dap an first certificate language practice with key

First Certificate language practice with key 35 pptx

First Certificate language practice with key 35 pptx


Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 3,7K 40
First Certificate language practice with key 1 ppsx

First Certificate language practice with key 1 ppsx

... Sport and leisure 213 Vocabulary Clothes and appearance 218 Vocabulary Towns and buildings 222 Vocabulary Vehicles and transport 227 Vocabulary Food, restaurants and cooking 231 Vocabulary Shops and ... Photodisc and Andrew Oliver The author would like to thank the many schools and teachers who have commented on these materials Also special thanks to Paul Emmerson and Sarah Curtis Printed and bound ... Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 405 00765 without key ISBN 405 00766 with key...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

11 3,1K 68
First Certificate language practice with key 2 pptx

First Certificate language practice with key 2 pptx

... the violin for a month b) I haven't been to an Indian restaurant for ages since It's ages an Indian restaurant c) When she heard the results, Mary began to feel more confident become Since hearing ... confident d) The last time Nancy came here was in 1986 since Nancy hasn't 1986 e) This is my first visit to Japan time This is the first to Japan f) How long have Helen and Robert been married? ... d) Julia cleaned the house, but then she fell asleep on the sofa After e) Brian bought a new television, but first he checked all the prices Before f) Alan was skiing in Switzerland and met his...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 2,4K 4
First Certificate language practice with key 3 pps

First Certificate language practice with key 3 pps

... 18 and 19 The present continuous is used to describe fixed arrangements, and to ask about social arrangements Are you doing anything this evening? The present simple and present perfect can be ... than one answer may be possible a) I can't see you on Thursday afternoon I (visit) am visiting our Birmingham branch b) George (not be) back until six Can I take a message? c) What (you buy) with ... used to describe definite, fixed arrangements Sorry, I can't help you, I'm leaving in the morning The arrangements are often social arrangements or appointments and may be written in a diary • When,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,1K 1
First Certificate language practice with key 4 doc

First Certificate language practice with key 4 doc

... of thing? Surely I can't be the only person who (20) (hate) the dentist! 27 FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE Look carefully at each line Some of the lines are correct, and some have a w o ... exams, and I (4) anything else but study for ages Anyway, I (5) studying now, and I (6) for my exam results As you can see from this letter, I (7) my address and (8) in Croydon now I (9) that I wanted ... ask and the usual tense change rules I asked him where the station was • Commands are reported with tell and the infinitive 'Go away!' He told me to go away - Requests are reported with ask and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,6K 3
First Certificate language practice with key 5 ppsx

First Certificate language practice with key 5 ppsx

... in the first place Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown Do not change the meaning a) I didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet I wouldn't have got wet if I'd had an umbrella with ... later • Real/likely With should We can use should instead of if in a conditional sentence It means if by any chance and makes the action less likely Should you see John, can you give him a message? ... got any with us d) If you (not help) me, I (not pass) the exam e) It's a beautiful house, and I (buy) it if I (have) the money, but I can't afford it f) I can't imagine what I (do) (win) with...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,5K 4
First Certificate language practice with key 7 ppsx

First Certificate language practice with key 7 ppsx

... this letter h) Mary's hair still needs cutting 55 FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE Look carefully at each line Some of the lines are correct, and some have a w o r d which should not be there ... local businessman offered to pay for the building work, and plans were drawn up The new hall is includes a swimming pool, running track and other sports facilities which can be used by anyone in the ... especially in scientific and technical language Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the w o r d given Do not change the w o r d given You...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 2,2K 6
First Certificate language practice with key 8 pps

First Certificate language practice with key 8 pps

... cover a wide range of other meanings This book is about Napoleon I can't drink tea with/ without sugar • To and at With verbs of motion to means in the direction of At is not used with verbs of ... very difficult to live with! That's the company that I work for (question) (infinitive) (relative clause) Prepositions without an object Some prepositions can be used without an object Ted was walking ... better than going by/on foot f) Jack was leaning by/against the wall with his hands in/into his pockets g) Ann had a hat on/over her head and a veil above/over her face h) We arrived at/in England...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,8K 6
First Certificate language practice with key 9 pdf

First Certificate language practice with key 9 pdf

... sleep until a.m - Too/Not enough + to Too means more than is necessary or good Not enough means less than is necessary or good They can both be used with an adjective + to Compare: The bookcase was ... Notice that the word actually is not used with a time reference, as it is in many European languages Actually means in fact or really Future time • In In can refer to future time When we use it ... in formal speech and writing In normal conversation we just use to Contrasts with while, whereas and nevertheless are used in formal speech and writing Explanations The Explanations section...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,5K 3
First Certificate language practice with key 10 potx

First Certificate language practice with key 10 potx

... David says, and e) I'm a bit busy I'll come back and tell you , but I can talk to you later f) If you haven't finished g) Are you doing anything h) Where's Brian? He should be here i) We cannot accept ... the first woman to play for England (11) John wasn't really interested in sport he decided to join the crowd and wait (12) she appeared About ten minutes (13) , a smiling woman appeared and waved ... people managed to write and think using their brains, but now many people have become so accustomed to using machines, so that they can't anything without them There are many people who they depend...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,3K 3
First Certificate language practice with key 11 docx

