data structures lists stacks and queues

Stacks And Queues - CSC220 Data Structure Winter 2004-5

Stacks And Queues - CSC220 Data Structure Winter 2004-5

... are data storage structures while stacks and queues are specialized DS and used as programmer’s tools • Stack – a container that allows push and pop • Queue - a container that allows enqueue and ... the queue Circular Queue • To solve this problem, queues implement wrapping around Such queues are called Circular Queues • Both the front and the rear pointers wrap around to the beginning ... codes • First example stack ADT and implementation C:\Documents and Settings\box\My Documents\CS\CSC\220\ReaderPrograms\ReaderFiles \Chap04\Stack\ • push and pop operations are performed...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2015, 19:42

24 281 0
Problem Set 6 Part 1: Pointers to pointers. Multidimensional arrays. Stacks and queues.

Problem Set 6 Part 1: Pointers to pointers. Multidimensional arrays. Stacks and queues.

... word(), which searches the trie for a word and returns its translation(s) Once your code is working, run a few test cases Hand in a copy of your code, and a printout of your program running in ... "a" "c" � � � � � � � � "an" � � � � "and" "ca" � � � � � � � � "ant" "cat" Figure 6.2-1: Trie structure (translations not shown) For each node, its key (e.g and ) is not explicitly stored in the ... index in that parent’s pointer array of children In this problem, you will utilize a trie structure and to implement a simple one-way Englishto-French dictionary The trie structure, shown in Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:07

3 379 0
Problem Set 6 – Solutions Part 1: Pointers to pointers. Multidimensional arrays. Stacks and queues.

Problem Set 6 – Solutions Part 1: Pointers to pointers. Multidimensional arrays. Stacks and queues.

... e operand = o p e r a n d s [ ] + o p e r a n d s [ ] ; break ; case SUBTRACT: v a l u e operand = o p e r a n d s [1] − o p e r a n d s [ ] ; break ; case MULTIPLY: v a l u e operand = o ... word(), which searches the trie for a word and returns its translation(s) Once your code is working, run a few test cases Hand in a copy of your code, and a printout of your program running in ... "a" "c" � � � � � � � � "an" � � � � "and" "ca" � � � � � � � � "ant" "cat" Figure 6.2-1: Trie structure (translations not shown) For each node, its key (e.g and ) is not explicitly stored in the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:07

8 433 0
Báo cáo dịch nội dung tài liệu data structures using c and c++

Báo cáo dịch nội dung tài liệu data structures using c and c++

... phần cứng máy Chúng ta thấy integers, floats, and characters thực phần cứng Bin double xác số dấu phẩy Có ba vòng áp dụng cho số nguyên: short, long and unsigned Một biến số nguyên dài hay ngắn ... seq3; /* squence of length */ /* consisting of an integer, */ /* a character and a */ /* floating-point number */ abstract typedef intseq; /* sequence of 10 integers ... thước nhớ máy có hạn Do đó, kiểu liệu "integer" thể phần cứng mà kiểu liệu " “integer 15 be-tween x and y” " x y số nguyên nhỏ lớn biểu diễn máy Quan trọng nhận biết hạn chế triển khai thực cụ thể...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2015, 17:16

19 264 0
Lists, stacks, queues, and priority  queues

Lists, stacks, queues, and priority queues

... end (tail) of the queue, and are accessed and deleted from the beginning (head) of the queue Data1 Data2 Data3 Data2 Data1 Data1 Data3 Data2 Data1 Data3 Data3 Data2 Data1 Data2 Liang, Introduction ... Data1 Data1 Data3 Data2 Data2 Data1 Data3 Data2 Data1 Data1 Data1 Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Eighth Edition, (c) 2011 Pearson Education, Inc All rights reserved 0132130807 34 Queues ... 0132130807 Four Classic Data Structures Four classic dynamic data structures to be introduced in this chapter are lists, stacks, queues, and binary trees A list is a collection of data stored sequentially...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 01:17

43 404 0


... ArrayList, and Collection classes to the Stack and Queue classes and to the HashTable and the SortedList classes The data structures and algorithms student can now see how to use a data structure ... 20:59 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS USING C# C# programmers: no more translating data structures from C++ or Java to use in your programs! Mike McMillan provides a tutorial on how to use data structures ... Introduction to Collections, Generics, and the Timing Class This book discusses the development and implementation of data structures and algorithms using C# The data structures we use in this book are...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 10:16

366 689 4
Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

... Page i Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java is a text for an introductory course on classical data structures Part One of the book ... programming, and classical data structures The software development principles associated with OOP provide a strong framework for presenting and implementing classical data structures We adhere to and ... (creation methods, class methods, commands, queries, and pre- and postconditions) and internal features (data and methods) •Discuss the issues associated with error handling in Java •Present the important...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 04:20

508 587 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -Stack Applications pdf

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -Stack Applications pdf

... kind of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? 36 We will see a lot of interesting problems involved backtracking and usage of Stack ADT while studying recursion, trees, and graphs ... all solutions if exists • What kind of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? 30 Knight’s tour Problem The knight is placed on the empty board and, moving according to the rules of ... it’s using and before it’s going out of the scope by writing its default constructor and destructor Convert Decimal to Binary Convert() PROBLEM: Read a decimal number and convert...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

