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INTERNET PROTOCOL VERSION 6: Federal Agencies Need to Plan for Transition and Manage Security Risks pot

INTERNET PROTOCOL VERSION 6: Federal Agencies Need to Plan for Transition and Manage Security Risks pot

... bits = 16 bits 32-bit IPv4 address YYY YYY YYYYYYYYY 128-bit IPv6 address (Resulting in 4,294, 9 67 ,2 96 unique IP addresses) (Resulting in 340,282, 366 ,920,938, 463 , 374 ,60 7, 432, 76 8 ,211,4 56 unique ... information grid ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ID identification IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IP Internet protocol IPv4 Internet protocol version 4 IPv6 Internet ... IPv6 routers. For example, with IPv6 enabled, most Source: GAO. IPv6 enabled IPv6 enabled IPv6 compatible data IPv4 compatible data RouterRouter IPv4 only Internet Page 5 GAO-05- 471 Internet Protocol Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

41 491 0
ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6

ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6

... Leaving The Group Hình 47: For Situation Of Group Membership Operation ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6 Một giao thức khác đã được chỉnh sửa trong phiên bản 6 của nhóm giao thức ... thay thế RARP. IG M ICP IPv4 ARP RAR ICPMv6 IPv6 Lớp mạng trong phiên bản 4 Lớp mạng trong phiên bản 6 Hình 32 : So sánh giữa mạng lưới phiên bản 4 và 6 Trong ICMPv4 ta chia thông điệp ICMP ... báo lỗi cho người gửi. Bảng 1 . So sánh giữa tin báo lỗi của ICMPv4 và ICMPv6 Type fo Message Version 4 Version 6 Destination unreachable Yes Yes Source Quench Yes No Packet too big No Yes Time...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 20:20

14 676 1
Giao thuc ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6

Giao thuc ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6

... Trong phiên bản 6 giao thức này bị loại và nhiệm vụ của nó cũng Giao thuc ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6 Một giao thức khác đã được chỉnh sửa trong phiên bản 6 của nhóm giao ... IPv6. Nếu người gửi không làm đúng quyết định cỡ của gói, tuyến đường sẽ không có sự lựa chọn nào ngoài việc loại bỏ gơi và gửi một báo lỗi cho người gửi. Type fo Message Version 4 Version 6 Destination ... thay thế RARP. IG M ICP IPv4 ARP RAR ICPMv6 IPv6 Lớp mạng trong phiên bản 4 Lớp mạng trong phiên bản 6 Hình 32 : So sánh giữa mạng lưới phiên bản 4 và 6 Trong ICMPv4 ta chia thông điệp ICMP...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 20:20

12 903 0
Bổ sung tính năng Search the Internet vào menu Start trong Windows 7 ppt

Bổ sung tính năng Search the Internet vào menu Start trong Windows 7 ppt

... mới trong menu Start của Windows 7 thực sự là bổ sung hữu ích và tiện lợi, giúp cải thiện đáng kể việc tương tác giữa bạn và PC của mình. Tuy nhiên, mặc định Windows 7 chỉ hỗ trợ việc tìm kiếm ... Windows 7) . Đầu tiên, nhập gpedit.msc trong hộp Search của menu Start hay trong hộp thoại Run và nhấp Enter. Bổ sung tính năng Search the Internet vào menu Start trong Windows 7 ... từ internet thông qua trình duyệt web mặc định. Bài viết sau sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn bằng cách sử dụng Group Policy Editor (chú ý: Group Policy Editor không tồn tại trên phiên bản Home của Windows...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:20

5 297 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P1 ppsx

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P1 ppsx

... 1 962 – Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible / Deke McClelland. p. cm. ISBN 0- 76 4 5-3491-2 (alk. paper) 1. Computer graphics. 2. Adobe Photoshop. I. Title. T385 .M 377 9 964 2000 0 06. 6' 869 dc21 00-0 461 86 LIMIT ... fax 3 17- 572 -4005. For press review copies, author interviews, or other publicity information, please contact our Public Relations department at 65 0 -65 3 -70 00 or fax 65 0 -65 3 -75 00. For authorization ... department at 3 17- 572 -3993 or fax 3 17- 572 -4002. For consumer information on foreign language translations, please contact our Customer Service department at 800-434-3422, fax 3 17- 572 -4002, or e-mail...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 286 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P2 docx

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P2 docx

... with the custom shape tool. 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 Cross- Reference 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 24 Part I ✦ Welcome to Photoshop 6 Photoshop operations timing If ... . . . . . . 66 4 The Bold New Layer Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7 The advantages of layer effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3 Inside the ... . . . . . . . . 76 5 Sucking saturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5 The Auto Levels commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 6 The Auto Contrast...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 225 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P3 doc

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P3 doc

... like before opening or importing it. This preview appears when you select the image in the Open dialog box. 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 Note 6 Photoshop 6 40 Part I ✦ Welcome to Photoshop 6 Actual ... 50 percent or 25 percent, but not 75 percent or 66 .7 percent. And you never know what it’s going to be with the fit-on-screen view. 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 43 Chapter 2 ✦ Inside Photoshop In ... choice from the Type pop-up menu. Check out Chapter 15 for more good news about type in this version of Photoshop. 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 57 Chapter 2 ✦ Inside Photoshop The Precise and Brush...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 263 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P4 ppsx

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P4 ppsx

... 3-5. In Version 6, Photoshop displays thumbnails for any files saved in the native format (PSD). If you’re running Windows 98 or Windows 2000, the operating system may generate thumbnails for files ... Photoshop for the Mac saves thumbnails in the so-called resource fork of the file, but Windows programs can’t even see the resource fork, much less translate it. Fortunately for all, both versions ... PDF formats (Chapter 3): Photoshop 6 supports more than a dozen standardized file formats. However, prior to Version 6, the only format that supported layers was the native Photoshop (PSD) format....

