... cleverest/the most clever 34 bluer than 37 the best of 32 (the) most polite 35 the most intelligent 38 is going to 39 will 40 Shall 41 will 42 am going to 43 .B 44 .A 45 .C 46 .A 47 .B 48 .C 49 .B 50 A TEST 2 ... police went 37 met 39 had left 41 rains was walking 38 was 40 slept 42 will stay B 44 A 45 B 46 C 47 B 48 C 49 B 50.A Marking Scheme for Test 3 4 points each item 50 items x 4 points = 200 ... appropriate revision unit Level 4 of Round- up Grammar Practice is accompanied by a CD-ROM-ISBN 0582 344 638 4 Using Round- up Choose exercises from the Grammar Practice book that practise or revise
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2022, 15:20
... 23.at 24. under 25.0n 26 Beside 27 in G 28.in 29.on 30.at 31.at 32.on H 33 gave 35 love 37 willtake 39 saw 34 have had 36 is sitting 38 go 40 have ever seen I 41 .C 42 .B 43 .A 44 C 45 A 46 C 47 A 48 C 49 .A ... 36B 37C 38C 39.B 40 .B 41 .A 42 .C 43 .A G 44 is sitting 45 isn’t working 46 .is thinking 47 .went 48 had 49 have already decided 50 are going to stay Marking Scheme for Tests 3 and 4 4 points each item ... work 34 going 36 watching 38 to start 40 to have G 41 can't 43 must 45 Will 47 could 42 needn't 44 won't 46 mustn't 48 can H 49 couldn't 51 mustn't 53 won't 55 needn't 50 will 52 can 54 must
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2022, 15:21
English grammar book round up 4
... Trang 3 Introduction Round- up Grammar Practice 4 combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammar practice It is ideal for intermediate students of English Students see grammar points clearly ... @ in the holidays for revision, Round- up has clear instructions and simple grammar boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher The Round- up Teacher' s Guide includes a full answer key ... (listen) to the radio or 12) (read) a book At the moment they 13) (sit) in the living- room Mother 14) (write) a letter and Father 15) (read) a book The teacher divides the class into two teams
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03
English grammar book round up 1
... @ in the holidays for revision Round- up has clear instructions and simple grammar boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher The Round- up Teacher? ??s Guide includes a full answer key ... Introduction Round- up Grammar Practice 1 combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammar practice It is ideal for students at the early stages of English language learning Students see grammar ... You from England 8 The dog black 4 He my friend 9.1 English 5 Sally my sister 10 John and Joanna teachers @ Write as in the example: Mr Smith is a teacher He is a teacher 1 Jane is my friend _
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03
English grammar book round up 2
... the winner Teacher : Mary / bag Teacher : woman / car Group AS1: her bag Group AS2: her car Teacher : children / books Teacher : |/pen Trang 24 &# 34; — - ——— HT n mm ng mm =—-=—— 4 There is ... @ in the holidays for revision Round- up has clear instructions and simple grammar boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher The Round- up Teacher' s Guide includes a full answer key ... Competition Game 2 Your teacher divides the class into two groups Play the game as follows: Teacher: Pam GroupBS1: he Group AS1: she Teacher: Mary and | Teacher: Chris Group AS2: they Teacher: Wrong!
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03
English grammar book round up 3
... 3 9 16 21 25 27 33 40 48 56 59 68 75 81 87 92 95 105 112 117 128 143 159 Trang 3 Introduction Round- up Grammar Practice 3 combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammar practice It ... winner Teacher : pencil Teacher: sheep TeamAS1: pencils Team A S2: sheeps Teacher : tooth Teacher: Wrong! sheep Group A doesn't get a TeamB Si: teeth point The teacher asks the students to look around ... shops 4 Helen and Mary 8 sister 12 lion The teacher divides the class into two teams Play the game as follows: Teacher: Ann Teacher : Peter and | Team A S1: she Team AS2: they Teacher: Tony Teacher
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03
English Grammar New round UP 4 TB
... to C 4 8 7 A 10 C 13 8 11 C 14 A 8 5 C 8 C 9 A 12 8 C 6 8 3 4 5 6 2 3 were watching will be touring 2 3 4 5 6 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 848 7 8 5 A 8 6 A 8 8 9 A 10 C 11 8 12 8 13 C 14 C Revision ... mustn't 4 didn 't need to / didn... most is my little brother 16 Reported Speech 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 2 3 4 5 6 6 2 3 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 said 3 said 4 told ... Printed in Malaysia, (KHL - CTP) ISBN 978-1 -40 58-88 94- 3 (book) ISBN 978-1 -40 82- 349 8-3 (pack) Contents A Lesson guidelines B Key 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Present Simple - Present Continuous
Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2016, 06:57
basic english grammar book 2 wtih over 80 exercises
... Phrases 42 4 Determiners 44 –51 The Articles 44 Using Nouns without Articles 45 Demonstrative Determiners 46 Quantifying Determiners 47 Interrogative Determiners 49 Possessive Determiners 49 Numbers ... 12 Punctuation 140 – 148 Punctuation Marks: period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation marks, colon 140 Capital Letter 144 A List of Irregular Verbs 149 –152 7 There ... Conditional Sentences 1 24 Positive and Negative Sentences 1 24 Questions 128 Question Tags 130 11 Direct and Indirect Speech 1 34? ??139 Direct Speech 1 34 Indirect Speech 1 34 Indirect Commands 135
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2015, 15:25
Unit 4 teacher guide
... 43 to 2 a 16 have 30 not 44 us 3 are 17 here 31 one 45 was 4 am 18 is 32 once 46 we 5 all 19 it 33 off 47 word 6 at 20 if 34 pull 48 what 7 an 21 I 35 said 49 why 8 ball 22 in 36 says ... 43 to 2 a 16 have 30 not 44 us 3 are 17 here 31 one 45 was 4 am 18 is 32 once 46 we 5 all 19 it 33 off 47 word 6 at 20 if 34 pull 48 what 7 an 21 I 35 said 49 why 8 ball 22 in 36 says ... STD RF.2.4a Alignment Chart for Unit 4 x Unit 4 | Alignment Chart © 2013... and Decoding (15 min.) Activities per Teacher Choice (45 min.) Activities per Teacher Choice (45 min.)
Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2016, 12:12
university english grammar book
... Abbreviations 143 4. 4.2 Time Expressions 144 4. 4.3 Age Expressions 145 4. 4 .4 Currency Statements 145 4. 4.5 Vulgar (Simple) Fractions and Decimals 146 4. 4.6 Simple Calculations ... 337 14. 3.1 The Subject 338 14. 3.2 The Predicate 342 14. 3.3 Concord 350 14. 4 The Secondary Parts of the Sentence 353 14. 4.1 The Object 353 14. 4.2 The Attribute ... 137 4. 1 Meaning of Numerals 137 4. 2 Morphological Structure of Numerals 138 4. 3 Syntactic Functions of Numerals 141 4. 4 Uses of Numerical Expressions 142 4. 4.1 Year
Ngày tải lên: 30/01/2017, 20:53
Grammar space kids 3 teacher guide
... http://www.ibuildandgrow.com for all the Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide ANSWER KEY: STUDENT BOOK ANSWER KEY: WORKBOOK Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide After they have finished practicing with the grammar cards, ... class ends 90 Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 91 ANSWER KEY: STUDENT BOOK 92 ANSWER KEY: WORKBOOK Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 93 After they have finished practicing with the grammar cards, ... 98 Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 99 Let the students practice the grammar points with the Grammar Cards Tell the students to remove the Grammar Cards for the unit from their student books
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2017, 02:31
Grammar space kids 1 teacher guide
... their 14 Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 15 ANSWER KEY: STUDENT BOOK 16 ANSWER KEY: WORKBOOK Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 17 Let the students practice the grammar points with the Grammar ... the nouns 18 Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 19 ANSWER KEY: STUDENT BOOK 88 ANSWER KEY: WORKBOOK Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 89 Unit 16 | Test Your Grammar (Units 13-15) Grammar in ... winner 90 Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 91 ANSWER KEY: STUDENT BOOK 92 ANSWER KEY: WORKBOOK Grammar Space Kids Teacher? ??s Guide 93 Let the students practice the grammar points with the Grammar
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2017, 02:37
utevskaya n l english grammar book keys to the exercises 2 0
... Exercise I (p 44 7) up to; in for; on; off; through; down; up; down; through; 10 off; 11 into Exercise II (p 44 7) about; back; in; round; forward; round; off; up; for; 10 in Exercise III (p 44 7) away; ... ? ?English Grammar Book Version 2.0” – СПб : Антология, 2011 – 128 c ISBN 978 949 62 183 В этом издании даны ключи к большей части упражнений пере работанного учебного пособия ? ?English Grammar Book ... 41 www.anthologybooks.ru e mail: sales@bookstreet.ru Огромный выбор учебной и методической литературы в интернет магазине: www.bookstreet.ru У 84 Утевская Н Л English Grammar Book Version 2.0
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2020, 12:01
English Grammar Book RoundUp 6 Comparisons Audio
