Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 02:20
Design Patterns and Best Practices
... architecture. Design patterns help you architect and design simple, elegant, extensible, and easily maintainable applications that users are demanding If you have questions on using design patterns, ... Page 51 of 66 Design Pattern Framework™ 2.0 The Java world was earlier in accepting and embracing the concept of Design Patterns and they got a head start. However, with more and more developers ... architecting and design pattern endeavors. Copyright â 2006, Data & Object Factory. All rights reserved. Page 66 of 66 Design Pattern Framework™ 2.0 this pattern is Command Message –...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 17:20
Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P12
... on the DVD included with the book: Designs—First Edition and Designs—Third Edition. The 50 templates in the Designs—First Edition folder are XHTML-based and designed for 800 Â 600 resolution with ... file names: Designs—Fourth Edition/161-180-css /design_ 170/ main.psd, bg-main.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu-item-2.htm, menu-item-3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 169 Homepage design. Chapter ... antiquated in terms of coding standards or hardware standards (for example, screen resolution), there are elements that can still be used, studied, or modified from older designs. This is why older...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15
Voice over IP : Protocols and Standards
... standards, viz SCBus and S.100. A table summarizing the key protocols and standards can be found in Appendix A. Back to Table of Contents APPENDIX A : FUNCTIONS OF THE KEY PROTOCOLS AND STANDARDS H.323 ... SCBus standard has been endorsed by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and telephony products from several vendors are based on it [Jain98]. Voice Over IP : Protocols and Standards ... channel Admissions, Bandwidth Change, Status and Disengage The RAS channel is also used for the transmission of Admissions, Bandwidth Change, Status and Disengage messages. Voice Over IP : Protocols and Standards
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P4 ppt
... defined over {t, f, u} (t represents true, f represents false, and u stands for uncertain). Let m g = {L i : l i } and m g′ = {M i : m i } and form a matrix where Equation (14.12) Then, the truth ... of this handbook. References Baldwin, J. F., Martin, T. P., and Pilsworth, B. W., 1995, Firl — Fuzzy and Evidential Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence, Research Studies Press, England. Bezdek, ... The Design of Training and Classification Tests Test 1 Training Samples Classification Samples 1 All samples All samples 2 Randomly pick 1/2 of the samples The other 1/2 of the samples 3 Randomly...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P3 ppt
... attribute A1,A2,A3,…, An, AND there is manufacturing time T and cost M, THEN process P of capabilities C1,C2,C3,…,Cm, AND processing time Tp and cost Mp is used. where Tp T and Mp M. â 2001 by CRC ... bottleneck is the acquisition and representation of process planning knowledge from design and manufacturing. An immediate task is to provide CAD modelling functions and tools and make them available ... design to shop floor man- ufacturing. On the one hand, it has to provide multiple decisions and alternative information transfer from design to various manufacturing functions. On the other hand...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P2 pptx
... steadily granted and outrun the competitors standards; and due time and delivery might require sudden acceleration of the production scheduling to win new orders. Batch size and artefact quality ... physical resources (processing and transfer units, parts, and pallets) and data on logic resources (monitoring, decision, or command units). The modules are detailed, modified, and instanciated to suit ... dispensers, atomisers, and triggers for home preparations; lips, spouts, and nozzles for ready-drinkable cheer packs and cans; nonrefillable closures for bottles and decanters; and similar nonreusable...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P1 docx
... products p 1 and p 2 , representing 509 and 640 part types. Thus actual job type and order entity sets are P ϭ {p 1 , p 2 } and O ϭ {o 1 } with BEL-P(p ) ϭ o 1 for ϭ 1, 2. Due dates and product ... (e 4 -, and e 5 - type events) and sending to the job flow manager the messages about failure and repair occurrences for servers, for AGV trucks and for transport subsystems (e 1 -, e 2 -, and e 3 -type ... (JHM) and the co- operating machines (COM) functions establish the following relationships between the entity sets V and M Here JHM(v ␣ ) and COM(v ␣ ) specify respectively the first and the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:15
Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoidsystem to generate magnetic field for an ECR proton source
