eg a se readout matrix array of thin film transistors tft

báo cáo hóa học:" Structural and optical properties of a radio frequency magnetron-sputtered ZnO thin film with different growth angles" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Structural and optical properties of a radio frequency magnetron-sputtered ZnO thin film with different growth angles" pdf

... drafted the manuscript K-HK and MP carried out the sample preparation JL and H-SH performed data acquisitions and analysis All authors read and approved the final manuscript Average (400~800 ... growth angles of the ZnO films A 99.99% ZnO target was fixed, and a sample holder was mechanically tilted to get several different angles against the target With many experiments and SEM measurements, ... Torr A pre-sputtering treatment was performed to clean the target surface for 10 using argon plasma A distance between the target center and the sample substrate was kept at 9.5 cm, and we manually...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

5 335 0
A discrete dislocation study of thin film interfacial fracture

A discrete dislocation study of thin film interfacial fracture

... sides of the metal-substrate interfacial crack (a) σ actual ~ +141MPa, and (b) σ actual ~ –141MPa Note presence of "steps" in the crack profile 121 Figure A. 1 Schematic of the application of the alternative ... Cleveringa et al (1997) In one morphology, material (i), the particles are square and are separated by unreinforced veins of matrix material while in the other, material (iii), the particles are rectangular ... system administrators, those whom I have spoken to directly, and all those whose work as a team keep the system up and running, a word of thanks and an admission that all this will not have been...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 21:37

186 221 0
handbook of thin-film deposition (

handbook of thin-film deposition (

... large-area industrial application There are cylindrical, conical, and planar magnetron sources, all with particular advantages and disadvantages for specific applications As with other forms of ... increased substrate temperature and radiation damage This allows the use of substrates that are temperature-sensitive (for example, plastic materials) and surfacesensitive (for example, metal-oxides-semiconductor ... Byrappa and Masahiro Yoshimura HANDBOOK OF INDUSTRIAL REFRACTORIES TECHNOLOGY: by Stephen C Carniglia and Gordon L Barna MECHANICAL ALLOYING FOR FABRICATION OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS:...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:53

646 484 0
Design, fabrication and characterization of thin film materials for heterojunction silicon wafer solar cells

Design, fabrication and characterization of thin film materials for heterojunction silicon wafer solar cells

... glass substrates At high dilution ratio R = 60, an additional TO Raman peak starts to appear near 520 cm-1, indicative of an increasingly crystalline phase 63 Figure 3.23 Impact of ... Figure 6.6 Calculated internal optical reflectance at the rear-side of the c-Si wafer, for the contact regions (i.e c-Si/metal in case of diffused solar cells and c-Si/aSi/metal in case of hybrid ... in a certain degree of parasitic absorption, it is demonstrated in this thesis that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in which an increasing number of DBR unit blocks lead to (a) an...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:15

182 536 0
Development and fabrication of thin film composite (TFC) membranes for engineered osmosis processes

Development and fabrication of thin film composite (TFC) membranes for engineered osmosis processes

... represents that part of the energy that is available for work Figure 2.4 The mixing of a saltwater and a freshwater to a brackish solution For example, the total amount of free energy available ... proposed to provide efficient solutions for a wide range of applications, including seawater/brackish water desalination, wastewater treatment and purification, food and pharmaceutical concentration ... less than the actual demand Today over one-third of the world’s population face clean water shortage and 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation [1,5] The severe water shortage has called...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:02

261 508 0
Enhancement-Mode Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown ZnO Thin-Film Transistors on Glass Substrates Using N2O Plasma Treatment docx

Enhancement-Mode Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown ZnO Thin-Film Transistors on Glass Substrates Using N2O Plasma Treatment docx

... Transfer characteristics at VDS ¼ 10 V Table I Device parameters of as-fabricated and N2 O-plasma-treated ZnO TFTs As-fabricated Device operation Depletion-mode Drain current at zero VGS 3.3 Characteristics ... These ZnO TFTs operate as enhancementmode devices, as indicated by the positive value of VT The device parameters of the as-fabricated and N2 Oplasma-treated ZnO TFTs are summarized in Table ... nitride as an insulator The dielectric constant estimated from the MHz capacitance-voltage characteristics of the capacitors was 6.0 An XPS analysis was carried out to determine the atomic concentration...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

7 438 0
Spatial moment analysis of colloid facilitated radionuclide transport in a coupled fracture-matrix system

Spatial moment analysis of colloid facilitated radionuclide transport in a coupled fracture-matrix system

... The base case data pertaining to radionuclides is adopted from from Li et al [19] and colloids from Abdel-Salam and Chrysikopolous [32] Table Parameters used for validation of the numerical model ... over several kilometers from the nuclear test area in Nevada, U.S was attributed to colloid transport [9] The performance assessment programs of Yucca Mountain project, USA [10] and H-12 of Japan ... the aqueous phase 4Very high dispersion is observed at the early stages as matrix diffusion is very low and dispersion decreases as time progresses and attains a constant value The remobilization...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 17:03

