design space exploration when s2 1 0

2009 - java message service 2e (o_reilly)

2009 - java message service 2e (o_reilly)

... Not Delivered Semantics Design Considerations 10 9 11 0 11 1 11 1 11 3 11 4 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 7 11 7 11 8 Guaranteed Messaging and Transactions 12 5 Guaranteed Messaging ... Conversion Limitations The Spring JMS Namespace viii | Table of Contents 17 7 18 0 18 1 18 1 18 2 18 3 18 4 18 4 18 7 18 9 19 0 19 1 19 3 19 5 19 8 19 8 19 9 2 01 202 207 208 Element Properties ... Transformation and Routing 15 5 15 6 15 7 15 8 15 8 15 9 15 9 16 0 16 2 16 2 16 4 16 6 16 8 16 8 17 1 17 1 17 3 Spring and JMS 17 7 Spring Messaging Architecture...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:40

317 557 0
Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 5: Installing and Configuring the X Window System

Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 5: Installing and Configuring the X Window System

... horizontal sync range, but certain that it supports 800 × 600 resolution, specify range To specify a range other than those listed, you can select choice 11 ; if you so, you'll be prompted to enter the ... vertical sync range Figure 5 . 10 : Specifying the vertical sync rate You must now specify identification and description strings for your monitor, as shown in Figure 5 .11 You can enter any text you ... support 256color SVGA Figure 5 .15 : Specifying the server Next, as shown in Figure 5 .16 , xf86config asks whether it should change the first line of the /etc/X 11/ server file to point to your server...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

19 386 0
Tài liệu Module 2: Installing and Configuring SharePoint Portal Server pdf

Tài liệu Module 2: Installing and Configuring SharePoint Portal Server pdf

... Windows NT® version 4 .0 with Service Pack (SP) 6A, Microsoft Windows Me, Windows 200 0 Professional, Windows 200 0 Server, or Windows 200 0 Advanced Server Microsoft Office 200 0 or later is required ... depending on your operating system Windows 200 0 Professional and Windows 200 0 Server If the client computer is running Windows 200 0 Professional or Windows 200 0 Server, complete the following procedure ... Coexistence with Exchange 200 0 Standard Edition You can install SharePoint Portal Server on a server running Exchange 200 0 Standard Edition SP1 or later if: You install Exchange 200 0 Standard Edition...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

70 581 2
Tài liệu Installing and Configuring ColdFusion Server doc

Tài liệu Installing and Configuring ColdFusion Server doc

... 617 . 219 . 2 10 0 Fax: 617 . 219 . 2 10 1 E-mail: Web: Page xiv Thursday, May 10 , 20 01 12:59 PM xiv Welcome to ColdFusion Server Page Thursday, May 10 , 20 01 ... 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 Page vi Thursday, May 10 , 20 01 12:59 PM vi Tools 10 2 Logs and Statistics ... Solaris 2.6 10 518 1 -17 or higher Kernel patch 10 55 91- 09 or higher LibC: Shared library patch for C++ 10 5 2 10 -25 or higher LibC: Shared library patch for C/C++ 10 5568 -14 or higher 10 65 41- 08 or higher...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15

160 445 1
Tài liệu Installing and Configuring Microsoft® Windows® 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers doc

Tài liệu Installing and Configuring Microsoft® Windows® 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers doc

... 9 :00 9: 30 Introduction 9: 30 10 :00 Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft Windows 200 0 File, Print, and Web Servers 10 :00 10 :15 Break 10 :15 11 :00 Module 2: Installing and Upgrading To Windows 200 0 ... Windows 200 0 Advanced Server 11 :00 11 : 30 Lab A: Installing Windows 200 0 Advanced Server 11 : 30 12 :00 Module 3: Configuring File and Print Servers 12 :00 1: 00 Lunch 1: 00 1: 45 Module 3: Configuring ... Windows 200 0 tasks: Installing Microsoft Windows 200 0 Advanced Server in a Windows NT 4 .0 network Configuring Windows 200 0 file servers in a Windows NT 4 .0 network Configuring Windows 200 0 print...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