... with 20% 2 &# 34; I sure / surely am happy to meet you,&# 34; said the reporter to the high / highly respected singer &# 34; You're pretty / prettily famous around here, you know.&# 34; 3 When he ... chocolate began in the 3) &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; rainforests of Central and South America TROPIC sands of years ago, natives mixed seeds from the cacao tree with 4) &# 34; , spices VARY water The ... Imperial Palace - China Built: From 140 6- 142 0 Size: 720,000 square metres Rooms: Around 9,000 - - -The Kremlin Palace - Russia Built: From 1838-1 849 Size: 25,000 square metres Rooms:
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2021, 17:14
English Grammar Book RoundUp 5 1 Audio
... 7) &# 34; &# 34; ,,, &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; fjust/go) diving with his friends, They 8) &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; &# 34; (go) ... So far, I 9) '&# 34; &# 34; &# 34; , , , , '&# 34; &# 34; , &# 34; &# 34; , , &# 34; &# 34; (try) windsurfing, It's really thrilling! We 10) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , &# 34; (not/do) much ... other people You can always call me if you need help &# 34; Do you help your mum with the housework?&# 34; &# 34; Yes, I usually &# 34; • The adverbs never, seldom and rarely have a negative
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2021, 19:33
English Grammar Book RoundUp 5 Past Tenses Audio
... correct answer &# 34; Have you ever lived in a big city before?&# 34; &# 34; No, but I'm sure I will • to it.&# 34; A be used Bused © get used 2 &# 34; Do you know that girl?&# 34; &# 34; Yes, we to go ... to &# 34; Do they find it difficult living in Switzerland?&# 34; &# 34; Yes, they haven't the cold yet.&# 34; A been used to B got used to C used 8 &# 34; Why you look so tired?&# 34; &# 34; Well, ... &# 34; Mr Miller looks different now, doesn't he?&# 34; &# 34; Yes He • to wear glasses and have a moustache.&# 34; A used B would C is used 5 &# 34; Tom had trouble with the group project.&# 34;
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2021, 19:42
English Grammar Book RoundUp 6 Inversion Audio
... using emphatic structures &# 34; Who did you go shopping with?&# 34; &# 34; My husband.&# 34; 4 &# 34; Are you sure that you left it there?&# 34; &# 34; Yes, I left it there.&# 34; Jt ~t1~ /11y, hlJ~PiW0 ... .wit.h &# 34; How much money was in your purse?&# 34; &# 34; Where did you leave your purse?&# 34; &# 34; About fifty pounds and my bank card.&# 34; &# 34; At the grocer's.&# 34; 6 &# 34; Did you cancel ... agreement &# 34; I hate horror films.&# 34; &# 34; So I.&# 34; ('So' is used to agree with an affirmative statement.) &# 34; Jane hasn't returned our calls.&# 34; &# 34; Neither/Nor has her husband.&# 34; ('Neither/Nor'
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2021, 20:11
English Grammar Book RoundUp 5 Clauses Audio
... and hours of fun! '&# 34; 111811 Listen and repeat Then act out a like some wool to knit 'W,-;[r;;;-;;;;~~~~:r-'~_~m;iJF'&# 34; &# 34; '7'lift my dog a jacket -~ &# 34; -Why don't you bring ... (because usually answers a why-question.) &# 34; Why you have to move to another house?&# 34; &# 34; Because this one is too far from the train station &# 34; Veena has been absent from school due to ... not to be heard His imagination was running wild &# 34; Could it be a monster?&# 34; he thought He slowly opened the door and turned on his torch 4) for / in order to see what it was Suddenly, his
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2021, 04:34
English Grammar Book RoundUp 5 INGForms Audio
... rules 1) ~ The teachers don't allow 2) in class We are only permitted 3) when we raise our hand if the teacher asks us a question On the first day, the headmaster advised us all 4) .• hard In ... + -ed) describe how someone feels Mary is interested in English literature (How does she feel about English literature? Interested.) 14 Fill in the correct participle Paul: You must be 1) ... •• • you to lend me the money 4 Don't be frightened the big spider He's good speaking The teacher was furious .••••••.• the class because they were talking English 10 Grandfather is always
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2021, 11:28
ASMAR english grammar book (Sách ngữ pháp tiếng Anh )
... I was educated at SAMER English Language Institute in Kabul Afghanistan I taught English in SAMER for few years after that I established an institute by the name ASMAR English Academy: I run ... definite in the English language which is (the) E.g.: The shirt I am wearing is new Form of “the” Singular: The man, the woman, the book E.g.: He is the man She is the woman That is the book Plural: ... She is the woman That is the book Plural: The women, The men The books E.g.: They are the men They are the women They are the books The pronunciation of “The” The is pronounced (da) before consonant
Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2021, 10:56
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