dictionary english and tagalog words

Vocabulary English and marketplace words - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

Vocabulary English and marketplace words - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

... www.sdlback.com EVERYDAY LIVING WORDS HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY WORDS MEDIA AND MARKETPLACE WORDS MUSIC, ART, AND LITERATURE WORDS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WORDS WORKPLACE AND CAREER WORDS in context VOCABULARY ... high-frequency and challenging words There are six thematic books in the series—Everyday Living Words, Workplace and Career Words, Science and Technology Words, Media and Marketplace Words, History and ... unfamiliar words These strategies include the study of synonyms and antonyms; grammatical word forms; word roots, prefixes, and suffixes; connotations; and the efficient use of a dictionary and thesaurus

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 11:23

20 16 0
Vocabulary English and geography words - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

Vocabulary English and geography words - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

... www.sdlback.com EVERYDAY LIVING WORDS HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY WORDS MEDIA AND MARKETPLACE WORDS MUSIC, ART, AND LITERATURE WORDS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WORDS WORKPLACE AND CAREER WORDS (4)▼ Introduction ... high-frequency and challenging words There are six thematic books in the series—Everyday Living Words, Workplace and Career Words, Science and Technology Words, Media and Marketplace Words, History and ... unfamiliar words These strategies include the study of synonyms and antonyms; grammatical word forms; word roots, prefixes, and suffixes; connotations; and the efficient use of a dictionary and thesaurus

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2021, 13:21

20 8 0
A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DA NANG NGUYỄN THỊ MỸ NGA A STUDY OF COLLOCATIONS OF WORDS IN THE LANGUAGE OF SPORTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE Field : English Linguistics Code ... athletes and coaches who are working in Sports Industry. I hope that this study’s results will be able to give Vietnamese and English learners valuable experience of how to understand and using ... collocations of words and it will provide some useful knowledge of the language in sports for English teachers and students at DSPEU PURPOSES OF THE STUDY - To study lexical and grammatical collocation

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 820 2
A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

... (under the form of Both English and Vietnamese people use some words denoting men’s occupation English words have compound words and verb+ suffixes to form words Vietnamese have words combine with ... are classified into simple and complex words, too a Simple words: simple WsDMC such as rape, crude b Complex words: Complex WsDMC consist of derived words and compound words b.9 Direct Object b.10 ... Types of words Structurally Vietnamese WsDMC are classified into simple word and complex words a Simple WsDMC are chàng, ng, etc b Complex words: compound words c Complex words: reduplicative words

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:31

13 930 0
The transference of meaning through class of words denoting parts of the human body in english and vietnames

The transference of meaning through class of words denoting parts of the human body in english and vietnames

... of words denoting parts of the human body. It provides materials - a big part of basic knowledge on semantic transference of English and Vietnamese words to help teaching and learning English and ... importance and necessity of substratum knowledge in teaching and learning English and Vietnamese, we would like to examine and find out some relationships between two languages. When teaching English ... meanings of words denoting parts of the human body in English and Vietnamese. Choosing two languages, English and Vietnamese to make a contrastive analysis has scientific base on linguistics and culture.

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:45

69 802 4


... visits So if you have been to England twice, you have travelled there and back twice If you have gone to England, you have not yet returned ! Now you've been and gone and done it! ... fickle tongue and alright continues to be looked on as illiterate and unacceptable and consequently it ought never to appear in serious writing." Robert Burchfield The New Fowler's Modern English Usage ... Practise is a verb For example: To learn English well you have to practise !Note - This is only true in British English !Often in English the noun form ends in ice and the verb form ends in ise

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 10:20

18 706 0
British English and American English words

British English and American English words

... (in road) traffic circle rowing boat rowboat sailing boat sailboat saloon (car) sedan sandpit sandbox sandwich cake layer cake sanitary towel sanitary napkin self-raising flour self-rising flour ... breakdown van tow truck breeze block cinder block bridging loan bridge loan bumbag fanny pack candyfloss cotton candy car park parking lot casualty emergency room catapult slingshot central reservation ... in hospital in the hospital hot flush hot flash housing estate housing development hundreds and thousands sprinkles (for ice cream) ice lolly Popsicle (trademark) icing sugar confectioners’ sugar

