english for secretaries and administrative personnel on the job

LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of  infotech  textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of infotech textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

... is used within the texts - Making recommendations and conclusions on the basis of data analysis The approach to the study is both inductive and deductive, based on the collection and analysis of ... comprehension and vocabulary memorization because the two devices create connections among words, phrases, paragraphs and the whole text It links words and ideas of one text in a logical way, therefore, ... exploit and emphasize on the topic of the text To help students understand content of each text, teachers should concentrate on the use of repetition The words repeated frequently in the text

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

50 901 0
Theoretical and experimental studies on the promoting effect of boron on cobalt catalyst used for fischer tropsch synthesis

Theoretical and experimental studies on the promoting effect of boron on cobalt catalyst used for fischer tropsch synthesis

... CO conversion for the unpromoted catalyst reduced from 54% to 41%. On the other hand, CO conversion remained at 53% for the 0.5 wt% boron promoted catalyst. After FTS reaction, both the boron ... studies on single crystals could serve as a bridge. To experimentally evaluate the DFT predictions, such as the location of the carbon and boron atoms on a Co surface, the adsorption and decomposition ... carbon chemisorption on the same surface. Similar to carbon, boron was calculated to bind strongly at the step sites. Additionally, it also induces a p4g clock reconstruction growing from the

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

183 450 0
nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves  for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1  7

nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1 7

... regulatory and management actions: The southern California experience in long-term monitoring Marine pollution bulletin, 59(4), 91-100 Stevenson, N J (1997) Disused Shrimp Ponds: Options for Redevelopment ... mangroves on intertidal mudflats: habitat restoration or habitat conversion In Proceedings of the ECOTONE VIII seminar enhancing coastal ecosystems restoration for the 21st century, Ranong, Thailand ... towards the integration of scientific and indigenous forms of knowledge in the management of natural resources for the future Environment, Development and Sustainability, 8(4), 467-493 Rivera-Monroy,

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 15:19

15 372 0
nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves  for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1  6

nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1 6

... establishment and colonisation, continual monitoring is necessary to track future colonisation and forest regeneration trajectories for a complete assessment of the progress and success of the rehabilitation ... elevations in establishment and colonisation for the reforestation of rehabilitated sites. Mangroves establish at specific surface elevation ranges and arguably, they can only survive and develop ... mangrove forests can occupy. Effectively, the prediction maps created in this study fail to account for the upper elevation range (on the landward side) that mangroves once occupied before conversion

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 15:19

10 283 0
nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves  for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1  5

nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1 5

... that with the lowest Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) value (Akaike, 1974) The AIC is a measure of the parsimony of models, and is based on a trade-off between deviance reduction and the number ... Experiments on Kandelia candel seedlings showed that while prolonged inundation stimulated stem elongation, this response remained unchanged in treatments that combined conditions of prolonged inundation ... In the context of mangrove rehabilitation, specifically the change in environmental conditions through the re-establishment of tidal connectivity and surface elevation changes, local inundation

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 15:19

19 297 0
nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves  for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1  4

nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1 4

... Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, experiences a monsoonal climate The northwest monsoon (December – March) is characterised by high precipitation and strong winds while the southeast monsoon (June – September) ... per month Successful regeneration and colonisation of site by Avicennia species and Sonneratia alba was observed only three months after complete rehabilitation On a larger scale, inundation hydroperiod ... periods for the establishment of stranded propagules The creation of substrate mounds in the middle of ponds could be practised This is one of the techniques that form the mid-course corrections

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 15:19

23 272 0
nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves  for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1  3

nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1 3

... restoration Early coastal wetland restoration efforts focused on mitigating problems in isolation, without consideration for the connectivity of the ecosystem to the larger landscape (Simenstad et al., ... inundation durations and depth, both inundation duration and depth exerted significant and negative effects on biomass accumulation, photosynthetic rate, leaf electron transportation and water-use ... development and plantings to promote re-colonisation of native marsh vegetation Creation is the establishment of wetlands where none previously existed (Simenstad et al., 2006) The restoration concept and

