english paper 2 leaving cert predictions 2013

Talk a lot spoken english course 2

Talk a lot spoken english course 2

... which 2. what (x2) 3. what, what kind (x2) where 4. what (2 nd ) where when whose which how long 5. what (x2) how many (x3) 6. what where when how often 7. what (2 nd ) when who (x2) which ... whose which 2. what (x2) who 3. what, what kind when which (x2) 4. what (2 nd ) 5. what, what kind, what colour who which 6. what (2 nd ) where when 7. what (x2) which 8. what (2 nd ) where ... where when who (2 nd ) which how often 2. what (2 nd ) where 3. what where which 4. what (x2) when 5. what (2 nd ) which how long 6. what (x2) which how many 7. what (x2), what kind who...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 15:13

175 717 6
English test 2, 45''

English test 2, 45''

... sentences. (2m) 1. She watches T.V evrery evening. ?……………………………………… _ ……………………………………… 2. Her brother is a doctor. ? ……………………………………… _ …………………………………… IV. Read and tick True or False: (2 m) Hoa ... in front of the house. To the right of the house, there is a well. 1. Hoa lives in the city. 2. There are four people in her family. 3. The lake is small. 4. There is a well to the right of ... of the house. V. Listen and circle the words you hear: (1,5 m) 1. Museum Stadium Temple Hospital 2. Restaurant Store Bookstore Factory 3. Park River Lake Yard ...

Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2013, 01:25

2 923 3
English test 2, 15''

English test 2, 15''

Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2013, 01:25

1 592 1
the 2nd mid term english test 2

the 2nd mid term english test 2

... celebrate / nationwide. Good luck to you THE 2 ND MID TERM ENGLISH TEST GRADE :9 TH Date of testing : / 3/ 20 09 (Time: 45 minutes) Feedback : /3/ 20 09 I. Listening: Listen to the teacher reading ... kilos of waste paper a week. And every day of the year (throughout / through / through our) the world, about twenty million paper bags and newspapers are screwed and thrown away. Making paper requires ... best word in the brackets. (2Ps) Last week, during a class (discussion / discount / discussing) about using paper, a question was raised, “What do people do with waste paper? ”. The students in Jack’s...

Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2013, 01:25

3 1,2K 2
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english  chương 2 5

Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 5

... fiction, music, picture 2 in charge of a newspaper/part of a newspaper ã ADJ. chief, executive, managing I deputy I assist- ant, associate I contributing I joint I magazine, news- paper, tabloid I features, ... newspaper I lengthy I hard-hitting ã VERB + EDITORIAL write I carry, publish, run The 24 9 effect paper only occasionally carries editorials. 0 The neios- paper ran a hard-hitting editorial criticizing the govern- ment's ... project, they considered only certain aspects of it. under - The new scheme is still under evaluation. eve noun ã ADJ. Christmas, Midsummer's, New Year's 26 9 event ã PREP on the - of opinion...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53

41 1,1K 1
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english  chương 2 1

Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 1

... are on page 25 . I magazine, newspaper, press, television/TV I cigarette,job, etc. ã VERB + ADVERTISEMENT place, put, take out We placed advertisements in a number of national news- papers. I carry, ... fall The anniversary of the founding of the charity falls on 12thNovember. ã PREP. on an/the - on the 20 th anniversary of his death 2 of a wedding ã ADJ. first, second, etc. I wedding ã VERB + ... PREP. for She is very ambitiousfor herfour children. 2difficult to achieve ã VERBS be, seem 23 amenity ã ADV. extremely, hugely, very I rather I overly Phases 2and 3 seem overly ambitious. ambivalence noun ã...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53

49 866 2
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english  chương 2 2

Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 2

... althe- Mozart is on the bill this evening. bin noun ã ADJ. litter, rubbish, waste, wastepaper She threw the letter in the wastepaper bin. I storage I pedal, wheelie ã VERB + BIN chuck sth in/into, put sth ... in He tied his belongings up in a bundle and left. ã PREP. in a/the - The papers are in a bundle on my desk. I -ofabundleofnewspapers bungalow noun ã ADJ. lwo-bedroom/lwo-bedroomed, etc. I detached, semi-detached ... ADJ. animal, fish, plant I selective Certain character- Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. blank noun 1empty space on paper ã VERB + BLANK fill in In the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53

43 744 1
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english  chương 2 4

Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 4

... important medical discoveries. I await There may be many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery. 22 2 ã PREP. - by a discovery by a French scientist - of the dis- covery of oil in the North Sea ã ... prolonged, protracted I outstanding He proposed a negotiated settlement of the outstanding dis- 22 7 disrepute putes between the two countries. I public I local, inter- national I internal There ... Environment 2of an organization ã ADJ. accident and emergency, casualty, outpatient, physiotherapy I design, finance, marketing, person- nel, planning, publicity, sales, etc. I biology, English, maths,etc. ã...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53

58 727 1
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english  chương 2 6

Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 6

... just Don't worry. Your voice sounds absolutely fine. ã PREP. for This paper& apos;s not very good quality, but it's fine for rough work. 2 in good health/happy and comfortable ã VERBS be, feel, look, ... finally contained: I spread, sweep through sth In 1 925 a disastrous fire swept through. the museum. I damage sth I destroy sth, gut sth The fire gutted the building, leaving just a charred shell. ã FIRE + NOUN ... de- creased since the Victorian era. I man a good family man, completely devoted to his wife and kids 29 2 famine noun ã ADJ. great, severe, terrible I widespread I immi- nent, impending Against a background...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:54

50 919 1
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english  chương 2 7

Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 7

... stock - in Last year there was only a modest gain in earnings. gain verb ã ADV certainly, undoubtedly Consumers have certain- lygainedfrom the increased competition in the telecommu- nications industry. 1 clearly I quickly, ... transatlantic liner. I add, give sb/sth, lend sb/sth Her long dark hair lent her a certain glamour. o PHRASES a certain glamour glance noun o ADJ backward, sidelong, sideways She cast a sidelong ... gas mark 2, 3, etc. Set the oven at gas mark 4. gash noun 1deep wound ã ADJ. deep, great, long I nasty, terrible ã VERB + GASH get, have ã PREP. on the- She got a nasty gash on the head. 2 large...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:54

23 870 1
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english  chương 2 8

Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 8

... VERB + HEIGHT measure I grow to, reach The plants grow to a maximum height of 24 inches. ã PREP. in - The wall is 2. 5 metres in height. 2 distance above the ground/sea level ã ADJ. considerable, great The ... overcome my horror of insects. ã PHRASES a look of horror, shock horror newspapers full of shock horror headlines 2sth frightening/shocking ã ADJ. full He never experienced thefull horrors of ... host the Olympic Games in theyear 20 08 hostage noun ã VERB + HOSTAGE hold (sb) Eight people were held hostage for four months. I seize, take (sb) The gunmen took 24 hostages. I free, release, set...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:54

29 853 1