14 478 0
Tài liệu Exporting the Results of a Query to an Array pdf

Tài liệu Exporting the Results of a Query to an Array pdf

... Object[][] tableArray = GetRows(DataTable dt, Integer rowCount, Integer startRow, String[] colName); Parameters tableArray Returns an array of field values corresponding to the values in the columns and ... nRows = Math.Min(nRows, rowCount); // Create an object array to hold the data in the table Array a = Array. CreateInstance(typeof(object), nRows, nCols); // Iterate over the collection of rows ... SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Orders", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); DataTable dt = new DataTable(ORDERS_TABLE); da.Fill(dt); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( ); Array...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

5 310 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Golgi reassembly stacking protein 55 interacts with membrane-type (MT) 1-matrix metalloprotease (MMP) and furin and plays a role in the activation of the MT1-MMP zymogen pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Golgi reassembly stacking protein 55 interacts with membrane-type (MT) 1-matrix metalloprotease (MMP) and furin and plays a role in the activation of the MT1-MMP zymogen pdf

... (1996) The soluble catalytic domain of membrane type matrix metalloproteinase cleaves the propeptide of progelatinase A and initiates autoproteolytic activation Regulation by TIMP-2 and TIMP-3 J Biol ... M, Seidah NG, Fleck E et al (2005) Furin-like proprotein convertases are central regulators of the membrane type matrix metalloproteinase-pro -matrix metalloproteinase-2 proteolytic cascade in atherosclerosis ... transmembrane MT-MMPs or whether it comprises a more general mechanism for furin-mediated activation of transmembrane substrates The activation of ADAM17 by furin [68] and our observation of an...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

18 603 0


... national accounts totals Finally, a SAM always has a matrix format 72 because of its emphasis on the identification of source and use of all transactions Summarizing, a SAM in our view serves as an alternative ... that a SAM is meant to fit into the existing national statistical and planning infrastructure That is to say that, first, a SAM is typically built on the basis of data which are already available ... non-financial asset sal asset to abroa transactions balance of payments current deficlt Rest of World lorrowlng 'tC finance of gross accumulatio~ existing asset purchases from abroad savmgs ending...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

30 520 0
modeling of the conduction in a wo3 thin film as ozone sensor

modeling of the conduction in a wo3 thin film as ozone sensor

... strategies including PCA analysis, noise spectroscopy and modelling of sensor responses Marc Bendahan was born in 1967 He is a researcher at the Paul Cezanne, Aix-Marseille III University (France) ... strategies, conduction and adsorption mechanisms and modelling of sensor responses Khalifa Aguir was born in 1953 He is professor at Paul Cezanne, Aix-Marseille III University (France) He was awarded ... grain size and the superficial density of the adsorption sites are the only adjustable parameters of simulations The other parameters are related to the sensitive layer material The oxygen vacancy...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:04

8 662 0
sensitivity properties of a novel no2 gas sensor based on mesoporous wo3 thin film

sensitivity properties of a novel no2 gas sensor based on mesoporous wo3 thin film

... Tainan, Taiwan, 2001 His major research has related to mesoporous materials, semiconductor gas sensor, and nanomaterials Min Hsiung Hon is a professor in the Department of Materials Science and ... sensing characteristics was examined several times in a week It was found that the initial resistance was approximately maintained, but with a slightly increased resistance at saturation For example, ... laboratories Hsinchu, Taiwan His major research has related to PECVD Ti-Al-C-N system nanocomposite thin films, semiconductor gas sensor, mesoporous materials, nanocrystal, and nanowire materials...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:07

7 499 0
Control and implementation of a new modular matrix converter

Control and implementation of a new modular matrix converter

... Phase A Phase a ap+ -Vc VAB = V Vab = Vcap Phase B Phase b Phase c Phase C -Vcap+ Phase A Phase a VAB = -Vcap VCA = Vcap Phase B Vab = Vcap +Vcap+V VBC = 0V +V Phase C +Vcap-Vcap+ Phase A + Phase ... Phase C + - A B C a b c vbc Phase c -Vcap+ Phase A + Vcap vab Phase c Phase C + Vcap – Vcap Phase a Vab = Vcap VAB = -Vcap VCA = 0V Phase B VBC = Vcap Vca = 0V Phase b Vbc = -Vcap + - A B C vca ... Phase a Vab = Vcap VAB = -Vcap VCA = Vcap Phase B Phase b VBC = 0V Vbc = 0V Vca = -Vcap -Vcap+ Phase A Phase a Vab = Vcap VAB = -Vcap VCA = Vcap Phase B Vca = 0V Phase b VBC = 0V Vbc = -Vcap Phase...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55

