... display an image from a database column in an ASP.NET control. Solution Fill an ASP.NET Image control from a database field by pointing the ImageUrl property of an Image control to a web page ... statement to retrieve the required image from the database and retrieve the image using a DataReader. A DataTable or DataSet filled using a DataAdapter can also be used. 3. Set the ContentType property ... following steps outline the required tasks: 1. Create a web page that outputs a binary stream containing the image from the database. 2. Create a SQL statement to retrieve the required image...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 18:15
... within the data source, such as a row in a DataTable. The BindingContext class is used to instantiate a BindingManagerBase object and either a CurrencyManager or PropertyManager object is ... ds; private SqlDataAdapter da; private BindingManagerBase bm; // . . . private void DisplayDatabaseImageForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create the DataSet. ds ... returned depending on the type of data source: • The CurrencyManager class inherits from the BindingManagerBase class and maintains a pointer for the current item in a data source that implements...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu Create a Database User Account pdf
... provide access to databases. A database user account provides access to one and only one database that SQL Server manages. Each user, therefore, will need an account with each 11.8 Create a Database ... Server. Each SQL Server database maintains an internal registry of user accounts that are permitted into the database. This information is stored in the table named sysusers within the database. ... the database user account. I have been authenticated and logged into SQL Server and now I need to access data that is stored within a SQL Server database. Without a specific database user account,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:20
How to Create an Oracle9i Database in a UNIX Environment pdf
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20
Developments in Web Security With IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET
... Securing ASP w/ ASP.NET Securing ASP w/ ASP.NET Wildcard mapping Wildcard mapping IIS 6. 0 introduces wildcard mapping IIS 6. 0 introduces wildcard mapping Can easily map content requests to Can easily ... ASP.NET to ASP.NET Transfer control back Transfer control back To IIS 6. 0 To IIS 6. 0 IIS 6. 0 ASP Classic ASP Classic Runs Runs ASP.dll Any wildcard Any wildcard mappings mappings Securing ASP w/ ASP.NET Securing ... mode Request.LogonUserIdentity Request.LogonUserIdentity Available at Medium trust and higher Available at Medium trust and higher IIS 6. 0 Credential Handoff to IIS 6. 0 Credential Handoff to ASP.NET 2 .0 ASP.NET 2 .0 IIS 6. 0 Worker Process IIS 6. 0...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27
Tài liệu Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment Version 6.0 docx
... administrator of a Windows 200 0 file and web server named ServerA. ServerA is a member of a Windows 200 0 Domain. A folder on ServerA named: I:\Data\Accounting_vacation_requests is shared as AcctVac with ... NO: 26 You are a network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Windows 200 0 Domain. The domain contains Windows 200 0 Server computers, Windows 200 0 Professional computers, ... sandiego.adatum.com domain. The sandiego.adatum.com domain contains users accounts for 50 of the employees in the finance department. Recently, a shared folder named FinanceA was created in...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16
