Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 23:20
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 17:41
Cambridge English Grammar In Use Intermediate incl Answers
... stopped doing some things and started doing other things: He stopped studying hard/going to bed early/running three miles e3very morning He started smoking/going out in the evening/spending a lot ... clauses (4)-'extra information' clauses (1) 95 Relative clauses (5)-'extra information' clauses (2) 96 ~ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injured in ... covered in paint. She has been painting the ceiling. Has been Painting is the present perfect We are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished or not. In...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 07:10
cambridge - english grammar in use (intermediate) supplementary exercises (3rd ed) (2004)
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 11:39
Cambrige University Press English Grammar in Use-Reference and Practice for Intermediate Students
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:22
English Grammar in use
... KIEN ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE GV: TRIEU THI KIM THONG – THCS TIEN KIEN GV: TRIEU THI KIM THONG – THCS TIEN KIEN ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE GV: ... KIEN ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE The letter The letter are being written are being written by my secrectary by my secrectary Past continuous Past continuous ... TIEN KIEN GV: TRIEU THI KIM THONG – THCS TIEN KIEN ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE Direct and indirect speech. Direct and indirect speech. I.Reported statement. I.Reported...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2013, 00:22
Bai tap ngu phap day du - English Grammar in Use.
... you think about these things? Write a sentence about each one. Begin with In my opinion /I think /I don’t think /I don’t agree with /I’m against /I’m in favour of 1 (terrorism) 2 (smoking) 3 ... situations and make sentences with needn’t have. 1 Tom went out and took an umbrella with him because he thought it is going to rain. But it didn’t rain. 2 Jack got very angry with Jill and throw ... job involve a lot of people? 4 I considered the job but in the end I decided against it. 5 If you use the shower, try and avoid water on the floor. 6 Jack gave up to find a job in Britain and...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 19:10
exercises English Grammar in use
... you think about these things? Write a sentence about each one. Begin with In my opinion /I think /I don’t think /I don’t agree with /I’m against /I’m in favour of 1 (terrorism) 2 (smoking) ... sentence. 1 I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless/providing it’s raining. 2 We’re going to start painting the house tomorrow unless/provided it’s not raining. 3 You can’t smoke in here unless/as long ... exercise and so lost weight. By 9 He was angry with me because i was late. He was angry with me for 10 Tom thinks that doing nothing is better than working. Tom prefers doing nothing to 59.2...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2013, 22:10
Full-exercises English Grammar in use
... sentence. 1 I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless/providing it’s raining. 2 We’re going to start painting the house tomorrow unless/provided it’s not raining. 3 You can’t smoke in here unless/as long ... exercise and so lost weight. By 9 He was angry with me because i was late. He was angry with me for 10 Tom thinks that doing nothing is better than working. Tom prefers doing nothing to 59.2 ... will see three houses red one, blue one and white one. I live in white one. 5 We live in old house in middle of the village. There is beautiful garden behind house root of house is in very bad condition. 71.2...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2013, 22:10
English Grammar In Use - Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Thực Hành (136 Đề Mục Ngữ Pháp)
Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2013, 21:09
Tài liệu John Dow -- English Grammar in use doc
... to are referred to specifically as TO-INFINITIVES, in order to distinguish them from BARE INFINITIVES, in which to is absent: To-infinitive Bare infinitive Help me to open the gate Help ... 3 Determiners 16 3.1 Numerals and Determiners 17 3.2 Pronouns and Determiners 18 3.3 The Ordering of Determiners 19 3.4 Predeterminers 19 3.5 Central Determiners 20 3.6 Postdeterminers 20 ... has certain merits, since it allows us to determine word classes by replacing words in a sentence with words of "similar" meaning. For instance, in the sentence My son cooks dinner every...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 03:18
cambridge - english grammar in use (essential) supplementary exercises (2nd ed) (2007)
... Supplementary Exercises with Answers ISBN 978-0-521-675413 Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises without Answers ISBN 978-0-521-675802 Essential Grammar in Use with Answers ISBN 978-0-521-675819 ... June and he's still travelling. Fred 7 I hate this weather. It started raining 12 hours ago and it's still raining. It 32 I do 11 am doing and I did / I was doing (present and ... Essential Grammar in Use unit numbers in the top right-hand corner of each page. You can use this book if you don't have Essential Grammar in Use because all the answers, with lots of alternatives,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 11:38