definitions of assisted living at the time of the 1992 policy synthesis



... characteristics of assisted living as well as developing profiles of assisted living residents and staff A DEFINITIONS OF ASSISTED LIVING AT THE TIME OF THE 1992 POLICY SYNTHESIS The 1992 Policy Synthesis ... ASSISTED LIVING? A Definitions of Assisted Living at the Time of the 1992 Policy Synthesis B Current Definitions of Assisted Living C Suggested Typologies for Classifying the Range of Assisted ... follows the evolution of the term assisted living from the time of the 1992 Policy Synthesis to the present It also focuses on the issues involved in defining the term assisted living, and the kinds...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 17:20

98 725 0
Prevention of falls in the elderly living at home pdf

Prevention of falls in the elderly living at home pdf

... extending the period of physical autonomy, and retarding the onset of the effects of aging The fact that the majority of elderly people are currently living in their own home is in part attributable ... et d’éducation pour la santé) The other members of the steering committee provided literature summaries, proposed strategic orientations and participated in the elaboration of recommendations To ... objective of adapting interventions to the risk profiles of the elderly person, the recommendations will be formulated with regards both to the type of intervention and to the content of the intervention...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

155 1,4K 1
The ULTIMATE Your Guide to Good Health One Cup of Tea at a Time pptx

The ULTIMATE Your Guide to Good Health One Cup of Tea at a Time pptx

... a result of the newfound health benefits White tea was being produced as far back as the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD) At that time, the nature of the beverage and the style of tea preparation were ... caught up with all of the hoopla about steeping time and water temperature—just get to it Here’s the short explanation of how to brew tea: Heat some water, pour a little of the hot water into a teapot, ... with a tea bag on the side and you are expected to dip the bag into the cup You will find that when you drop the bag into the water, it will float on top The water doesn’t saturate the tea, so you...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

320 556 0
Taxation of European Companies at the Time of Establishment and Restructuring docx

Taxation of European Companies at the Time of Establishment and Restructuring docx

... states which had not transposed the directive in time. 53 When looking at the ratio of SEs and the population of the member states,54 the rather small member state Luxembourg is leading Here the ... discussed next The main issue at the point of time of the reorganization concerns the taxation of gains and losses immanent in the assets transferred, thus of the hidden reserves, as they may have ... state to another member state and the exit out of an SE With regard to the entry, the four options to establish an SE are assessed: the merger, the foundation of a holding, the foundation of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

282 569 0
ICT enabled independent living for elderly: A status-quo analysis on products and the research landscape in the field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) in EU-27 doc

ICT enabled independent living for elderly: A status-quo analysis on products and the research landscape in the field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) in EU-27 doc

... deployment of ICT One of the results of the study is that the preparation of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme has experienced an important first impetus by the establishment of a few national ... independent living of elderly At the same time, we assume that another trend will increase the number of cases in which care organisations provide care services at the home of their clients It therefore ... project, the patients surprisingly favoured the software over a constant presence of a physical therapist, as they then often experienced feelings of shame The software records the patients’...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 16:20

94 517 0
MATERIALS AND METHODS (for definitions and additional details, see the technical appendix at end of chap- ter): Sources of data pdf

MATERIALS AND METHODS (for definitions and additional details, see the technical appendix at end of chap- ter): Sources of data pdf

... understanding the causes of these cancers within populations of children The concept of multiple causation has direct implications for the interpretation of research on the causes of cancer Suppose that ... and that the condition rather than the medication confers the risk Epidemiologists would say that the condition is a confounder of the observed association between the medication and cancer National ... calendar year The EAPC = 100*(em - 1) Testing the hypothesis that the Annual Percent Change is equal to zero is equivalent to testing the hypothesis that the slope of the line in the above equation is...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

16 490 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Older People’s Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Older People’s Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy" docx

... difference in the absolute risk of any fall of about 20% between subjects within the lowest quartile of the OPQOL score and the rest of the sample Results Out of the 239 participants enrolled at baseline, ... answered the phone but refused to be interviewed; they nonetheless provided confirmation of their currently living at home so that data on survival and living arrangements one year after the baseline ... This latter finding suggests that a greater use of the ED by elders is associated with dimensions of the QOL other than the HRQOL, such as dissatisfaction with social support, personal relationships...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 694 0
Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge based economy in the province of thua thien hue at the present time

Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge based economy in the province of thua thien hue at the present time

... modernization of the country and international economic integration, Journal of Political Theory From the approach of the United Nations and the economists, the author introduces the concepts of HR, ... industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy, the thesis analyses, assesses the situation of human resources for industry of modernization associated ... the Province of Thua Thien Hue at the present time" for the doctoral thesis Objectives and research tasks of the dissertation 2.1 Research objectives On the basis of the systematizing theoretical...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:29

267 517 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Serum estradiol should be monitored not only during the peri-menopausal period but also the post-menopausal period at the time of aromatase inhibitor administration" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Serum estradiol should be monitored not only during the peri-menopausal period but also the post-menopausal period at the time of aromatase inhibitor administration" pdf

... indicates the existence of distant metastases in these patients at the time of the operation, thus supporting the evidence of distant metastases at the moment of operation as one of major causes of ... site of relapse; evidence of pathologic confirmation of relapse; precise evidence about treatment of the relapse date the treatment began and ended, form of the treatment; outcome of the treatment ... specific treatment The aim of the study was to assess whether the intensified follow up of the operated patients contributes to the earlier treatment of relapse or indicates the way of improving the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

11 332 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Serum estradiol should be monitored not only during the peri-menopausal period but also the post-menopausal period at the time of aromatase inhibitor administration" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: "Serum estradiol should be monitored not only during the peri-menopausal period but also the post-menopausal period at the time of aromatase inhibitor administration" pps

... also did not investigate the precision of the ECLIA method However, it is at least clear that in these patients the reduction of E2 that can be expected due to the effects of AI therapy is not being ... menopause, the number of births and the body mass index (BMI) of the patients The mean age at menarche was 15.5 ± 1.2 years in the patients The advent of AIs marked a revolution in the therapeutic approach ... on the basis of their age, and that, due to the complete absence of residual ovarian function, administration of an AI would result in continuous inhibition of serum E2 The data generated in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21

5 281 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " A rapid and efficient method for studies of virus interaction at the host cell surface using enteroviruses and real-time PCR" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: " A rapid and efficient method for studies of virus interaction at the host cell surface using enteroviruses and real-time PCR" potx

... at room temperature demonstrating that incubation at a higher temperature reduced unspecific attachment of this virus to CHO cells, while attachment to CHO-CAR, CHO-DAF and HeLa remained at the ... that are allowed to attach to cultured cells The real -time PCR (RT-PCR) technology utilizes the standard PCR method with the addition of measuring the accumulation of amplified DNA in real -time ... that gradient purification may alter the structure of the virion or remove components that affect the interactions with the cell surface The observed differences suggest that the interaction between...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:21

6 231 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " A morphological and molecular study of Anaplasma phagocytophilum transmission events at the time of Ixodes ricinus tick bite" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: " A morphological and molecular study of Anaplasma phagocytophilum transmission events at the time of Ixodes ricinus tick bite" pps

... leukocytes of the infiltrate at the tick bite site, indicating that PMNs and other inflammatory cells are attracted to the area and may provide a possibility for survival of A phagocytophilum beneath the ... conclusion, whether the endothelium plays a role in the pathogenesis of and establishment of A phagocytophilum infection at the site of tick bite could not be documented by the present study Other factors ... participated in the design of the study, performed the histological examination, immunohistological interpretation and created the figures MA also revised the draft manuscript KB performed the IFAT...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:22

7 242 0
At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

... This view of timegeometries ties in closely to the spatialization of time, one in which time is seen as interlocking grids of relations, technologies and strategies aimed at the control of time and ... colonization of the future For instance in Ennew’s (1994: 126) critique of the “timetabling effect” of the “curricularization”, or “scholarization”, of children’s lives, she argues the ‘tyranny of time ... Rather, the literature presented in the following is an outcome of abstracting what I consider to be critical junctures in the relatively disparate sets of literature These abstractions will then...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 14:23

