do s and don ts of writing for publication

The Do’s and Don’ts of Entering a Relationship

The Do’s and Don’ts of Entering a Relationship

... relationship that many people just don t realise The repercussions of actions and words in the early stages of a relationship can manifest themselves in a relationship for as long as it lasts; which ... Do s and Don ts of Entering a Relationship Stephen M Robinson Disclaimer: The information provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed The publisher ... relationship with This isn’t for someone who s found that person and wants to learn the secrets to attracting them, like I said that s for another book There are certain do s and don ts that can...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:02

86 286 0
Securitization Accounting: The Ins and Outs (And Some Do’s and Don’ts) of FASB 140, FIN 46R, IAS 39 and More . . . ppt

Securitization Accounting: The Ins and Outs (And Some Do’s and Don’ts) of FASB 140, FIN 46R, IAS 39 and More . . . ppt

... the securitizer and the securitization vehicles, disclosure of assumptions used to estimate fair value, static pool losses and stress tests of the value of the retained interests Some companies ... of its assets in mortgages, mortgage-backed securities, securities of REITs and other real estate-related assets 29 30 Chapter  There is some question as to whether the pledged assets in a securitization ... companies  Public and private offerings  All transfers of financial assets  Resecuritizations of existing ABS, MBS, CMBS and CDO classes  Net interest margin (NIM) transactions What is FASB 140 and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

96 527 0
100 Do''''s and Don''''ts in Web Design phần 1 pot

100 Do''''s and Don''''ts in Web Design phần 1 pot

... 16 do' s and don' ts Images and colors: 10 do' s and don' ts Compatibility: 13 do' s and don' ts General: do' s and don' ts A concluding don' t About SpiderPro Disclaimer Release History 100 Do' s and Don' ts ... Do' s and Don' ts in Web Design SpiderPro -3- Index General information Index Content : 18 do' s and don' ts Navigation: 16 do' s and don' ts Design: do' s and don' ts Bandwidth: do' s and don' ts Presenting ... cool site with hot subjects? Or a hot site with cool subjects? On some hype-sensitive sites these kind of words might be useful but on most sites you'd better refrain from meaningless words Don' t...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22

10 402 0
100 Do''''s and Don''''ts in Web Design phần 2 pdf

100 Do''''s and Don''''ts in Web Design phần 2 pdf

... without distorting them slightly This is even more noticeable if you use a small font So don' t use italics for larger portions of your text Don' t use small fonts Don' t use small fonts (font size smaller ... others provide a readable e-mail-address 100 Do' s and Don' ts in Web Design SpiderPro -19- images and colors Images and colors Do use transparency The presentation of images often improves by ... loading For very small images - like bullets - interlacing makes no sense but in all other cases it does Don' t use too many images Too many images slows down your site Don' t chase your visitors away;...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22

10 379 0
100 Do''''s and Don''''ts in Web Design phần 3 ppsx

100 Do''''s and Don''''ts in Web Design phần 3 ppsx

... and Don' ts in Web Design SpiderPro -27- About SpiderPro This eBook is published by SpiderPro SpiderPro is a website that presents information for professional webmasters Well, with professional ... these do' s and don' ts But actually they're a personal view And you just might disagree But give these 100 do' s and don' ts a serious thought They might fit more often than you think 100 Do' s and ... view for those that don' t use the latest browsers 100 Do' s and Don' ts in Web Design SpiderPro -24- general General Do close popup screens Remove your litter If you want to use popup screens, be sure...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22

7 321 0
Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveEmail Do’s and Don’t''''s pot

Business English Lesson – Advanced Level''''s archiveEmail Do’s and Don’t''''s pot

... is almost guaranteed when it 's received by email decisiveness defensiveness derisiveness discursiveness What 's worse, email can be printed and saved: both parties will often haul out their "documentation" ... However, she warns that it also carries many and even dangers in the office environment deadfalls freefalls pitfalls pratfalls Delivering a negative message is difficult, even when it is spoken ... has them decried missed reviled wronged If you receive an email that you off, and your first reaction is to counterattack, don' t; close it and wait 24 hours before you respond checks fires...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 14:20

