din 2413 part 1 design of steel pressure pipes

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 3.1: Tháp và ống khói (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 3 1 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 3.1: Tower and chimney)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 3.1: Tháp và ống khói (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 3 1 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 3.1: Tower and chimney)

... Eurocode 3 See 1. 1 .1 of EN 19 93- 1- 1 1. 1. 2 Scope of Part 3. 1 of Eurocode 3 (1) This Part 3. 1 of EN 19 93 applies to the structural design of lattice towers ... (E) 1 .3 Assumptions (1) See 1 .3 of EN 19 93- 1- 1 1. 4 Distinction between principles and application rules (1) See 1. 4 of EN 19 93- 1- 1 1. 5 Terms and definitions (1) ... (1) For requirements and properties of ropes, strands, wires.. .BS EN 19 93- 3 -1: 2006 EN 19 93- 3 -1: 2006 (E) 1 General 1. 1 Scope 1. 1 .1 Scope of Eurocode 3 See 1. 1

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 00:22

82 483 1
Ebook Design of Steel Structures - Part 1

Ebook Design of Steel Structures - Part 1

... TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter DESIGN OF MEMBERS 11 5 3 .1 Introduction 11 5 3 .1. 1 General 11 5 3 .1. 2 Resistance of cross sections 11 6 3 .1. 2 .1 General criteria 11 6 3 .1. 2.2 Section properties 11 7 3 .1. 3 Buckling ... CmLT k zz = Cmz ày 1. 00 = 1. 00 ì 1. 17 = 1. 17; N 520 1? ?? 1? ?? Ed 62437.6 N cr ,y àz 0. 91 = 1. 00 ì 1. 17 ì = 1. 06; N Ed 520 1? ?? 1? ?? 62437.6 N cr ,y µz 0. 91 = 1. 05 × = 1. 17 N Ed 520 1? ?? 1? ?? 2774.7 N cr ,z ... IT ⎠ ⎝ M crE = π 81? ? 10 6 × 89.29 × 10 −8 × 210 × 10 6 × 214 2 × 10 −8 4.00 ⎛ π × 210 × 10 6 × 12 49 × 10 −9 ⎞ × ⎜ 1+ = 806.0 kNm −8 ⎝ 4.00 × 81? ? 10 × 89.29 × 10 ⎟⎠ The coefficient of non-dimensional

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2022, 14:15

288 4 0
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 2: Thiết kế cầu thép (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 2 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 2: Steel bridges)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 2: Thiết kế cầu thép (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 2 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 2: Steel bridges)

... EN 19 93 -1- 1 2. 1 .2 (1) Reliability management See 2. 1 .2( 1) of EN 19 93 -1- 1 2. 1. 3 Design working life, durability and robustness 2. 1. 3 .1 (1) General See 2. 1. 3 .1( 1) of EN 19 93 -1- 1 ... design working life... member axes (1) See 1. 7 (1) , (2) , (3) and (4) of EN 19 93 -1- 1 2 Basis of design 2. 1 Requirements 2. 1. 1 (1) Basic requirements See 2. 1. 1 (1) , (2) and (3) of ... treatment of shear lag effects at the ultimate... of EN 19 93 -1- 1 3 Materials 3 .1 General (1) See 3 .1( 1) and (2) of EN 19 93 -1- 1 3 .2 Structural steel 3 .2. 1 (1) 3 .2. 2 (1) Material

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 00:18

106 897 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 3.2: Tháp và ống khói (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 3 2 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 3.2: Tower and chimney)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 3.2: Tháp và ống khói (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 3 2 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 3.2: Tower and chimney)

... Materials 3. 1 General (1) See EN 19 93- 1- 1, EN 19 93- 1 -3 and EN 19 93- 1- 4 3. 2 Structural steels 3. 2. 1 Material properties (1) Due account should be taken of the variation of mechanical ... STANDARD Eurocode — Design of steel structures — Part 3-2: Towers, masts and chimneys — Chimneys ICS 91. 010 .30; 91. 060.40; 91. 080 .10 12 &23[...]... the definition of different levels of reliability ... EN 19 93- 3 -2: 2006 EN 19 93- 3 -2: 20 06 (E) 2. 2 Principles of limit state design (1) See 2. 2 of EN 19 93- 1- 1 2 .3 Actions and environmental influences 2 .3. 1 General (1) P