Tài liệu To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server pptx
... database to a new database, see the How to export Contact list from McKoi database to Microsoft SQL Server? document. Step 1: Download a shareware database management tool You need a database ... administrator Password: <*********> Host: 192. 168 .1. 102 (The IP Address of the MySQL database machine) Port: <33 06 & gt; (default MySQL port) Database: (left blank / database is created ... either the embedded database (McKoi), or an external database. If you chose the embedded database, you can change to a different one by creating a new database and configuring it to be used with...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu Module 2: Updating Data in a Database doc
... 6; 70! *#!(!<(9*- !0& apos;79% ;00 !.% -0! Q^!)%!CDR8!(#-!.9* .A! "=E*.#!Z='%:5 !6+ 0! 70& amp;,%# #09 !& ;0. %&-! -0) (*9,!%$!) +0! 0'79% ;00 !,+%/9-! 10! -*,79( ;0- !*#!(!$%&'! 4 +0& amp ;0! (99!$ *09 -,!(& ;0! 0-*)(1 908 !0? .07 )!) +0! $%99%4*#3!$ *09 -,P !0& apos;7$#(&apos ;0! (#-! 0& apos;7-%15! ! " ... CDDD!@*.&%,%$)!=%&7%&()*%#5!E99!&*3+),!& ;0, 0&< ;0- 5! ! @*.&%,%$)8!F(.AG$$* .08 !H&%#)I( 30! CDDD8!@JKLGJ8!M*#-%4,8!M*#-%4,!> ;68 !(#-!M*#-%4,!CDDD! (& ;0! 0*) +0& amp;!& ;03 *, )0& amp ;0- !)&( -0& apos;(& ;A, !%&!)&( -0& apos;(& ;A, !%$!@*.&%,%$)!=%&7%&()*%#!*#!) +0! N5J5E5!(#-:%&!%) +0& amp;! .%/#)& *0, 5! ! 6+ 0! #(&apos ;0, !%$!.%'7(# *0, 8!7&%-/.),8! 70% 7 908 !.+(&(. )0& amp;,8!(#-:%&!-()(!&apos ;0# )*% #0- ! +0& amp ;0* #!(& ;0! $*.)*)*%/,! (#-!(& ;0! *#!#%!4(;!*# )0# -0- !)%!& ;07 & ;0, 0#)!(#;!& ;0( 9!*#-*<*-/(98!.%'7(#;8!7&%-/.)8!%& !0& lt ;0# )8!/# 90, ,! %) +0& amp;4* ,0! #% )0- 5! ! G) +0& amp;!7&%-/.)!(#-!.%'7(#;!#(&apos ;0, !&apos ;0# )*% #0- ! +0& amp ;0* #!'(;! 10! ) +0! )&( -0& apos;(& ;A, !%$!) +0* &!& ;0, 70. )*< ;0! %4 #0& amp;,5! ! L0< ;09 %7&apos ;0# )!O0(-P!J%#*(!I(# -0! Q>""6R! "#,)&/.)*%#(9!L0,*3 #0& amp;,P!J(# 300 )(!>(*&8!S*2(;(9 (A, +'*!>(&(;(#(,4(';T!J+&/)*!U(*#8!V 00) #2(9*! E&%&(8!!Q>""6R! 60 .+#*.(9!=%#)&*1/)%&,P!J.%))!J4*3(&)!QW!O0($!J%9/)*%#,8!OO=RT!V(&;!V/'1* #0& amp;!QV& ;0( )!F(&& *0& amp;! 60 .+#%9%3 *0, 8!"#.5R! I&%3&('!@(#( 30& amp;,P!J )0& lt ;0! @0& amp;&*99! V&(7+*.!E&)*,)P!J.%))!J0&#(!Q=& ;0( )*< ;0! E, ,0) ,R! B-*)*#3!@(#( 30& amp;P!O; #0) )0! JA*# #0& amp;! B-*)%&P!X0*-!F(# #0 .A0 &!QJY6!G#,*)0R! =%7;!B-*)%&P!X0*-!F(# #0 .A0 &!QJY6!G#,*)0R!! I&%-/.)*%#!@(#( 30& amp;P!@*&(. 90! L(<*,!! I&%-/.)*%#!=%%&-*#()%&P!U0##;!F %0! ! I&%-/.)*%# !6% %9,!J 70. *(9*,)P!U/9 *0! =+(9 90# 30& amp;!! I&%-/.)*%#!J/77%&)P!J/, *0! F( ;0& amp;,!QG#9* #0 !6& amp;(*#*#3!J%9/)*%#,8!"#.5R! 60 ,)!@(#( 30& amp;P!J*-!F0#(< ;0# )0! =%/& ,04 (& ;0 ! 60 ,)*#3P!B&*.!@ ;0& amp;,! =& ;0( )*< ;0! L*& ;0. )%&8! @0- *(:J*'!J0&<* .0, P!L(<*-!@(+9'(##! M01!L0< ;09 %7&apos ;0# )!O0(-P!O*,(!I0( ,0! =L!F/*9-!J 70. *(9*,)P!U0##;!F %0! G#9* #0! J/77%&)P!L011*!=%# 30& amp;! @(#/$(.)/&*#3!@(#( 30& amp;P!X* .A! 60 & 0A! G 70& amp;()*%#,!=%%&-*#()%&P!U%+#!M*99*(',! @(#/$(.)/&*#3!J/77%&)P!O(/&(!Z*#3T!Z()+;! [0& amp;, +0; ! O0(-!I&%-/.)!@(#( 30& amp;8!X0 90( ,0! @(#( 30& apos ;0# )P!F%!V(9$%&-! O0(-!I&%-/.)!@(#( 30& amp;8!"# )0& amp; #0) !J0&<* .0, P![*9(&;!S(#-(9! V&%/7!@(#( 30& amp;8!=%/& ,04 (& ;0! "#$&(,)&/.)/&0P!L(<*-!F&('1 90! V0 #0& amp;(9!@(#( 30& amp;P!X% 10& amp;)!J )04 (&)! ! =!" ... CDDD!@*.&%,%$)!=%&7%&()*%#5!E99!&*3+),!& ;0, 0&< ;0- 5! ! @*.&%,%$)8!F(.AG$$* .08 !H&%#)I( 30! CDDD8!@JKLGJ8!M*#-%4,8!M*#-%4,!> ;68 !(#-!M*#-%4,!CDDD! (& ;0! 