7 334 1
Báo cáo toán học: " Measurement of beta amyloid peptides in specific cells using a photo thin-film transistor" pot

Báo cáo toán học: " Measurement of beta amyloid peptides in specific cells using a photo thin-film transistor" pot

... the incorporation of microfabricated devices with biochemical analysis techniques has been dramatically increased Antibody-conjugated microbead arrays on a substrate were used for a multiplexed ... regarded as the most archetypal biomarker of Alzheimer's disease [AD] Recently, an early clinical diagnosis has been considered a great importance in identifying people who are at high risk of ... phosphate-buffered saline, laminin as an extracellular matrix was coated on the channel, and the channel was kept overnight in an incubator at 37°C We prepared HeLa cells for the expression of A ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

12 690 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A simple route to vertical array of quasi-1D ZnO nanofilms on FTO surfaces: 1D-crystal growth of nanoseeds under ammonia-assisted hydrolysis process" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " A simple route to vertical array of quasi-1D ZnO nanofilms on FTO surfaces: 1D-crystal growth of nanoseeds under ammonia-assisted hydrolysis process" pptx

... preparation and characterisation and drafted the manuscript AAU designed the concept and experiment, analysed the results and revised and finalised the manuscript MYAR participated in data analysis ... (FESEM) machine model ZEISS SUPRA 55VP that was operated at an acceleration voltage of kV The structure and phase purity of the as prepared and the annealed samples were characterised using a ... increasing of ammonia concentration Meanwhile, the diameter of the quasi-NRs decreased with the increasing of ammonia concentration The as-prepared quasi-NRs products Ali Umar et al Nanoscale Research...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

12 420 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Frequency and 2D Angle Estimation Based on a Sparse Uniform Array of Electromagnetic Vector Sensors" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Frequency and 2D Angle Estimation Based on a Sparse Uniform Array of Electromagnetic Vector Sensors" pptx

... estimation is a fundamental problem in estimation theory and its applications include radar, array signal processing, and frequency synchronization For scalar sensor array, a number of ESPRIT-based ... extension for a sparse uniform array of vector sensors spaced much further apart than a half wavelength [18] An improved version of the disambiguation algorithm is also presented in [19] In fact, frequency ... X2 and Y2 has a spatial invariance along the y-axis and can yield estimates of the direction cosines {vk , k = 1, , K } This third matrix pencil X1 and Y3 has a temporal invariance and can...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

9 216 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "A New Pipelined Systolic Array-Based Architecture for Matrix Inversion in FPGAs with Kalman Filter Case Study" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: "A New Pipelined Systolic Array-Based Architecture for Matrix Inversion in FPGAs with Kalman Filter Case Study" docx

... the Kalman filter equations that its algorithm comprises a set of matrix operations, including matrix addition, matrix subtraction, matrix multiplication, and matrix inversion Among these matrix ... Both data and Figure 3: Dataflow in systolic array of × matrix size array structures are preserved, with dataflow transferring between arrays (iv) Layer is similar to the ensemble technique Several ... performance of the proposed PSA, a Kalman-filter-based echo cancellation application was implemented By appropriate substitutions of matrices A, B, C, and D (Table 2), matrix- form Kalman filter equations...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

12 437 0
Báo cáo toán học: "a matrix representation of graphs and its spectrum as a graph invariant" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: "a matrix representation of graphs and its spectrum as a graph invariant" ppt

... Graphs are often conveniently represented using matrices, for example, the adjacency matrix, the Laplacian matrix, etc [5] Many important properties of a graph are encoded in the eigenvalues of ... Graph equivalence and characterization via a continuous evolution of a physical analog, cond-mat/0209112 [7] F Harary, Frank and R Z Norman, Some properties of line digraphs, Rend Circ Mat Palermo ... m(= l) Case A: j = l Case B: j = l i = l(= m) Case C: j = m Case D: j = m i = m and i = l Case E: j = m(= l) Case F: j = l(= m) Case G: j = m and j = l For each case we count the possible paths...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

14 403 0
Báo cáo y học: "Anti-inflammatory potential of a malleable matrix composed of fermented whey proteins and lactic acid bacteria in an atopic dermatitis model" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Anti-inflammatory potential of a malleable matrix composed of fermented whey proteins and lactic acid bacteria in an atopic dermatitis model" pot

... on Animal Care as specified in the Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals (CISAU # 0306-01 and # 0410-01) Mouse atopic contact dermatitis (ACD) After a week adaptation in the animal ... mice/group and two independent experiments The statistical analysis of data was performed by the biostatistical service of INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier Statistical analysis used was a repeated measure ... 4-ethoxy-methylene-2phenyloxazol-5-one (oxazolone) (Sigma-Aldrich Canada) was required at a concentration of 5% (w/v) in acetone to cause inflammation Animals CD-1 female mice were obtained from Charles River Laboratories...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

10 417 0