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 00:25

34 458 2
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 4.2.: Bể nước (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 4 2 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 4.2: Tanks)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 4.2.: Bể nước (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 4 2 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 4.2: Tanks)

... Wind loads; Part 4: Actions on silos and tanks; EN 19 92 Eurocode 2 : Design of concrete structures ; EN 19 93 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures; Part 1. 1: General rules ... minimum design metal temperature according to EN 19 93 -1- 10 (2) The minimum design metal temperature MDMT should be determined according to 3.5 .2 MDMT may be used in place of. .. 19 93 -1- 6 The ... — Design of steel structures — Part 4-2: Tanks `,,`,`,``,,,,`,`,```,```,```-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - The European Standard EN 19 93-4-2:2007 has the status of a British Standard ICS 23.020. 01; 91. 010 .30;

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 00:32

58 448 4
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 4.3: Ống dẫn (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 4 3 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 4.3: Pipeline)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 4.3: Ống dẫn (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 4 3 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 4.3: Pipeline)

... 55, No.45, 18 89 -18 95 Karamanos S.P and Tassoulas J.L (19 91) "Stability of inelastic tubes under external pressure and bending", Journal of engineering mechanics, Vol 17 , No 12 , 2845-28 61 Karamanos, ... Seamless Steel Pipes" Proceedings of the Eleventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) Stavanger, Vol II pp 13 1 -14 2 Gresnigt, A.M (2002) "Elastic and Plastic Design of Mitred ... Manufactured Steel Pipes" Proceedings of the Tenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) Seattle Vol II pp 17 0 -18 1 Gresnigt, A.M., Foeken, R.J van (20 01) "Local Buckling of UOE

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 00:34

44 535 1
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 5: Cừ thép (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 5 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 5: Piling)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 5: Cừ thép (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 5 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 5: Piling)

... STANDARD BS EN 19 93-5:2007 Incorporating corrigendum May 2009 Part 5: Piling ICS 91. 010 .30; 91. 080 .10 12 &23[...]... Design tensile resistance of shafts of anchors; Ftm,Ed Design tensile ... in Annex D of EN 19 90 Bearing piles (1) For guidance on the testing of bearing piles, reference should be made to EN 19 97 -1, EN 12 699 and EN 14 199 2.6.3 Steel sheet piling (1) The assumptions ... made to EN 19 93 -1- 1 for steel properties (2) For the properties of steel piles fabricated from steel sheet piles see 3.3 or 3.4 3.3 Hot rolled steel sheet piles (1) P Hot rolled steel

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 00:39

98 476 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 6.: Móng cẩu tháp (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 6 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 6.: Crane supporting structure)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 6.: Móng cẩu tháp (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 6 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 6.: Crane supporting structure)

... of the wheels (3) The method given in EN 13 0 01- 3.3 should be... See 3.2.5 of EN 19 93 -1- 1 3.2 .6 Design values of material coefficients (1) See 3.2 .6 of EN 19 93 -1- 1 3.3 Stainless steels ... ICS 53.020.20; 91. 010 .30; 91. 080 .10 12 &23[...]... compression members (1) See 6. 4 of EN 19 93 -1- 1 6. 5 Resistance of the web to wheel loads 6. 5 .1 General (1) The web of a runway beam ... steels (1) For stainless steels see the relevant provisions in EN 19 93 -1- 4 3.4 Fasteners and welds (1) See 3.3 of EN 19 93 -1- 1 3.5 Bearings (1) Bearings should comply with EN 13 37 11 EN 19 93 -6:

