english for automobile engineering unit 3 rotary system docx



... Trang 1UNIT 3Lecturer: Lang Van Thang ENGLISH FOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING ROTARY SYSTEM Trang 2Presentation Read the text and complete Trang 3Practice 1a) D has a number ... D:F are b) The two gear system in Figure 3.2 are d) The movement of A is the movement of B Choose a, b, c, d or e to complete the sentences Use Figure 3.2 and Table 3.1 below: e) The speed ... sprocket and chain system The number of teeth on the sprockets is very important On the bike in Figure 2.6, the has 32 teeth and If front sprocket is 60 rev/min, the Therefore: front sprocket

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:20

12 976 6


... Trang 1UNIT 1Lecturer: Lang Van Thang ENGLISH FOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING IN A WORKSHOP Trang 2GRAMMAR OVERVIEW1 Simple tense We You ... He, She + is I, We, You, They + do It, He, She + does Trang 3GRAMMAR OVERVIEW2 There + be / have, have got Tom has three cars V + ing 3 Machine There are two cars in parking lot Example: Example: ... 10Development 2Look at Figure 1.3 and complete the text: 1 Cars have wheels and tyres; bikes have wheels and tyres 2 Planes have wings bikes, cars and locomotive do not (have wings) 3 Cars, locomotives

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:20

10 873 14
English for chemical engineering and petrochemical   refining lesson 3 hydrocarbon

English for chemical engineering and petrochemical refining lesson 3 hydrocarbon

... Acid formula Acid name CH3COOH H2CO3 Acetic acid Carbonic acid HNO3 HNO2 H2SO4 Nitric acid Nitrous acid Sulfuric acid H2SO3 Negative ion CH3COOCO32HCO3- NO3NO2SO42HSO4Sulfurous acid SO32HSO3- Name ... Hydrogensulfite Review lesson Salts Positive ion (Metal ion) + Negative ion Na2CO3 KMnO4 MgSO4 CaSO3 AgCl AlBr3 Fe(NO3)2 Fe(HCO3)3 Sodium Potassium Magnesium Calcium Silver Aluminum Iron (II)/ Ferrous ... ENGLISH FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PETROCHEMICAL - REFINERY Hoang Anh Viet Dung Oct 2016 Review lesson Name of positive ions H+ Na+ Ca2+ K+ Mg2+ Ag+ Al3+ Hydrogen /ˈhaɪdrədʒən/

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2018, 21:02

30 161 1
An evaluation of the coursebook “english for mechanical engineering 3” at a technical university in hanoi

An evaluation of the coursebook “english for mechanical engineering 3” at a technical university in hanoi

... 34 3.2.1 The teachers 35 3.2.2 The students 35 3.3 Data collection instruments and procedures 35 3.3.1 Survey questionnaires 35 3.3.2 Semi-structured ... 31 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 32 3.1 An overview of the research contexts and the evaluated coursebooks 32 3.1.1 Contexts 32 3.1.2 Coursebook 33 IV 3.2 ... Non-ferrous (adj.) 30 Soft (adj.) 31 Strong (adj.) 32 Synthetic (adj.) 33 Weak (adj.) 34 Centimeter/ Centimetre = cm (n) 35 Foot – feet (số nhiều foot) (n) 36 Inch (n) 37 Meter/metre = m (n) 38 Millimeter/

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2021, 08:56

113 37 1
An evaluation of the coursebook english for mechanical engineering 3” at a technical university in hanoi

An evaluation of the coursebook english for mechanical engineering 3” at a technical university in hanoi

... 34 3.2.1 The teachers .35 3.2.2 The students .35 3.3 Data collection instruments and procedures 35 3.3.1 Survey questionnaires 35 3.3.2 Semi-structured ... 31 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 32 3.1 An overview of the research contexts and the evaluated coursebooks 32 3.1.1 Contexts 32 3.1.2 Coursebook 33 IV 3.2 ... Semi-structured interviews 36 3.3.3 Design of the study and data collection process 37 3.4 Data analysis 38 3.5 Chapter summary 39 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2023, 00:49

113 3 0
English for Mechanical Engineering

English for Mechanical Engineering

... 4 Unit four 5 6 7 8 9 Unit ñve Unit six Unit seven Unit eight Unit nine 10 Unit ten 11 Unit Eleven 12 Unit Twelve References Traditional Machine Tools Welding 05 11 17 23 27 32 36 39 43 49 ... DUNG (For Internal Use Only) Trang 2+ 3y HO CHI MINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY Ms MT LT NGUYEN THI MY DUNG HO CHI MINH CITY - 2009 (For Internal Use Only) |Trang 31 Unit one 2 Unit two 3 Unit three ... composites are generally required for high performance structural ‘applications.Trang 32Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ho Chi Minh University of industry 33 The specific strength (strength-to-density