37 622 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 9: Hashing pot

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 9: Hashing pot

... 2008 Modulo Division Address = Key MOD listSize + • Fewer collisions if listSize is a prime number • Example: Numbering system to handle 1,000,000 employees Data space to store up to 300 employees ... 46 56 66 Spreading the data more evenly across the address space Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT 25 01 December 2008 Pseudorandom Key Pseudorandom Number Generator Random Number Modulo Division ... December 2008 Collision Resolution • As data are added and collisions are resolved, hashing tends to cause data to group within the list ⇒ Clustering: data are unevenly distributed across the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

54 592 1
Data Structures and Algorithms – C++ Implementation ppt

Data Structures and Algorithms – C++ Implementation ppt

... Science and Engineering – HCMUT data link dataType key field1 field2 … fieldN end dataType Slide Nodes – Implementation in C++ struct Node { int data; Node *next; }; node data ... Node(); p- >data = 5; coutdata; Node *q = p; coutdata; Node *r = new Node(); r- >data = 10; q->next = r; coutnext- >data; Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering ... to receive deleted data Post data have been deleted and returned to caller Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering – HCMUT Slide 35 Delete Node Algorithm dataOut = pLoc -> data if (pPre = null)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

53 675 2
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 6 -Recursion pot

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 6 -Recursion pot

... Subprogram implementation Subprogram implementation Subprogram implementation Tree and Stack frames of function calls Tree and Stack frames of function calls Stack frames: Each vertical column shows ... declared in the function are created for 10 each recursive call Tree and Stack frames of function calls D E F F E E E 11 Tree and Stack frames of function calls Recursive calls: M M M M M M M M ... factN End RecursiveFactorial 24 Recursive Solution  The recursive definition and recursive solution can be both concise and elegant  The computational details can require keeping track of many...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

85 532 1
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 7 -Tree pptx

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 7 -Tree pptx

... preOrderTraverse (refOperation(ref Data )) inOrderTraverse (refOperation(ref Data )) postOrderTraverse (refOperation(ref Data )) • Breadth-First ... (ref DataOut ) Insert (val DataIn ) Remove (val key ) Depend on various types of binary trees (BST, AVL, 2d-tree) Retrieve (ref DataOut ... nearly complete tree, and bushy tree) 2i+1 2i+2 23 Contiguous Implementation of Binary Tree Record Data Parent Flag End Record BinaryTree Data

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

88 425 1
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 8: Heaps pptx

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 8: Heaps pptx

... InsertElement (val DataIn ) DeleteMin (ref MinData ) RetrieveMin (ref MinData ) RetrieveMax (ref MaxData ) ... DeleteHeap (ref MinData ) // Recursive version Removes the minimum element from the min-heap Post MinData receives the minimum data in the heap and this data has been removed The ... return underflow else MinData = Data[ 0] Data[ 0] = Data[ count -1] count = count - ReheapDown(0, count -1) return success End DeleteHeap 16 DeleteHeap (ref MinData ) // Iterative...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

41 619 3
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 10: Sorting docx

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 10: Sorting docx

... = loop (current < count ) temp = datacurrent walker = current-1 loop (walker >=0) AND (temp.key < datawalker.key) datawalker+1 = datawalker walker = walker -1 datawalker+1 = temp current = current ... loop (current < count) temp = data[ current] walker = current - k loop (walker >=0) AND (temp.key < data[ walker].key) data[ walker + k] = data[ walker] walker = walker – k data[ walker + k] = temp current ... 43 Divide -and- conquer sorting Algorithm DivideAndConquer() if (the list has length greater than 1) partition the list into lowlist, highlist lowlist DivideAndConquer() highlist DivideAndConquer()...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

60 539 1
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees pdf

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees pdf

... loop (position < subroot->count) AND (target>subroot->dataposition) position = position + // Sequential Search if (position < subroot->count) AND (target = subroot->dataposition) return success else ... subroot , val newData , ref median , ref rightBranch ) Return overflow, duplicate_error, success if (subroot = NULL) median = newData rightbranch = NULL result ... subroot , val newData , ref median , ref rightBranch ) // else, local variables: extraEntry, extraBranch if (SearchNode (subroot, newData, position) = success)...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

44 491 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees doc

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees doc

... Trees • Each node has m - data entries and m subtree pointers • The key values in a subtree such that: – >= the key of the left data entry – < the key of the right data entry K1 keys < K1 Cao ... make room Pre Post node is pointer to node to contain data newEntry contains data to be inserted entryNdx is index to location for new data data have been inserted in sequence shifter = node -> ... Balance: shift data among nodes – Combine: join data from nodes Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT 22 17 November 2008 Balance Borrow from right Original node Rotate parent data down Rotate data to parent...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

31 496 2
Alfred v  aho   data structures and algorithms

Alfred v aho data structures and algorithms

... (9 of 37) [1.7.2001 18:58:22] Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 1: Design and Analysis of Algorithms , and so on) The ADT encapsulates a data ... about some of these languages 1.3 Data Types, Data Structures and Abstract Data Types Although the terms "data type" (or just "type"), "data structure" and "abstract data type" ... operation and replacing (8 of 37) [1.7.2001 18:58:22] Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 1: Design and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:32

620 644 0