direct and indirect production costs

Direct and Indirect speech acts in English

Direct and Indirect speech acts in English

... rather on indirectness since there are 62 exchanges out of which at least one is indirect, the total number of exchanges being 89. Direct- direct, indirect- indirect and direct- indirect contributions ... exchanges: direct speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, indirect speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, direct speech acts motivated by indirect speech acts and finally indirect speech ... partners of one couple (between Henri and Sonia and between Hubert and Inès with Henri and Sonia using indirectness- indirectness the most frequently). There is one indirect speech act which is not...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 10:37

45 2,2K 4
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor

Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor

... Principles of the Proposed Method Title Block Indirect torque control method of BLDC motor explained in [9] was extended to a direct torque and indirect flux control technique for six-switch ... amplitude and rotating direction of the stator flux linkage is given in Table I. Fig. 1: Decagon trajectory of stator flux linkage in the stationary αβ – plane. Direct Torque and Indirect ... measured stator voltages α s V and β s V and currents α s i and β s i , then by using (1) and (4) q- and d-axis flux linkage are drived. Also, by usig (4) q- and d-axis current are calculated....

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:45

5 618 2
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor

Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor

... time-varying signals (reference and/ or feedback) quite well. A PPENDIX I S PECIFICATIONS AND P ARAMETERS OF THE BLDC M OTOR A PPENDIX II OZTURK AND TOLIYAT: DIRECT TORQUE AND INDIRECT FLUX CONTROL OF ... Method In this study, indirect torque control method of BLDC mo- tor explained in [29] is extended to a direct torque and indirect flux control technique, which is suitable for sensorless and flux- weakening ... well. OZTURK AND TOLIYAT: DIRECT TORQUE AND INDIRECT FLUX CONTROL OF BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR 355 TAB L E I S WITCHING T ABLE FOR DTC OF BLDC M OTOR U SING T HREE - PHASE C ONDUCTION indirectly kept...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46

10 628 0
Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

... emissions by livestock production system in 2004 Livestock production system Emissions (million tonnes CH 4 per year by source) Dairy cattle Other cattle Buffalo Sheep and goat Pigs Poultry ... 2005) • Meat and Milk production is projected double in 2050 (229/ 580 to 456/1043 mT) • Livestock: 40% agirculture GDP; employs 1.3 bil people; 1/3 humanity’s protein intake While: • Land is limited ... management, after application/deposition on soil and direct emissions (million tonnes CH 4 per year) Dairy cattle Other cattle Buffalo Sheep and goat Pigs Poultry Total Grazing 0.11 0.54 0.00...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2013, 16:04

24 308 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Effecting of medium composition on biomass and ginsenoside production in cell suspension culture of Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv " doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Effecting of medium composition on biomass and ginsenoside production in cell suspension culture of Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv " doc

... accumulation and biomass production. The maximum growth and ginsenoside production was obtained for nitrogen concentration of 30 mM. Keywords: MS strength, sucrose, nitrogen, auxin, and cytokinin. ... Results and discussion 1. Effects different strength of MS medium on biomass and ginsenoside production Table 1 shows the effects of different strength of MS medium on biomass and ginsenoside production. ... growth and ginsenoside production The effect of initial sucrose concentration (0, 20, 30, 50, 60 and 70 g/L) was also investigated in suspension cultures of P. vietnamensis for biomass and production...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 10:20

6 624 1


... others and it may be, in selecting PART- II SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION 32 PART- II SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION 11 penned in a cool place during the heat of the noon and afternoon and ... so of pregnancy and inflicts mostly PART- II SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION 33 PART- II SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION 1 SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION Bakht Baidar Khan Arshad ... wash your hands and arms and external parts of the mother, lubricate one hand and slip it in gently to try to find out the position of the lamb/kid. Q. How the lamb’s/kid’s legs and position...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

71 560 0


... cause severe irritation and lameness. A dosage of PART- III SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION 42 Table 13. Estimates of forage production for Pakistan rangelands Rangeland type Place Air-dry weight ... flock of lice and are safe to use. PART- III SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION 23 PART- III SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION 27 rot should be segregated and those infected ... the same magnitude of rangeland. Q. What type of lands have been termed as rangelands? Under the conditions of this country, rangelands include all categories of land that are not under forest...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

174 642 0
Tài liệu Applications Mechanical Seals -Sealing Technology in Pulp and Paper Production pptx

Tài liệu Applications Mechanical Seals -Sealing Technology in Pulp and Paper Production pptx

... customers‘ efficiency and productivity and be recognized world-wide as a reliable and expert partner for high quality and leading-edge technology. A key role in achieving these goals and helping to ... self-contained, the increasing cost and effort associated with supplying and treating the water and higher operating costs in general have all led to a change in approach and are the main reasons for ... is first sorted and pressed into bales. Mixed with plenty of water and a certain amount of chemical additives it is then fiberized in so-called pulpers and sorted into slightly and heavily contaminated...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

22 498 1