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2012, 10:55

72 738 4
English for mechanical engineering  Pre - intermediate

English for mechanical engineering Pre - intermediate

... CITY- 2007 (For Internal Use Only)Trang 4CONTENTS 1 Unit one Engineering- What’s it all about 2 Unit two Engineering Materials and Plastics 3 Unit three Metals 4 Unit four Corrosion 0 Unit five ... industry 3 Complete the text using information from the diagram and language you have studied in this unit The: main branches of engineering are civil, (1) (2) and electronic Mechanical engineering ... materials respond to these forces by elastic deformation (that is, the material returns to its original size and form when the external force is lifted), permanent deformation, or fracture Time-dependent

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2012, 10:41

65 948 2


... 13. ………… is a cropping system in which fields of single crops are cultivated. 2. Give corresponding types of words for the given words 1. Renovation (n)………… (v)? 2. Improve (v)………………(n)? 3. ... hasn‟t seen his sister since she left for Japan Laurence last…………………………………………………………………… 2. I haven‟t been here before It‟s the first time………………………………………………………… 3. It‟s ages since my sister was ... text that have the same meaning as: 1. to get something out with effort or by force (a verb) 2. at the present time (an adverb) 3. a person who buys goods or uses services (a noun) 4. to be equal

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20

10 406 0
Đề tài the situation of learning english for electrical engineering of d06k52 students in faculty of foreign language, ha noi university of technology

Đề tài the situation of learning english for electrical engineering of d06k52 students in faculty of foreign language, ha noi university of technology

... general English In his opinion, learning general English well is only the foundation for learning ESP well Trang 4 And according to the course requirements in textbook of English for Electrical Engineering, ... difficulties or not Q3a: always 10 62.5 Q3b: Sometimes 6 37.5 Q3c: Never 0 0 Q3d: No opinion 0 0 Advantages of studying EEE Q4a: easy to understand 1 62.5 Q4b: enthusiastic teacher 6 37.5 Q4c: reality ... will investigate the solution for the situation of learning EEE in FOFL, HUT Trang 13 References ° Pham Thanh Duong, MA; Luong Trung Kien, MA English for Electrical Engineering Course requirement

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2014, 16:24

18 504 0
Designing a task based syllabus of english for electrical engineering at industrial university of vinh

Designing a task based syllabus of english for electrical engineering at industrial university of vinh

... analysis 25 3.1 Institutional factors 25 1.2 Teacher factors 26 3.1.3 Learner factors 26 3.1.4 English Courses at IUV 27 3.2 The Study 28 3.2.1 Research approach 28 3.2.2 Participants 29 3.2 Instruments ... Definition of ESP 2.2.2 What is electrical engineering? 2.2.3 What is English for electrical engineering? 2.3 Syllabus 2.3.1 Definitions of syllabus 2.3.2 Types of syllabus 2.4 Task –based syllabus ... 28 3.2.2 Participants 29 3.2 Instruments for data collection 29 3.3 Data analysis 31 3.4 Procedure 31 Chapter FINDINGS ANG DISCUSSION 32 4.1 The findings 32 4.1.1 Needs on designing a task-based

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2015, 20:28

110 583 0
English for chemical engineering and petrochemical   refining lesson 4 equipment for chemistry lab

English for chemical engineering and petrochemical refining lesson 4 equipment for chemistry lab

... ENGLISH FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PETROCHEMICAL - REFINERY Hoang Anh Viet Dung November 2016 LESSON – Review ... important and necessary for you as students of chemistry to make experiments in your school laboratories? to test the theoretical knowledge What burners serve for? They serve for producing flames ... the work, which is to be carried out It may be intended for the student to put to the test his theoretical knowledge/ school laboratory, for the technician/ technologist to verify and check processes

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2018, 21:02

23 220 1
English for chemical engineering and petrochemical   refining lesson 6 the reaction rate

English for chemical engineering and petrochemical refining lesson 6 the reaction rate

... teaches English for the oil and gas industry This is the trainer who/that teaches English for the oil and gas industry 12 Lesson 6: Homework - Read and translate into Vietnamese text 13 ... ENGLISH FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PETROCHEMICAL - REFINERY Hoang Anh Viet Dung December 2016 LESSON – Review ... product species as well as of external parameters such as the temperature For example, In Figure 2.1 the rate of change for a species at any time is proportional to the slope of its concentration

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2018, 21:02

13 161 0
English for environmental engineering

English for environmental engineering

... one in seven (para 3) 1.3% (para 3) 32 million vehicles (para 4) between 10% and 15% (para 5) 3 4 8: 6 Il Read the text carefully and answer the following questions ly 2: 3 How did the smog in ... hundred thirty five 335 (AmE) 1,700 seventeen hundred 1,721 seventeen hundred and twenty-one 1,000 a thousand / one thousand 3,000 three thousand 3,020 three thousand and twenty 3,722 three thousand, ... days”? 2 What may be the reasons for “hazy days”? 3 Has there ever been a problem of “hazy days” in your area? Traffic congestion on a highway BEFORE YOU READ Before reading the text make sure

