... the issue of survival, if they can get away with it The job of the leader is to make sure they don’t get away with it A leader must represent to the organization the imperative of survival, the ... understand flying He puts it this way: the problem with the so-called “Theory of Flight” is that it usually becomes a theory of building the airplane rather than of flying it It goes deeply—much too ... to the first half of the book Leadership the hard way is a demanding way of life It demands a lot from the leader as an individual It also demands a great deal from people in the organization The...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:03
... great interest It is consistent with the finding that analysis of lung mechanics might be more accurate than gas exchange in assessing the effect of LRM [8,9], insofar as it emphasizes the effect ... If the method presented proves to be sufficiently robust to reflect the effect of LRMs before they are actually applied, then this could be the basis for a larger clinical trial, in which it ... consider it the way to go Competing interests The author declares that they have no competing interests References Koefoed-Nielsen J, Nielsen ND, Kjaergaard AJ, Larsson A: Alveolar recruitme nt...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
Cooking The Japanese Way
... carry them home, hanging them outside the door to guide the spirits They may also light a welcoming bonfire, called mukaebi Then the family shares a festive meal, which always includes the favorite ... of Obon, it is time to guide the spirits back to their world Many cooks prepare snacks for the spirits to take with them on their journey Once again, lanterns and bonfires light the way Finally, ... put on their best clothes and gather to toast the new year with a drink of otoso—spiced sake, or rice 14 wine Many people make their first visits of the year to shrines and temples At home, they...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 15:19
Tài liệu The Only Way to get Certified Quickly. docx
... denied - 45 - 640-604 Switching 3.0 Redundant Switch Links 4.1 Switch Port Aggregation with EtherChannel Switches can use Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, or 10Gigabit Ethernet ports to scale ... mechanisms The resulting protocol is termed IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet In a campus network, Gigabit Ethernet can be used in the switch block, the core block, and in the server block In the switch ... 1000BaseLX/LH 1000BaseZX 2.1.4 10Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet has been further extended to 10Gigabit Ethernet, using the same IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frame format 10Gigabit Ethernet offers a throughput...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16
How to take care of timber decks, cladding, garden sheds, furniture etc – the proper way
... Clean & Restore above) On the other hand if the water droplet stays there and does not soak in, but rather sits there on the wood, it tells you that there is something there like a previous coating ... more pigment in them and they resist the UV rays better Textrol (clear) by the way, can last, when properly applied, from1.5 to years depending on its position relative to the sun The less exposed ... time at all with a simple, pump type garden sprayer or even a roller or sweeping brush etc It is not a dirty job and anybody with the slightest DIY ability can it easily The Seasonite will prevent...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:08
Tài liệu Microeconomics for MBAs - The Economic Way of Think for Manager pdf
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:15
Minding the heavens the story of our discovery of the milky way
... allow them to gauge the extent of the starry congregations without leaving the surface of the Earth The most important clue to the distribution of stars is the phenomenon we call the Milky Way The ... orbital motion around the Sun than they did to the stars per se and to the possibility that they might be distributed in some structured way The theory of island universes The theory of island universes—which ... universe theory The theory of island universes itself is a minor character in the drama of our understanding of the Milky Way and other galaxies, always in the background, sometimes moving into the...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 13:40
Tài liệu Is It the Network? Solving VoIP Problems on a Wireless LAN ppt
... the same whether wireless VoIP is being used or not; therefore, they are outside the scope of this paper It may seem counterintuitive to think that the way you configure the AP could affect the ... before it may pass data through an authenticator (AP) The time it takes for the handset to communicate with the server and wait for its authentication to be processed could be enough for call quality ... Wi-Fi collision, the Wi-Fi frame must be retransmitted If the frame must be retransmitted once, it often is sent at the same speed as the initial frame If the frame is retransmitted multiple times,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu The new way of CAD docx
... adjusted at any point Either the beginning or the end of the line can be attached to an already existing object which can be broken at the intersection point with the double line The “DOUBLE LINE” ... Refedit (Block In-Place Editing) * edit blocks without leaving the host drawing Changes are saved back to the originally inserted drawing Refedit (Block In-Place Editing) * sửa khối mà không ... wavelet-based image compression standard It was created by the Joint Photographic Experts Group committee in the year 2000 with the intention of superseding their original discrete cosine transform-based...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu The Joy of Clojure: Thinking the Clojure Way pdf
