english for marine engineering students

Đề tài the situation of learning english for electrical engineering of d06k52 students in faculty of foreign language, ha noi university of technology

Đề tài the situation of learning english for electrical engineering of d06k52 students in faculty of foreign language, ha noi university of technology

... Bich Ngoc D06K52 Faculty of Foreign Language Ha Noi University of Technology The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language, Ha Noi ... general English In his opinion, learning general English well is only the foundation for learning ESP well Trang 4 And according to the course requirements in textbook of English for Electrical Engineering, ... requirements in textbook of English for Electrical Engineering: Trang 6 - Students are required to prepare for the lesson by doing homework and tasks their teachers ask them to do -Students are expected

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2014, 16:24

18 504 0
Activating students’ specialized knowledge through illustrations for marine engineering vocabulary learning at Maritime College No.1 = Kích hoạt kiến thức chuyê

Activating students’ specialized knowledge through illustrations for marine engineering vocabulary learning at Maritime College No.1 = Kích hoạt kiến thức chuyê

... questions for the students are used to collect data that relate to the students? ?? attitudes and abilities towards the new marine engineering vocabulary The procedures describe the whole applied performance ... UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ĐẶNG THỊ HOÀNG YẾN ACTIVATING STUDENTS? ?? SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE THROUGH ILLUSTRATIONS FOR MARINE ENGINEERING ... be taught for marine engineering students in MC The study is to clearly understand how feasible technique is applying at MC Besides, the author has expected to give recommendations for enhancing

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:59

62 443 0
Teachers’ and students’ views on grammar presentation in the course book “English for chemical engineering” at Sao Do University

Teachers’ and students’ views on grammar presentation in the course book “English for chemical engineering” at Sao Do University

... QUESTIONAIRE FOR STUDENTS This survey questionnaire is designed for students who already learned the program ? ?English for Chemical engineering? ?? at Sao Do University for my study “Teachers’ and students? ?? ... in the course book ? ?English for chemical engineering? ?? at Sao Do University? 2) What are the students? ?? views on grammar presentation in the course book ? ?English for chemical engineering? ?? at Sao ... presentation in the course book ? ?English for chemical engineering? ?? and grammar teaching at Sao Do University * For grammar presentation in the course book ? ?English for chemical engineering? ??: In order to

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:45

55 6 0
English for Mechanical Engineering

English for Mechanical Engineering

... of Mechanical Engineering Ho Chỉ Minh University of Industry 5 Mechanical engineering includes marine, automobile, aeronautical, heating, and ventilating, and others Electrical engineering includes ... external forces, such as tension, compression, torsion, bending, and shear Solid materials respond to these forces by elastic deformation (that is, the material returns to its original size and form ... the external force is lifted), permanent deformation, or fracture Time- dependent effects of external forces are creep and fatigue, which are defined below Tension is a pulling force that acts:

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2012, 10:55

72 738 4
English for mechanical engineering  Pre - intermediate

English for mechanical engineering Pre - intermediate

... materials respond to these forces by elastic deformation (that is, the material returns to its original size and form when the external force is lifted), permanent deformation, or fracture Time-dependent ... using information from the text Engineering Trang 82 Put T or F to indicate if the statements below are True or False: a) Engineering is about putting ideas into action b) Mechanical engineering ... (twisting) force, both tensile and compressive forces are simultaneously at work 21Trang 26When a rod is bent, for example, one side of it is stretched and subjected to a tensional force, and

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2012, 10:41

65 948 2


... ENGLISH FOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING UNIT ROTARY SYSTEM Lecturer: Lang Van Thang HOCHIMINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY ... slower speed teeth C than A, so g) B has a greater number of teeth than A; the speed of B is therefore Slower than A HOCHIMINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY Practice Choose a, b, c, d or e to complete ... speed of the front sprocket is 60 rev/min, the speed of the rear sprocket is 120 rev/min Therefore: Speed of rear sprocket Speed of = front sprocket x teeth of front sprocket teeth of rear sprocket

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:20

12 976 6


... ENGLISH FOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING UNIT MANUAL OPERATION Lecturer: Lang Van Thang Presentation Select the correct instructions for the actions in Figure 4.1: For example: A = ... Read the instructions for changing a tyre; then put them in the correct order Practice Read the instructions for the dynamo belt on the left; then complete the instructions for the alternator belt ... working volume + clearance volume) by the clearance volume Therefore, for the engine in figure 4.2: ( _ + ) / _ = The engine therefore has a _ : _ compression ratio

