creating a website for free

e-Parliament to e-Democracy  Creating a Model for Effective Management of  Public Content

e-Parliament to e-Democracy Creating a Model for Effective Management of Public Content

... (e-democracy). A comparative analysis focusing on policies, technology, practices and organisational culture in the implementation of e-parliament, as a transitional stage towards e- democracy, ... support democracy, particularly for South Africa. It also generates a number of issues, for example the importance of knowledge management and organisational design for improving the parliament-citizen ... uitdagings wat ervaar word. Literatuur wat die nuutste verwikkelinge saamvat, word ondersoek, asook onlangse opname aangaande opkomende gebruiks tendens. Dit is veral inisiatiewe in Afrika wat

Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2014, 16:26

171 421 0
Building a website for a chain of coffee shops   faculty of high quality training graduations thesis of the information technology

Building a website for a chain of coffee shops faculty of high quality training graduations thesis of the information technology

... traditional RDBMS, making it a faster choice for handling large datasets.About Natural Language Processing2.5.1 What is Natural Language Processing? Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a key area of ... significant advantages in speed enforcement and scalability, making it an ideal choice for startups aiming to develop exceptional products and achieve rapid growth Its fast performance is crucial for ... order information Open Issues - N/A Database design Table 4.1 Database entity analysis: Categories Name Explain Note id_categories Product type code name Product type name alias alias timestamps

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2022, 17:40

119 14 0
Design and build a website for medical doctor office management

Design and build a website for medical doctor office management

... horizontal scalability to manage large volumes of data efficiently.Key-value databases are a straightforward type of database that store data in pairs of keys and values, allowing for easy retrieval ... which facilitate data manipulation and retrieval.”Update”, ”Delete”, ”Create”, and ”Drop” can be used to accomplish almost everything that one needs to do with a database.Document databases are ... adapt to changing requirements because of its flexibility.SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the standard language for relational database management systems, as defined by the American National

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2022, 18:29

94 4 0
(Đồ án tốt nghiệp) Building a website for a chain of coffee shops

(Đồ án tốt nghiệp) Building a website for a chain of coffee shops

... incorrect m” email or password = “aaaaaa” password Report failed email = login, “trungphan123@gmail incorrect com” email or password = “aaaaa” password email = “ m” password = “Abc@123” ... 43 Table 4.4 Database entity analysis: Branches 44 Table 4.5 Database entity analysis: Coupon code 44 xi Table 4.6 Database entity analysis: User 45 Table 4.7 Database ... Customers have no account - Order 39 Table 4.1 Database entity analysis: Categories 42 Table 4.2 Database entity analysis: Product 42 Table 4.3 Database entity analysis: Order

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2022, 14:58

124 6 0
Developing a website for selling cosmetics

Developing a website for selling cosmetics

... technology transfers.- Manage order (add, update, cancel) - Manage customer (add, update, delete) - Manage staff (add, update, disable/active) Pre-conditions User already have had an account If ... Image 4.32: Create cart on website Create Payment page on website Image 4.33: Create payment page on website Create Manage Order page on website Image 4.34: Create manage ... encompass comprehensive documents, drawings, and detailed descriptions that enhance readability and understanding Furthermore, it facilitates straightforward maintenance, application upgrades, and

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2023, 10:48

140 5 0
Building a website for selling fashion

Building a website for selling fashion

... including managing information about product categories and product types • Order management: view orders, confirm orders.Class DiagramFigure 1: Basic Level Class DiagramDatabase Diagram Explain: customer ... visualize, analyze and manipulate metadata for effective enterprise information architecture c) Introduction to Xampp XAMPP stands for 5 modules built into it including Cross-Platform (X), Apache ... category page displays product catalog information, admin users can edit and delete product categories.Category pageThe Category page shows product category information, admin users can edit and

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2024, 10:48

71 0 0
Luận văn tốt nghiệp Khoa học máy tính: Design and build a website for Medical Doctor Office Management

Luận văn tốt nghiệp Khoa học máy tính: Design and build a website for Medical Doctor Office Management

