electrical control circuit design software



... Actuators 875 CONTROL LAWS 28.5.1 Proportional Control 28.5.2 Integral Control 28.5.3 Proportional-Plus-Integral Control 28.5.4 Derivative Control 28.5.5 PID Control 880 881 883 CONTROLLER HARDWARE ... HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR DIGITAL CONTROL 28.12.1 Digital Control Hardware 28.12.2 Software for Digital Control 28.13 909 909 911 FUTURE TRENDS IN CONTROL SYSTEMS 28.13.1 Fuzzy Logic Control 28.13.2 ... 28.9.3 Open-Loop Design for PID Control 898 28.9.4 Design with the Root Locus 899 28.10 PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL CONTROL 28.10.1 Digital Controller Structure 28.10.2 Digital Forms of PID Control 875

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

27 333 0
(Ebook electronics)   the Rf and microwave circuit design cookbook (maas, 1998 artech h)

(Ebook electronics) the Rf and microwave circuit design cookbook (maas, 1998 artech h)

... microwave circuit design cookbook — (Artech House microwave library) 1 Microwave circuits—Design and construction 2 Radio circuits —Design and construction 1 Title 621.38132 ISBN 0890069735 Cover design ... Equivalent Circuit Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit Gummel-Poon Model 36 Structure and Operation 37 2 Electrical Characteristics 37 3 Large-Signal Equivalent Circuit 40 Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit ... properties of the circuit; “Description,” the circuit i itself, “Design,” the design procedure, as specific and “cookbook-like” as possible; | “Variations,” other useful modifications of the circuit;

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2014, 02:00

144 481 0
Tài liệu The RF and microwave circuit design cookbook doc

Tài liệu The RF and microwave circuit design cookbook doc

... microwave circuit design cookbook — (Artech House microwave library) 1 Microwave circuits—Design and construction 2 Radio circuits —Design and construction 1 Title 621.38132 ISBN 0890069735 Cover design ... Equivalent Circuit Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit Gummel-Poon Model 36 Structure and Operation 37 2 Electrical Characteristics 37 3 Large-Signal Equivalent Circuit 40 Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit ... properties of the circuit; “Description,” the circuit i itself, “Design,” the design procedure, as specific and “cookbook-like” as possible; | “Variations,” other useful modifications of the circuit;

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 22:20

144 464 1
Circuit design with HDL Chapter 4 Structural modeling pdf

Circuit design with HDL Chapter 4 Structural modeling pdf

... Examples  Combinational Circuit  Sequential Circuit 3 A – Overview Primitive Gates, Switches, User-defined primitives 4 Verilog model for hardware design 5 Verilog design Gate/Switch ... a hardware design. Choose an appropriate model to design Combinational or Sequential Circuit.  Some books do not classify Dataflow modeling as a separate modeling type. RTL Design - Procedural ... tranif1 R rtranif1 R inout2 control inout1 rtranif0 R tranif1, rtranif1 inout1 tranif0 R inout2 20 Switches  Ref “Verilog digital system design , Zainalabedin Navabi for design examples at switch

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

51 338 0
Circuit design with HDL Chapter 5 Dataflow modeling (Expression) ppt

Circuit design with HDL Chapter 5 Dataflow modeling (Expression) ppt

... higher than gate- level, describe the design using expressions instead of primitive gates  Circuit is designed in terms of dataflow between register, how a design processes data rather than instantiation ... Expression, operator, operands  Design examples 3 Dataflow model  For complex design: number of gates is very large -> need a more effective way to describe circuit  Dataflow model: Level ... result = greaterNotLess ? (A > B) : (A < B); endmodule 21 Sequential circuit  4-bit ripple carry counter 22 Sequential circuit  4-bit ripple carry counter 23 Summary  Continuous assignment:

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20

24 312 0
bowick, c. (1997). rf circuit design

bowick, c. (1997). rf circuit design

... Single-Layer Air-Core Inductor Design Every rf circuit designer needs to know how to design inductors It may be tedious at times,... LOADED Q The Q of a resonant circuit was defined earlier ... defined as the circuit Q SOME DEFINITIONS The resonant circuit is certainly... on circuit Q, but the reverse is not true Circuit Q is a measure of the selectivity of a resonant circuit The ... emphasis on rf circuit design. He is the author of several articles in various hobby magazines. His hobbies include flying, ham radio (WB4UHY ) , and raquetball. RF CIRCUIT DESIGN by

