crime and its relation to the environment

investigate the management of single use plastic pollution and its effects to the environment in thai nguyen city case of quyet thang ward

investigate the management of single use plastic pollution and its effects to the environment in thai nguyen city case of quyet thang ward

... REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Introduction Chapter two is addressing the theories that are relevant to the study and the consequences of single- use plastics on the environment The literature ... bags are resistant to degradation by the sun and microorganisms, allowing them to persist in the environment for thousands of years Trang 352.14 Environmental Problems The environmental impact ... cause environmental hazards i To assess the community’s knowledge and understanding regarding the problems associated with plastic pollution ii To analyze the environmental consciousness of the

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2024, 06:50

96 0 0
DSpace at VNU: Clay dispersion and its relation to surface charge in a paddy soil of the Red River Delta, Vietnam

DSpace at VNU: Clay dispersion and its relation to surface charge in a paddy soil of the Red River Delta, Vietnam

... are the main factors for the flocculation of the clay fraction For FeII and Ca, the most common cations in soil solution, the C50 values were found to be relatively close together at pH 4, 5, and ... remarkable increase of the Ca and Mg concentration was observed (1.7 and 0.3 mmol L–1), which on the one hand might be due to soluble salts (Tab 1) and on the other hand to a desorption from cation-exchange ... dispersion and its relation to surface charge 479 tion and decantation The suspension was flocculated with NaCl, centrifuged, washed until salt-free, and freeze-dried In order to determine the effect

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 06:36

10 175 0
Business development strategies of H.A.I Agrochem Joint Stock Company from 2013-2017 and its vision to the year 2022

Business development strategies of H.A.I Agrochem Joint Stock Company from 2013-2017 and its vision to the year 2022

... power and competitive advantage, the stability of environment and the srength of the sector The Grand Strategy Matrix: It is also a common tool to form feasible strategies The grand strategic ... to help farmers reap the success On such basis employees, shareholders, and partners will get the best benefits for working together with the company and the company will ensure its success and ... to focus on specific issues in order to achieve the target Thirdly, through analysis and assessment of strengths and weaknesses together with opportunities and threats from the environment, the

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2015, 15:05

122 404 0


... of fans, motors and voltage regulator; Repair and maintenance of refrigerators and air conditioning Since the time factor and scope of the research, the thesis will develop a process to apply ... knowledge and especially skills CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE THESIS - Theoretically: To analyse and clarify the rationale of TFEL (systemrelated concepts, to clarify the nature and processes) - In practice: Thesis ... interaction among the elements: the learners, the teachers and the learning environment in the teaching activities Besides, it is necessary to emphasize the central role of the learners in the experiential

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 15:17

28 278 0


... deg XIi−1 (x) , i 4 NGUYỄN SUM The sequence ω(x) is called the weight vector of x (see Wood [27]) The weight vectors and the sigma vectors can be ordered by the left lexicographical order Let ... THE PETERSON HIT PROBLEM OF FIVE VARIABLES AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO THE FIFTH SINGER TRANSFER NGUYỄN SUM Abstract We study the Peterson hit problem of finding a minimal set of generators for the ... > 0} It is easy to see that Pk0 and Pk+ are the A-submodules of Pk Furthermore, we have the following Proposition 2.11 We have a direct summand decomposition of the F2 -vector spaces QPk =

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 09:25

13 475 0
Flow Rate and Its Relation to Velocity

Flow Rate and Its Relation to Velocity

... quantities To make the distinction clear, think about the flow rate of a river The greater the velocity of the water, the greater the flow rate of the river But flow rate also depends on the size of the ... water (a) in the hose and (b) in the nozzle Strategy We can use the relationship between flow rate and speed to find both velocities We will use the subscript for the hose and for the nozzle Solution ... enough The relationship tells us that flow rate is directly proportional to both the magnitude of the average velocity (hereafter referred to as the speed) and the size of a river, pipe, or other

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2017, 22:06

10 122 0
Amphibian and reptile adaptations to the environment

Amphibian and reptile adaptations to the environment

... related to the theme of the interplay between behavior and physiology as amphibians and reptiles interact with the environment Expert contributors have worked generously to provide integrative and ... Editors ix Contributors xi Chapter Behavior and physiology: An ecological and evolutionary viewpoint on the energy and water relations of ectothermic amphibians and ... data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2018, 09:40

223 193 0
An investigation into linguistic features of verbs and their relation to the circumstances in the verbal processes in english and vietnamese (tt)

An investigation into linguistic features of verbs and their relation to the circumstances in the verbal processes in english and vietnamese (tt)