130 550 0
At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

... studies that have sought to place the experiences of students-as-young people at the center of discussion This research builds on the argument that there is inadequate attention paid to the diverse ... resistance of the routinizing effects of globalizing education spaces First, I examine how everyday temporalities in the lives of young Southeast Asian migrant students shape the ways they articulate their ... experiences of education migration, and the diverse transnational connectivities that they are refracted through, are highly differentiated and constantly (re)made through the changing configurations of...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:13

8 238 0
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of Losartan on expression of connexins at the early stage of atherosclerosis in rabbits"

Báo cáo y học: "Effects of Losartan on expression of connexins at the early stage of atherosclerosis in rabbits"

... formation of the atherosclerotic plaque Previous study demonstrated that rats lack of Cx43 expression showed 50% lower rate of attack with atherosclerotic plaque compared with normal rats (9) Our ... endothelium and resulted in the formation of atherosclerosis (9) Javid et al also found that in the early stage of atherosclerosis, the number of Cx43 gap junction plaques increased and the diameter ... connections The present study aimed to detect the expression of Cx40 and Cx43 in the artery at early stage of high fat diet induced atherosclerosis and to investigate the effects of AT1 antagonist...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:39

8 467 0
Báo cáo y học: " Vacuum-assisted closure in the treatment of early hip joint infection"

Báo cáo y học: " Vacuum-assisted closure in the treatment of early hip joint infection"

... in the wound stimulate the proliferation of granulation tissue [2] However, although the V.A.C.-therapy corresponds with the concept of infection treatment with implant/prosthesis preservation, ... necroses, then the V.A.C.-therapy should not be used for infection management of the underlying implant Moreover, the virulence of the causative pathogens, the severity of infection and the host ... creation of a therapy concept is essential with respect to the treat- 246 ment strategies of septic surgery and the causes of the infection Conflict of Interest The authors have declared that...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:53

6 575 1
Báo cáo y học: "Mechanical complications and reconstruction strategies at the site of hip spacer implantation"

Báo cáo y học: "Mechanical complications and reconstruction strategies at the site of hip spacer implantation"

... articulation promotes the emergence of high local antibiotic concentrations due to the continuous friction of the articulating components Cement debris can be then easily removed at the time of the ... improve the femoral fixation of the spacer stem Alternatively to that and at stable femoral fixation, the spacer itself may dislocate out from the hip socket In these cases, specific attention ... an unstable joint situation results, the outcome of the surgery is endangered or the mobilisation of the patient is hereby limited Generally, the surgical treatment of these fractures should...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:53

6 455 0
Designing an esp syllabus for the second-year students of library study at the national teachers training college

Designing an esp syllabus for the second-year students of library study at the national teachers training college

... consideration of the students needs and the objectives of the course, together with the institutional bias of the teaching institution It implies that a material designer must analyze the needs of the ... the administrators) The organization of the syllabus Basing on the results of the surveys and the official requirements of the college, we have offered an ESP reading syllabus for the ... Furthermore, students at University of Cultures are of higher level of English proficiency than that of the students at NTTC And the target students at NTTC are lower in comparison with that at...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

76 738 4
Techniques for developing content reading skills for the third year students at the university of odonto and stomatology

Techniques for developing content reading skills for the third year students at the university of odonto and stomatology

... meet the demand of their work Being aware of the great importance of ESP in the teaching career, the students’ study and their future jobs, teachers at the University of Odonto and Stomatology ... the students Types of text are chosen to be the focus of 20% of the teachers and 5% of the students The same amount of the students (5%) concentrate on the relating knowledge of Dentistry meanwhile ... of the teachers (20%) and one fourth of the students (25%) believed that the material is difficult and boring From the results, the author of 28 the study can come to a conclusion that the material...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

49 1,2K 2
An english-vietnamese cross-cultural study of keeping face at the first encounter

An english-vietnamese cross-cultural study of keeping face at the first encounter

... communication at the first encounter 25 Situation a To business partner of higher status in the office b To their business partner of equal status in the office C To their business partner of lower status ... requested to provide information about: Their nationality Their age Their sex Their marital status Their occupation Their residence Their acquisition of foreign language The informants are assured ... all concern the relation between the speakers communicative intention, the interlocutors expectation of the message and the communicative effects of the message Problems in communication, especially...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

51 1,3K 13