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2018, 00:01

178 152 0
Organizing some games to improve the quality of english for students in grade 3

Organizing some games to improve the quality of english for students in grade 3

... (1988) Teach English Cambridge: Cambridge University Press An English Teaching Guide For Vietnamese Teacher Forseth, R (1994) Methodology Hand book for English Teachers in Vietnam America: English ... the English subject for all students, I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" Purpose of research How to apply for flexible ... knowledge system most easily 3.Research subjects Due to the limited time, , I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" Make

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2019, 08:37

18 159 0
Organizing some games to improve the quality of english for students in grade 3

Organizing some games to improve the quality of english for students in grade 3

... (1988) Teach English Cambridge: Cambridge University Press An English Teaching Guide For Vietnamese Teacher Forseth, R (1994) Methodology Hand book for English Teachers in Vietnam America: English ... the English subject for all students, I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" Purpose of research How to apply for flexible ... knowledge system most easily 3.Research subjects Due to the limited time, , I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" Make

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2019, 17:45

18 107 3
Organizing some games to improve the quality of english for students in grade 3

Organizing some games to improve the quality of english for students in grade 3

... (1988) Teach English Cambridge: Cambridge University Press An English Teaching Guide For Vietnamese Teacher Forseth, R (1994) Methodology Hand book for English Teachers in Vietnam America: English ... the English subject for all students, I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" Purpose of research How to apply for flexible ... knowledge system most easily 3.Research subjects Due to the limited time, , I decided to take the initiative "organizing some games to improve the quality of English for students in grade 3" Make

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2019, 15:12

18 133 0


... London New York Singapore Stockholm Berlin Who can tell me the common feature of these cities? UNIT 3: THE GREEN MOVEMENT Lesson 7: Communication and Culture I COMMUNICATION Task Listen to an overview ... for future [,skỉndi'neiviən](a) thc vê generations, think about the following places According to the Global Green Economy Index (GGEI) 2014 Xcăng-đi-na-vi - a detailed assessment of the performance ... Sweden Stockholm dwellers are fortunate to live in one of the greenest capitals in the world And they try their best to keep it that way The city is well known for its cycle paths and lanes full

Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2020, 19:51

21 99 2
English 12 e 12 UNIT 3 READING

English 12 e 12 UNIT 3 READING

... pollutant you think of when you see the above pictures?  Soot (Black carbon) UNIT 3: THE GREEN MOVEMENT Lesson 3: Reading Black carbon pollution Task Answer the questions What is soot? Do you ... Although black carbon remains in the atmosphere for no more than seven days it is particularly damaging to frozen areas Soot emissions might be responsible for the quick melting of the Arctic Controlling ... human health 3. _ Soot does not only have an impact on globs warming and climate change, but is also unhealthy A soot particle is very tiny - smaller than dust and mould, and about 1/30 the width

Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2020, 19:51

23 123 0
Teachers’ and students’ views on grammar presentation in the course book “English for chemical engineering” at Sao Do University

Teachers’ and students’ views on grammar presentation in the course book “English for chemical engineering” at Sao Do University

... the course book “English for chemical engineering” and grammar teaching at Sao Do University Limitations of the study 35 38 vii Recommendations for further research 39 Conclusion 39 REFERENCES 41 ... Suggestions for grammar presentation in the course book “English for chemical engineering” and grammar teaching at Sao Do University * For grammar presentation in the course book “English for chemical engineering”: ... in the course book “English for Chemical engineering” at Sao Do University? 24 Chart 3: How difficult you find grammar points in the course book “English 25 for Chemical engineering” at Sao Do

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:45

55 6 0
Final test 2nd semester 2019-2020 course: English for mechanical engineering - ĐH Sư phạm Kỹ thuật

Final test 2nd semester 2019-2020 course: English for mechanical engineering - ĐH Sư phạm Kỹ thuật

... for Section 1.1 and Section 2: X Choose: No a b Cross out: c No a Choose again: b c d No a * b c d a No d S E C T IO N 1 SE C T IO N 27 37 18 28 38 19 29 39 20 30 21 31 22 32 23 33 24 34 25 35 ... Mechanical Engineering FINAL TEST (2nd semester, SY 2019-2020) Course: English for Mechanical Engineering Signature of proctor Course code: ENME320124 Signature of proctor Test code: 3152 Total ... water go c) goes the water d) the water go 35 When you switch on the power, the pum p _water through the pipes a) forcing b) is force c) forces d) has force 36 Every Tuesday morning, my friend _a

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2020, 03:03

12 48 0