... the data in your test database might be real data and must be there when users begin to use the application For example, your database might have a table that contains valid grade values ... the database engine itself as part of your web application Another advantage is that it's relatively simple to back up and restore your production data because the data is all in an sdf ... tutorials in the series • • Contoso University uses a SQL Server Compact database to store application data such as student and instructor names The database contains a mix of test data and
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 14:03
... 2- 41 Chapter Summary • An application being developed in Visual Basic NET is called a project • Visual Basic NET uses three modes of operation • The Visual Basic NET IDE contains a number of ... Provides an area for the user to type while the program runs McGraw-Hill/Irwin ©2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved 2- 31 Appearance and Use • Displays as a rectangular area ... applications from scratch • Explain the structure of Visual Basic NET • List the characteristics of several Visual Basic NET controls • Identify the purpose of each major control of the Visual
Ngày tải lên: 16/05/2017, 14:47
Visual studio.Net
... database nho nh (gi là disconnected database) đ thay th ADO. Thay vì application connects vnh vin vi database m qua ADO, application trong .NET làm vic vi portable database ch ch? ?a ... mt hai tables, là copy t database m. Khi nào cn, portable database này (ADO .NET) s đc reconciled vi database m đ update các thay đi. Hai tables trong ADO .NET có th đc related nhau ... (Collaborative Data Objects), .v.v Data Tier: Thng là relational database nh Microsoft SQL Server hay Oracle. Ngoài ra còn có Exchange hay các database x? ?a c? ?a mainframe. Do đó ta thy: • Desktop tools
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:15
visual studio net c++ for dummies quick reference guide
... lose answering users’ questions later Part VI; Constants, Arrays, and Variables: This part helps you out with the syntax for declaring constants, arrays, and various variables in Visual C++ Part ... falls under, and then look at the alphabetical listings in that part For example, if you want to find out how to declare a pointer in Visual C++, go to the part on Constants, Arrays, and Variables, ... ready-to-run libraries a program can summon at will If you have code that more than one program uses, such as database access, you can build a DLL and load it at run time The wizard does not create source
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 16:07
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_3 pot
... with the CallOption class. A derived class can add functionality beyond that of the base class, and it can also override methods of its base class. That is, a derived class may replace a member ... of ATM volatility. Quantitative research papers frequently use time series of ATM volatility, and what’s more, many mathematical models assume the reader understands that volatility means at-the-money ... more data was read End While PASSING ARRAYS TO FUNCTIONS Visual Basic. NET allows us to pass arrays to functions as input arguments and also return them from functions as output arguments,
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_4 docx
... there are two types of databases used in financial markets: operational databases and analytical databases Operational databases store dynamic data such as portfolio and position information ... systems. As shown in Chapter 8, correlations and covariances are calculated using historical price data. But covariances can also be updated and forecast using GARCH methodologies since covariance rates ... information Analytical databases hold static data such as historical price or trade history data, often in a flat file Regardless of the brand of database software, both these types of databases
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_5 doc
... a way to store and manage data. F I G U R E 11.1 196 Database Programming Team-LRN The database field has its own language that we must learn before we can begin creating databases and interacting ... later chapters that access them. Relational Databases 197 Team-LRN PROBLEMS 1. What are operational and analytical databases? 2. What is SQL? 3. Describe tables, rows, and columns. 4. What are ... Programming Team-LRN CHAPTER 12 ADO .NET ADO .NET is an application programming interface used to interact with databases in VB .NET programming code using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). ADO is a proprietary
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_6 pdf
... from a table. For example, if we want to add a column named Exchange to the StockTrades table, we can use the ALTER TABLE statement. The syntax is: ALTER TABLE StockTrades ADD Exchange char(4); As ... INSERTstatement enables us to add data to a table in a database. Here is an example showing the syntax for adding a record to the OptionTrades table: INSERT INTO OptionTrades (TradeDateTime, ... manipulation language and data definition language. While we have certainly not covered all of SQL, you should now be fairly 238 Database Programming Team-LRN proficient at extracting and modifying data
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_8 potx
... OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From OptionTrades, _ myConnect) Dim myDataSet As New DataSet() myConnect.Open() myAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "myData") DataGrid1.DataSource = myDataSet DataGrid1.DataMember ... a database into XML. VB .NET DataSet objects provide methods that create XML documents from a data table and that also can convert XML data into a data source. This is accomplished through the ... implementing a form of SAX parser to make sure the XML message is well formed. However, an XmlTextReader object will not perform data validation against a DTD. To perform data validation, we could use an
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_9 potx
... simulation into a simple VaR calculator. STRUCTURAL DIAGRAMS Structural diagrams show the static architecture of a software project. Class Diagram A full class diagram displays an overview of an entire ... Modeling Language 355 Team-LRN classes, collectively referred to as a Data Package, will exist only as members of the Market class. A generalization is equivalent to an inheritance relationship and ... evolutionary design cycle and changes are made. Further, their simple, graphical notation facilitates communication. A simple use case diagram can be expanded with additional features to display more
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Bài tập thực hành Visual Studio .NET ppt
... Phần m – Khoa C mềm Công nghệ Th hông tin – Trư ường Đại học Khoa học Hu uế Bài thực hành 1.5 Tam giác Pascal – a c array versio on 9B Tóm tắt t Sử dụng array để xây dựng tam g Pascal n Bài ... v ào project p ra, chọn A d w se c? ?a h đ ã tạo ra tr ư t hư viện đư ợ bao gồm E X u ồn có sử d ụ C ông nghệ T h N E T b àn phí m , s a Applicatio n ư viện com m p ascalTrian g d d Referenc ... trình với Visual Studio .NET. Các ví dụ được minh h? ?a trên môi trường Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Bàitập thực hành Visual Studio .NET N B Bài tậ p t h Date 2007.08. 2 2007.08.