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 15:19

16 330 0
nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves  for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1

nvestigating the influences of tidal inundation and surface elevation on the establishment and early development of mangroves for application in understanding mangrove rehabilitation techniques 1

... synthesis of the findings and the implications of this study for future mangrove rehabilitation efforts, recommendations for further research 466 Words vii List of Tables CHAPTER 2.1: Watson ... gratitude for the guidance received and for sharing the countless opportunities that allowed me to learn from and communicate with other academics and like-minded people The academic and personal ... Brown, Dominic Wodehouse and a third who wish to remain anonymous, for the precious time and effort for academic discussions with this greenhorn Your dedication, passion and in-depth knowledge

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 15:19

11 249 0
Lectures and students evaluations on the coursebook international express pre intermediate   second edition  a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Lectures and students evaluations on the coursebook international express pre intermediate second edition a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

... requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’ Thesis deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library ... comprehension tasks are not appropriate, for example: long texts, but asks Students 165 to understand the main idea of the whole text and then use their own language to answer the comprehension questions ... 8: Focus on function is good for real-life communication, and it is in harmony with Part of TOEIC; therefore, I often ask Students to see scripts and role-play practice the conversation Speaking

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2017, 20:43

192 327 0
The syntactic and semantic features of negative questions in english with reference to vietnamese based on the selection of bilingual plays an ideal husband and lady windermere’s fan

The syntactic and semantic features of negative questions in english with reference to vietnamese based on the selection of bilingual plays an ideal husband and lady windermere’s fan

... question correctly and why the author of plays put that questions in the concrete situations They also understand deeply the syntactic and semantic features of negative questions in English and ... negative question in the proper situation? For all the abovementioned reasons, the researcher would like to introduce to English users the new respect of negative question: ? ?the syntactic and semantic ... question, the auxiliary is placed before the subject, and the word not is placed after the subject However, when contractions are used, the contracted form of not follows immediately after the

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2019, 23:19

60 151 0
The syntactic and semantic features of negative questions in english with reference to vietnamese based on the selection of bilingual plays “ an ideal husband” and “lady windermere’s fan”

The syntactic and semantic features of negative questions in english with reference to vietnamese based on the selection of bilingual plays “ an ideal husband” and “lady windermere’s fan”

... question correctly and why the author of plays put that questions in the concrete situations They also understand deeply the syntactic and semantic features of negative questions in English and ... negative question in the proper situation? For all the abovementioned reasons, the researcher would like to introduce to English users the new respect of negative question: ? ?the syntactic and semantic ... question, the auxiliary is placed before the subject, and the word not is placed after the subject However, when contractions are used, the contracted form of not follows immediately after the

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2019, 20:49

60 309 0
Theoretical and experimental studies on the corrosion inhibition potentials of some purines for aluminum in 0.1 M HCl

Theoretical and experimental studies on the corrosion inhibition potentials of some purines for aluminum in 0.1 M HCl

... interaction between the double layer existing at the phase boundary and the adsorption molecule On the other hand, small values of the binding constant suggest weaker interaction between the adsorbing ... electron) while the HOMO corresponds to fÀ(r) (i.e tendency to donate electron) Therefore, the nature and distribution of the lopes in the HOMO and LUMO diagrams (Fig 12) also support the findings ... corrosion inhibitors for the corrosion of Al in acidic medium ii The inhibitors are adsorption inhibitors and their adsorptions on Al surface were spontaneous and were consistent with physiosorption

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 08:35

15 42 0
Geological and palaeoseismological evidence for late Pleistocene−Holocene activity on the Manisa fault zone, Western Anatolia

Geological and palaeoseismological evidence for late Pleistocene−Holocene activity on the Manisa fault zone, Western Anatolia

... Martino for their helpful discussions and contributions on radiocarbon dating Cengiz Zabcı kindly ran the radiocarbon dates using the OxCal calibration programme The paper was edited by the International ... ductile deformation and granitoid intrusion in the northern Menderes core complex: implications for the initiation of extensional tectonics in western Turkey Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 23, ... striking evidence of activity along the MFZ was observed on the Manastır Fault and its synthetic minor faults mapped on the hanging wall, which are responsible 470 for the displacement of upper Pleistocene–lower