10 302 0
Tài liệu Module 9: Installing and Configuring Network Load Balancing doc

Tài liệu Module 9: Installing and Configuring Network Load Balancing doc

... 19 2 .16 8.x.58 19 2 .16 8.x . 10 9 10 Singapore www.student 10. com 19 2 .16 8.x.59 19 2 .16 8.x .11 0 11 Manila www.student 11. com 19 2 .16 8.x. 60 19 2 .16 8.x .11 1 12 Tokyo 19 2 .16 8.x. 61 192 .16 8.x .11 2 ... 19 2 .16 8.x.58 19 2 .16 8.x . 10 9 10 Singapore 19 2 .16 8.x.58 19 2 .16 8.x .11 0 11 Manila 19 2 .16 8.x. 60 19 2 .16 8.x .11 1 12 Tokyo 19 2 .16 8.x. 60 19 2 .16 8.x .11 2 13 ... 19 2 .16 8.x.66 19 2 .16 8.x .11 7 18 Santiago 19 2 .16 8.x.66 19 2 .16 8.x .11 8 19 Caracas www.Group 10. com 19 2 .16 8.x.68 19 2 .16 8.x .11 9 20 Montevideo www.Group 10. com 19 2 .16 8.x.68 19 2 .16 8.x .12 0...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20

52 505 2
Tài liệu Module 4: Installing and Configuring Web Applications docx

Tài liệu Module 4: Installing and Configuring Web Applications docx

... well and has access to many features of the IIS server and Microsoft Windows® 200 0 Server IIS 5 .0 was specifically designed to integrate with ASP and has built-in features for optimizing and debugging ... Pooled1, which uses the path: C:\MOC\2295A\Labs\Mod4\Pooled1 • Pooled2, which uses the path: C:\MOC\2295A\Labs\Mod4\Pooled2 • Isolated1, which uses the path: C:\MOC\2295A\Labs\Mod4\Isolated1 • ... Pooled1, which uses the path C:\MOC\2295A\Labs\Mod4\Pooled1 • Pooled2, which uses the path C:\MOC\2295A\Labs\Mod4\Pooled2 • Isolated1, which uses the path C:\MOC\2295A\Labs\Mod4\Isolated1 • Isolated2,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

36 279 0
Exam ref 70410: Installing and configuring windows server 2012 R2

Exam ref 70410: Installing and configuring windows server 2012 R2

... 2 01 2 R2? A Windows Server 200 3 Standard to Windows Server 2 01 2 R2 Standard B Windows Server 200 8 Standard to Windows Server 2 01 2 R2 Standard C Windows Server 200 8 32-bit to Windows Server 2 01 2 ... Windows Server 2 01 2 R2 includes 12 of the 19 roles, plus support for SQL Server 2 01 2 , as opposed to only 10 roles in Windows Server 200 8 R2 and nine in Windows Server 200 8 Table 1- 4 lists the roles ... Document Services role 10 6 Objective summary 11 1 Objective review 11 1 Objective 2.3: Configure servers for remote management 11 2 Using Server Manager for remote management 11 3 Using Remote...

Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2014, 15:39

416 3,7K 1
Tài liệu Appendix D: Authentication in CHAP, MS-CHAP, and MSCHAP v2 docx

Tài liệu Appendix D: Authentication in CHAP, MS-CHAP, and MSCHAP v2 docx

... give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property  200 2 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, Active Directory,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20

4 466 2
Installing, Administering, and Configuring Microsoft Windows XP Professional Delivery Guide doc

Installing, Administering, and Configuring Microsoft Windows XP Professional Delivery Guide doc

