english for aviation oxford book pdf

English for aviation

English for aviation

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 12:22

97 1,2K 13
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 20) pdf

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 20) pdf

... với chúng tôi. Douglas: Good. So it remains for me to thank you for coming. Tốt .Tôi cảm ơn ông bà đã tới đây. I hope this is the basis for a long-term business partnership. Tôi hy vọng ... đạt được. Mời bạn nghe lại lần nữa: Eng Good. So it remains for me to thank you for coming. I hope this is the basis for a long-term partnership. Và trước khi chia tay, chúng tôi xin ... lời trang trọng để cảm ơn họ: Douglas: Good. So it remains for me to thank you for coming. I hope this is the basis for a long-term partnership. Tôi phải cảm ơn ông bà đã tới đây. Tôi...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

12 1,3K 3
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 3) pdf

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 3) pdf

... có ở đó không? Chúng ta hãy thử tập nói những câu mở đầu sau đây: English: Could I speak to John, please? Is it possible for me to speak to John, please? I‟m after John Brown? Is he in? Làm ... không biết". Thay vào đó bạn có thể nói: Ví dụ: That‟s a good question. Let me find out for you. Thật là một câu hỏi chí lý. Ông để tôi tìm hiểu xem nhé. "That‟s a good question" ... ta thường hỏi để nói chuyện với ai đó trên điện thoại. Một cách hỏi khác là: “Is it possible for me to speak to Harvey, please?” Cho tôi nói chuyện với Harvey được không ạ? Cũng có khi người...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

10 1,2K 4
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 19) pdf

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 19) pdf

... lại. English M: If you agree to that, then we can agree to a reduced price. Provided that you pay for costs, we can go along with that. That’s fine, as long as you compensate for any ... That’s fine, as long as you compensate for any damage. Được thôi, miễn là ông bồi thường mọi thiệt hại. We have a deal on the proviso that you pay for transport. Chúng tôi sẽ có thoả thuận ... that we arrange shipping. We’d rather go with the second option. Provided that you pay for costs, we can go along with that. That is acceptable. That would be difficult; however,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17

11 687 3
Tài liệu English for Business (Bài 6) pdf

Tài liệu English for Business (Bài 6) pdf

... the rest of the exhibition”. Một vài thí dụ khác: They’d better leave before it starts to rain. I’d better call them before the weekend. ''Bit'' cũng có nghĩa là một phần....

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 12:20

4 677 2
Tài liệu English for Business (Bài 5) pdf

Tài liệu English for Business (Bài 5) pdf

... swing. Victoria has learnt that Lian and Lok are coming to the exhibition so she is out looking for them instead of helping Harvey with the Hale and Hearty stall. Lian and Lok find their way ... ngữ cảnh khác nhau I speak a bit of French. ( I speak a little French) I tried to ask my boss for time off but he wouldn’t have a bit of it. (He said no) It’s a bit much to expect us to work...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 12:20

4 644 2
Tài liệu The Law ( In plan English) for the small Business pdf

Tài liệu The Law ( In plan English) for the small Business pdf

... “Pension Plans” for a more complete dis- cussion of this subject.) (For further information on tax planning devices, contact your local Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office and ask for free pamphlets ... a business for profit. No formalities are required. In fact, in some cases, people have been held to be partners even though they never had any intention of forming a partnership. For example, ... the financing you need for your new or expanding business. 32 • The Law (In Plain English) ® for Small Business shares of stock in a corporation, are used and the same considerations for their issuance...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20

322 917 3
A Practical Guide to BUSINESS WRITING: Writing in English for non-native speakers pdf

A Practical Guide to BUSINESS WRITING: Writing in English for non-native speakers pdf

... been  involved in assisting graduate students develop their business writing  skills. He won the Best Emirati Book Award 2011 for his book A Practical Guide to Business Writing,  a  helpful  Business  English guide  for non-native  speakers of English in the region. He has also been nominated Author  of the Year 2011 by the Webpreneur Academy based in Dubai in rec- ognition of his dedication and innovations in the elds of education  and entrepreneurship. He gained a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Souther ... United Kingdom For details of our global editorial oces, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see ... Kingdom “This book is an indispensable aid to anyone wishing to improve his or her performance in the workplace. A must for the serious student of business English and a great guide for those wishing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20

170 2,3K 1
English for aviation

English for aviation

Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2014, 22:54

44 765 0
English for aviation practice test 1

English for aviation practice test 1

... landing, they’ll have to avoid busy roads. Photo C English for Aviation y Practice Test 1 y Photocopiable © Oxford University Press English for Aviation Practice Test 1 This practice test is divided ... snowploughs will need to get to work. English for Aviation E X P R E S S S E R I E S Practice Test 1 Photo A English for Aviation y Practice Test 1 y Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 39 Would ... late. a up b for c into d until 50 Can we delay departure ___________ 2000 UTC? a at b for c until d because English for Aviation y Practice Test 1 y Photocopiable © Oxford University...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 11:36

10 1,1K 2
Subject : English For Aviation docx

Subject : English For Aviation docx

... decentralization significant? • Terminals are kept on a human scale ( passenger volumes nerver become uncomfortably) • Walking distances are kept low ( parking lots are small ) • Airport staff are required ... ) 9 .,0B232>52;2,23,82552,B02 232,B2[332,-5 9 F,>OTTB232B>52;2,2>2>52,3 0252T3 9 25-0!cD5d 9 2,->eD5d Special terms Special terms @>,223 DALLAS FORT WORTH 3. How do the interlining passengers move between terminals? 5 / - ... 3 9 :Q,B2,3<<>,B52W>-23? @>,223 AIRTRAIN – NEW YORK JFK AIRPORT DALLAS-FORT WORTH AIRPORT LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT CHARLES DE GAULLE AIRPORT 9 Arrival : Lowest : 03 and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 02:21

31 880 2


... basis. 2. Remun is the formal word for money that an employee receives for doing his/her job. 3. When we work for more than the normal working time, we say that we work (and therefore earn) over . 4. ... more money for the work you do, you might ask your boss for a ri . 12. If an employee needs some of his/her wages paid before the usual pay day, he / she might ask for an adv (known informally ... a note, or bill, sent to you to ask for payment for goods or services. A ________ is a note (from a shop, for example) which shows how much you have paid for something. 13. A ________ is the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:31

82 6,1K 56

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