design of control systems for dc drives

Analysis and design of control systems using MATLAB

Analysis and design of control systems using MATLAB

... developing an appreciation for the topic of analysis and design of control systems An extensive bibliography to guide the student to further sources of information on control systems engineering is ... design of feedback control systems and MATLAB Control Systems Anand, D.K., Introduction to Control Systems, 2nd ed., Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 1984 Atkinson, P., Feedback Control Theory for ... fundamental strategy of controlling physical variables in systems is presented Some of the terms commonly used to describe the operation, analysis, and design of control systems are described

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 18:43

269 659 2
Design of piping systems for the food processing industry

Design of piping systems for the food processing industry

... are often regarded as identical, there may be small differences in the carbon content 2006-06-27 Version 1.0 In replacement of New Page of 29 Guideline no Design of piping systems The design of ... replacement of New Page of 29 Guideline no Introduction This guideline provides general advice on the design of piping systems in the food industry The focus will be on the design and installation of ... perform a visual check of the welds on the inside as well as on the outside of the pipe Internal inspection of piping systems is performed by endoscopy The inspection of

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2016, 17:21

29 396 0
Analysis of Closed-Loop Performance and Frequency-Domain Design of Compensating Filters for Sliding Mode Control Systems

Analysis of Closed-Loop Performance and Frequency-Domain Design of Compensating Filters for Sliding Mode Control Systems

... Analysis of Closed-Loop Performance and Frequency-Domain Design of Compensating Filters for Sliding Mode Control Systems Igor Boiko Honeywell and University of Calgary, 2500 University ... involvement of the filtering hypothesis Let us formulate that as the following theorem, the proof of which is given as the formulas above Theorem For the existence of a periodic motion of frequency ... another formula of J(ω) for the case of the linear part given by a transfer function, which will have the format of infinite series and be instrumental at analyzing some effects in the SM systems

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2015, 09:37

20 420 0
Design of hybrid marine control systems for dynamic positioning

Design of hybrid marine control systems for dynamic positioning

... DESIGN OF HYBRID MARINE CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR DYNAMIC POSITIONING NGUYEN TRONG DONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2006 DESIGN OF HYBRID MARINE CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR DYNAMIC POSITIONING ... changes of environmental conditions, for changes of operational functions, as well as for changes of vessel’s speed, 3) At local optimization level: hybrid control for changes of ... environmental conditions, for. .. on the theory of supervisory control developed systematically for hybrid control Review on the control for station keeping and transit of the marine

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:30

207 329 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_2 pptx

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_2 pptx

... combustion of a fuel for the generation of steam or hot water results in the emission of various gases and particulate matter. The respective amounts and chem- ical composition of these emissions formed ... suited for steam generation because they lend them- selves to easy load control and require low amounts of excess air for complete combustion. (Excess air is defined as that quantity of air present ... uniform size. Environmental Protection Agency, " ;Control Techniques for Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources" gives characteristics of refuse derived fuels. 3-3. Fuel burning systems

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 461 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_3 pot

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_3 pot

... Coefficient of haze (C OH). A few states have standards for a particulate measurement called the coefficient of haze. This measure- ment is reported in units of COH/1000 linear feet of sampled ... method, air is drawn through a small spot on a circle of filter paper until the equivalent of a 1000 feet long column of air of the diameter of the spot has passed through the filter paper. Transmittance ... 5-3 Chart offers a set of standards with which to measure have a removable cover. On double wall stacks the opacity of an effluent plume. By the comparison of sampling ports may consist of a 4-inch

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 399 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_4 potx

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_4 potx

... transport systems are not a. Conditions. Cyclones can be constructed of a variety of types of metals. The type of materials specified is dependent upon the erosion characteristics of the dust, ... characteristics of the gases, and the operating temperature of the cyclone. Generally, cyclones are constructed of mild steel or cast iron. (See para 7-5 for additional information on materials selection for ... velocity is controlled by adjusting the area of type of scrubber is effective in collection of the venturi throat. Several possible methods fine particulate. Construction of this for doing this

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 413 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_5 docx

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_5 docx

... filament wound plastic of scrubber slurry solids consistency can be pipe is also suitable for a very wide range of used to control bleed-off of high solids slurry conditions of temperature, pressure, ... easily retrofitted. In the design of new c. Incinerator application. Until relatively recently, installations, the use of hot precipitators has become ESPs were used for pollution control on ... proven pre- 8-7 Control systems The electric power control system is the most impor- tant component system of any E SP. The basic compo- nents of this system are: step-up transformer; high voltage

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 498 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_6 doc

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_6 doc

... system. Observation of key pressures within small systems, permits manual adjustment of gas flows and actuation of the cleaning mechanisms. b. The number and degree of sophistication of pres- 9-7. ... distant future. Gasification of coal removes essentially all of the sulfur and liquification of coal results in a reduction of more than 85% of the sulfur. e. Applicability of boiler conversion from ... attack of the bags by iron and sulphur at tem- peratures greater than 400 degrees Fahrenheit contribute to early bag failure. Any fabric filtering systems designed for particulate con- trol of incinerators

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 418 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_7 doc

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_7 doc

... process designed for disposal of of active chemicals, lower liquid volumes wastes in a solid/slurry form. As shown in can be used thereby lowering equipment figure 10-6, the process consists of three ... danger of of the zeolite. combustion of the reactivated carbon. v. Cost of flue-gas desulfurization. The actual (2) Zeolites are a class of highly structured alumi- capital and operating costs for ... combustion air both play a role in the formation of NO . The largest percentage of NO formed is a result x x of the high temperature fixation reaction of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen in the

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 313 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_9 doc