First Certificate language practice with key 11 docx

... advice/That's an order! Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn't, can or can't More than one answer may be possible a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Don't stand up in ... have more than one meaning You should think carefully about the context, or tone of voice, to understand the meaning The negative forms mustn't and don't have to have different meanings You mustn't ... drop it! 2) Mind out! You can drop it! e) 1) Thanks, but I'd better not! 2) I don't have to, thanks f) 1) We must be here for hours! 2) We're bound to be here for hours! Key p o i n t s Most modal...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1K 0
First Certificate language practice with key 12 pot

First Certificate language practice with key 12 pot

... Explanations • What are functions? We can describe language by using words to talk about grammar (grammatical description) But we can also describe language by saying how it ... think you should ask for a loan from the bank 2) I thought you would ask for a loan from the bank h) How you I'm Bill Thompson 1) Very well thank you 2) How you 107 FIRST C E R T I F I C A T E ... a stranger: Do you mind if I open the window? The first example was informal and friendly The second two examples were more formal and polite There are no exact rules about when to use an informal...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 889 2
First Certificate language practice with key 14 pot

First Certificate language practice with key 14 pot

... is more usual with a smaller group, and can mean only two Every is more usual with a larger number, and cannot mean two She kissed him on each cheek • We can use each of, but we cannot use every ... me answers to homework we have Key p o i n t s With some types of building, the meaning can change depending on the use of the article Helen is at school (the purpose of the school is important ... get richer and the poor get poorer 125 FIRST C E R T I F I C A T E L A N G U A G E P R A C T I C E • • With names of musical instruments that we can play can't play the piano but I can play the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 715 2
First Certificate language practice with key 15 pps

First Certificate language practice with key 15 pps

... There aren't any trains earlier than this one This is i) All other cafes are further away This cafe j) Is this the best price you can offer? Can't you 141 FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE Complete ... Expressions with best Sorry, but this is the best I can I tried my best May the best man win (this can refer to two or more people) • With than Food here is more expensive than I thought • With not ... sentence I can swim a lot better than Jack OR I can swim a lot better than Jack can You paid more for your car than me OR You paid more for your car than I did Note how modals like can are repeated,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 985 0
First Certificate language practice with key 16 potx

First Certificate language practice with key 16 potx

... punished) Get along/on with* Do you get along/on with your new boss? (have good relations with) Get on with Stop talking and get on with your work! (continue with) Get out of / managed to get out ... with one particle: transitive and inseparable These phrasal verbs take an object, and the object must come after the particle It cannot go between the verb and the particle I love coffee I can't ... help me (depend on) Deal with How can we deal with the traffic problem? Do without We'll have to without a holiday this (take action to solve a problem) year (manage without having) Get at What...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,7K 3
First Certificate language practice with key 17 potx

First Certificate language practice with key 17 potx

... than one meaning Phrasal verbs tend to be more common in spoken language and informal written language Explanations Verbs with one particle: transitive and separable These phrasal verbs take an ... to clear up A) find an explanation for B) make clean and tidy C) get rid of once and for all e) Jean is really good at picking up languages A) choosing languages B) learning languages by being ... particle: intransitive These phrasal verbs have no object Verbs marked with an asterisk * have a second meaning With this meaning they have a transitive form There are other meanings not included...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 859 0
First Certificate language practice with key 18 doc

First Certificate language practice with key 18 doc

... Prepositions With agree with, argue with, begin with, charge someone with a crime, deal with, discuss something with someone, provide someone with something, share something with someone, trust someone with ... jealous of • On keen on - To grateful to, kind to, married to - With angry with, annoyed with, bored with, happy with, pleased with 171 FIRST C E R T I F I C A T E L A N G U A G E P R A C T I C E ... followed by -ing or infinitive: little change of meaning Some verbs can be followed either by an -ing form or an infinitive and there is little or no change in meaning Verbs in this list include: attempt,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 921 2
First Certificate language practice with key 19 potx

First Certificate language practice with key 19 potx

... • With live and stand we can start the sentence with an adverb of place This is a formal usage In this house lived Charles Dickens On a hill outside the town stands the castle • With be we can ... by an inversion are: little, never, not once, only then, only after, rarely With some expressions we can begin the sentence with an adverb and then put the verb before the subject • With come and ... chess and playing the piano They never did anything without (14) it over first, and coming to a serious decision She had to (15) up to the fact that they made her feel rather childish, and that...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 1,1K 9
First Certificate language practice with key 20 pot

First Certificate language practice with key 20 pot

... two subjects Martin and David can't stand one another This means that Martin can't stand David, and David can't stand Martin In normal conversation we use you to refer to anybody As you get older ... and since have the meaning of because and can begin a sentence As/since it was late, we decided to go home In formal, written language we can use for to mean because, but it cannot begin a sentence ... employees -body can be used instead of -one without a change in meaning -Words beginning some or any follow the usual patterns for these words, with any words normally used in questions and after negatives...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 587 0
First Certificate language practice with key 21 docx

First Certificate language practice with key 21 docx

... the case with offers and requests Are you looking for someone? It is possible to use any and words made from it in positive statements This is the case when we mean no limit Call me any time ... two-syllable words ending in one vowel and -y not change destroy destroyed These rules not apply when we add -ing try trying study studying annoy annoying - Words with ie and ei The general rule is i before ... with one syllable, ending in one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant when adding -ing, -ed or -er swim swimming fit fitted thin thinner Most two-syllable words ending in one vowel and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

10 659 0

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