... Conference on Natural Lan- guage Learning (CoNLL-2002), pages 63–69. Yuji Matsumoto, Akira Kitauchi, Tatsuo Yamashita, Yoshitaka Hirano, Hiroshi Matsuda, Kazuma Takaoka, and Masayuki Asahara, 2000. ... for Japanese NLP. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the As- sociation of Natural Language Processing, Japan, pages 379–382, Keihanna, Japan. Satoru Ikehara, Masahiro Miyazaki, Satoshi ... Shirai, Akio Yokoo, Hiromi Nakaiwa, Kentaro Ogura, Yoshifumi Ooyama, and Yoshihiko Hayashi. 1997. Goi-Taikei — A Japanese Lexicon. Iwanami Shoten. Priscilla Ishida. 2000. Doushi Kanyouku-ni taisuru Tougoteki...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20
... operating company) and their possible solutions. Drawing a contract.” By: Arustomjan Nona Chukhno Sergey Dubovitsky Roman Feofilaktova Yevgenja Shashkova Lilja Donetsk 2002 the drivers informed about ... contract reviewed by their attorney (in order to avoid any infringement of the Labour Code or any other laws of Ukraine and to make this document has a legal effect). On the next stage both parties ... change the cituation for better (increase the passing capacity of the roads that doesn’t cope with the growing number of cars and other carriers, build new roads and rearrange the traffic within...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15
Ways of greeting and a comparison between vietnamese and english greetings
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:36
Tài liệu TOWARDS A EUROPEAN UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW A Clash Between Legal Families docx
... specific laws relating to unfair competition rather than by piecemeal legislation; 2. states and international organisations accelerate the harmonisation of laws relating to unfair competition based ... unfair competition law and it involves an assessment of the laws of three Member States of the European Union as well as International and European law. Unfair competition law is such a broad area ... the harmonisation of unfair competition law as far as it has been reached under International and European law. Finally, I will draw conclusions as to the feasibil- ity of harmonising unfair competition...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20
Odd John: A Story Between Jest and Earnest ppt
... 'advance the spirit' on this planet. That was the phrase which flashed into my mind. And though at that early stage I had only a very dim idea about 'spirit' and its 'advance,' ... Yugoslavia and returned to his home in Caldy, where he died very suddenly of a heart attack. Olaf Stapledon was cremated at Landican Crematorium; his widow Agnes and their children Mary and John scattered ... days later, that two mathematicians on the university staff had been found sitting under a street lamp togeth- er at 2 a. m. drawing diagrams on the pavement and disputing about "the curvature...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
a comparison between self - ordering of nanopores in aluminium oxide
... B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The template synthesis is known as an elegant electrochemical approach for the fabrication of nanomaterials such as nanowires and can be considered as an ... A comparison between self-ordering of nanopores in aluminium oxide films achieved by two- and three-step anodic oxidation F. Nasirpouri * , M. Abdollahzadeh, M.J. Almasi, N. Parvini-Ahmadi Department ... oxide film may act as a bar- rier layer and further anodic oxidation develops the porous layer of AAO films. The current transient curves show plateaus regions in a range of 0.6–0.9 mA/cm 2 during...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:47
Aging and decision making: a comparison between neurologically healthy elderly and young individuals ppt
... what country is the Cannes film festival held? (Canada, France) 6 What musical features the songs “Amer- ica” and “Maria”? (West Side Story ,A Chorus Line) 7 Which is a natural satellite of Earth? ... Sun) 8 What do a penny,nickel, dime, and quarter add up to? ($0.41, $0.51) 9 What does the acronym TWA stand for? (Trans West Airlines,Trans World Airlines) 10 Which actress won an AcademyAward for her ... card. In all six choices one of the two decks had a positive mean payoff, and the other deck had a non-positive payoff. The deck with the positive average payoff had a smaller variance. A total...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Tradeoff between Compositionality and Complexity in the Semantics of Dimensional Adjectives" potx
... measure. However, I argue that we face a tradeoff rather than a knock-down argument against compositionality, since the increased com- plexity of the compositional approach may be manageable ... linguistic data on which a formal semantics of adjectives can be evaluated, such as the interaction of comparative and equative complements with scope-bearing operators: quanti- tiers, logical connectives, ... T. Dean. Large-Scale Temporal Data Bases for Planning in Complex Domains. In: Pro- ceedings of the IJCAI-87. 860-866 [Hellan, 1981] L. Hellan. Towards an Integrated Analysis of Comparatives....
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Is there a relationship between factor V Leiden and type 2 diabetes?" doc
... luca.libre@humanitas.it; Stefano Genovese - stefano.genovese@humanitas.it; Ilaria Quaglia - ilaria.quaglia@humanitas.it; Lidia Luciana Rota - lidia.rota@humanitas.it * Corresponding author Abstract Background: ... for citation purposes) Statistical analysis Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or as number and percentage where appropriated. Statistical analysis was performed with STATA 6 http:// www.stata.com ... Humanitas IRCCS, Rozzano (MI), Italy Email: Corrado Lodigiani* - corrado.lodigiani@humanitas.it; Paola Ferrazzi - paola.ferrazzi@humanitas.it; Pierpaolo Di Micco - pdimicco@libero.it; Luca Librè...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Health-related quality of life in patients waiting for major joint replacement. A comparison between patients and population controls" pot
... Seitsalo - seppo.seitsalo@invalidisaatio.fi; Matti Lehto - matti.lehto@coxa.fi; Pekka Paavolainen - pekka.paavolainen@invalidisaatio.fi; Kalevi Hietaniemi - kalevi.hietaniemi@hus.fi; Pekka Rissanen ... patients and population con- trols) were from capital area. A total of 75 (28%) partici- pants were from other urban area and 48 (18%) from rural area. A comparison between patients and population ... improvements in phys- ical function, vitality and mental health and reductions in pain, or have shown that total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA) are beneficial and effec- tive...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "The Catchment Feature Model: A Device for Multimodal Fusion and a Bridge between Signal and Sense" potx
... 153–158, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Atlanta, Ga, USA, 1994. [96] C. Pelachaud and S. Prevost, “Coordinating vocal and visual parameters for 3d virtual agents,” in Proc. 2nd Eurographics Workshop ... in 1st Australasian User Interface Con- ference, pp. 73–80, IEEE Computer Society, Canberra, Aus- tralia, January–February 2000. [23] A. Wexelblat, “An approach to natural gesture in virtual en- vironments,” ... end, this paper will contextualize the engineering research in hu- man gestures by a detailed literature analysis, advance the catchment feature model that facilitates a decomposed fea- ture approach,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
Drawing a Cartoon Lion, King of the Cartoon Jungle docx
... Off the Head Area This is an easy step. Draw the eyes as they appear in the example image to the right and then make some whiskers along both sides of the mouth. Draw some zigzag lines to ... the head is wider than the body and this is because we'll be adding a big mane to the lion. Step 2 - Ears, Nose, Tail and Details First add two curves for the ears. The right ear is a little ... how the tail looks like it curves around the body? Step 3 - The Mouth and Ears Start at the bottom of the nose and draw a line downward. Draw a curve on both sides of this line to make the...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20
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