... Start End Module 9 :00 9: 30 Introduction 9: 30 10 : 30 Module 1: Installing Windows XP Professional 10 : 30 10 :45 Lab: Installing Windows XP Professional 10 :45 11 :00 Break 11 :00 12 :15 Module 2: Adding ... End Module 9 :00 9:45 Module 4: Configuring the Desktop Environment (continued) 9:45 10 :15 Lab: Using Remote Assistance to Configure a Windows XP Computer 10 :15 10 : 30 Break 10 : 30 12 :00 Module 5: ... Windows XP Professional Clients 12 :15 1: 15 Lunch 1: 15 2 :15 Module 3: Resolving Boot Process Issues 2 :15 3 :00 Lab: Troubleshooting the Boot Sequence 3 :00 3 :15 Break 3 :15 4 :00 Module 4: Configuring the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 12:20

10 292 0
Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

... Chapter MODEL REFINEMENT 10 0 7 .1 Preliminary 10 0 7.2 Non-orthogonal coordinate system 10 1 7.3 Application 10 5 Chapter CONCLUSIONS 11 1 x List of Figures Chapter Figure 2 .1 Definition sketch for ... + J h M 0 ξξ + MN 0 ξη + NM 0 ξ + N 0 η ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 2 h η η x0 + η y0 + η z ∂ G − ∂η J0 J0 h p ∫ρ ξ x 0 x + ξ y 0 y + ξ z 0 z ∂ ∂ξ J0 dζ − ( η x 0 x + η y 0 y + η z 0 z J0 p ⎜ ⎟ ... z + (r0 − a) x0 z b cos η ζ = r0 cos η − ζ r0 (r0 − a ) + b (4.4a) y0 z0 b sin η ζ = − r0 sin η + ζ r0 (r0 − a ) + b (4.4b) (r0 − a) b + ζ =− ζ ( r0 − a) (r0 − a) + b + (r0 − a ) r0 − a z0 (4.4c)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

127 597 0
CCNA - V2 -Operating and Configuring Cisco IOS Devices

CCNA - V2 -Operating and Configuring Cisco IOS Devices

... 200 2, Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved ICND v2 .0 1- 3 Operating Cisco IOS Software ©© 200 2, Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved 200 2, Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved ICND v2 .0 1- 4 ... Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved ICND v2 .0 1- 11 Cisco IOS Software EXEC Mode (Cont.) © 200 2, Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved ICND v2 .0 1- 12 Summary • The Cisco IOS software platform ... distinctive prompts © 200 2, Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved ICND v2 .0 1- 10 Cisco IOS Software EXEC Mode • There are two main EXEC modes for entering commands © 200 2, Cisco Systems, Inc...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27

14 419 2
Phân biệt giữa PhD, D.Eg and D.Sc

Phân biệt giữa PhD, D.Eg and D.Sc

... Mỗi năm có khoảng 400 0 Doctor nauk Uỷ ban học vị học hàm Liên bang Nga cấp Các trường ĐH công lập LB Nga cấp đến Kanđiat nauk (Ph.D) năm cấp khoảng 2 300 0 Ph.D Quy định có từ 200 2 trước Uỷ ban Học...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 00:15

3 911 1
Appendix D: Northwind Traders Case Study

Appendix D: Northwind Traders Case Study

... Public Folders Calendar June 19 99 Tue Wed Thu 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 May 31 123 a-d e-h I-m Inbox n-q r-t u-z Outlook Journal Fri Sat/Su 12 13 19 20 26 27 Journal - Microsoft ... My Computer Outlook 200 0 Folders Outlook 200 0 folders can only be created within Outlook 200 0 and are only visible from within Outlook 200 0 There are six types of Outlook 200 0 folders: Contacts, ... within Outlook 200 0 Outlook 200 0 Folders Contacts, Tasks, Journal, Appointment, Note, and MailItem Only visible from within Outlook 200 0 Two types of folders can be created in Outlook 200 0: file system...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

46 297 0
Installing and Using Endpoint Security Agent for Linux Server Version NGX 7.0 GA

