diet and health with key to the calories

An effective trajectory based algorithm for ball detection and tracking with application to the analysis of broadcast sports video

An effective trajectory based algorithm for ball detection and tracking with application to the analysis of broadcast sports video

... ball motion, the state will include the x and y coordinates of the ball, the velocity components of the ball vx and vy, and the acceleration components of the ball ax and ay So the state at any ... transition matrix The measure vector Zk is related to the state vector via the measure equation: Zk = Ik Xk + Vk (A.2) where Ik is the measurement matrix and Vk is the noise measure matrix In the ball ... video is to reconstruct the ball and to illustrate the ball motion In other words, the ball locations play an important role in the enhancement and enrichment of ball game video This thesis addresses

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 21:56

182 711 0
A study on syntactic and semantic features of english idioms denoting richness and poverty with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on syntactic and semantic features of english idioms denoting richness and poverty with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... English and Vietnamese They enrich the language They help speakers and writers to emphasise their ideas and make our observations, judgments, and explanations more lively and interesting They are ... richness and poverty with references to the Vietnamese equivalents The findings of the study help to find out some similarities and differences in syntax and semantics of idioms denoting richness and ... English and Vietnamese This thesis also contributes to the general understanding of syntactic and semantic features of English idioms denoting richness and poverty with references to the Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 22:47

79 411 2
A study on syntactic and semantic features of english idioms denoting richness and poverty with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on syntactic and semantic features of english idioms denoting richness and poverty with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... English and Vietnamese They enrich the language They help speakers and writers to emphasise their ideas and make our observations, judgments, and explanations more lively and interesting They are ... richness and poverty with references to the Vietnamese equivalents The findings of the study help to find out some similarities and differences in syntax and semantics of idioms denoting richness and ... English and Vietnamese This thesis also contributes to the general understanding of syntactic and semantic features of English idioms denoting richness and poverty with references to the Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2020, 14:22

79 149 3
Báo cáo toán học: "A graph-theoretic method for choosing a spanning set for a finite-dimensional vector space, with applications to the Grossman-Larson-Wright module and the Jacobian conjecture" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "A graph-theoretic method for choosing a spanning set for a finite-dimensional vector space, with applications to the Grossman-Larson-Wright module and the Jacobian conjecture" pdf

... Equation 3.3 with Theorem 3.4 and the Gap Theorem, the link between the homogeneous symmetric reduction of the Jacobian conjecture and the Grossman-LarsonWright module is summarized as follows: Theorem ... useful when there is no convenient ordering of vectors and no upper bound to the dimensions of the vector spaces we are dealing with We use our method to prove three properties of the Grossman-Larson-Wright ... 4.3 and 4.4 we refer to the diameter of an unrooted tree and the height of a rooted tree These are standard terms from graph theory The distance between two vertices u, v in a graph G is the

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:21

21 300 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Estimating the foliage area of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aït.) branches and crowns with application to modelling the foliage area distribution in the crown" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Estimating the foliage area of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aït.) branches and crowns with application to modelling the foliage area distribution in the crown" pptx

... stand growth and functioning. In forestry, stand structure mostly refers to the relative position of trees and to stem and crown dimensions. However, estimating the amount and the location of the ... j ) were standardised and plotted altogether, for the 26 and 5 year-old stands. A 4-degree polynomial function was used to describe the data envelope curve; it corresponded to the standardised ... sampled tree by the number of trees in its class, and summed the 30 values to calculate the stand foliage area. Table V presents the LAI values for each cohort and stand, and the total developed

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

14 242 0
báo cáo khoa học: " The implications of trade liberalization for diet and health: a case study from Central America" ppt

báo cáo khoa học: " The implications of trade liberalization for diet and health: a case study from Central America" ppt

... patterns and, therefore, diets and health. However, there are few studies that actually attempt to identify if there is a direct link between trade policy and the food environment from a public health ... with associated health and economic implications [11-13]. Third, information and data are available about trade policies and trade between Central America and the United States. And fourth, the ... fuelled by demand from fast food res- taurants and the tourism industry, in the 2000s, imports from Canada grew rapidly to the detriment of other importers (Table 3). This was the direct result

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

15 463 0
Báo cáo y học: "Combining multicriteria decision analysis, ethics and health technology assessment: applying the EVIDEM decisionmaking framework to growth hormone for Turner syndrome patients" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Combining multicriteria decision analysis, ethics and health technology assessment: applying the EVIDEM decisionmaking framework to growth hormone for Turner syndrome patients" ppt

