... DICTIONARY OF ETHICAL AND LEGAL TERMS AND ISSUES RT53227.indb 10/9/06 9:54:36 AM RT53227.indb 10/9/06 9:54:36 AM DICTIONARY OF ETHICAL AND LEGAL TERMS AND ISSUES The Essential ... Introduction ix Part I: Dictionary of Ethical and Legal Terms Part II: Ethical Issues and Considerations 103 Part III: Legal Issues and Considerations 163 Appendix: Key Legal Cases and Legislation Impacting ... referred to as mandatory ethics aspirational professional standards Standards of professional practice that exceed the minimum standards mandated by a code of professional ethics Standards that...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20
... (sum of y)] [(n) (sum of (xx)) ]-[ (sum of x) (sum of x)] where: n = # of observations (36 months) x = rate of return for the S&P 500 Index y = rate of return for the fund 14 Dictionary of Financial ... makeup of the liabilities and stockholders' equity side of the balance sheet, especially the ratio of debt to equity and the mixture of short and long maturities Capital surplus Amounts of directly ... based on profitability and is taxable as income A cash distribution may include capital gains and return of capital in addition to the dividend 22 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:22
dictionary of computer and internet terms (2009) - (malestrom)
... 7_4105_DO_CompInternetTerms_FM 12/29/08 10:15 AM Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms Tenth Edition Douglas A Downing, Ph.D School of Business and Economics Seattle Pacific University ... University He is the author of several books in both Barron’s Easy Way and Business Review series He is also the author of Java Programming the Easy Way and Dictionary of Mathematics Terms, published by ... color is made by mixing red, green, and blue, each of which is measured on a scale of to 255, and a total of 16,777,216 colors is available Often called “millions of colors.” 24 × (or 24/7, 24-7)...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:22
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 1 pps
... Mac") and Federal National Mortgage Association (" Fannie Mae") Agency problem Conflicts of interest among stockholders, bondholders, and managers 5 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms ... subject to per- interval and to life -of- loan interest rate and/ or payment rate caps Articles of incorporation Legal document establishing a corporation and its structure and purpose Asian currency ... average number of years that each dollar of unpaid principal due on the mortgage remains outstanding Average life is computed as the weighted 10 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 7 doc
... 62 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria & L?nguas licoreis@terra.com.br Generic Refers to the characteristics and/ or experience of the total universe of a coupon of ... side of a transaction (ie a repo) Handle The whole-dollar price of a bid or offer is referred to as the handle (ie if a security is quoted at 101.10 bid and 101.11 offered, 101 is the handle) ... project instead of a smaller project Indenture Agreement between lender and borrower which details specific terms of the bond issuance Specifies legal obligations of bond issuer and rights of bondholders...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 8 ppt
... compatible degree of corporate leverage Leverage ratios Measures of the relative contribution of stockholders and creditors, and of the firm's ability to pay financing charges Value of firm's debt ... synthetically created by a package of other securities, the price of the package and the price of the security whose payoff it replicates must be equal Lead Payment of a financial obligation earlier ... Legal capital Value at which a company's shares are recorded in its books Legal bankruptcy A legal proceeding for liquidating or reorganizing a business Legal defeasance The deposit of cash and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 9 pot
... compatible degree of corporate leverage Leverage ratios Measures of the relative contribution of stockholders and creditors, and of the firm's ability to pay financing charges Value of firm's debt ... that they are an "owner" or holder of options (i e the number of contracts bought exceeds the number of contracts sold) 86 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria & L?nguas ... Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria & L?nguas licoreis@terra.com.br Legal investments Investments that a regulated entity is permitted to make under the rules and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 11 ppt
... 102 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria & L?nguas licoreis@terra.com.br Opportunity set The possible expected return and standard deviation pairs of all portfolios ... offer by launching its own tender offer for the other firm Pairoff A buy-back to offset and effectively liquidate a prior sale of securities Paper Money market instruments, commercial paper and ... strategy A strategy of using futures for asset allocation by pension sponsors to avoid disrupting the activities of money managers 104 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 12 docx
... Shareholders can and often give management their proxy, representing the right and responsibility to vote their shares as specified in the proxy statement 115 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms ... liquidity and ability to meet its obligations Also called the Acid Test ratio Quotation The bid and offered prices a dealer is willing to buy or sell at 117 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms ... on the sale of shares valued at $1000 will result in payment 119 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria & L?nguas licoreis@terra.com.br of $980 (or 98% of the value)...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 13 potx
... Riskless rate of return The rate earned on a riskless asset Riskless arbitrage The simultaneous purchase and sale of the same asset to yield a profit 125 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico ... will fall in value An investor then buys back the shares and pockets the difference as profit 130 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria & L?nguas licoreis@terra.com.br ... shareholders on a pro rata basis 124 Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms Lico Reis - Consultoria & L?nguas licoreis@terra.com.br Rights offering Issuance of "rights" to current shareholders allowing...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Dictionary of Finantial and Business Terms part 14 ppsx
... mean of and a standard deviation of Standardized value Also called the normal deviate, the distance of one data point from the mean, divided by the standard deviation of the distribution Standby ... class Standard deviation The square root of the variance A measure of dispersion of a set of data from their mean Standard error In statistics, a measure of the possible error in an estimate Standardized ... by a trade-off of the value of tax shields against the costs of bankruptcy Statutory surplus The surplus of an insurance company determined by the accounting treatment of both assets and liabilities...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20