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2015, 22:31

13 358 0
An investigation into English and Vietnamese idioms containing words denoting weather

An investigation into English and Vietnamese idioms containing words denoting weather

... meaning of an features of EIWW and VIWW - To compare and contrast syntactic and semantic features of EIWW and VIWW - To suggest some ideas for teaching and learning English idioms 1.4 SCOPE OF THE ... into English and Vietnamese Weather Idioms A Pragmatic Study of Idioms Containing Words Denoting Weather in English and Vietnamese [...]... both languages are similar in every constituent and ... It does not cover all the words denoting religion, geography and culture of English and Vietnamese. .. learning idioms in general and IWW in particular and not to be afraid of

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2016, 15:41

13 506 0
An investigation into proverbs with words denoting humans in english and vietnamese

An investigation into proverbs with words denoting humans in english and vietnamese

... Conclusions and Implications metaphoric devices in English and Vietnamese animal proverbs Lê Chapter Vân’s study was also involved in stylistic and cultural differences of LITERATUR REVIEW AND English and ... EPsWH and VPsWH Vietnamese and A good husband makes a good wife; Many women, English and Vietnamese Proverbs with Words Denoting Humans Structures Syntactical Analysis Phrase Noun Phrase ENGLISH ... learning, teaching and English and Vietnamese” to study in the hope that I can gain a translating proverbs of the two languages deeper insight into proverbs and their use in English and Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

13 656 1
An investigation into the syntactic and semantic features idioms containing words denoting kitchen utensils in english and vietnamese

An investigation into the syntactic and semantic features idioms containing words denoting kitchen utensils in english and vietnamese

... syntactic and semantic features of EIKUs and VIKUs - Find out the similarities and differences between EIKUs and VIKUs in syntactic and semantic aspects - Suggest some ideas for teaching and learning ... FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION newspapers, magazines in English and Vietnamese 4.1 SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF IKUS IN ENGLISH AND 3.5 DATA COLLECTION VIETNAMESE 15 16 4.1.1 Syntactic Features of EIKUs and VIKUs ... widely in English Table 4.2 Verb Phrase Structures of English and Vietnamese IKUs and Vietnamese, which can be summarized in table 4.1 Table 4.1 Noun Phrase Structures of EIKUs and VIKUs English

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

14 564 0
Features of set expressions containing words “black” and “white” in english and “đen” and “trắng” in vietnamese from the cultural perspectives

Features of set expressions containing words “black” and “white” in english and “đen” and “trắng” in vietnamese from the cultural perspectives

... containing words 61 black and white in English and đen and trắng in Vietnamese 4.4 Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning set 64 expressions containing words black and white 4.5 ... and proverbs containing words black and white in English culture and Vietnamese culture, then focuses on its implication and suggestions for teaching and learning set expressions containing words ... Identify and describe cultural features of set expressions containing words black and white in English, đen and trắng inVietnamese - Find out the similarities and differences in English culture and

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:34

91 299 2
A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

... will read words in context to connect words and meanings use vocabulary words in context and put them into action Students will also have opportunity to review and extend their meaning and check ... becomes richer and richer Student can apply the theory to the exercises Student will able to lean parts of speech and identify them using context clues and master vocabulary list words and their meanings ... be opposite in meaning with put, bring and give And in each situation and context the learners choose s suitable words Take >< give She give to the boy $12 and take his hat Take >< put Mary takes

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 20:41

65 179 0
The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

... meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 37 Table 5: Metaphoric meanings of “hand” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese 39 Table 6: Metaphoric meanings of “arm” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese ... OF WORDS DENOTING NAMES OF HUMAN BODY PARTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 32 4.1 Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 32 4.2 Metaphoric meanings of “hand/arm” in English ... human body parts “head, hand/arm, leg/foot, eye” in English and “đầu, tay, chân, mắt” in Vietnamese and suggesting practical implications to the learning and teaching English as a foreign language

