Marketing in travel and tourism
... Canada, the Netherlands and Germany, and Malaysia and Singapore Because of the speed and efficiency of cross-Channel ferries and the Channel Tunnel, same-day visits between Britain and France and ... governments around the world are committed to urban and rural regeneration, and most support the role of culture and heritage and the ideas and concepts involved in the modern understanding of the visitor ... between the use of the terms tourism, and travel and tourism, and they are used interchangeably throughout the book The final part of the chapter looks at some growth implications for tourism and the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 11:40
... States; they serve as the coordination point for and assist the public with tax issues The Mission Assurance and Security Services organization supports the vital mission of the IRS by assuring the ... concerned with the reporting of the incidents to law enforcement authorities and the investigation and recovery of the lost or stolen computer equipment Managers of these employees and information ... between the CSIRC and the TIGTA Office of Investigations was inadequate to identify the full scope of the losses On July 7, 2006, the Chief, Mission Assurance and Security Services, issued a memorandum...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20
... service not included on the Exhibit list, the affiliate should submit their request to the Chief Financial Officer, and if the service fits within the independence guidelines, the Chief Financial ... arrange for the service to be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Audit Committee meeting If the timing of the project is critical and the project needs to commence before the regularly ... Pre-Approval At the beginning of each year, the Chief Financial Officer and Independent Auditor shall jointly submit to the Audit Committee a schedule of the types of audit, audit-related, tax and other...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20
... (S) and proposes the third solution’ as a way to incorporate avant-garde artworks into the aesthetic theory of art The third solution invokes the idea of non-perceptual aesthetic properties and ... how it looks”.2 The current orthodox aesthetic theory of art is more sophisticated than either version of the first solution Shelley labels this theory the second solution’ and describes it ... of the Mona Lisa with the letters L.H.O.O.Q at the bottom) to illustrate the point: 29 ANGHARAD SHAW “Excursions into the beauty with which the moustache was drawn or the delicacy with which the...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20
epub straight to the point [electronic resource] [creating ebooks for the apple ipad and other ereaders]
... to display the Styles palette Then, at the bottom of the Styles palette, click the New Style button (at the far left) Click the tiny button to reveal the Styles palette and then click the New Style ... size, and in the Cochin font Choose these characteristics from the various menus and click OK Next, you’d create the rest of the styles for the book If you are creating the style sheet for the ... button at the bottom to open the Manage Styles box Click the tiny button in the lower right corner to reveal the Styles palette Then, in the Styles palette, click the Manage Styles button In the Manage...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 09:23
Chapter 12: Economics, Global, and Other Issues in Electronic Commerce pptx
... business-to-business financial and other repetitive, standard transactions, e.g EFT & EDI The emergence of the Internet and the extranets resulted in an inexpensive and flexible infrastructure ... information in the form of comments, feedback, elaborating their attitudes and beliefs, and information needs of the community The community brings together consumers of specific demographic and interest ... Regular and EC economics are completely different EC involves gathering, selecting, synthesizing, and distributing information Economics of EC starts with supply and demand, and ends with...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 17:20
The relative importance of earnings and other information in the valuation of rd intensive firms
... firms, I look at the theoretical values o f the coefficients The coefficients depend on the persistence o f abnormal eamings and the persistence o f other information I hypothesize that the persistence ... about the firm then a manager is forced to follow a policy o f full disclosure Otherwise the traders will assume the worst about the firm and discount the value of the firm In contrast to the predictions ... David ArGuenther Date ]y / 3/ ^ l o
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 16:44
Báo cáo y học: "Maitake Mushroom Extracts Ameliorate Progressive Hypertension and Other Chronic Metabolic Perturbations in Aging Female Rats"
... SBP by day 30 and throughout the remainder of the study The entire BP profile and heart rate were assessed near the end of the study as shown in Table Measured by another method, the SBP remained ... during the study Food and Water Intake (Table 1): The food and water intakes near the mid point of study are depicted in Table There were no significant differences in the 24 food consumption, and ... that the RAS was more active in the control group compared to the SX group (Fig.5) [19,33] When estimating the ACE activity in the serum of the SD [34], the latter was found to be lower in the...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 08:57
Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays
... Egypt The action of the drama turns on the attitude of the king and people of Argos, in view of this intended abduction The king puts the question to the popular vote, and the demand of the suitors ... the Prometheus Bound That it was the first of a Trilogy, and that the second and third parts were called the Prometheus Freed, and Prometheus the Fire-Bearer, respectively, is accepted: but the ... her in the shape of a bull And by the will of Zeus and the craft of Hermes was Argus slain Then Io was driven over far lands and seas by her madness, and came at length to the land of Egypt There...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13