... features of these verbs in English and Vietnamese and their relation to the circumstance; a classification of these verbs is hoped to on functional basis 1.2.2 Objectives To achieve the aim of the study, ... modify them in the process of saying inspires to study at the same time with the study of their semantic and syntactic features For those reasons, I decided to choose to carry the research with the ... REALATIONS TO THE MANNER CIRCUMSTANCES IN THE VERBAL PROCESS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 4.5.1 The similarities between these verbs in terms of their relations to the Manner circumstances in the verbal

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2018, 11:23

21 203 0
An investigation into linguistic features of verbs and their relation to the circumstances in the verbal processes in english and vietnamese (tt)

An investigation into linguistic features of verbs and their relation to the circumstances in the verbal processes in english and vietnamese (tt)

... features of these verbs in English and Vietnamese and their relation to the circumstance; a classification of these verbs is hoped to on functional basis 1.2.2 Objectives To achieve the aim of the study, ... modify them in the process of saying inspires to study at the same time with the study of their semantic and syntactic features For those reasons, I decided to choose to carry the research with the ... REALATIONS TO THE MANNER CIRCUMSTANCES IN THE VERBAL PROCESS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 4.5.1 The similarities between these verbs in terms of their relations to the Manner circumstances in the verbal

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2018, 13:17

21 175 0
Self-regulated learning and its relation to Vietnamese EFL learners’ L2 listening achievement

Self-regulated learning and its relation to Vietnamese EFL learners’ L2 listening achievement

... learning and then attempt to monitor, regulate, and control their cognition, motivation, and behavior, guided and constrained by their goals and the contextual features in the environment? ?? (Pintrich, ... the learning selfregulation of a group of Vietnamese EFL learners and its relation to their L2 listening competence It also probes into whether gender and listening ability had an impact on the ... i.e., focusing on the quantity, appears to be insufficient as found in this study Conclusion The current study was set out to investigate the EFL learners’ SRL and its relation to their language

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 04:33

15 88 0
Emotion regulation and its relation to symptoms of anxiety and depression in children aged 8–12 years: Does parental gender play a differentiating role

Emotion regulation and its relation to symptoms of anxiety and depression in children aged 8–12 years: Does parental gender play a differentiating role

... important to control for the influence of sociodemographic factors, parental mental health and experienced stress to understand the relationship between symptoms of anxiety and depression and emotion ... symptoms, further research will be required to test whether these findings generalize to the general population Furthermore, the sample is skewed toward well educated parents, especially for mothers, ... hypothesize that symptoms of anxiety and depression as reported by the child, mother and father will be negatively associated with emotion regulation skills as reported by mothers and fathers

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 12:27

11 29 0
Steel fibers pull-out after exposure to high temperatures and its contribution to the residual mechanical behavior of high strength concrete

Steel fibers pull-out after exposure to high temperatures and its contribution to the residual mechanical behavior of high strength concrete

... markers In each box, the mid-line shows the median value or 50th percentile, the top and bottom lines show the 75th and 25th percentiles and the whiskers show extreme values The box width does ... way, the numerical results can help understanding the experimental results and confirming the conclusions Moreover, this model can be used to design the composite and to optimize the fiber type and ... partly due to the reduction of matrix compressive strength, partly due to the reduction of steel strength and partly due to the thermal damage of the interface The ability of FRC to preserve

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 01:16

15 32 0
An evaluation of the coursebook nursing 1 and its suitability to the second year nursing students at quang ninh medical college

An evaluation of the coursebook nursing 1 and its suitability to the second year nursing students at quang ninh medical college

... 2A What are the aims of the course? 2B What are the aims of the materials? (Note: check that the aims are actually what they are said to be, by looking carefully at the material itself) Contents ... 2: The evaluation model of Hutchinson and Waters (1987) Table 1: Students‟ and teachers‟ ranking of the purposes of learning ESP Table 2: Students‟ and teachers‟ requirement for the topics of the ... was to evaluate the coursebook in terms of Audience, Aims, Content and Methodology from both teachers‟ and students‟ perspectives to make out how suitable the book is to nursing students at the

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2020, 18:44

80 98 0
An evaluation of the coursebook Nursing 1" and its suitability to the second-year nursing students at Quang Ninh Medical College

An evaluation of the coursebook Nursing 1" and its suitability to the second-year nursing students at Quang Ninh Medical College

... 2A What are the aims of the course? 2B What are the aims of the materials? (Note: check that the aims are actually what they are said to be, by looking carefully at the material itself) Contents ... 2: The evaluation model of Hutchinson and Waters (1987) Table 1: Students‟ and teachers‟ ranking of the purposes of learning ESP Table 2: Students‟ and teachers‟ requirement for the topics of the ... was to evaluate the coursebook in terms of Audience, Aims, Content and Methodology from both teachers‟ and students‟ perspectives to make out how suitable the book is to nursing students at the

