english proficiency test for public teachers in the philippines

english proficiency test for aviation

english proficiency test for aviation

... 2. Giving Information about Habitual Activities Interviewer: What do you usually do once the autopilot is engaged during a flight? Task 3. Providing Job-Related Information Interviewer: ... 17, start in 10 minutes (20”) Stop. Now read Message D. D. Southeast 368, transmitting blind due to receiver failure, Southeast 368 ILA, FL 180, descending for ILS Runway 33, Southeast 368 ... No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 20:37

13 648 1


... negative in the beginning of the 7 th month. Towards the end of the 3 rd mo. Towards the end of the 5 th mo. In the beginning of the 7 th month Towards the end of the 7 th ... remains a major public health in the Philippines. In 1998, TB ranked fifth in the 10 leading cause of death and fifth in the 10 leading causes of illness. Our country ranks second to Cambodia in ... RAD (smear +)  Other (smear +) HRZES for the first two months, then HRZE for the third month during the intensive phase. HRE for the next five months during the maintenance phase. ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:20

159 474 0
Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

... for the reading skill.  to diagnose their strength and weakness in reading the subject matter.  to find out whether or not the test satisfies the qualities of a good test. From there the test ... that initiates this minor thesis into designing a reading test of ESP for communicative purpose, i.e. it is a communicative language test. 1.3-Testing reading skills In a reading test, test ... of the research Summary Chapter three: Discussion 3.1 -The content area of the test 3.2 -The relative weights of the different parts of the test 3.3-Constructing the test 3.4-Administering the test 3.5-Marking...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12

51 1,2K 7
Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... to the students long before any test as this leads to the test- oriented learning. Instead, the teachers should present the test format just at the end of the course or right before the test ... tests. Chapter 3- The study is the main part of the thesis showing the context of the study and the detailed results obtained from collected tests and findings in response to the research questions. Chapter ... cue for the study. Finally, the writer collected the data, analysed and evaluated the data in order to find answers to the research questions raised at the very beginning of the study. The...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 15
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Feedback-Augmented Method for Detecting Errors in the Writing of Learners of English" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Feedback-Augmented Method for Detecting Errors in the Writing of Learners of English" docx

... taken into account in this pa- per, the feedback corpus contains further useful in- formation. For example, we can obtain training data consisting of instances of errors by compar- ing the feedback ... used only for generating training data. They cannot be used to distinguish mass and count nouns in the writing of learners of English for the purpose of detecting 1 According to experiments we ... “?”. Unfortunately, they cannot readily be included in training data. For simplicity of imple- mentation, they are excluded from training data 1 . Note that the tagging rules can be used only for generating...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20

8 502 0
An Investigation of English Listening Strategies Used by Thai Undergraduate Students in Public Universities in the South pdf

An Investigation of English Listening Strategies Used by Thai Undergraduate Students in Public Universities in the South pdf

... the  only to the test context. Before completing the questionnaire, the subjects were informed of the objectives of collecting the data, the detailed description  ... the   interact in real time, using the skills of listening and speaking. Oral communication directly involves both listening and speaking—people need to listen to what their interlocutors ... unable to catch the meanings or to answer the questions. The time limit on the test was approximately  Playing the listening text twice led to several positive effects on the   วารสารศิลปศาสตร์  ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

17 947 5
The National Curriculum Handbook for primary teachers in England doc

The National Curriculum Handbook for primary teachers in England doc

... pupils for the next steps in their education, training and employment and equip them to make informed choices at school and throughout their lives, enabling them to appreciate the relevance of their achievements ... and teaching the sections of the English programmes of study for reading and writing and all sections of the programmes of study for mathematics for pupils aged five to 11. In teaching the literacy ... of interest to them b looking at the part science has played in the development of many useful things c using a range of sources of information and data, including ICT-based sources d using...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

192 493 0
English Language Proficiency Tests-Advanced Level''''sarchiveUp in the Clouds pps

English Language Proficiency Tests-Advanced Level''''sarchiveUp in the Clouds pps

... Up in the Clouds 1.Have you noticed how much more the price of petrol is today? It's really sky now. up high through on joking playing birding 10.I think you're either ... before opening your parachute in a sky . drop fall light opening window 7.It's a very pale version of the colour and that's why it's called sky . blue pink pink ... larking congratulated flattered praised 4.I simply don't believe the scheme will ever succeed, it's just in the sky. meat pie food meals English Language Proficiency Tests-Advanced...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 11:21

8 342 0
Tips for Teaching Conversation in the Multilingual ESL Classroom

Tips for Teaching Conversation in the Multilingual ESL Classroom

... listen to other non-native speakers, remind them that in today's global society, the chances are that they will find themselves conversing, doing business, or otherwise interacting in English ... doing a pronunciation exercise or discussing a false cognate for one linguistic group follow it up with one for another group. This will help teach the students to be patient with each other's ... other's linguistic limitations, as they learn that while the problems may not be the same for each group, each group has its own problems. Explain It to the Students ã Emphasize that communicating...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 11:10

2 488 0