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 00:43

40 446 1
Design of masonry structures Eurocode 3 design of steel structures 1.2

Design of masonry structures Eurocode 3 design of steel structures 1.2

... 476-20 :19 87 BS 476-20 :19 87 BS 476- 21: 1987a DD ENV 19 91- 2-2 DD ENV 19 93 -1- 1 DD ENV 19 93 -1- 3 DD ENV 19 94 -1- 2 BS 5555 :19 93 Further information can be obtained from Fire protection for structural steel ... 1, 0 Table — Directly referenced supporting standards Reference in ENV 19 93 -1- 2 PrEN ISO 834 PrENV yyy 5 -1 PrENV yyy 5-2 PrENV yyy 5-3 ENV 19 91- 2-2 ENV 19 93 -1- 1 ENV 19 93 -1- 3 ENV 19 94 -1- 2 ISO 10 00 ... DD ENV 19 93 -1- 1 :19 92, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures — Part 1- 1: General rules and rules for buildings (together with United Kingdom National Application Document) DD ENV 19 93 -1- 3, Eurocode

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2018, 08:38

80 99 0
Design of masonry structures Eurocode 3 design of steel structures 1

Design of masonry structures Eurocode 3 design of steel structures 1

... 1, 25 1, 20 1, 00 1, 00 Bolts Rivets Pins Spot welds Lap welds Wide flange in compression 1, 25 1, 25 1, 25 1, 25 1, 25 1, 25 1, 35 1, 35 1, 35 1, 35 1, 35 1, 20 Wide flange in tension 1, 25 1, 20 — 1, 0 1, 0 Loading ... ENV 19 93 -1- 3 :19 96 are given in Table of this NAD Table — Directly referenced supporting standards in ENV 19 93 -1- 3 ENV 19 93 -1- 3 :19 96 calls up BS EN 10 149-2 BS EN 10 149-3 ENV 10 90-2 ENV 19 91- 1 ENV ... 648 :19 64 (all parts), Schedule of weights of building materials BS 6399 -1: 1996, Loadings for buildings — Part 1: Code of practice for dead and imposed loads BS 6399-3 :19 88, Loadings for buildings

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2018, 08:38

154 88 0
BS 8110-1-1997 Structural use of concrete - Part 1 Code of practice for design and construction

BS 8110-1-1997 Structural use of concrete - Part 1 Code of practice for design and construction

... references iv Page 88 90 92 96 10 4 10 5 10 5 10 7 10 9 11 1 11 6 11 8 11 8 12 1 12 2 12 8 12 8 13 2 13 4 13 6 13 9 14 8 15 9 © BSI 27 May 2002 BS 811 0 -1: 1997 Foreword This part of BS 811 0 has been prepared by Subcommittee ... 4 .12 Considerations affecting design details 10 1 10 2 10 3 11 0 11 0 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 3 11 5 11 6 11 6 Section Design and detailing: precast and composite construction 5 .1 Design basis and stability provisions ... Positioning of tendons and sheaths 8.7 Tensioning the tendons 8.8 Protection and bond of prestressing tendons 8.9 Grouting of prestressing tendons 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 2 15 2 15 4 15 5 Annex A

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2019, 09:48

173 2 0
horizontal stabilisation of sheathed timber frame structures using plastic design methods introducing a handbook part 1 design principles for horizontal stabilisation

horizontal stabilisation of sheathed timber frame structures using plastic design methods introducing a handbook part 1 design principles for horizontal stabilisation

... under responsibility of the organizing committee of WMCAUS 2 016 doi :10 .10 16/j.proeng.2 016 .08. 713 Ulf Arne Girhammar and Bo Källsner / Procedia Engineering 16 1 (2 016 ) 618 – 627 619 Here a basic and ... Structures 31 (2009) 217 1- 218 1 [20] Källsner, B., Girhammar, U.A Influence of framing joints on plastic capacity of partially anchored wood-framed shear walls Proceedings CIB/W18 Meeting, Edinburgh, ... fully and partially anchored shear walls In this connection the flexibility of the plastic design method is evident 6 21 Ulf Arne Girhammar and Bo Källsner / Procedia Engineering 16 1 (2 016 ) 618 –

