developing high performance sql server databases

backup and restore of sql server databases

backup and restore of sql server databases

... Transaction Log (SQL Server) ALTER DATABASE (Transact -SQL) sys .databases (Transact -SQL) Database Recovery Models (SQL Server) Backup Overview This topic introduces the SQL Server backup ... Tape Drive (SQL Server) • Specify a Disk or Tape as a Backup Destination (SQL Server) • Delete a Backup Device (SQL Server) • Set the Expiration Date on a Backup (SQL Server) • View ... [noun] A copy of SQL Server data that can be used to restore and. .. (SQL Server) Maintenance Plans Transaction Logs (SQL Server) Database Recovery Models (SQL Server) Restore

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 13:55

289 501 1
Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure

Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure

... replication to migrate a SQL Server user database to SQL Server in an Azure virtual machine or to Azure SQL Database 91 Migrating a non? ?SQL Server user database to SQL Server in an Azure ... operating system and SQL Server 28 Configuring SQL Server in the virtual machine 30 Configuring SQL Server storage 30 Configuring authentication for SQL Server ... multiple books and SQL CAT white papers, as well as various current MSDN and articles on SQL Database and SQL Server 2016 He has been working with SQL Server since SQL Server 6.5 and with

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2017, 10:41

174 700 0
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions pdf

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions pdf

... recognition,  51 SQL: 1999 standard,  SQL: 2003 standard,  SQL: 2008 standard filtering and,  50 window functions support,  SQL: 2011 standard,  SQLDataReader class,  164, 166 SQL Server (Microsoft) ... about T -SQL He has written many articles for SQL Server Pro as well as articles and white papers for MSDN and The SolidQ Journal Itzik’s speaking engagements include Tech-Ed, SQL PASS, SQL Server ... Intervals T -SQL solution,  178– 180 Median T -SQL solution,  205 Mode T -SQL solution,  155–157 ordered set functions and,  97 Packing Intervals T -SQL solution,  184–188 Pivoting T -SQL solution, 

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

244 1,1K 4
Tài liệu High-Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases- P10 pptx

Tài liệu High-Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases- P10 pptx

... groups from the data characteristics, not based on cluster labels High- Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases, by David Taniar, Clement Leung, Wenny Rahayu, and ... structured, high- dimension data in data mining is very common. Processing high- dimension data produces some degree of complexity, not previously found or applicable to databases or even data warehousing. In general, more ... phenomenon is rather different from databases and data warehouses, whose data follows a particular structure and model, such as relational structure in relational databases or star schema or data

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20

50 490 0
Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

... ALTER TRACE server permission p 10 SQL Server Profiler p 11 SQL Server Profiler • DBAs use traces to monitor statements sent to SQL Server – We’ve already seen how SQL Server uses ... Monitoring and Performance Course 157: SQL Server 2008 Database Administration Presented by Scott Whigham 19 p 19 • Chapter Introduction • Tools for Monitoring • SQL Server Profiler ... 7 • Running traces will have an impact on server performance – How much? It depends on how much you trace p 12 SQL Server Profiler • SQL Server Profiler is the GUI for defining, viewing,

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20

148 493 1
Administering and Automating Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Databases and Servers pot

Administering and Automating Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Databases and Servers pot

... by using Transact -SQL, manage and maintain databases, ... Windows and SQL Server Updates 24 Principle: Evaluate considerations for implementing Windows and SQL Server updates 24 ... ONLY STUDENT... Transact -SQL, manage and maintain databases, configure and manage security, monitor and optimize databases, and install and configure SQL Server MCP The Microsoft ... immediate practice in automating the administration and maintenance of SQL Server 2005 databases and servers in enterprise environments Categories Achievement targets for this

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

114 357 0
microsoft sql server 2000 performance optimization and tuning handbook 2001

microsoft sql server 2000 performance optimization and tuning handbook 2001

... if you know SQL Server 7.0, you pretty much know SQL Server 2000. So here goes-the follow-up to the SQL Server 6.5 performance and tuning book. I hope you like this updated SQL Server 2000 ... actual book-writing goal was to write a SQL Server 2000 version. SQL Server 2000 has added many useful enhancements to SQL Server 7.0, but it is still the SQL Server 7.0 architecture and, therefore, ... today. Ken England January 2001 Preface My last SQL Server performance book was aimed at SQL Server 6.5. When Microsoft released SQL Server 7.0 it was almost as if it were a new product.

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:17

293 325 0
Querying, Managing, and Administering Databases Using SQL Server 2005 doc

Querying, Managing, and Administering Databases Using SQL Server 2005 doc

... JOINS in SQL Server 2000.  Which framework is supported by SQL Server 2005? SQL Server 2005 supports Framework V2.0.  Which application architecture does SQL Server 2005 support? SQL Server 2005 ... therfore, improves performance.  What are the two new components introduced with SQL Server 2005? The two new components introduced with SQL are: z SQL Server Management Studio z SQL Server Business ... Using SQL Server 2005: Extensible... effectively use DML commands and use indexes in SQL Server 2005: To change the date and time on the Windows server where SQL Server is