Installing and Using Endpoint Security Agent for Linux Server Version NGX 7.0 GA

... Mapping, UTM -1, UTM -1 Edge, UTM -1 Edge Industrial, UTM -1 Total Security, VPN -1, VPN -1 Accelerator Card, VPN -1 Edge, VPN -1 Express, VPN -1 Express CI, VPN -1 Power, VPN -1 Power Multi-core, VPN -1 Power ... Power, VPN -1 Power Multi-core, VPN -1 Power VSX, VPN -1 Pro, VPN -1 SecureClient, VPN -1 SecuRemote, VPN -1 SecureServer, VPN -1 UTM, VPN -1 UTM Edge, VPN -1 VSX, Web Intelligence, ZoneAlarm, ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware, ... ilagent-build-rpm -1. xxx.x-x.bin Create the RPM file [root@localhost root] # /ilagent-build-rpm.2 .0. 0 01 . 0. bin cm_address cm_auth disconnected_policy_path The syntax of the command above is: ilagent-build-rpm -1. xxx.x-x.bin...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 12:15

25 555 0
Module 2: Installing and Maintaining ISA Server

Module 2: Installing and Maintaining ISA Server

... Disk space allocated for caching Up to 500 Pentium II, 300 MHz 256 MB 2-4 gigabytes (GB) 500 -1, 00 0 Pentium III, 5 50 MHz 256 MB 10 GB More than 1, 00 0 Two ISA Server computers with Pentium III, 5 50 ... addresses for internal addresses These addresses include 10 .0. 0 .0 to 10 .255.255.255, 19 2 .16 8 .0. 0 to 19 2 .16 8.255.255, and 17 2 .16 .0. 0 to 17 2. 31. 255.255 Add private IP addresses to the LAT only if ... Microsoft Windows 200 0 Server, Microsoft Windows 200 0 Advanced Server, or Microsoft Windows 200 0 Datacenter Server Windows 200 0 Service Pack If running on Windows 200 0 Server or Windows 200 0 Advanced...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 02:15

58 442 1
Dynamically Creating and Configuring Text Fields

Dynamically Creating and Configuring Text Fields

... 10 , 15 0, 80, 200 , 20) ; with (movingField_txt){ autoSize = true; 10 html= true; 11 12 multiline = true; 13 14 text = "Enter text here"; 15 16 type = "input"; 17 18 wordWrap = true; 19 20 } 21 ... movingField_txt.onChanged = function(){ 10 11 movingField_txt._x += 4; 12 13 if (movingField_txt._x + movingField_txt._width > 500 ){ 14 15 movingField_txt._x = 15 0; 16 17 } 18 19 reshapeBox(); 20 21 updateStatus(); ... reshapeBox(){ with(box_mc){ 10 11 _x = movingField_txt._x; 12 13 _y = movingField_txt._y; 14 15 _width = movingField_txt._width; 16 17 _height = movingField_txt._height; 18 19 } 20 21 } 22 When called, this...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15

15 256 0
Tài liệu Module 2: Installing and Maintaining ISA Server pptx

Tài liệu Module 2: Installing and Maintaining ISA Server pptx

... Disk space allocated for caching Up to 500 Pentium II, 300 MHz 256 MB 2-4 gigabytes (GB) 500 -1, 00 0 Pentium III, 5 50 MHz 256 MB 10 GB More than 1, 00 0 Two ISA Server computers with Pentium III, 5 50 ... addresses for internal addresses These addresses include 10 .0. 0 .0 to 10 .255.255.255, 19 2 .16 8 .0. 0 to 19 2 .16 8.255.255, and 17 2 .16 .0. 0 to 17 2. 31. 255.255 Add private IP addresses to the LAT only if ... Microsoft Windows 200 0 Server, Microsoft Windows 200 0 Advanced Server, or Microsoft Windows 200 0 Datacenter Server Windows 200 0 Service Pack If running on Windows 200 0 Server or Windows 200 0 Advanced...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

58 480 0
Tài liệu Appendix D: Web Reporting doc

Tài liệu Appendix D: Web Reporting doc


Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

30 314 0