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John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_4 pdf

John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_4 pdf

... c04.qxd 3/8/04 11:10 AM Page 97 Data Mining Applications 97 mining techniques used to generate the scores. It is worth noting, however, that many of the data mining techniques in this book can ... relationships suggest new hypotheses to test and the data mining process begins all over again. Lessons Learned Data mining comes in two forms. Directed data mining involves searching through historical ... independent of the data 470643 c04.qxd 3/8/04 11:10 AM Page 87 Data Mining Applications in Marketing and Customer Relationship Management 4 CHAPTER Some people find data mining techniques interesting...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

34 427 0
John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_5 pdf

John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_5 pdf

... of Statistics: Data Mining Using Familiar Tools 127 Looking at Discrete Values Much of the data used in data mining is discrete by nature, rather than contin- uous. Discrete data shows up in ... can be useful for several data mining techniques, such as clustering and neural net- works. Other uses of the z-value are covered in Chapter 17, which discusses data transformations. -2 -1 ... known. Most of the directed data mining techniques discussed in this book can be used to build a classification model to assign people to segments based on available data. All that is needed is...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

34 411 0


... process. REFERENCES [1] Akeel Al-Attar, 1998, Data Mining – Beyond Algorithms’, /mining. htm. [2] Berry, J. A. Michael; Linoff, Gordon, 1997, Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, ... of Data Set (training and test set) Filling the empty cells MUSAFinal Analysis Is the Data Set Complete? Yes No Selection of complete questionnaires CUSTOMER SATISFACTION USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES Nikolaos ... Analysis (Consistent family of criteria) Development of questionnaire Survey MUSA Data Mining Search Engines Rule Induction Engine Data Mining Global Satisfaction Predicction Satisfaction Functions Patterns...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 09:15

4 642 0
Tài liệu Multimedia Data Mining 3 pdf

Tài liệu Multimedia Data Mining 3 pdf

... dependence relationships from the data, â 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 72 Multimedia Data Mining the literature to perform specific multimedia data mining tasks as exemplified in the ... Statistical Mining Theory and Techniques 111 Maximum margin learning has been studied extensively in the recent ma- chine learning literature due to the important multimedia data mining appli- cations ... present we take this data set as the training data; the training data set represents the correct classification that we would like an SVM to eventually perform, by means of separating the data with a hyperplane,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 09:15

71 416 1


... BASED DATA MINING TECHNIQUES The objective of data mining is to extract valuable information from one’s data, to discover the ‘hidden gold’. In Decision Support Management terminology, data mining ... one search for patterns of information in data (Parsaye, 1997). Figure 2: Rule Induction process Data mining techniques are based on data retention and data distillation. Rule induction models ... process. REFERENCES [1] Akeel Al-Attar, 1998, Data Mining – Beyond Algorithms’, /mining. htm. [2] Berry, J. A. Michael; Linoff, Gordon, 1997, Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:15

4 434 1
Tài liệu Data Preparation for Data Mining- P11 pdf

Tài liệu Data Preparation for Data Mining- P11 pdf

... Series data are modeled either to discover the effects of time or to look at how the data Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. used for nonseries data ... main underlying “heartbeat” in the data. Smooth and filter until it seems clear. Extract it from the data. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ... optimized mining toolset, could not deal with a multiterabyte, 7000+ variable data set required on one mining project. Another reason that high dimensionality presents difficulties for mining...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 13:15

30 355 0
Tài liệu Data Preparation for Data Mining- P14 pdf

Tài liệu Data Preparation for Data Mining- P14 pdf

... Figure 11.10 At least two data sets are used when modeling: an input data set (left) and an output data set (right). Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this ... 11.4.1 Confidence and Sufficient Data A data set may be inadequate for mining purposes simply because it does not truly represent the population. If a data set doesn’t represent the population ... purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Novelty detectors can also be used with enormously large data sets to help extract a more representative sample than the techniques...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 13:15

30 378 0
Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management - Second Edition

Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management - Second Edition

... of Data Mining 33 Table 2.1 Data Mining Differs from Typical Operational Business Processes TYPICAL OPERATIONAL SYSTEM DATA MINING SYSTEM Operations and reports on Analysis on historical data ... of techniques to apply in a particular situation depends on the nature of the data mining task, the nature of the available data, and the skills and preferences of the data miner. Data mining ... that, on a technical level, the data mining effort is working and the data is reasonably accurate. This can be quite comforting. If the data and the data mining techniques applied to it are powerful...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 11:16

672 1,1K 2
data mining techniques

data mining techniques

... Applications and Trends in Data Mining 649 11.1 Data Mining Applications 649 11.1.1 Data Mining for Financial Data Analysis 649 11.1.2 Data Mining for the Retail Industry 651 11.1.3 Data Mining for the Telecommunication ... Commercial Data Mining Systems 663 11.3 Additional Themes on Data Mining 665 11.3.1 Theoretical Foundations of Data Mining 665 11.3.2 Statistical Data Mining 666 11.3.3 Visual and Audio Data Mining ... Motivated Data Mining? Why Is It Important? 1 1.2 So, What Is Data Mining? 5 1.3 Data Mining On What Kind of Data? 9 1.3.1 Relational Databases 10 1.3.2 Data Warehouses 12 1.3.3 Transactional Databases...

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2014, 11:28

28 504 0
John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_20 pptx

John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_20 pptx

... level data, 96 publications Building the Data Warehouse (Bill Inmon), 474 Business Modeling and Data Mining (Dorian Pyle), 60 Data Preparation for Data Mining (Dorian Pyle), 75 The Data ... Business Modeling and Data Mining, 60 Data Preparation for Data Mining, 75 470643 bindex.qxd 3/8/04 11:08 AM Page 619 C Index 619 calculations, probabilities, 133–135 call detail databases, 37 ... discussed, 7 Data Preparation for Data Mining (Dorian Pyle), 75 The Data Warehouse Toolkit (Ralph Kimball), 474 data warehousing customer patterns, 5 for decision support, 13 discussed, 4 database...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

26 378 0
John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_2 pptx

John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_2 pptx

... them. How Data Mining Is Being Used Today This whirlwind tour of a few interesting applications of data mining is intended to demonstrate the wide applicability of the data mining techniques ... of Data Mining 33 Table 2.1 Data Mining Differs from Typical Operational Business Processes TYPICAL OPERATIONAL SYSTEM DATA MINING SYSTEM Operations and reports on Analysis on historical data ... the data mining solu- tion is more than just a set of powerful techniques and data structures. The techniques have to be applied in the right areas, on the right data. The virtuous cycle of data...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

34 435 0
John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_6 ppt

John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_6 ppt

... in several areas: ■■ Data miners tend to ignore measurement error in raw data. ■■ Data miners assume that there is more than enough data and process- ing power. ■■ Data mining assumes dependency ... 11:11 AM Page 159 The Lure of Statistics: Data Mining Using Familiar Tools 159 statisticians use similar techniques to solve similar problems, the data mining approach differs from the standard ... correct, we would need to know who was contacted as well as who responded. Data Mining and Statistics Many of the data mining techniques discussed in the next eight chapters were invented by statisticians...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

34 393 0
John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_8 ppt

John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_8 ppt

... their ability to generalize and learn from data mimics, in some sense, our own ability to learn from experience. This ability is useful for data mining, and it also makes neural networks an ... net- works as predictive modeling tools. At the end, we see how they can be used for undirected data mining as well. A good place to begin is, as always, at the beginning, with a bit of history. ... CHAPTER Artificial neural networks are popular because they have a proven track record in many data mining and decision-support applications. Neural networks— the “artificial” is usually dropped—are...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

34 402 0