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 10:37

10 5 0
Ebook Design of Steel Structures - Part 2

Ebook Design of Steel Structures - Part 2

... 76.8 19 2.5 763.0 608.4 94.5 (kN) 11 .3 24.7 27.6 17 0.3 17 0.0 18 0.9 16 8.5 15 7.7 14 9.8 16 6.9 16 4.2 15 1.2 (kNm) 15 48 .1 700.2 18 4.4 700.2 15 48 .1 1034 .1 1049.6 (kN) 254.4 266.9 270.3 466.8 4 71. 5 483.4 ... Combination My δ 17 19.6 16 02.8 953.5 18 1.3 10 49.6 10 34 .1 118 3.4 10 97.8 (kNm) 2325.3 11 62.7 460.4 11 62.7 2325.3 16 02.8 17 19.6 (kN) 379.8 366.6 362.8 6 41. 9 627.9 596.5 596.5 627.9 6 41. 9 362.8 366.6 ... 15 7.3 15 4.9 16 7.0 16 4.7 15 5.7 (kNm) 15 97 .1 747.0 218 .5 747.0 15 97 .1 1069.0 10 85.2 (kN) 259 .1 268 .1 270.4 478.7 4 81. 1 4 91. 4 4 91. 4 4 81. 1 478.7 270.4 268 .1 259 .1 Table 5.23 – Results of the 2nd order

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2022, 14:15

168 2 0
Tài liệu Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 1): History of Pharmacology pptx

Tài liệu Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 1): History of Pharmacology pptx

... Lullmann, Heinz. II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Pharmacology Atlases. 2. Pharmacology Handbooks. QV 17 T197c 19 99a] RM3 01. 12.T3 813 19 99 615 ’ .1? ??dc 21 DNLM/DLC for Library of Congress 99-33662 CIP IV Illustrated ... Toxicology Institute of Pharmacy University of Bonn Germany Albrecht Ziegler, Ph. D. Professor Department of Pharmacology University of Kiel Germany Detlef Bieger, M. D. Professor Division of Basic Medical ... Atlas of Pharmacology 2 nd edition, revised and expanded Heinz Lüllmann, M. D. Professor Emeritus Department of Pharmacology University of Kiel Germany Klaus Mohr, M. D. Professor Department of

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20

15 577 0
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.1: Quy định chung (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 1 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.1: General rules)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.1: Quy định chung (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 1 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.1: General rules)

... buildings” comprises: EN 19 93 -1- 1 Design of Steel Structures : General rules and rules for buildings EN 19 93 -1- 2 Design of Steel Structures : Structural fire design EN 19 93 -1- 3 Design of Steel ... strength of steel structures EN 19 93 -1- 10 Design of Steel Structures : Selection of steel for fracture toughness and through-thickness properties EN 19 93 -1- 11 Design of Steel Structures : Design of ... EN 19 93 -1- 7 Design of Steel Structures : Strength and stability of planar plated structures transversely loaded EN 19 93 -1- 8 Design of Steel Structures : Design of joints EN 19 93 -1- 9 Design of Steel...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:30

96 1,2K 6
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.2: Quy định chung, kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 2 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.2: Quy định chung, kết cấu chịu lửa (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 2 e 2005 Design of steel structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)

... following standards generally consisting of a number of Parts: EN 19 90 EN 19 91 EN 19 92 EN 19 93 EN 19 94 EN 19 95 EN 19 96 EN 19 97 EN 19 98 EN 19 99 Eurocode 0: Eurocode 1: Eurocode 2: Eurocode 3: Eurocode ... Analysis of Part of the Structure Prescriptive Rules (Thermal Actions given by Nominal Fire Member Analysis EN 19 93 -1- 2 : 2005 (E) EN 19 93 -1- 2:2005 (E) General 1. 1 Scope 1. 1 .1 Scope of EN 19 93 (1) ... EN 19 93-6 Design of Steel Structures : Crane supporting structures 1. 1.2 Scope of EN 19 93 -1- 2 (1) EN 19 93 -1- 2 deals with the design of steel structures for the accidental situation of fire exposure...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:34

84 723 6
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.3: Quy định chung, thép cán nguội (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 3 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.3: Supplement rules for coldformed member and sheeting(

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.3: Quy định chung, thép cán nguội (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 3 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.3: Supplement rules for coldformed member and sheeting(