ThThe Cook's Wedding and Other Stories
... end of the room to the other, on which baby-clothes and a pair of big black trousers are hanging There is a big patch of green on the ceiling from the ikon lamp, and the baby-clothes and the trousers ... and she shakes her head, rocks the cradle, and murmurs her song The green patch and the shadows from the trousers and the babyclothes move up and down, nod to her, and soon take possession of her ... the cold harsh mist All at once the people with their wallets and their shadows fall on the ground in the liquid mud "What is that for?" Varka asks "To sleep, to sleep!" they answer her And they...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13
Afterlife and Other Stories
... his father said They walked to the door, and each in turn kissed his mother good-bye She gave his father a hug, and father and son walked out to the blue Mercury Marquis, which was parked in the ... nothing Once at the Y, his father parked the car They walked inside together As their paths diverged, his father repeated, “Remember about Freddy.” Then the boy headed off to the locker room ... his father didn‟t like himself Over the years of traveling to swimming pools throughout the New York area, the boy and his father had spent a great deal of time in the car During the rides they...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 16:13
A teacher's guide to interference and other problems
... Indo-European, and as such is closely related to Frisian, English, German and the Scandinavian languages It is the standard language in the Netherlands and in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, ... *He said that they in the northern part of Jutland speak a special dialect Constructions with it and there In Norwegian and Swedish, the equivalent of the there is construction uses the pronoun ... unof®cially called `Flemish' The use of the standard language as the ®rst language is far more widespread in the Netherlands than in Flanders There most people habitually use one of the many local dialects...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:35
... extracted and analyzed by the same conditions as described above The analytical results showed that there is no 2-AP peak in the Korea rice samples at the Rt (9.498 minute) as the 2-AP peak of Pandan ... ml/min at 250C The injection was performed in splitless mode first (5 for SPME and for SDE), then in split mode to the end of the cycle (38.5 for SPME and 70 for SDE) After warming the column at ... for the GC/MS analysis The transfer line and the Fig Adsorption phase in SPME extraction injector temperature were respectively maintained at 260°C and 250°C He at ml/min was the carrier gas The...
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 16:28
pratice variable speed and dirves power electronic
... to the product of the armature current and the field flux Output Torque T ∝ IAΦ • The direction of the torque and direction of rotation of the DC motor can be reversed either by changing the ... of the difference in the head between the point B and point C The energy savings on large pumps can be quite substantial and these can readily be calculated from the data for the pump used in the ... horizontally along the surface of the road to propel the vehicle in the forward direction The higher the magnitude of this force, the faster the car accelerates In this example, the motion is designated...
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 21:03
The Black Cat and other stories
... until the minute-hand on the clock came up to the hour And then, when they heard the first sound of the clock, everything stopped as before The dreams stood still until the great deep voice of the ... stones and made a hole in the earth that filled the middle of the wall I put my wife there, put back the stones, made some new plaster and put it on the wall Then I cleaned the floor, and looked ... clock When they caught him, the mask and the empty clothes fell the floor everyone cried out in horror There was nobody inside the clothes! There was nobody there The man's body was nothing but...
Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 17:11
Module12 Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics
... implements the counter, and the variables upperbound and lowerbound, which contain the upper and Here, upperbound, lowerbound, and the class counter are part of the scope defined by the CounterNameSpace ... data This means that x and y are double values, and the outcome of the division and the return type of div( )—is double The second, i_ob, operates on type int Thus, x, y, and the return type of div( ... type of the cast, and expr is the expression being cast into the new type What Next? The purpose of this book is to teach the core elements of the language These are the features and techniques...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 03:15
Exceptions, Templates, and Other Advanced Topics
... implements the counter, and the variables upperbound and lowerbound, which contain the upper and Here, upperbound, lowerbound, and the class counter are part of the scope defined by the CounterNameSpace ... data This means that x and y are double values, and the outcome of the division and the return type of div( )—is double The second, i_ob, operates on type int Thus, x, y, and the return type of div( ... integer It then assigns that memory the value 100 and displays the contents of the memory on the screen Finally, it frees the dynamically allocated memory The delete operator must be used only...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 03:15
Homophones and Other Commonly Confused Words
... on the following page Then go on to the rest of the lesson Although homophones like farther and further may be confusing, they aren’t likely to appear on the vocabulary section of a test like the ... attention to details, and use them to help you remember the words and their meanings The more carefully you read each definition and the closer you look at the spelling of each word, the more likely ... or other study strategies to review these commonly confused words until you have them memorized, and then review them again Use these words If you use these words in your everyday writing and...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20