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:34

178 482 1
Digital Circuit Design-Lecture 1 pps

Digital Circuit Design-Lecture 1 pps

... students with digital design practice as well as principles  Learn a way to use actual chips for designing practical digital circuits  Learn modern design technologies with Xilinx software and programmable ... ECE 5 61 - Lecture 1 14 Circuit. .. arrive simultaneously  It is almost impossible to design a combinational logic circuit that is 10 0% glitch free It can be design such that the glitches ... and programmable chips  See the role HDLs have played in design methodology ECE 561 - Lecture 1 4 Modern Digital Design  Real logic designs are too large to solve by straight theoretical approach

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 03:20

17 354 0
Digital Circuit Design - Lecture 2 pptx

Digital Circuit Design - Lecture 2 pptx

... Digital Circuit Types  Combinational Logic Circuit – one whose outputs depend only on its current inputs   A more descriptive term might be feedforward combinational logic circuits These are circuits ... Sequential Design Basics 9/25/089/25/08 9/250/8 – ECE 561 – ECE Lect 561 Lect Copyright ECE 561 -2008 Lecture ... combinational logic circuits These are circuits in which there is no feedback Sequential Logic Circuit – one whose output depends not only on its current inputs, but also on the past sequence

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 03:20

22 494 0
Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 2 docx

Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 2 docx

... Microwave Circuit Design F Giannini and G Leuzzi  20 04 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-84701-8 62 NONLINEAR MEASUREMENTS... investigation of nonlinear microwave circuits’, IEE ... transform computation in nonlinear circuit analysis’, IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., 7(11), 374–376, 1997 [55] R.J Gilmore, Nonlinear circuit design using the modified harmonic-balance ... is the voltage, and the circuit elements are described as admittances. Alternatively, Kirch- hoff’s current law can be used, with the current being the unknown, and the circuit elements described

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

40 284 0
Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 3 potx

Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 3 potx

... equivalent circuit can represent eq (3. 10), it can be seen as an equivalent -circuit empirical model (Figure 3. 5) PHYSICAL MODELS IE 93 IC E C B Figure 3. 5 The equivalent circuit of ... and the equivalent circuit becomes (Figure 3. 13) Ic1 Iq1 Iq2 Ic2 Figure 3. 12 A current-charge... equivalent -circuit elements are usually added to the equivalent circuit in order to ... ‘Two-tone intermodulation measurements using a computer-controlled microwave tuner’, Microwave J., 32 , 156–161, 1989 [8] C Tsironis, ‘A novel design method of wideband power amplifiers’, Microwave

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

40 238 0
Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 6 pps

Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 6 pps

... components that can be effectively controlled in an actual design. On the one hand, in fact, the circuit complexity issue suggests the use of a minimum number of circuit idlers that are necessary ... specified during the design phase; it is a specification to be fulfilled by a separately designed driver circuit using information about the input-port characteristics MULTI-HARMONIC DESIGN FOR HIGH ... amplifiers are usually designed making use of two or three idlers only to control second and third output harmonic impedances. As frequency increases (e.g. >20 GHz), the control of both the second-

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

40 271 0
Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 7 ppsx

Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 7 ppsx

... description of the oscillatory circuits more commonly used in microwave circuits is given, and a brief recapitulation of the main methods available for ‘unstable’ circuit design is provided. Oscillators ... nonlinear regime for the design of general microwave circuits free of spurious oscillations of nonlinear origin or for the design of intentionally unstable nonlinear circuits, as frequency dividers ... 5.4 DESIGN METHODS In this paragraph, design methods making use of simple small- and large-signal concepts are described for the design of oscillators Guidelines for high-efficiency design

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

40 228 0
Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 8 ppt

Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 8 ppt

... multiplier design GC (dB) 10 GC (dB) 8 6 Re[YOUT,2] 4 0 1 2... active frequency multiplier General guidelines are available that help the designer in the first phase of the circuit design ... formulation, the control current or voltage is computed by standard application of the Volterra series algorithm to the one-port nonlinear circuit being probed. Instead of zero-control current ... oscillator design using S-parameters’, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., 31(8), 633–639, 1983. [11] C. Rauscher, ‘Large-signal technique for designing single-frequency and voltage-controlled