... 8.5 .1( 4) – 9(2) – 10 .1. 1 (1) – 10 .1. 4.2 (1) – A .1( 1), NOTE – A .1( 1), NOTE – A.6.4(4) – E (1) ```,,`,`````,,`,,``,`,,,,,`,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - EN 19 93 -1- 3: 2006 (E) Introduction 1. 1 Scope (1) EN 19 93 -1- 3 ... edition of the normative document referred to applies EN 19 93 Eurocode – Design of steel structures Part 1- 1 to part 1- 12 EN 10 002 Part 1: Metallic materials - Tensile testing: Method of test ... beams Evaluation of test results ```,,`,`````,,`,,``,`,,,,,`,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - 10 0 10 0 10 5 10 8 11 0 11 4 EN 19 93 -1- 3: 2006 (E) Annex B [informative] – Durability of fasteners 11 9 Annex C [informative]...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:36

134 515 9
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.4: Thép không gỉ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 4 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.4: Stainless steel)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.4: Thép không gỉ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 4 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.4: Stainless steel)

... 4 .1: Values of n Steel grade 1. 4003 1. 4 016 1. 4 512 1. 43 01 1.4306 1. 4307 1. 4 318 1. 45 41 1.44 01 1.4404 1. 4432 1. 4435 1. 4539 1. 45 71 1.4462 1. 4362 Longitudinal direction Transverse direction 11 14 16 ... Cold rolled strip Grade t ≤ mm 1. 4003 1. 4 016 1. 4 512 1. 4306 1. 4307 1. 45 41 1.43 01 1.44 01 1.4404 1. 4539 1. 45 71 1.4432 1. 4435 1. 4 311 1. 4406 1. 4439 1. 4529 1. 4547 1. 4 318 1. 4362 Hot rolled strip Hot rolled ... EN 19 93 -1- 4: 2006 (E) Table A .1: Suggested grades of stainless steel for atmospheric applications Steel grade Rural to EN Low Mid 10 088 1. 4003 YI X 1. 4 016 1. 43 01 1.4 311 Y Y 1. 45 41 1.4 318 1. 4362...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:30

38 502 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.5: Cấu kiện tấm (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 5 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.5: Plated structural elements)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.5: Cấu kiện tấm (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 5 e 2006 Design of steel structures part 1.5: Plated structural elements)

... STANDARD EN 19 93 -1- 5 NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORM October 2006 ICS 91. 010 .30; 91. 080 .10 Supersedes ENV 19 93 -1- 5 :19 97 English Version Eurocode - Design of steel structures - Part 1- 5: Plated ... for the design of steel structures to be constructed in the relevant country – 2.2(5) – 3.3 (1) – 4.3(6) – 5 .1( 2) – 6.4(2) – 8(2) – 9 .1( 1) – 9.2 .1( 9) – 10 (1) – 10 (5) – C.2 (1) – C.5(2) – C.8 (1) – ... elements without longitudinal stiffeners Stiffened plate elements with longitudinal stiffeners Verification Resistance to shear 5 .1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 13 13 13 13 15 18 21 21 Basis Design resistance Contribution...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:33

56 387 3
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.6: Cường độ và ổn đinh kết cấu tấm vỏ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 6 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 1.6: Strength and stability of shell structure)

Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC3: Kết cấu thép phần 1.6: Cường độ và ổn đinh kết cấu tấm vỏ (Eurocode3 BS EN1993 1 6 e 2007 Design of steel structures part 1.6: Strength and stability of shell structure)

... values of actions Stress design 4 11 15 15 15 15 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 23 23 23 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 38 40 43 48 48 48 EN 19 93 -1- 6: 2007 (E) 9.3 Design by global numerical ... EN 19 93 -1- 1, EN 19 93 -1- 3, EN 19 93 -1- 4, EN 19 93 -1- 9 and the relevant application parts of EN 19 93, which include: Part 3 .1 for towers and masts; Part 3.2 for chimneys; Part 4 .1 for silos; Part ... EN 19 93 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: 1. 3 Part 1. 1: General rules and rules for buildings; Part 1. 3: Cold formed thin gauged members and sheeting; Part 1. 4: Stainless steels; Part 1. 5:...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 21:36

98 542 4

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