0*) +0& amp;!& ;03 *, )0& amp ;0- !)&( -0& apos;(& ;A, !%&!)&( -0& apos;(& ;A, !%$!@*.&%,%$)!=%&7%&()*%#!*#!) +0! N5J5E5!(#-:%&!%) +0& amp;! .%/#)& *0, 5! ! 6+ 0! #(&apos ;0, !%$!.%'7(# *0, 8!7&%-/.),8! 70% 7 908 !.+(&(. )0& amp;,8!(#-:%&!-()(!&apos ;0# )*% #0- ! +0& amp ;0* #!(& ;0! $*.)*)*%/,! (#-!(& ;0! *#!#%!4(;!*# )0# -0- !)%!& ;07 & ;0, 0#)!(#;!& ;0( 9!*#-*<*-/(98!.%'7(#;8!7&%-/.)8!%& !0& lt ;0# )8!/# 90, ,! %) +0& amp;4* ,0! #% )0- 5! ! G) +0& amp;!7&%-/.)!(#-!.%'7(#;!#(&apos ;0, !&apos ;0# )*% #0- ! +0& amp ;0* #!'(;! 10! ) +0! )&( -0& apos;(& ;A, !%$!) +0* &!& ;0, 70. )*< ;0! %4 #0& amp;,5! ! L0< ;09 %7&apos ;0# )!O0(-P!J%#*(!I(# -0! Q>""6R! "#,)&/.)*%#(9!L0,*3 #0& amp;,P!J(# 300 )(!>(*&8!S*2(;(9 (A, +'*!>(&(;(#(,4(';T!J+&/)*!U(*#8!V 00) #2(9*! E&%&(8!!Q>""6R! 60 .+#*.(9!=%#)&*1/)%&,P!J.%))!J4*3(&)!QW!O0($!J%9/)*%#,8!OO=RT!V(&;!V/'1* #0& amp;!QV& ;0( )!F(&& *0& amp;! 60 .+#%9%3 *0, 8!"#.5R! I&%3&('!@(#( 30& amp;,P!J )0& lt ;0! @0& amp;&*99! V&(7+*.!E&)*,)P!J.%))!J0&#(!Q=& ;0( )*< ;0! E, ,0) ,R! B-*)*#3!@(#( 30& amp;P!O; #0) )0! JA*# #0& amp;! B-*)%&P!X0*-!F(# #0 .A0 &!QJY6!G#,*)0R! =%7;!B-*)%&P!X0*-!F(# #0 .A0 &!QJY6!G#,*)0R!! I&%-/.)*%#!@(#( 30& amp;P!@*&(. 90! L(<*,!! I&%-/.)*%#!=%%&-*#()%&P!U0##;!F %0! ! I&%-/.)*%# !6% %9,!J 70. *(9*,)P!U/9 *0! =+(9 90# 30& amp;!! I&%-/.)*%#!J/77%&)P!J/, *0! F( ;0& amp;,!QG#9* #0 !6& amp;(*#*#3!J%9/)*%#,8!"#.5R! 60 ,)!@(#( 30& amp;P!J*-!F0#(< ;0# )0! =%/& ,04 (& ;0 ! 60 ,)*#3P!B&*.!@ ;0& amp;,! =& ;0( )*< ;0! L*& ;0. )%&8! @0- *(:J*'!J0&<* .0, P!L(<*-!@(+9'(##! M01!L0< ;09 %7&apos ;0# )!O0(-P!O*,(!I0( ,0! =L!F/*9-!J 70. *(9*,)P!U0##;!F %0! G#9* #0! J/77%&)P!L011*!=%# 30& amp;! @(#/$(.)/&*#3!@(#( 30& amp;P!X* .A! 60 & 0A! G 70& amp;()*%#,!=%%&-*#()%&P!U%+#!M*99*(',! @(#/$(.)/&*#3!J/77%&)P!O(/&(!Z*#3T!Z()+;! [0& amp;, +0; ! O0(-!I&%-/.)!@(#( 30& amp;8!X0 90( ,0! @(#( 30& apos ;0# )P!F%!V(9$%&-! O0(-!I&%-/.)!@(#( 30& amp;8!"# )0& amp; #0) !J0&<* .0, P![*9(&;!S(#-(9! V&%/7!@(#( 30& amp;8!=%/& ,04 (& ;0! "#$&(,)&/.)/&0P!L(<*-!F&('1 90! V0 #0& amp;(9!@(#( 30& amp;P!X% 10& amp;)!J )04 (&)! ! =!"...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Customer Relationship Management: A Database Approach - Class 6 pptx
... at for directing future marketing efforts Jan Feb March April May $ Amount 800 50 50 30 20 GC 2 40 15 15 9 6 302 .01 4 86 5 )01 25 .01 (2 40 4 )01 25 .01 (15 3 )01 25 .01 (15 2 )01 25 .01 (9 )01 25 .01 (6 ... Churn: just “Missing in Action” Before S 0 S -1 S -1 S 0 After 0. 7 0. 3 0. 0 0. 1 S -2 S -2 0. 0 1 .0 0 .0 0.9 0. 0 If you haven’t bought in two periods, you are gone, but you could appear and disappear from ... Relationship Management: A Database Approach MARK 7397 Spring 200 7 James D. Hess C.T. Bauer Professor of Marketing Science 375H Melcher Hall jhess@uh.edu 713 743-4175 Class 6 To Calculate...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 14:16
Tài liệu Create a Detach/Attach SQL Server Database Dialog Box ppt
... and AttachDBWithSingleFile methods to attach and detach a database. Comments You can enhance this routine by allowing for databases that have multiple files to be attached and detached. There ... databases. To check this, you can look at the list back on the Detach Database tab; that list was refreshed when you clicked the Attach Database button. 1. Create a Windows Form. 7.5 Create ... database file to attach. Select the file and click Open. To attach the file, click the Attach Database button. The database file will then be attached, and you can see it in the list of databases....
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