... standard language for relational database management systems SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as update data on a database, or retrieve data from a database The standard SQL commands ... of use cases and can be used as a general purpose database They can horizontally scale-out to accomodate large data volumes[2].• Key-value databases are simpler type of database where each item ... schema will be object types.• name and appearsIn are fields on the Character type That means that name and appearsIn are the only fields that can appear in any part of a GraphQL query that operates

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2024, 10:21

94 1 0
developing a website for selling watches using spring boot

developing a website for selling watches using spring boot

... information are saved in the database Basic Flow 1 Actor click “brand management page” at navigation tab, website move to brand management page The brand management page will show all brands and ... database Basic Flow 5 Actor click “type management page” at navigation tab, website move to type management page The type management page will show all types and their ids, names from database ... database Basic Flow 1 Actors click “User management” at navigation tab, website move to user management page User management page will show all users and their information on lines from database

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2024, 09:44

145 0 0
building a website for selling concert tickets

building a website for selling concert tickets

... purchases Table 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Amazon ❖ Yellow Heart website: Advantages and Disadvantages of Yellow Heart Advantages ✔ Disruption and innovation: YellowHeart ... Advantages and disadvantages of Alibaba ❖ Tix Base Website: Advantages and Disadvantages of TixBase Website Advantages ✔ Focus on independent artists and events: TixBase ... Varchar Bio of user 4 website Varchar Website of user 5 social Varchar[] An array of social network links of user 6 avatar Varchar Avatar of user Avatar file is saved on IPFS 7 background Varchar

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2024, 12:20

155 0 0
developing a website for selling plants

developing a website for selling plants

... 3.15 Add Product Variant Diagram Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design 3.4.13 Update Product Variant Sequence Diagram: Figure 3.16 Update Product Variant Diagram Chapter 3: System Analysis and ... Last name of user 6 phone_number varchar Phone number of user 7 avatar text Avatar of user 8 admin boolean Account admin rules 9 created_at timestamp Created date 10 updated_at timestamp Updated ... implement and adapt, giving any API system visibility and cross-platform portability An internet-based interface known as a RESTful API is used by two computer systems to safely exchange data For a variety

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2024, 12:28

113 0 0
creating a website to sell electronic motorcycles

creating a website to sell electronic motorcycles

... that Admin and 16 Managed Account Screen Managed account tab is the place that Admin and Master Admin manage account 17 Managed Product Screen Managed account tab is the place that Admin and Master ... Contact page display contact information of website owner 14 About Us Screen About us page is display owner information and website information 15 Dashboard Screen Dashboard is the main place that ... including load balancing and horizontal pod autoscaling Traffic is split across several servers via load balancing, and servers are added or removed automatically using horizontal pod autoscaling in

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2024, 12:28

97 0 0
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Building a website for epidemiology management using mongodb database

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Building a website for epidemiology management using mongodb database

... “Update a dynamic form declare,” “Delete a dynamic form declare,” and “Declare a dynamic form.”  The “Add a new dynamic form declare,” “Update a dynamic form declare,” and “Delete a dynamic form ... projects, saving development time and effort Overall, jQuery facilitates more efficient and maintainable code, making it a valuable tool for creating dynamic and interactive web applications  ... epidemic situation of units in table form” function of the “medical_staff” actor, indicating that updates made by the manager can be viewed by the medical staff in a tabular format  Similarly, the

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2024, 02:10

96 0 0
Building a website for online testing

Building a website for online testing

... of architectural paradigms sets the stage for unparalleled scalability, maintainability, and extensibility  Accelerated Upgrade and Maintenance: By leveraging a multi-tier architecture and ... means the admin can only grade after viewing the details of the assignment  Decay use case Account management Figure 13 Decay diagram Use case Account management (expand): The use cases "Start ... Advantages: Combining NET Core with Clean Architecture offers several significant advantages: 1 Code Organization and Maintainability: The modular nature

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2024, 21:54

73 0 0
Building a website for selling interior furniture using odoo framework

Building a website for selling interior furniture using odoo framework

... web applications has become an imperative Among the many technologies and frameworks available, ReactJS shines as a star, offering clear advantages along with some notable challenges ReactJS, ... features to create and manage promotional programs, discount codes, and special offers, thereby creating attractive sales opportunities for customers Advantages and disadvantages of Odoo's sales module: ... The administrator can manage the pricing of products + Loyalty and discount management: The administrator can manage loyalty programs and discount codes + Order management: The administrator can