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 20:56

80 36 0
An evaluation of the coursebook nursing 1 and its suitability to the second year nursing students at quang ninh medical college

An evaluation of the coursebook nursing 1 and its suitability to the second year nursing students at quang ninh medical college

... 3.1 The aims 3.2 The requirement for the conten 3.3 The requirement for the metho 4.Findings 4.1 The suitability of the courseb 4.2 The suitability of the courseb 4.3 The suitability ... 2: The evaluation model of Hutchinson and Waters (1987) Table 1: Students‟ and teachers‟ ranking of the purposes of learning ESP Table 2: Students‟ and teachers‟ requirement for the topics of the ... was to evaluate the coursebook in terms of Audience, Aims, Content and Methodology from both teachers‟ and students‟ perspectives to make out how suitable the book is to nursing students at the

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:05

91 39 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) an evaluation of the coursebook nursing 1 and its suitability to the second year nursing students at quang ninh medical college

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) an evaluation of the coursebook nursing 1 and its suitability to the second year nursing students at quang ninh medical college

... 2A What are the aims of the course? 2B What are the aims of the materials? (Note: check that the aims are actually what they are said to be, by looking carefully at the material itself) Contents ... 2: The evaluation model of Hutchinson and Waters (1987) Table 1: Students‟ and teachers‟ ranking of the purposes of learning ESP Table 2: Students‟ and teachers‟ requirement for the topics of the ... was to evaluate the coursebook in terms of Audience, Aims, Content and Methodology from both teachers‟ and students‟ perspectives to make out how suitable the book is to nursing students at the

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 08:03

80 26 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of a cathepsin L-associated protein in Artemia and its relationship to the FAS-I family of cell adhesion proteins pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of a cathepsin L-associated protein in Artemia and its relationship to the FAS-I family of cell adhesion proteins pot

... reagent The pI values assigned to bands in columns e and f were determined from both IEF standards (Std) and buffer control gel run in parallel The numbers at the right represent the pI values of the ... values of the major bands in e and f, while the numbers at the left are the pI values of standard proteins The arrow at the right represents the pI value of 6.84 calculated for the unmodified CLAP ... dithiothreitol and 10 mM MgCl2) using a motorized mortar and pestle (Torsion Balance Co, Clinton, NJ, USA) Following centrifugation to remove nuclei, yolk platelets, mitochondria (10 000 g, 20 min) and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

12 772 0
Women’s Employment and Its Relation to Children’s Health and Schooling in Developing Countries: Conceptual Links, Empirical Evidence, and Policies pptx

Women’s Employment and Its Relation to Children’s Health and Schooling in Developing Countries: Conceptual Links, Empirical Evidence, and Policies pptx

... devote their time to school However, poor families are unlikely to be able to afford these alternatives the reduction in their consumption of other goods and services would be too large and they ... agriculture and into expanding manufacturing, service, and commerce sectors These and concomitant changes in the living situations of women and families throughout the globe—including urbanization and ... Hence the income of the household (and the level of the wage offered to the woman, which affects household income) should be a key mediating factor in the relationship of women’s work to girls’...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

52 465 0
Stress and Performance - A Review of the Literature and Its Applicability to the Military pdf

Stress and Performance - A Review of the Literature and Its Applicability to the Military pdf

... literature on the relationship between stress and performance to expand the framework outlined above and connect it to the military context The literature and research describing the general effect ... within the RAND National Security Research Division (NSRD) of the RAND Corporation NSRD conducts research and analysis for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Unified Commands, ... correlated with the first, and has an effect on the second even when the first is held constant For example, if A mediates the relationship between X and Y (and X and Y are correlated), then X will...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20

86 607 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A density result for random sparse oriented graphs and its relation to a conjecture of Woodall" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: "A density result for random sparse oriented graphs and its relation to a conjecture of Woodall" pptx

... need to recall some standard definitions Given < p ≤ 1, for any positive integer n we write Gn,p for the random graph in the standard binomial model, where n is the number of vertices and p is the ... the induced subgraphs T [X], T [Y ] and T [Z] to get rid of all the oriented cycles in these subgraphs For example, we may take the arcs on X to be the union of the following three oriented cycles: ... our proof Let ≥ and β > be as given in Theorem Put δ = β/2 and set δ γ γ= , α= , C = 4( − 1), D = 2, σ = , and e ( + 2) δ = Then, there are constants ε, B0 , and m0 for which the upper bound...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 07:21

10 278 0