... syndrome The web-based prototype was used by the nine panelists to read the HTA report prior to the panel session Each panelist then applied the framework during the panel session (test) to assess the ... hormone for patients with Turner syndrome within the Canadian context and was validated by experts Data was organized to directly feed into the MCDA VM and the Extrinsic Value Tool to provide, in a ... anchors and scoring examples; the MCDA VM included features to collect feedback on the synthesized data and the evaluating process, and to specify whether a low score was due to data limitations ◦ Extrinsic

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:22

15 326 0
Paying for Health Care: Quantifying Fairness, Catastrophe, and Impoverishment, with Applications to Vietnam, 1993–98

Paying for Health Care: Quantifying Fairness, Catastrophe, and Impoverishment, with Applications to Vietnam, 1993–98

... payments for health care ought to be linked not to usage of health services but rather to ability to pay, and the concern is with the degree of inequality in one or other variable The other focuses ... ill health in general and of the costs of health care in particular Furthermo re, the 1997 strategy paper for its health sector (World Bank 1997) committed the Bank to “working with countries to ... sections 2-4 with the egalitarian approach The common theme here is that payments for health care ought to be linked not to usage of services but rather to ability to pay (ATP) The first strand of

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2016, 07:39

51 492 0
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english collocations with the verb make with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english collocations with the verb make with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... Sue and 43 Tim at the rehab center and the news The Cure by John Stewart, P 183 did make the papers for about a week 44 At other times only crisis stories would make the papers They seem to make ... some books and videos 41 Adam decided to make a tour of the A Voyage to Victory: Book Four of the ship so that at least he knew where to chronicles of Adam Black the Teenage go when the need arose ... research’s findings and conclusionsassociated with the theme ofthe investigation In other words, the review is to explain several related terms and definitions as to semantics, syntax,

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:22

83 742 14
Rapid prototying and manufacturing technology applied to the forming of spherical gear sets with skew axes

Rapid prototying and manufacturing technology applied to the forming of spherical gear sets with skew axes

... with point P, and the other with point Q The trihedron at P has unit vectors nsa, n3 and n4, whilst the trihedron at Q has unit vectors n2, n3 and n5 The vector nsa is the unit direction vector ... normal vector of the N-plane, and Vrel is normal to the line of &, Vrel is also normal to the N-plane Therefore, the vectors n2 and Vrel are mutually parallel vectors on the N-plane and may have ... takes the rotating angle from 08 to 308, and the pinion from À58 to À458 to avoid serious undercut when they are meshing The synthesis of one tooth of the gearing contour pro®les of the gear and

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2016, 18:09

11 333 0
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english“go” idioms with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english“go” idioms with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... [5] Hilary Clinton has been going between the Palestinians and the CBS News-25 September, 2016 Israelis to solve the conflict between the two groups [6] How much is the house down the street going ... softens the early mornings at the speedway [26] When Colin Kaepernick decided not to stand for the National When Athletes go Against the Grain by 108 Anthem, he went against the grain He chose to ... /eliminate-lawsthat-cause-healthy-food [39] In spite of their efforts, they went to the wall 110 [40] These guys will go to the wall for you

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

123 439 3
A study of syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing the words ear, eye, lip, nose and mouth with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

A study of syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing the words ear, eye, lip, nose and mouth with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

... of sth: to not become involved in other people‘s activities or relationships 13 Keep one’s nose to the grindstone: to continue to work very hard, without stopping 14 Lead sb by the nose: to control ... stars in their eyes is very excited and hopeful about the future and imagines they are going to be very successful and famous 55 The apple of one’s eye: The person who someone loves most and is ... behind the other 17 On the nose: exactly right, often an exact amount of money the time 18 Pay through the nose: to pay too much for something 19 Poke/stick one’s nose into sth: to show too much

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

93 454 1
A study on syntactic and semantic features of english weather proverbs and idioms denoting weather with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on syntactic and semantic features of english weather proverbs and idioms denoting weather with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... are at hand 145 Sharp horns threaten windy weather 146 The evening red and the morning grey is a sign of a fair day 147 The farther the sight, the nearer the rain 148 The faster the rain, the quicker ... 190 When the wind is in the south It blows the bait into the fish’s mouth 191 When the wind is in the west, the weather is always best 192 When the wind’s in the east on Candlemas day, there it ... fine weather 151 The higher the clouds the better the weather 152 The moon on her back holds water 153 The more thunder in May, the less in August and September 154 The north wind doth blow and we

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:33

81 680 2
Semantic features and the interchangeability of the verb make with its synonyms in english articles with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