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 23:46

75 298 2


... Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning English RED and BLACK set expressions in English and Vietnamese 4.4.1 Suggestions for teaching English RED and BLACK set 53 vi expressions in English ... containing words “RED” and “BLACK” in English and the Vietnamese equivalents The aim of this paper is to show the features of set expressions containing words red and black in English and the Vietnamese ... in English and “ đỏ” and “đen” in Vietnamese 4.1.1 Syntactic features of “red” set expressions in English and “đỏ” in Vietnamese 4.1.2 Syntactic features of “black” set expressions in English and

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 23:46

81 118 0
The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

The metaphoric meanings of words denoting names of human body parts in english and vietnamese

... meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 37 Table 5: Metaphoric meanings of “hand” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese 39 Table 6: Metaphoric meanings of “arm” in English and “tay” in Vietnamese ... OF WORDS DENOTING NAMES OF HUMAN BODY PARTS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 32 4.1 Metaphoric meanings of “head” in English and “đầu” in Vietnamese 32 4.2 Metaphoric meanings of “hand/arm” in English ... human body parts “head, hand/arm, leg/foot, eye” in English and “đầu, tay, chân, mắt” in Vietnamese and suggesting practical implications to the learning and teaching English as a foreign language

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2019, 20:46

75 105 0
Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into linguistic features of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in English and Vietnamese

Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into linguistic features of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in English and Vietnamese

... the words of body parts in expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese phrases using the words of body parts which have high values of - Making implications to teaching and learning adjective and ... syntactic and semantic features of adjective and verb phrases as body idioms expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese To this end, this study can help the Vietnamese learners of English and 1) ... emotion in English and Vietnamese? English and in Vietnamese concerning the choice of conceptual 2) What are the semantic features of adjective and verb phrases as idioms using the words of body

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 18:58

13 172 0


... Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning English RED and BLACK set expressions in English and Vietnamese 4.4.1 Suggestions for teaching English RED and BLACK set 53 vi expressions in English ... containing words “RED” and “BLACK” in English and the Vietnamese equivalents The aim of this paper is to show the features of set expressions containing words red and black in English and the Vietnamese ... in English and “ đỏ” and “đen” in Vietnamese 4.1.1 Syntactic features of “red” set expressions in English and “đỏ” in Vietnamese 4.1.2 Syntactic features of “black” set expressions in English and

Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2020, 21:25

81 111 1
A study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

A study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

... samples (Vietnamese and English) of idioms containing words denoting color from sources as follow: - English dictionaries, English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs books - English/ Vietnamese ... idioms containing words denoting colors in English and 100 in Vietnamese Then, the distinctive features of English and Vietnamese idoms containing words denoting colors were found and analysed 3.4 ... containing words related to Colors in English and Vietnamese? What are Pragmatic features of Idioms containing words related to Colors in English and Vietnamese? 3 What are the similarities and differences

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 17:31

26 267 0
A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

A study on polysemy of antonymous words in English Some related problems facing learners of English and suggested solutions

... fast or slow? (Streamline English: lesson 38) But today English are playing very well and Scotland are playing badly? (Streamline English: lesson 38) The bolded words in the two examples ... verbs of the sentence, and we call them antonymous verbs. Similarly, these pairs of antonyms are antonymous verbs (bring and take, live and die, open and close, weep and laugh are antonyms ... Bob hates football (Hanh, 2006:90) Lexemes like on and off, good and bad, love and hate are pairs of antonyms. They indicate the words of the same part of speech, which have contrasting...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 09:17

65 727 1
Negative questions in English and Vietnamese - A contrastive analysis

Negative questions in English and Vietnamese - A contrastive analysis

... Vietnamese and English Q- words are the main elements in questions and other are pre- suppositions. Contexts play important roles in questions because they can limit the content of Q -words. But in English ... analysis of the English and Vietnamese negative questions 1. Negative forms and non-assertive forms in English 1.1 Negative forms In English, besides inserting not, there are other words which have ... in English questions, correct grammar and order of the words are very important, on the contrary, in Vietnamese ones meaning is more important than grammar. Table 3: Structures of English and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

49 3,1K 25