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2024, 21:54

87 0 0
Building a website for student assignment management

Building a website for student assignment management

... usecase diagram Class Management Figure 7 Decay usecase Class management diagram ● Decay usecase diagram Assignment management Figure 8 Decay usecase Assignment management diagramSequence diagramFigure ... that it is scalable, maintainable, and efficient.Overview use case diagramDecay use case diagram● Decay usecase chart Account management Figure 6 Decay usecase Account management diagram ● Decay ... education is not just an advantage but a necessity The advent of online learning has significantly transformed traditional educational paradigms, necessitating a robust system to manage assignments

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2024, 21:54

66 0 0
Final report academic year 2023 2024 the course e commerce project management topic developing a project to create a website for hlk   selling cloth

Final report academic year 2023 2024 the course e commerce project management topic developing a project to create a website for hlk selling cloth

... strategy, we will implement scheduling for content updates and automation for publishing Additionally, features for social media sharing on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, as well as ... existing accounts At the same time, you can view and edit personal information, delivery address as well as update password.Administrators can view and manage orders from the admin panel. Update order ... of an office Coordinator Mai Cong My Kim A professional who oversees activities and projects within an organizationMarketing Analyst Nguyen Thi Mai Linh specializes in data analysis to facilitate

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2024, 14:41

64 0 0
20 Ways to Promote Your Website for Free docx

20 Ways to Promote Your Website for Free docx

... topic. One caveat: Anything you do and say online stays in cyberspace forever, so always make sure you are polite and professional. Craigslist tends to have a much more relaxed, laid back vibe ... known as forums, are places where people who share a common interest can get together to exchange information and ideas, discuss issues and interact with other passionate fans. Forums can take ... email address – in exchange for something that they find valuable, such as a free giveaway or a discount or special offer. Then you use a program to send out a series of text messages that alternately...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20

30 396 0
Tài liệu Module 5: Creating a Security Design for Physical Resources pdf

Tài liệu Module 5: Creating a Security Design for Physical Resources pdf

... brute force attack on the password hashes in the database and access confidential data from user accounts. External attacker scenario Internal attacker scenario Module 5: Creating a Security ... potentially obtain information about your internal network. If data cables are accessible, attackers can tap into them or attach listening devices that gather network data. Not all information is ... facility where you could restore operations (but not as quickly as at an online facility). For more information about disaster recovery, see Data Security and Data Availability in the Administrative...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

24 417 0
Tài liệu Module 6: Creating a Security Design for Computers ppt

Tài liệu Module 6: Creating a Security Design for Computers ppt

... to each lab. Click a link to begin a lab. Work with a lab partner to perform the lab. Ç To complete a lab 1. Read Ashley Larson’s e-mail in each lab to determine the goals for the lab. 2. ... cycle threat models Manage risks Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis Phase Task Details Building Create policies and procedures for: Installing operating systems and software securely ... leasing company were used by the research department, and therefore contain confidential information. At a minimum, completely erase the hard disks by using a utility that wipes all data and file...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

30 458 0
Tài liệu Equal Access Means Equal Opportunity for All: Creating a Real-Time Statewide Advanced Placement Consortium February, 2003 ppt

Tài liệu Equal Access Means Equal Opportunity for All: Creating a Real-Time Statewide Advanced Placement Consortium February, 2003 ppt

... will: – Recruit AP teachers – Arrange for their summer training at UW-Madison or Lawrence University [Appleton] – Help principals and counselors make a wide range of AP distance learning courses available ... 8 NUTS & BOLTS PLAN OF ACTION I Create, operate, and maintain a statewide advanced placement distance learning clearinghouse for all Wisconsin high schools. The AP Consortium staff will: – Recruit ... Placement Academy. The Academy consisted of at the University of Iowa called the Advanced Placement Academy. The Academy consisted of AP classes in English, History, Biology, and Mathematics,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 15:59

20 453 0

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