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20
Lập trình trong môi trường .NET - Visual studio.NET – Phần 2 pot
... s? ?a những dự án được tạo ra trong Visual studio 6. Khi đọc vào những dự án và Workspace viết theo Visual Studio 6, Visual studio. NET sẽ cho nâng cấp lên thành những giải pháp visual studio. NET. ... như đúng ý ngh? ?a c? ?a nó. Nếu bạn cố thử đọc một dự án VB6 với Visual studio .NET nó sẽ nâng cấp toàn bộ mã nguồn c? ?a VB6. Visual studio. NET cũng có thể tự động thực hiện những thay đổi này và ... System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data; namespace BasicForm { /// <summary> /// Summary description
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2014, 18:20
Lập trình trong môi trường .NET - Visual studio.NET – Phần 3 docx
... c? ?a một ô control nào đó. C? ?a sổ Class view Khác với c? ?a sổ Properties, c? ?a sổ Class view xuất xứ từ môi trường triển khai Visual studio. NET, c? ?a sổ class view được xem như là trang tab c? ?a ... trường .NET Visual studio. NET – Phần 3 C? ?a sổ properties Một c? ?a sổ khác, được gọi là Properties, xuất xứ từ IDE c? ?a VB. Chúng ta biết rằng c? ?a sổ properties hiển thị và cho phép bạn s? ?a đổi ... muốn thêm(Add Method, Add Property, Add Indexer hoặc Add Field. Pin Buttons Khi khảo sát Visual studio. NET, có thể bạn nhận thấy có nhiều c? ?a sổ mà chúng tôi mô tả có vài chức năng mang dáng
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2014, 18:20
Bài tập Microsoft Visual Studio.Net pps
... database nho nh (gi là disconnected database) đ thay th ADO. Thay vì application connects vnh vin vi database m qua ADO, application trong .NET làm vic vi portable database ch ch? ?a ... mt hai tables, là copy t database m. Khi nào cn, portable database này (ADO .NET) s đc reconciled vi database m đ update các thay đi. Hai tables trong ADO .NET có th đc related nhau ... (scalability). Các bài tp Microsoft .NET 9 Metadata Metadata là các d kin ct ngh? ?a cho ta bit v d kin. Thí d XML Schema c? ?a mt XML file là metadata ct ngh? ?a v data structure c? ?a data
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 17:22
Wrox Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio NET Second Edition phần 2 doc
... easier, and Crystal Reports NET can take advantage of ADO and the ADO NET dataset Instead of having to work out how to access various data sources, Crystal Reports NET can simply access the ADO ... variance of a specific sam ple of items Sample Standard Deviation Calculates the statistical standard deviation of a specific sample of items Population Variance Calculates the statistical variance ... Sample Applications The Crystal Reports NET sample applications are installed by default and can be found in the Crystal Reports directory where you have installed Visual Studio NET These samples
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
Wrox Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio NET Second Edition phần 3 ppsx
... Reports NET can leverage the ADO NET Framework and report directly from datasets that appear in your application For more information on how Crystal Reports NET can be used with ADO NET data, please ... structures are similar to Visual Basic, which many developers are familiar with, and it is easy for developers to create formulas using a language that is familiar to them Which language you use ... fields are similar, but a subtotal refers specifically to a sum, whereas a summary field could be a sum, an average, or a standard deviation Formula Fields Crystal Reports NET features a rich
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
Wrox Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio NET Second Edition phần 4 pdf
... myDiscreteValue As New ParameterDiscreteValue() myRangeValues as New ParamterRangeValues() myParameterField = New ParameterField() myParameterField.ParameterFieldName = “LastYearsSales” myRangeValues.StartValue ... instead of a discrete value, we are going to pass in a range, with a start and end value, as shown here: Dim Dim Dim Dim myParameterFields As New ParameterFields() myParameterField As New ParameterField() ... Integration for Windows-Based Applications Dim myParameterFields As New ParameterFields() Dim myParameterField As New ParameterField() Dim myDiscreteValue As New ParameterDiscreteValue() myParameterField.ParameterFieldName
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
Wrox Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio NET Second Edition phần 5 pdf
... in Chapter 8, “Formulas and Logic.” Refreshing the Data in a Report When a report is refreshed, it goes back to the database for the most current set of data available and runs again Drag and ... Project and from Visual Basic Projects, select ASP NET Web Application and specify the URL (web_viewer_basic) and location for your project files Because you are creating a Web application, the location ... or summary on a particular main report or subreport NavigateEventArgs Provides data for the Navigate event When a user navi gates through the pages of a report, the Navigate event fires each time
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
Wrox Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio NET Second Edition phần 6 potx
... myRangeValues as New ParameterRangeValues() myParameterField = New ParameterField() myParameterField.ParameterFieldName = “LastYearsSales” myRangeValues.StartValue = 100000 myRangeValues.EndValue = ... myParameterField.CurrentValues.Add(myDiscreteValue) myDiscreteValue= New ParameterDiscreteValue() myDiscreteValue.Value = “Canada” myParameterField.CurrentValues.Add(myDiscreteValue) myParameterFields.Add(myParameterField) ... Finally, our last type of parameter is a ranged parameter, which can be set using the same method except instead of a discrete value, we are going to pass in a range, with a start and end value,
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
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