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

40 308 0
Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 10 potx

Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Design phần 10 potx

... does not perturb the circuit. + − V LO (w 0 ) + − V probe (w) Z (w) = 0 Z ( n w) =∞ Z ( k w 0 ) =∞ I control (w) Z L Nonlinear circuit + − V LO (w 0 ) + + − − I probe (w) V control (w) Y (w) = ... of the circuit may determine the behaviour of the circuit, whether stable or not. By changing the value and checking the stability properties of the solution, the operating regions of the circuit ... procedure for the design of an instability has also been introduced; both are based on the conversion matrix. When a parameter of the circuit changes in such a way that the circuit starts oscillating

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

44 270 0
fundamentals of rf circuit design with low noise oscillators

fundamentals of rf circuit design with low noise oscillators

... RF Circuit Design The π Transistor Model The ‘T’ model can now be transformed to the π model as shown in Figure 1.3 In the π model, which is a fully equivalent and therefore interchangeable circuit, ... Oscillator Design”, IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, Orlando, Florida, 28–30 May 1997, pp 909–918 40 K.K.M Cheng and J.K.A Everard, “A New and Efficient Approach to the Analysis and Design of ... passive components illustrating the effects of parisitics in chip components Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design It should be noted that this chapter will use certain parameter definitions which will

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 17:20

287 327 0
HBT characterization and modeling for nonlinear microwave circuit design

HBT characterization and modeling for nonlinear microwave circuit design

... each trial Therefore, such a process for the circuit design and fabrication... LSI circuits HBT is the best for sample and hold circuits Large-signal Collector Efficiency M H H ... integrated circuits. The device models of HBTs implemented in computer-aided design tools, which can include small-signal model and large-signal model, are extremely important for successful design ... FOR NONLINEAR MICROWAVE CIRCUIT DESIGN ZHOU TIANSHU ( M.Eng., SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY, P.R. CHINA ) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:20

212 746 0
Analog CMOS integrated circuit design

Analog CMOS integrated circuit design

... auxiliary circuit is used to control the output common mode dc level as shown in the right half circuit of Fig 11. The circuit consists of N1-N4, N1”, N8” is a copy of half of the transconductor circuit M1-M4, ... filter design, people are seeking ways to make their design achieve better performance in HF application. In the realm of Gm-C filter design (low pass), the most critical problem is to design ... for the design of Analog and mixed 5 signal integrated circuit systems, particularly for the design of continuous-time Gm-C filters. Over the pass few years, a few CMOS transconductor designs

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 13:38

78 351 0
Optical disc design and design software development

Optical disc design and design software development

... system design software 2.2 Design and development of an integrated optical system and media design software (IOSMDS) Integration of optical system and media design software ... DISC DESIGN AND DESIGN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIM KIAN GUAN A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2007 OPTICAL DISC DESIGN AND DESIGN SOFTWARE ... disc design software which is only for optical system or media analysis is inadequate for advanced optical data storage design Software with optical system and media design

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 12:23

157 251 0
AN0710   antenna circuit design for RFID applications

AN0710 antenna circuit design for RFID applications

... the circuit between antenna A and VSS pads excluding the circuit element between antenna B and VSS pads In Figure 17 (a), the tuned resonant... the circuit The parallel resonant circuit ... Resonant Circuit Figure 18 shows a simple parallel resonant circuit The total impedance of the circuit is given by: EQUATION 47: jωL Z ( jω... Equation 52, the Q in the parallel resonant circuit ... circuit is proportional to the load resistance R and also to the ratio of capacitance and inductance in the circuit When this parallel resonant circuit is used for the tag antenna circuit,

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 11:33

50 286 0
Solution manual for microelectronic circuit design 5th edition by jaege

Solution manual for microelectronic circuit design 5th edition by jaege

... Full Solution Manual for Microelectronic Circuit Design 5th Edition by Jaege https://getbooksolutions.com/download/solution-manual-formicroelectronic-circuit-design-5th-edition-by-jaeger 2.1 Based

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2019, 17:00

16 229 0

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