Semantic features and the interchangeability of the verb make with its synonyms in english articles with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... interest to their depositors and charge higher rates to people who want to borrow from them In the end they’re firmly focused on making a profit for themselves and their shareholders The loans they ... that they then sell to investors, like pensions and mutual funds The higher the mortgage rate paid by homeowners and the lower the interest paid on the bonds, the bigger the profit for the bank ... baked into tarts and pies Got a bowl of farm-fresh fruit on the verge of turning? Core and quarter the leftovers, then boil with water and a touch of sugar to make a long-lasting jam sure to sweeten

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 22:47

103 162 0
A study on english euphemism with reference to the vietnamese equivalence and implications for english teaching and learning at the national academy of public administration

A study on english euphemism with reference to the vietnamese equivalence and implications for english teaching and learning at the national academy of public administration

... awkward and unpleasant In these cases, it will be the best choice for them to use euphemism as an indirect and roundabout way to express their ideas and thoughts, so as to avoid the embarrassment The ... time and of knowledge of the writer and the shortage of material sources, the thesis has limited itself to three ways Firstly, exploring the euphemism into a direct form in English texts and the ... understand the meaning of the euphemistic expressions Therefore, as they have to talk about taboo topics, they don‘t know to use euphemisms to avoid direct mention and face-threatening The students also

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 22:47

66 275 0
Stylistic devices in english film titles containing the words “heart” and “soul” with reference to vietnamese equivalents

Stylistic devices in english film titles containing the words “heart” and “soul” with reference to vietnamese equivalents

... out and he has died in his sleep 89) Voice of the heart :romance Tiếng lòng The story of two unique and brilliant women, and the charismatic men they loved and lost, and to whom they ransomed their ... come to a head at the Bison Hall dance, the highlight of the fair, when the girlfriend of the escort arrives in town and the escort forces her into making a choice between him and her dead husband ... loathes pretension and could go days without speaking to anyone But when the two are caught in a perilous situation, they are forced to put aside their pettiness and re-examine their lives With

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2019, 23:21

104 141 1
A study on english euphemism with reference to the vietnamese equivalence and implications for english teaching and learning at the national academy of public administration

A study on english euphemism with reference to the vietnamese equivalence and implications for english teaching and learning at the national academy of public administration

... awkward and unpleasant In these cases, it will be the best choice for them to use euphemism as an indirect and roundabout way to express their ideas and thoughts, so as to avoid the embarrassment The ... time and of knowledge of the writer and the shortage of material sources, the thesis has limited itself to three ways Firstly, exploring the euphemism into a direct form in English texts and the ... understand the meaning of the euphemistic expressions Therefore, as they have to talk about taboo topics, they don‘t know to use euphemisms to avoid direct mention and face-threatening The students also

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2020, 14:22

66 85 0
Semantic features and the interchangeability of the verb make with its synonyms in english articles with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

Semantic features and the interchangeability of the verb make with its synonyms in english articles with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... interest to their depositors and charge higher rates to people who want to borrow from them In the end they’re firmly focused on making a profit for themselves and their shareholders The loans they ... that they then sell to investors, like pensions and mutual funds The higher the mortgage rate paid by homeowners and the lower the interest paid on the bonds, the bigger the profit for the bank ... baked into tarts and pies Got a bowl of farm-fresh fruit on the verge of turning? Core and quarter the leftovers, then boil with water and a touch of sugar to make a long-lasting jam sure to sweeten

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2020, 14:22

103 43 0
Syntactic and semantic features of english idioms containing the word ‘no’ with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

Syntactic and semantic features of english idioms containing the word ‘no’ with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... “no” with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents from a wide variety of dictionaries and websites about idioms The findings are compared and contrasted to reveal the outstanding similarities and ... happy ending 74 38 You have to go to the doctor whether you like it or not There's no two ways about it a You don’t have any choice b There is only one way to get to the destination c This is a ... You need to get out and have fun - you know, all work and no play a Let’s get out and work together b Working and playing need to be balanced c Working is more important than playing 36 There is

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2020, 14:47

86 54 0
A study on syntactic and semantic features of english subordinators with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on syntactic and semantic features of english subordinators with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... chosen The chief aim of the thesis is to gain more insightful in the semantic and syntactic features of subordinators in English and their Vietnamese equivalents, to figure out the similarities and ... English and Vietnamese subordinators The literature review of the thesis is based on the existing theory on syntax and semantics, the theoretical background of subordination in English and Vietnamese ... ourselves to the study of a humble part of syntactic and semantic features of English subordinators and their Vietnamese equivalents to find out their similarities and differences As a result, many other

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2020, 14:48

85 306 3

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