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 444 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P5 ppsx

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P5 ppsx

... different applications running under Windows or some other platform. The native format Like most programs, Photoshop offers its own native format — that is, a format optimized for Photoshop’s particular ... BMP BMP (Windows Bitmap) is the native format for Microsoft Paint (included with Windows) and is supported by a variety of Windows and DOS applications. Photoshop supports BMP images with up to 16 million ... film brands — E -6 for Ektachrome or K-14 for Kodachrome — or settle for the generic Color Negative V3.0 Film option. Your selection determines the method Photoshop uses to transform the colors...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 324 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P6 potx

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P6 potx

... to represent the entire 16 million color range. The slider displays 2 56 colors, and the field displays 65 ,000 variations on the slider color; 2 56 times 65 ,000 is 16 million. No matter which ... grayscale is the only other color mode compatible with a wider range of file formats. Table 4-1 File-Format Support for Photoshop 6 Color Models Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed RGB Lab CMYK Photoshop ... sup- port for duotones. This is because you can save a duotone in DCS 2.0 only after first converting the image to the multichannel mode. For more information, consult Chapter 18. As for the double...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 255 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P7 pps

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P7 pps

... it — but for some reason, you press Alt to get the scissors cursor in the Preset Manager, not Ctrl as you do in the Swatches palette. 6 Photoshop 6 Tip 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 160 Part II ... panel of the Preferences dialog box. 6 Photoshop 6 Grayscale composite Red Green Blue 171 Chapter 4 ✦ Defining Colors If choosing a command is too much effort, just drag the channel onto the delete ... outside Japan. HKS formerly was provided only in the German and French versions of Photoshop, but enough people asked for it to be included in other languages that it now is available in all versions...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 274 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P8 docx

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P8 docx

... Photoshop 3), Y (as in Version 4), or N (as in Version 5), prepare for yet another change. The new pencil tool shortcut is B, same as for the paintbrush. Toggle back and forth between the two ... perpendicular line for as long as the key is pressed. In the figure, I represented the axis for each line in gray. After establishing the basic skeletal form, I added some free-form details with ... the keyboard. Press Shift+Alt+D to select the Desaturate option. Press Shift+Alt+S for Saturate. 6 Photoshop 6 2 06 Part II ✦ Painting and Retouching Figure 5-25: You can load, save, and edit brush...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 204 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P9 potx

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P9 potx

... paint bucket tool offers several useful adjustment options. 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 Tip 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 233 Chapter 6 ✦ Filling and Stroking ✦ Preserve transparency: Add the Shift ... Chapter 7, which explains ways of creating custom patterns. Figure 6- 1: These options govern the performance of the paint bucket tool. Click to display palette menu 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 212 Part ... Photoshop applies the grada- tion to the entire layer. 6 Photoshop 6 Note 6 Photoshop 6 211 Chapter 5 ✦ Painting and Editing Figure 5- 27: The top and middle strokes show examples of fading strokes...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 226 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P10 pps

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P10 pps

... repre- sentation of the Foreground and Background color controls in the toolbox. 6 Photoshop 6 Tip 13% (minimum) 35% 60 % 87% (maximum) 265 Chapter 7 ✦ Retouching, Repeating, and Restoring Figure 7- 1: By using ... stop Opacity midpoints 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 2 37 Chapter 6 ✦ Filling and Stroking ✦ Gradient preview: The selected gradient appears in the gradient preview, labeled in Figure 6- 9. Click the preview ... Figure 6- 16. Figure 6- 16: Two gradations created with the angle gradient tool, one using the standard Foreground to Background gradient (left) and the other with my reflected Fore to Back to Fore...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 305 0
Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P12 ppt

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible- P12 ppt

... layer for which you’ve locked image pixels. 6 Photoshop 6 309 Chapter 7 ✦ Retouching, Repeating, and Restoring Figure 7- 34: This map of Japan comes from the Digital Stock image library. Figure 7- 35: ... the background eraser. 6 Photoshop 6 2 97 Chapter 7 ✦ Retouching, Repeating, and Restoring That one action —clicking on a state—is the gist of what you need to know to travel forward and backward ... duplicates the state to a new image window. Then you can save the state to the format of your choice. Tip 6 Photoshop 6 6 Photoshop 6 320 Part III ✦ Selections, Masks, and Filters ✦ Drawing out from the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 11:20

30 130 0

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