9 366 0
thou shall not use comic sans 365 graphic design sins and virtues a designer's almanac of dos and don'ts

thou shall not use comic sans 365 graphic design sins and virtues a designer's almanac of dos and don'ts

... ac of D o Peachpit Press s d an D Thou Shall Not Use Comic Sans 365 Graphic Design Sins and Virtues: A Designer s Almanac of Dos and Don ts Sean Adams, Peter Dawson, John Foster, Tony Seddon ... this rule we must first establish the definition of a “display” typeface and understand how this differs from other fonts In essence, “display” refers to the use of type at large sizes, such as ... trendy is part of the job The obvious reason for choosing classic over trendy typefaces is that the trendy fonts will soon be out of style Classic fonts have survived the test of time Consider...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 00:25

386 320 0
Economic Costs and Benefits of Allocating Forest Land for Industrial Tree Plantation Development in Indonesia pdf

Economic Costs and Benefits of Allocating Forest Land for Industrial Tree Plantation Development in Indonesia pdf

... concessions also has an associated economic cost, resulting in higher economic costs for the country The pessimistic scenario calculates the economic bene ts and costs of these projects for constant ... island of Sumatra The large areas of forest land given in concessions comprise dryland logged-over forests and jungle rubber; swamp forests; some smallholders’ rubber and oil-palm plantations; ... (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia Davis, C 1989 Outlook and prospects for Indonesia s forest plantations Directorate General of Forest Utilization, Ministry of Forestry, Jakarta, Indonesia, and Food and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:21

39 598 0
Sanitation in Urban Poor Settlement and the Importance of Education for the Reduction of the Diffused Pollution - A Case Study of Bauniabad, Bangladesh

Sanitation in Urban Poor Settlement and the Importance of Education for the Reduction of the Diffused Pollution - A Case Study of Bauniabad, Bangladesh

... rounds The purpose of the focus group discussions was to understand their views and refine the historical information The first round of focus group discussions were done before the household based ... EPRC RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sanitation practices 80 Percentage of households Figure shows the change of the use of sanitation options according to the questionnaire survey After 1999, 72% of the ... tanks and three biogas plants connected to the latrines of about 100 households were installed and tested in Bauniabad and another poor settlement The wastewater quality of the systems was observed...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

9 972 0
Tài liệu Aspects considering new and current forms of housing for elderly pdf

Tài liệu Aspects considering new and current forms of housing for elderly pdf

... Manski 1990) day nursery: breakfast – goal: experience of frsh food, start of socializing kindergarten: food: how does it smell and taste and where does it come from school: sport: awareness of ... its needs and possibilities Public Health programmes have to create the acceptance, awareness and visions in every person throughout the life time for possible specific changes in older ages ... is a main goal of Public health? (it is a main goal of older adults) Is living at home the preferred housing style for elderly and what are its reasons? (ages) Decision on how to live are described...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 07:20

5 497 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Combining Orthogonal Monolingual and Multilingual Sources of Evidence for All Words WSD" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Combining Orthogonal Monolingual and Multilingual Sources of Evidence for All Words WSD" pot

... resource, we contend that this does not affect our system s designation as an unsupervised system Some example sentences are repeated across different synsets and POS since the SemCor data is ... Table illustrates the obtained results for the SV2AW using WordNet 1.7.1 since it is the most studied data set and for ease of comparison with previous studies We break the results down by POS tag ... same standard data sets as in (Diab and Resnik, 2002), namely, Senseval English AW data sets (SV2AW) (Palmer et al., 2001), and Seneval English AW (SV3AW) data set We use the true POS tag sets in...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

10 443 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Exponential energy decay and blow-up of solutions for a system of nonlinear viscoelastic wave equations with strong damping" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Exponential energy decay and blow-up of solutions for a system of nonlinear viscoelastic wave equations with strong damping" ppt

... in the case of n > is still open For related results, we also refer the reader to Said-Houari and Messaoudi [23] and Messaoudi and Said-Houari [20] So throughout this article, we have assumed that ... b = and b = and for a wider class of relaxation functions He established a more general decay result, for which the usual exponential and polynomial decay results are just special cases For the ... organized as follows In Section 2, we present some assumptions and definitions needed for this study Section is devoted to the proof of the uniform decay result In Section 4, we prove the blow-up result...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20