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 08:58
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P8 pptx
... = 0 and o = 1 and = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, and ±4. These observations were fed directly to the network and trained by a standard backpropagation algorithm to achieve a desired output between –1 and ... 18.1 and ρ is the variance shift magnitude in σ as defined in Table 18.3. TABLE 18.6 Comparisons between C-NN and Acosta’s CUSUM and EWMA (a) Comparisons between C-NN and Acosta’s CUSUM and EWMA ... Acosta and Pignatiello’s (1996) CUSUM scheme and EWMA charts, as shown in Tables 18.6(a) and (b), to Acosta and Pignatiello’s (1996) EWMA chart which adopts Roberts’ (1959) EWMA for mean and Wortham’s...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P7 ppt
... Technologies Relevant to On-Line Parameter Design 17.3 Design of Quality Controllers for On-Line Parameter Design 17.4 Case Study: Plasma Etching Process Modeling and On-Line Parameter Design 17.5 Conclusion ... is relatively standard, and consists of three operations [Liepins and Hilliard, 1989]: (i) evaluation of individual fitness, (ii) formation of a gene pool, and (iii) recombination and mutation, ... network configurations and their training, and are not repeated here [Haykin, 1999; Weigand et al., 1992; Solla, 1989; Baum and Haussler, 1989]. 17.3.2 On-Line Parameter Design Mode Once the product/process...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P6 ppt
... weight matrix W_xh and W_hy , and the bias vector θ_ h and θ_ y . Step 3: Load the input vector X of a testing example. Step 4: Calculate and infer the actual output ... based on machine capabilities and the nature of the material composition of both the workpiece and end mill. FIGURE 16.3 Experimental setup. VM DESIGNER: Wei-Liang DESIGNER: Wei-Liang Proximity ... by end milling. Armarego and Deshpande [1989] presented one more milling process geometry model that incorporates cutter runout to predict cutting forces. Sutherland and Babin [1985] demonstrated...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18
Tài liệu Computer-Aided.Design.Engineering.and.Manufacturing P5 ppt
... and the estimated value of the spindle and feed current, namely, S i and F i (i = 1, 2, . . . , 6) are outputted. Second, the spindle and feed current detected are put into the logarithm, and ... K. F., Brandon, J. A., Grosvenor, B. I. and Dwen, B. I., 1986, A Comparison of In-Process Tool Wear Measurement Methods in Turning, in Proc. 26 th International Machine Tool Design and Research ... Rodriguez, O., and Uragun, B., 1993, Monitoring Drill Conditions with Wavelet Based Encoding and Neural Network, Int. J. Mach. Tools and Manuf., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 559-575. 39. Wu, Y. and Du, R....
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P13 pdf
... content. Photoshopsourcefilenames:Designs—Third Edition/121-160-css /design_ 137/ design_ 137.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: Design 136 Homepage design. Chapter ... names: Designs—Fourth Edition/161-180-css /design_ 164/ main.psd, bg-main.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu-item-2.htm, menu-item-3.htm Photo credits: Lori Discoe Design 163 Homepage design. Designs—Fourth ... source file names: Designs—Third Edition/121-160-css /design_ 159/ main.psd, bg-main.psd, bg-main-sl.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu-item-2.htm Design 158 Homepage design. Designs—Third Edition...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 15:16
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P14 docx
... Edition/101-120-photoshop/ design_ 101 /design_ 101.psd Photo credits: A 5design Design 100 Signature design. Photoshop source file names: Designs—Third Edition/91-100-signatures/ design_ 100 /design_ 100.psd Photo ... file names: Designs—Third Edition/81-90-enewsletters/ design_ 83 /design_ 83.psd XHTML pages: index.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 82 E-newsletter design. Photoshop source file names: Designs—Third ... watermark. Design 90 E-newsletter design. Photoshop source file names: Designs—Third Edition/81-90-enewsletters/ design_ 90 /design_ 90.psd XHTML pages: index.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 89 E-newsletter...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 15:16
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P15 ppt
... names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 57/ design_ 57.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: Lisa Murillo, A 5design Design 56 Homepage design. Designs—Third ... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 62/ design_ 62.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 61 Homepage design. Designs—Third ... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 76/ design_ 76.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 75 Homepage design. Designs—Third...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 15:16