development for operational intelligence

Implementing Splunk: Big Data Essentials for Operational Intelligence ppt

Implementing Splunk: Big Data Essentials for Operational Intelligence ppt

... Development for Operational Intelligence Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form ... events. Implementing Splunk: Big Data Reporting and Development for Operational Intelligence Learn to transform your machine data into valuable IT and business insights with ... Search job inspector window, which provides very detailed information about the query that was run. • Print ( ), which formats the page for printing and instructs the browser to print. Table...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

448 2,6K 1
Lean Six Sigma Logistics - Strategic Development to Operational Success

Lean Six Sigma Logistics - Strategic Development to Operational Success

... does not extend to copying for general distribution for promotion, for creating new works, or for resale. Specific permission must be obtained from J. Ross Publishing for such purposes. Direct ... we be off — under or over forecast?” Some forces within a company make common practice of keeping the forecast (and ensuing expec- tations) low in order to beat the forecast, indicating perseverance ... Downloads available for Lean Six Sigma Logistics: Strategic Development to Operational Success consist of Lean and Six Sigma tools, an algorithm for calculating total logistics cost,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:43

305 677 21


... page would provide support for people who want to explore the car example in the book in more depth or for students who want to use different information in the development of their own automobile ... innovatively. The centerpiece of this effort is a DSS that provides judges with more and better information as well as a better way for processing that information so as to make an impact on ... to make more informed decisions to improve their bottom lines. Some refer to these efforts to use better information and better models to improve decision making as business intelligence. ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 12:20

455 414 1
Begining iPad Development for iPhone Developers pptx

Begining iPad Development for iPhone Developers pptx

... his experience programming for the iPad. I was fortunate enough to steal him away from his busy schedule for a brief interview. CHAPTER 2: Getting Started with iPad Development 20 you to set ... opportunity for developers than even the early days of the iPhone. Unlike the iPhone, with its limited memory constraints and small screen, the iPad offers developers a unique mobile platform for creating ... iPad Shine Beginning iPad Development for iPhone Developers Mastering the iPad SDK Jack Nutting | Dave Wooldridge | David Mark CHAPTER 2: Getting Started with iPad Development 29 Library...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 07:20

274 551 0
BlackBerry Application Development For Dummies potx

BlackBerry Application Development For Dummies potx

... her efforts to take my typing and turn it into something readable. Special thanks also to Leah Cameron for her feedback as I learned to write For Dummies. Thanks to Christopher Parsons for his ... this part give you information regarding some of the different tools you can use to keep track of the different pieces of information for the applications you develop. The information found here ... tool for BlackBerry development, unless you use a virtualization application (an application that allows you to run other operating systems within it). RIM offers a plug-in for the Eclipse development...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

412 1,6K 0
Facebook Application Development For Dummies docx

Facebook Application Development For Dummies docx

... of the way through the development process. Perusing for information (see Figure 1-6) should be your start for any infor- mation you want to ... format data accordingly. During this time, your servers may also make calls back to Facebook’s API to retrieve additional information (such as friends, profile informa- tion, and so on) before ... filling out the right forms during the appli- cation setup. In the second step, you can write some simple HTML or API calls that display information for the user, and for the last step, you...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

412 911 1
Ipad application development for dummies 2nd edition doc

Ipad application development for dummies 2nd edition doc

... productivity tools (Keynote for presentations, Numbers for spreadsheets, and Pages for word processing and page formatting) on the iPad, which would be unthink- able for today’s iPhone or iPod ... Elias in mobilefortytwo and for their support and picking up the slack while I was engaged in fi nishing this book. Maggie Canon for putting Tony and I together. Carole Jelen, for her continued ... ultimate question — for which the answer is 42.) This book is your towel for the journey. The following chapters cover all the aspects of development you need to know before you spend time...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

556 1,9K 8
Towards Inclusive Financial Development for Achieving the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific pptx

Towards Inclusive Financial Development for Achieving the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific pptx

... 20 Towardsinclusivefinancial development for achievingtheMDGsinAsiaandthePacific 3.2 Inclusive financial development: How do we measure it? Measuring inclusive financial development is important ... Inclusive Financial Development. We start with the Household Based Measures of Inclusive Financial Development, and provide estimates of it for countries in Asia and the Pacific for which we have ... 38 Towardsinclusivefinancial development for achievingtheMDGsinAsiaandthePacific Demirguc-Kunt, Asli (2006). “Finance and economic development : policy choices for developing countries”....

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

45 446 0
corporate social responsibility strategies for sustainable development for small and medium enterprises in the village of bac ninh province, vietnam

corporate social responsibility strategies for sustainable development for small and medium enterprises in the village of bac ninh province, vietnam

... survival and development for hundreds of years. Entered a period of renewal and modernization investment in development zones and industrial clusters of craft villages, rehabilitation and development ... competitive? The development of enterprises which had difficulties when it is more and more difficult to determine a direction for sustainable development, long-term benefit for the enterprise ... the level of investment for enterprise products. Monetary policy and exchange ratio can also create a good Olympics for business, but also as risk factors for the development of them. Inflation...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

69 577 0
Learn gamesalad for ios: Game Development for iPhone, iPad, and HTML5 potx

Learn gamesalad for ios: Game Development for iPhone, iPad, and HTML5 potx

... you’re using your device for development, click ‘‘Use for development ’ on this page. 2. Create an AppID for the iOS Viewer. Click App IDs and select New App ID. For the description, use an ... are the descriptive information, and behaviors are the methods. In reality, this is no surprise. GameSalad only hides the programming aspects of iOS development! The iOS development language ... Applications  Web Applications You must also provide information about your developer experience in years and development experience on other platforms (Figure 1-5). Figure 1-5. Developer experience...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 10:20

405 5,5K 1
Mac Application Development For Dummies pdf

Mac Application Development For Dummies pdf

... at EMC for his efforts to ensure that I maintained a distinct separation between my EMC efforts and my writing efforts. And very special thanks to Irina Furman ( for her ... intended to assist in cross-platform development — a Qt app you write for the Mac is easy to move to Windows and Linux platforms, something not easily done for an Objective-C Mac app. Qt ... Application Development For Dummies (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). He lives near Boston and works for RSA, the Security Division of EMC, where he develops security solutions for mobile platforms...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

419 2,2K 0
Facebook Application Development For Dummies pdf

Facebook Application Development For Dummies pdf

... of the way through the development process. Perusing for information (see Figure 1-6) should be your start for any infor- mation you want to ... have two ways of developing on Facebook. Each of these ways makes for a different platform of development. The term Facebook Platform in general just means accessing Facebook’s APIs to access ... filling out the right forms during the appli- cation setup. In the second step, you can write some simple HTML or API calls that display information for the user, and for the last step, you...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

412 1,4K 1


... contain location information, thereby allowing to have a much more fine-grain view of a cell’s performance. Because such a view is useful not only for a human operator but also for the automat ed ... academia. The industry-wide effort to make SON happen has been clearly the basis for this book. We welcome any proposals and suggestions for improvements of the contents of the book in forthcoming editions ... optimise for the overall performance of the network according to the business strategy of the operator. Optimisation refers here to the activity to bring the network performance from a performance...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 18:21

422 735 5

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