which form the basis of English grammar. This book is based on the English Grammar and the grammatical information in it is all drawn from this work. English Grammar Practice has been designed ... require further grammatical information can refer to the English Grammar. How the material is organized English Grammar Practice is a practice book. It is intended to support (not replace) the ... entirely with English as a foreign language (EFL). It is for intermediate students who are working with a teacher or working on their own. It covers every important area of the English language....

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 13:46

302 1,9K 17


... MORE READING PRACTICE /E 12 (UNIT 1, 2 & 3) TOPIC 1: WAYS OF SOCIALIZING Passage 1: Nonverbal communication, ... children. These (2)____ couples may believe that they would not make good parents, they may want freedom, the responsibilities of childrearing; or, perhaps they (3)_____ physically able to have...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2013, 19:10

2 1,5K 14
Lesson 4: Reading practice (12 - 3 năm)

Lesson 4: Reading practice (12 - 3 năm)

... they are recognized. I.NEWWORDS II. READING Lesson 4: Reading Practice II. Reading I. NEW WORDS Iii . home wo rk Learn by heart the new words Read the reading fluently and translate into ... the world’s mail is in English, 60% of the world’s radio station broadcast in English and more than half of the world’s periodicals are printed in English. It is the English language that is ... commerce and technology in many others Lesson 4: Reading Practice In the world today, there are 5,000 to 6,000 living languages, of which English is by far the most widely used. As a mother...

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 00:11

10 691 2
GED Literature and the Arts, Reading Practice Questions

GED Literature and the Arts, Reading Practice Questions

... changing around him. – GED LITERATURE AND THE ARTS, READING PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 375 36. Mrs. Mallard repeats the word free several times. What is it that she will be free from? a. debt b. fear c. criticism ... Choice d is therefore incorrect. – GED LITERATURE AND THE ARTS, READING PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 366  Glossary of Terms: Language Arts, Reading alliteration the repetition of sounds, especially at ... whis- pered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under her breath: free, free, free! ” The vacant stare and the look of ter- ror that had followed it went from her eyes. They...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

32 805 2
ACT English Test Practice

ACT English Test Practice

... knowledge with j. knowledge of – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE – 46  Usage/Mechanics Usage and mechanics questions make up just over half (53%) of your ACT English Test score, and at least 40 of ... book. Please deliver the package to me at 30 Willow Road, Trenton, NJ. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE – 53 R EGULAR V ERBS Most English verbs are “regular”—they follow a standard set of rules for forming ... ridden write wrote written freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen S AME PRESENT AND PAST PARTICIPLE FORMS come came come overcome overcame overcome run ran run – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE – 64 6. The...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20

100 633 2
Reading practice for BLS Group - Reading 002

Reading practice for BLS Group - Reading 002

... each case. The first two have been done as examples in the reading text. Ho Huyen, MA. Med - HUS-VNU Page 3 Reading Practice for BLS Group Reading 002 of the doctor. She replaced the receiver, then ... Reading Practice for BLS Group Reading 002 a)a serious operation b)a minor operation c)an animal doctor's...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 17:15

3 603 1
Reading practice for BLS Group - Reading 003

Reading practice for BLS Group - Reading 003

... Reading Practice for BLS Group Reading 003 Exercise 1: Choose the best answer 1. Why did Eddie hate being a carpet-fitter? ... Eddie was shocked (see) …………………… a lump in the carpet. HoHuyen, MA. HUS-VNU Page 2 Reading Practice for BLS Group Reading 003 The Carpet Fitter Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it. For ten ... beginning to flatten out. Eddie imagined the cigarette box breaking up, and the crushed cigarettes spreading out under the carpet. Soon, he judged that the lump was almost invisible. Clearing up his...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 17:15

3 1,2K 2
Reading practice for BLS Group - Reading 001

Reading practice for BLS Group - Reading 001

... Reading Practice for BLS Group Reading 004 Exercise 2: Grammar in focus: Combine these sentences using a relative ... and try to make your summary less than 100 words. HoHuyen, MA. - HUS-VNU Page 3 Reading Practice for BLS Group Reading 004 THE HITCHHIKER As Andrea turned off the motorway onto the road to...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 17:15

3 609 2
Reading Practice No1

Reading Practice No1

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 22:11

1 368 1

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