Tài liệu Stored Procedures in MySQL 5.0 pdf
... External Languages • Current Status 200 3 -04 -11 | © MySQL AB 200 3 | PEM | www .mysql. com Stored Procedures in MySQL 5 .0 Stored Procedures in MySQL 5 .0 Per-Erik Martin, MySQL AB San Jose, 200 3 -04 -11 © ... the database and parsed on demand, and then kept in- memory 26 200 3 -04 -11 | © MySQL AB 200 3 | PEM | www .mysql. com Stored Procedures in MySQL 5 .0 The SQL Language: Cursors 20 BEGIN DECLARE CURSOR ... model languages • Provide an extendable interface to make it easy to add new languages 41 200 3 -04 -11 | © MySQL AB 200 3 | PEM | www .mysql. com Stored Procedures in MySQL 5 .0 Who Are You? • How many...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Creating a Table in the Database from a DataTable Schema docx
... Table in the Database from a DataTable Schema Problem You need to create a table in a database from an existing DataTable schema. Solution Use the CreateTableFromSchema( ) method shown in this ... CreateTableFromSchema( ) in the sample code is called to create a table in the database from this schema. CreateTableFromSchema( ) This method creates a schema in the database for the schema of the DataTable ... dynamically constructs a Data Definition Language (DDL) statement to create a table in a SQL Server database from the schema of a DataTable. The complete statement that is generated is shown in...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Create a Dialog Box to Connect to a New Database, Including Listing Available SQL Servers and Databases pdf
... Available SQL Servers and Databases Users sometimes need to connect to various databases. An example of this is a large company that might keep its site information in separate databases in ... to create a dialog box to let the user pick the SQL Server and database and then create a new connection based on the selections. Within a database application, it is necessary to allow users ... do you create a dialog box that lists available SQL Servers and databases and that the user can utilize to connect to a new database? Technique For this How-To, you will be using the base object...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Create a New SQL Server Database from Within Visual Studio .NET pptx
... actually make a database useful. to create a new database, it does give you an idea of where you can see various databases in your system. Now you will learn how to create a database in VS .NET. ... second way is to right-click on the SQL Server instance to which you want to add the database- in this case, SHADRACH2-and then choose New Database. Although both methods open the Create Database ... this database. If your network is strictly a Windows 200 0 network, you can leave this as the default- User Windows NT Integrated Security; otherwise, choose the option. Your Create Database dialog...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Essay Writing for a Score of 6.0 on the TOEFL and TWE pdf
... main points. It may also include the author's opinion. It should NOT introduce any new ideas. A good concluding paragraph often leaves an impression on the reader. It may make the reader ... Elements of a Good Concluding Paragraph: The essay should end with a concluding sentence which briefly summarizes the ideas in the paragraph. A good concluding paragraph should include a summary of ... (D) Explain with Reasons & Examples 9. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide Release 7.0 pot
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20