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_9 doc

... the operating conditions for transport reactor inch of water per inch of bed depth. The bulk or pulverized coal boiler. The design of the fluidized of the bed consists of limestone, sand, ash, ... load control (2) Some potential uses of the ash are: aggregate mechanism for bubbling bed in concrete; road base ingredients; stabiliza- (5) Requirement of a free-board for combustion tion of soil ... and design versus a conventional boiler will not be complexity. Also, a cost effective way to economical when using compliance coal for clean up the hot flue gases before they reach control of

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 374 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Markov Modelling of Fingerprinting Systems for Collision Analysis" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Markov Modelling of Fingerprinting Systems for Collision Analysis" pptx

... Starting with a block of ones, d consists of blocks of ones, interweaved with blocks of zeros. Let n 0 be the number of blocks of zeros and n 1 be the number of blocks of ones. Con- sider the ... Dots stand for empirical values whereas lines stand for theoretical results. by means of Markov chains. We have given theoretical ex- pressions for the performance of general chains of M-ary hashes, ... model of Section 5 with θ = 2p Δ − 1 can be used to determine the probability of collision for this method. Figure 2 shows the accuracy of this model against empirical results, for a range of hash

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20

10 340 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Multiple-Clock-Cycle Architecture for the VLSI Design of a System for Time-Frequency Analysis" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Multiple-Clock-Cycle Architecture for the VLSI Design of a System for Time-Frequency Analysis" doc

... the control Control logic for the MCI realization of the signal-dependent SM can set all but one of the control signals, based solely on the SM enable code (SM en). Write control signal of the ... ome of them are: (i) reasonable cost for small number of pieces, (ii) in system programming (ISP) possibilities, (iii) availability of software design support provided by different development systems ... Architecture for the VLSI Design of a System for Time-Frequency Analysis Veselin N. Ivanovi ´ c, Radovan Stojanovi ´ c, and LJubi ˇ sa Stankovi ´ c Department of Electrical Eng ineering, University of

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

18 385 0


... 9 May 1988. The format of this UFC does not conform to UFC 1-300-01; however, the format will be adjusted to conform at the next revision. The body of this UFC is a document of a different number. ... abbreviations and a brief definition of terminology used in the text. 1-3. Unique control problems The selection of one particular type of design for a mechanical system for a given application when ... Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, 40 CFR 60 and subsequent revisions The techniques are listed in table 5-1 standards For. .. characterize pollutants for design controls

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

121 313 0
Design of hydraulic systems for lift truck

Design of hydraulic systems for lift truck

... Spring operated Electrical control Electrical control, proportional Pump, constant volume, one direction of flow Design of Hydraulic Systems for Lift Trucks i CONTENTS Chapter ... 1% for every 15 MPa (2000 psi) pressure. Fig. 2.2 shows the relationship between Bulk Modulus v E and the temperature for two types of fluid. Fig. 2.2 Design of Hydraulic Systems for ... restrictor (orifice) variable Flow control, pressure compensated, two-way Flow control, pressure compensated, three-way Design of Hydraulic Systems for Lift Trucks 33 Chapter 3 Hydraulic...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:37

264 876 10
Tài liệu Design of Feedback Control Systems for Stable Plants with Saturating Actuators ppt

Tài liệu Design of Feedback Control Systems for Stable Plants with Saturating Actuators ppt

... concerning the design of control systems with multiple saturations. A systematic methodology is introduced to design control systems with multiple saturations for stable open ... investigation was made on the effects on performance of the reset windups for MIMO systems [11] showing potential for improving the performance of the system. A simple case study ... Page 2 speed of response for small exogenous signals (reference commands and disturbances). One way to design controllers for systems with bounded controls, would be...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 10:20

39 597 0
QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

QUASILINEAR CONTROL: Performance Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems with Nonlinear Sensors and Actuators pot

... LPNI Systems 66 4 Analysis of Disturbance Rejection in LPNI Systems 114 5 Design of Reference Tracking Controllers for LPNI Systems 134 6 Design of Disturbance Rejection Controllers for LPNI Systems ... 224 8 Proofs 225 8.1 Proofs for Chapter 2 225 8.2 Proofs for Chapter 3 226 8.3 Proofs for Chapter 4 234 8.4 Proofs for Chapter 5 236 8.5 Proofs for Chapter 6 241 8.6 Proofs for Chapter 7 269 8.7 ... Chapters 3 and 5 for analysis and design of LPNI systems from the point of view of reference tracking. 2.1 Open Loop Systems 21 f (u) N u(t) v(t) ˆv(t) Figure 2.1. Stochastic linearization of an isolated...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20

300 640 0
Diffusion of photovoltaic systems for rural electrification in Thailand

Diffusion of photovoltaic systems for rural electrification in Thailand

... that the transformation to sustainable forms of energy in rural areas of developing countries may take time and need a lot of efforts. Even if the energy is provided for free of charge, there ... three main formats according to the informants. One format of the interview guide is for officers from eight governmental agencies who are the subjects of the overall case. The second format aims ... iii. Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC); iv. Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education (ONIE); v. Vocational Education Commission (VEC); 1 NSTDA (2008). Memorandum of understanding...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

10 497 0
Tài liệu The Design Of Manufacturing Systems P2 docx

Tài liệu The Design Of Manufacturing Systems P2 docx

... Development of appropriate measures of manufacturability. ã Accounting for design tolerances by the manufacturability system. ã Automatic generation of redesign suggestions for the design violations ... that the designer can easily interact with the system. Ranking of Redesign Alternatives Another area requiring research attention in the context of generation of redesign solutions (design advisor) ... ranking of the generated redesign alternatives [Allada, 1997]. One of the important tasks of an automated manufacturability evaluator is to check for any design violations and provide redesign alternatives...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 18:20

20 500 0