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

12 710 8
Cambridge English for Schools Starter-Students Books

Cambridge English for Schools Starter-Students Books

... 93 T ha nks and ac kn o wl ed gem e nt s 96 Map of Cambridge Englishfor Schools Starter UNIT 1 Lea rn E ng lish! 8 W;ly S to le arn English; some basic verbs and Il O UIl S; sociallanguage : the ... vents for each month of the y "" ar, 19 REVISION Make a rest Self-asses sm nr R evisi on of Uni ts 14 -I K M aking y our own te st . 60 72 What's in Cambridge English for Schools ... in Cambridge EnglIsh tor Schools Starter'? /4 Cf/ 30 16 11 4/ /3 ~ . • Unit 0 Unit 0 Learn English! 1 How can yo u le arn En g lis h? Look at the pi ctur es. Can you learn English like this?

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2015, 12:14

98 998 1
English for starter 2 students book

English for starter 2 students book

... part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the ... Dd Gg diamond glass Ee grey egg Hh elephant Ff hoop Ii fish flower ice cream Jj juice football fork Kk kite knife 76 Ll pink ladder plate Mm purple menu monkey Qq quarter Nn nose Rr radio Oo

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2017, 20:38

88 452 2
English for starter 3 students book

English for starter 3 students book

... lessons have we got today? Today, we’ve got Maths and English My favourite lesson is English Talking about school subjects Asking for and giving information This is the laboratory This is where we ... Expressing likes and dislikes 10 Revision of previous vocabulary and structures Asking for and giving information Describing location 13 Can he play tennis? Yes, he can / No, he can’t In my class, ... class, twenty pupils can run fast Expressing ability Counting from 20–30; 40; 50 Asking for and giving information 15 I’m tired and thirsty I’m hungry when it’s lunchtime My uncle is very fast

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2017, 20:53

88 347 0
English for starter 4 students book

English for starter 4 students book

... is in the middle of the theatre Did you like it? Yes, I did Expressing location Asking for and giving information Describing a picture 36 What time did you get up? I got up at a quarter past ... the jungle Squirrels live in forests in Europe In summer, itÕs usually hot and sunny In winter, it's sometimes cold and snowy Unit Study Box coast jungle desert forest Ask and answer WhatÕs ... Talking about the past Telling the time Asking and answering questions 39 The Flower Fair Our plans for next week At home What they look like? 10 Revision 11 A lovely holiday 12 The theatre 13 Talking

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2017, 21:05

88 443 0
English for starter 5 students book

English for starter 5 students book

... English for Starters is a communicative course in English, which takes into account the most modern methodology English for Starters Level aims to stimulate the child’s interest in learning English ... ‘All women are fair’ Page 81 The servant a) left Snow White in the forest b) ran and hid in the forest c) killed Snow White in the forest Snow White found a little house The door was a) open b) not ... book fair every year I like reading science books! c f Unit Read and match Easy Salads For You To Make! Flowers For Every Month Of The Year The Weather In Africa In the desert, it is always very

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2017, 21:16

92 308 0
English for starter 6 students book

English for starter 6 students book

... English for Starters is a communicative course in English, which takes into account the most modern methodology English for Starters Level aims to stimulate the child’s interest in learning English ... lot of biscuits Talking about quantities 22 Too much fat is bad for us You shouldn’t eat too many crisps Too much rubbish is bad for the Earth I’ve never been to another country Yes, I have./No, ... swim turn off (v) – you have to turn off a computer or television U/u uniform – with some jobs you might need to wear a uniform V/v view – we can often look at a beautiful view in the country W/w

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2017, 21:27

92 280 0
How to organize pair work and group work effectively in te aching english for 7th grade students

How to organize pair work and group work effectively in te aching english for 7th grade students

... same small groups for a series of activities, so that students get used to working with one another If the tables and chairs cannot be moved for group work, then students can form groups by turning ... those students and the rest of the class good information for future learning and action Constructive feedback can greatly enhance students? ?? future motivation Some demonstrations for pair ... two copies for each card Students then have to go around the class to find out who has the same card Picture card activities: Kim’s game: students in groups look at the items on a table for about

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 08:27

18 278 0

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