200 ENGLISH grammar exercises
... my best. 10. I did everything I could. 11. I must go now. 12. Diamonds suit me. 7 200 ENGLISH grammar exercises 1 2 Auxiliary verbs: short answers PEG 108 Assume that questions are addressed ... plays Italian music. 5. drinks English beer. 6. dances with a Greek girl. 7. uses an English dictionary. 8. has lunch in a Japanese restaurant. 9. listens to the news in English. 10. writes in Spanish. 11. ... the answer.) 12. talks English. 13. corrects the Spanish essays. 14. explains in English. 15. lectures in Spanish. 16. broadcasts in Spanish. 17. addresses students in English. 18. cooks a Spanish...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:14
... 110(2) spend on 234(1) spend time doing 140(3) split infinitive 117(1) Note split into 234(2) spoken English 53 sport: countable/uncountable 144(5d) spread with/without object 8(3) staff: group noun ... 123(1), 126(2, 5) stupidly 215(2) style: special styles 45 sub clause 239(2), 240 of future time 77 tenses 241 subject 5 agreement with object 157 agreement with verb 150 of co-ordinate clause 239(1a) of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15