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 17:32

26 23 0
Plant growth promoting bacillus spp. and Paenibacillus Alvei on the growth of Sesuvium Portulacastrum for phytoremediation of salt affected soils

Plant growth promoting bacillus spp. and Paenibacillus Alvei on the growth of Sesuvium Portulacastrum for phytoremediation of salt affected soils

... of the land, nature of the crops to be grown or the land use during and after amelioration, climatic conditions and time available for amelioration Salt stress upsets plant–microbe interactions, ... to the 20 µl of PCR reaction solution The primers 518F/800R was used for amplification, 35 amplification cycles were performed using the following programme 940c for 45 sec, 550c for 60 sec, and ... mirrored on the field study also, as the plants able to withstand the salt stress and adopt to the soil conditions It was already documented that is can able to withstand a salt spray and grows in the

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 01:59

12 47 0
On-the-job training of health professionals for electronic health record and electronic medical record use: A scoping review

On-the-job training of health professionals for electronic health record and electronic medical record use: A scoping review

... be performed, the conditions under which the job will be performed and the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform those tasks (Goldstein & Ford, 2002) Furthermore, health informatics ... Chair of the Health Informatics for Patient Safety Working Group for the International Medical Informatics Association, Geneva, Switzerland Dr Andre Kushniruk is Professor and Director of the School ... additional references for background information and discussion by checking the reference lists of identified studies and locating resources in the business and education disciplines We used the

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 20:31

35 47 0
Fund characteristics and their impacts on the performance of hedge funds an emperical evidence for european and north american hedge fund industries

Fund characteristics and their impacts on the performance of hedge funds an emperical evidence for european and north american hedge fund industries

... of “a” and “b” This function is mathematically equivalent to the distribution itself as it contains all of the information entailed The interpretation for an Omega ratio is quite straight-forward ... is the subscription frequency for fund i; REDi is the redemption frequency for fund i; REDNOTi is the redemption notification frequency for fund i; HRi is the hurdle rate for fund i; HMi is the ... returns of the fund are in fact above “r” percent and vice versa The formula for the Omega ratio at the threshold of “r” percent is given below The above Omega function for the distribution F(x)

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 14:06

22 7 0
Exercises on english semantics for students majoring in english for finance and accounting

Exercises on english semantics for students majoring in english for finance and accounting

... choice (1) In a conversation about a situation where John is standing alone in the corner, ‘John’ and ? ?the person in the corner’ have the same referent? Yes / No (2) Consider the following two ... reasonable to say, if I use such English words as table and chair in the normal way in my conversation, communicating the usual messages that one does with these and other words, that I know the ... 10 The _ of a word or an expression is the relationship between that word or expression and the thing, the action, the event, the state of affairs, etc it refers to 11 _ is a violation

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2021, 21:50

57 105 0
The attitudinal resources in english and vietnamese news on the social violence

The attitudinal resources in english and vietnamese news on the social violence

... This thesis is a comparative study on evaluative language in English and Vietnamese news on the social violence based on the framework of Appraisal Theory developed by Martin and White The main ... [E1.19.14] for the pain [E1.19.15] 20 I've caused you." 21 Hamilton Circuit Court Judge Paul Felix said… 22 he would not render a decision Monday on the disposition in the case, 23 the disposition (which) ... Summary 49 VI CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 50 5.1 Conclusion 50 5.2 Implications 54 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study 54 REFERENCES

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2021, 16:07

81 11 1
English for banking and finance essay – group 6  the capital structure of a business is the mix of debt and equity in the business balance sheet

English for banking and finance essay – group 6 the capital structure of a business is the mix of debt and equity in the business balance sheet

... making and implementing decisions relevant to their own and their English for Banking and Finance Essay – Group family’s nutrition and health This is one of the areas where the political aspect of ... dividends, keeping the rest to pay for operations and expansion Still other corporations, often the smaller ones, prefer to reinvest most or all of their net income in research and expansion, hoping ... coordination of economic activity Recognition of this concept by economists is fairly recent, and has been strengthened by the observation that variations in social capital across communities and societies

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2021, 06:33

16 6 0