19 370 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Global Existence, Uniqueness, and Asymptotic Behavior of Solution for p-Laplacian Type Wave Equation" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Global Existence, Uniqueness, and Asymptotic Behavior of Solution for p-Laplacian Type Wave Equation" ppt

... establish the uniqueness of solution by some a priori estimate to assumed solutions The proof of asymptotic behavior of solution is given in Section Journal of Inequalities and Applications ... 4.23 This ends the proof of Theorem 2.4 Acknowledgments The authors express their sincere gratitude to the anonymous referees for a number of valuable comments and suggestions The work was supported ... Ω study the decay rate of solution to the wave equation utt − Δu g ut is a bounded domain of Rn This paper is organized as follows In Section 2, some assumptions and the main results are stated...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

15 245 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Adaptive access and rate control of CSMA for energy, rate, and delay optimization" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Adaptive access and rate control of CSMA for energy, rate, and delay optimization" docx

... channels, and at any given time only a subset of users can access the channels Therefore, the optimality of channel access decision is crucial in random access networks Random access is widely used ... random access networks was first proposed in order to achieve single hop proportional fairness for slotted ALOHA networks [14] Different types of fairness are also considered and random access ... status using few bits In each timeslot the sensor may send its own packet or forward packets of other sensors We assume a Rayleigh flat fading channel, and use a set of simple Modulation and Coding...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

46 468 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Global Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for Some Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equation" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Global Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for Some Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equation" ppt

... energy For the Cauchy problem of 1.1 , Todorova 12 has also established similar results Zhijian in 13–15 studied the problem 1.1 – 1.3 and obtained global existence results under the growth assumptions ... positive constants depending on the known constants and it may be different at each appearance Main Results In order to state and study our main results, we first define the following functionals: ... from 2.17 and 2.33 that limt → ∞ ut t The proof of Theorem 2.8 is thus finished and limt → 2.33 ∞ ∇u t p Journal of Inequalities and Applications Acknowledgments This Research was supported by...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20

10 378 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Electrodeposition and Capacitive Behavior of Films for Electrodes of Electrochemical Supercapacitors C. Shi • I. Zhitomirsky pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Electrodeposition and Capacitive Behavior of Films for Electrodes of Electrochemical Supercapacitors C. Shi • I. Zhitomirsky pdf

... ES using low-cost stainless steel current collectors It is suggested that sodium salicylate and tiron adsorbed on the stainless steel substrates and passivated the surface of the substrates The ... be used for film formation on other conductive substrates, such as Pt SEM investigations (Fig 3) of the cross-sections of the films on platinized silicon wafers showed that the film thickness was ... highest SC of 254 F g-1 was observed for the sample 523 with a specific mass of 89 lg cm-2 at a scan rate of mV s- 1 The SC decreased with an increasing film thickness and scan rate The results indicate...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

6 298 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence and Asymptotic Stability of Solutions for Hyperbolic Differential Inclusions with a Source Term" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence and Asymptotic Stability of Solutions for Hyperbolic Differential Inclusions with a Source Term" docx

... a possibly different constant if b satisfies (H1 ) So, in the sequel, we denote the different constants by the same symbol as the original constants 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Definition ... main results besides notations and assumptions are stated In Section 3, the existence of global weak solutions to problem (1.1) is proved by using the potential-well method and the Faedo-Galerkin ... terms As far as we are concerned, there is a little literature dealing with asymptotic behavior of solutions for differential inclusions with source terms The plan of this paper is as follows In Section...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

13 328 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Extinction and Decay Estimates of Solutions for a Class of Porous Medium Equations" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Extinction and Decay Estimates of Solutions for a Class of Porous Medium Equations" pptx

... (1.13) Journal of Inequalities and Applications Proofs of theorems In this section, we will give detailed proofs for our result Let · L p (Ω) and W 1,p (Ω) norms, respectively, ≤ p ≤ ∞ p and · 1,p ... estimations of solutions for problem (1.1)–(1.3) For the proof of our result, we employ L p -integral model estimate methods and two crucial lemmas on differential inequality Our main results ... existence and uniqueness of nonnegative solution for problem (1.1)–(1.3) have been studied in [5, 6] The purpose of the present paper is to establish sufficient conditions about the extinction and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

8 308 0