... with the Java language, but understandably we don’t want to abandon our investment in the Java Virtual Machine and its capabilities: the libraries, the configuration, the monitoring, and all the ... explain the other would respect neither Therefore, we decided that a better approach would be to focus on The Clojure Way of writing code When we become familiar with a programming language, the ... behind and approach the enclosed topics with an open mind In many ways, Clojure will change the way you view programming, and in other ways it ll obliterate your preconceived notions The language has...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu Living well the natural way docx
... one sit bone, shift the weight to the other and back again Once or twice lift the right sit bone together with bringing the right shoulder closer together to the right hip Alternate and bring the ... after it and provide it with the right fuel it runs properly If you don’t look after it and maintain it, over time it will start to break down, a little thing here and a little thing there until it ... while tilting the head forward and to the side so that the luid runs out the other nostril The process is then repeated for the other nostril and the nasal cavity is dried by tilting the head forward...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20
The Ethical Way doc
... and the others out there—they've given us the day off, but the galactics are all busy in the fields Everybody has to work, Dad." Laurent looked through a slight haze at the masters laboring in the ... multiply by the number who've been doing it. " "Then that's behind our economic troubles A currency shortage Can we take it away from them?" "Of course not Besides being unethical, it would turn them ... arrangement and it percolated swiftly up through the hierarchy to the council of the highest group heads, who directed policy for the entire Galaxy There were nine of them and they talked over...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20
The Cheapest Way to Make Phone Calls, Send Faxes or Use the Internet docx
... hang up right away and inform the operator or the customer service department of the appropriate company about the trouble Calls made within the LATA, the calling area served by the local phone ... THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES, AND NEW DEVELOPMENTS AND CHANGES OCCUR FREQUENTLY THEREFORE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT WITH ANY APPLICABLE TELEPHONE COMPANIES ABOUT THE SERVICES THEY OFFER AND THE RATES THEY ... made within your LATA, the area served by your local telephone company The cost of the call is determined by multiplying $ 000199 by both the distance of the call in miles, and the duration of the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Managing agrodiversity the traditional way docx
... University From 1998 to 2002, the project was supported by the Global Environment Facility with the United Nations Environment Programme as Implementing Agency and the United Nations University ... United Nations University, 2004 The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations University United Nations University ... other coastal water bodies This resting period coincides with the period when the fish in the lagoons lay their eggs Apart from the apparent fear of spirits, which these taboos instilled in the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20
... using these workers When the majority is very large compared to the minority - in the United States whites are nine times as numerous and have much more human and physical capital per capita than ... by the majority hardly lowers their incomes, but may greatly reduce the incomes of the minority However, when minority members are a sizable fraction of the total, discrimination by the majority ... that it may be difficult to appreciate the hostility in the 1950s and 1960s toward the approach that went with the term The very concept of human capital was alleged to be demeaning because it...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20
Build Your Own Website the Right Way using HTML & CSS docx
... the page itself For example, it contains the title7 element, which tells the browser what to display in its title bar (the title bar is the very top part of the browser window the part with the ... descriptive title! Figure 2.4 The title appearing in the Windows Taskbar Figure 2.5 The title displaying in the Mac dock ■ If users decide to add the page to their bookmarks (or favorites), the title ... that the signifies the start, while the closing signifies the end of the title That’s how closing tags work: they have forward slashes just after the first < angle bracket The...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 21:21
the high waymen
... lungs, never to return .The passengers huddling on the floor of the stage The gun shots scaring them so much, they fear the worst They begin saying goodbye to each other and to their loved ones, as ... imminent The stage continues .The stage breaks through the forest on to the plains The fog lifting, they can see the light of the soon to rise sun, though day is still hours a way London is not far, they ... He is surprised at the speed of the coach, the cargo must be must be important The passengers pray that they complete the trip, curse the driver for the speed Not knowing of the dangers out side,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:54
Energy Efficiency – The Innovative Ways for Smart Energy, the Future Towards Modern Utilities docx
... from the utility Keep the voltage tolerance with the allowed limits Continuous monitoring for the power quality Load control and management with proper methodology Keep the consumption with the ... which the main the spaces had to be naturally ventilated, being these the Operational Support Building and Utilities Centre, and the other where the artificial control of the thermal conditions ... CENPES site planning, including the 1st phase of the Research Center towards the south and the expansion with new buildings on the north part of the site facing the bay, as presented in the winning...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20