english for business communication students book and teachers book

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_1 doc

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_1 doc

... differences, to be pre - pared for them, and to check where and how they might exist and manifest themselves. RESPECT FOR CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Different cultural orientations and views of the world are ... wealth through effective business is created by reconciling values. This is true for alliances (including mergers and acquisitions) and in recruit- ment. It is true in leadership 1 as well as for nations ... versus intuitive; formal versus informal; rules versus exceptions, etc.). Also, always describe the dilemma by using the words “on the one hand…on the other hand…” opposing values and which leads...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 918 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_3 doc

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_3 doc

... are outdated before they hit the market, you develop a short time horizon. Compare this 78 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES vices on the basis of their performance. Performance, skill, and knowledge ... drinking coffee and looking stunned. One of the German consultants sat with his head in his hands and said “I can’t deal with this. I have a headache. I feel overwhelmed. I can’t focus. And, if three ... cattle with Coke and pretzels. ã Serve not only hot breakfasts but also add some massage, shoe polishing, and other extras and hence “go bankrupt on the flight. ã Compromise and serve hot pretzels,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 419 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_4 pot

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_4 pot

... Cul- ture for Business website (www.cultureforbusiness.com). The CCAP questionnaire has been constantly refined to achieve statistically sig - nificant levels of reliability and consistency, and we ... rights and responsibili- ties. Bureaucracy and the high degree of formalization makes this organization inflexible. Respect for authority is based on the respect for functional position and status. ... Decentral - ized control and management contribute to the shortness of channels of communication. A task-oriented culture is designed for a rapid reaction to extreme changes. Therefore matrix and real client...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 447 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_5 doc

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_5 doc

... both formally and informally, basic flows of materials and information) ã Strategy and Envisioned Future (review the leaders vi- sion, mission statements, goals, objectives, business plans, and ... responsibilities, and assigned rights. Bureaucracy makes this organization quite inflexible. Respect for authority is based on the respect for functional position and status. Expertise and related formal ... expertise and reliability in its application Transformation away from an Incubator culture (Transformations 7–9) More than 90 percent of the world’s business today originates from an informal- and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 478 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_8 pptx

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_8 pptx

... Express, and Volkswagen rather than BMW. Lover brands are often present in cosmetics, fashion and travel orga- nizations. They refer to sex appeal and beauty and belong through an affective and diffuse ... in pharmaceutical, philanthropic, and welfare institutions. Brands such as Volvo, General Electric, BT, and the State Lottery therefore trade on empathy, communication, consistency, and faith – all of which ... it safety and stability), you find the three archetypes of the Caregiver, the Creator, and the Ruler. They all share a feeling of outer and other directedness. The Caregiver stands for altruism,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 513 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_9 pot

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_9 pot

... unions for the benefit of HR. Compensation systems began to emerge with pay for performance and other performance measurement systems. In the 80s, through growth, improved communication, and new technologies, ... in the Netherlands shows a young woman getting ready to go out with her boyfriend. She stands in front of her wardrobe and is desper - ately looking for a dress to put on for a formal evening ... leaves the room and comes back dressed in casual clothing – jeans and a leather jacket. He hands her a pair of her own jeans. The pressure is off, and so is the plan for the formal evening. They...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 409 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_11 pot

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_11 pot

... revenue and that therefore the total effect of the acquisition was an overall 279 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING ACROSS CULTURES 100% Now Projected Performance of HQ 200% Overall performance 125% 50% Performance ... leaders and properties such as logical thinking (translating ideas into simple forms), persistence (learning from errors and swimming against the flow), empowerment (enabling and enthusing others), and ... scandals, particularly in the United States. For this reason and many others, it is clear that there is a need for a new paradigm of leadership. We offer a framework grounded in our research and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 414 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_12 potx

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_12 potx

... management and managing remotely and just in time. On the one hand … On the other hand … One leads best when direct reports are physically close to the leader and can discuss positive and negative ... one hand… On the other hand… One leads when direct reports support and execute, with skill and discretion, those decisions that the firm has made, throwing their weight behind shared policies and ... as open problems and rep - resented as dilemmas. Future leaders and managers will therefore benefit from changing their mindset and viewing their challenges as open problems and expressing them...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 319 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_13 docx

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_13 docx

... a sure-fire formula, nor as a substitute for human judgment, but rather as a way of guiding, testing, recording, and understanding the import of these judgments and as frameworks for shared decisions. One ... cannot successfully innovate, but it is grounds for caution and also grounds for enlisting the help of lead- ers and all those with deserved reputations for social effectiveness. So do we really need ... and do something about it. In a sense this is to be expected. You talk about something and then you walk your talk, but our respondents and participants were impatient for this next phase and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 549 0