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20

80 311 0


... and SQL Server SQL Server Cursors Temp Table Microsoft Access and SQL Server 10 SQL Server Backup and Restore Vinh Vũ Lâm 11 Transact -SQL SELECT Statement 12 SQL Server DTS LOGO Chủ đề : SQL Server ... CCCCCCCCC SQL SERVER PERFORMANCE Mai Nhật Vinh 1012531 Võ Nguyễn Tuấn Vũ 1012543 Tô Trần Hiếu Lâm 1012210 DANH SÁCH CHỦ ĐỀ SQL Server & XML Composite Index Kiểu liệu Transact -SQL General Tips SQL Server ... '/ROOT/Customer',1) WITH Customers Updategrams  XML SQL Server Là phương thức dùng file xml để thêm, xóa, sửa liệu CSDL có sẵn Sql Server  Khi sử dụng sql: key-fields , phải thông báo khóa cho bảng,

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2017, 09:19

95 513 0
Migrating oracle databases to SQL server 2000

Migrating oracle databases to SQL server 2000

... 2000 operating system and SQL Server 2000. The Visigenic Software ODBC driver is used with Oracle, and the SQL Server ODBC driver is used with SQL Server 2000. SQL Server 2000 includes an OLE ... using SQL Server can use databases to logically divide business functionality. There can be multiple instances of SQL Server on a single computer. Each instance of SQL Server can have multiple databases. ... Microsoft SQL Server. Additionally, both Oracle and SQL Server have made many proprietary extensions to the SQL- 92 standard. From an application developer's perspective, Oracle and SQL Server

Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2014, 08:45

64 4,5K 0
HD cài SQL Server 2005 vào win 7

HD cài SQL Server 2005 vào win 7

... Hướng dẫn cài SQL 2005 Win Bước 1:Nhấp đúp vào file vài đặt Nếu có hiển thị thơng báo này: Bước 2: Check vào don't ... Sau nhấn Next, nhấn install, đợi khoảng thời gian sau nhấn Next nhấn Finish xong Chú ý: Khi chạy SQL 2005 Win ta phải làm sau: Và chọn hình sau: Tấm ảnh điều chỉnh lại kích thước Bấm vào để xem ... đủ ảnh Kích thước thực ảnh 1366x768 (Nguồn: Sau nhấn alply ok xong, đến cài SQL xong

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 16:45

17 990 1
Trình quản lý CSDL SQL Server

Trình quản lý CSDL SQL Server

... of RDBMS and SQL Server 2000/Session 3/ 5 of 31Editions of SQL Server 2000? ?SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 ... Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine? ?SQL Server 2000 Windows CE EditionSQL Server 2000 có các phiên bản khác nhau: Concepts of RDBMS and SQL Server 2000/Session 3/ 6 of 31Các đặc điểm của SQL Server ... Enterprise Edition  SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition  SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition  SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition  SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine  SQL Server. .. đặt

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 16:32

31 598 1
Quản lý bảng trong SQL Server

Quản lý bảng trong SQL Server

... bảng trong SQL ServerPhần 4 Concepts of RDBMS and SQL Server 2000/Session 4/ 2 of 37Mục tiêu của chươngTìm hiểu từng bước để tạo lập CSDLTìm hiểu các kiểu dữ liệu khác nhau trong SQL Server? ??Định ... and SQL Server 2000/Session 4/ 5 of 37Các đặc điểm của sự chuẩn hoá CSDL Concepts of RDBMS and SQL Server 2000/Session 4/ 6 of 37Khi nào chúng ta cần chuẩn hoá?? Concepts of RDBMS and SQL Server ... PNR_no Quản lý bảng trong SQL Server Phần 4 Concepts of RDBMS and SQL Server 2000/Session 4/ 19 of 37 Các công cụ ràng buộc thực thể SQL Server 2000... Reservation_Copy (PNR_NO

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 16:32

37 948 4
Designing SQL Server Databases for .NET Enterprise Servers

Designing SQL Server Databases for .NET Enterprise Servers

... Edition 38 SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine 39 SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition 39 Should You Migrate to SQL Server 2000? 41 How Will SQL Server 2000 Benefit My Organization? 42 Will SQL Server 2000 ... Successful SQL Server Migration 46 Migrating to SQL Server 2000 46 Upgrading from SQL Server 6.5: Active/Passive Mode 49 Upgrading from SQL Server 6.5: Active/Active Mode 50 Upgrading from SQL Server ... Enhanced Features of SQL Server 2000 ■ SQL Server 2000 Versions and Requirements ■ Should You Migrate to SQL Server 2000? ■ Steps to a Successful SQL Server Migration Chapter 1 1 114 _SQL_ 01 1/2/01 12:21...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15

753 473 0
Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

... - 5 - Note : sp_linkedserver To set up a linked server, the sp_linkedserver command can be used. Syntax: sp_addlinkedserver [ @server = ] &apos ;server& apos; [ , [ @srvproduct = ... Note: Fixed server roles of which sysadmin is an example cannot be created and are defined at the server level. As such they exist outside of individual databases. A user with a SQL Server or ... Explanation: SQL Profiler is a graphical tool that allows system administrators to monitor events in an instance of SQL Server. Data pertaining to an event can be captured and saved to a file or SQL Server...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 16:15

196 645 1

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