Calculations in a Pivot Table
... area, Years and Date are in the Row Labels area, and Units is in the Values area. If you calculate a running total with Date as the base field: ã The subtotals for Years are automatically hidden ... formula is changed. 3.17. Using Formulas: Creating a Calculated Field Problem In your pivot table, Rep and Product are in the Row Labels area. In the Values area, the Total field shows the total sales ... blank Districts is calculated. Figure 3-6. Use a different field to count blank cells. CHAPTER 3 ■ CALCULATIONS IN A PIVOT TABLE 45 Calculations in a Pivot Table I n a pivot table, you can...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20
Modifying a Pivot Table
... settings are changed programmat- ically, you can’t make any changes to the PivotTable values. Even if you programmatically change a setting to allow edits to the pivot table values, the original ... type in a cell in the Values area, you see the error message “Cannot change this part of a PivotTable report.” In the pivot table, the Region field is in the Row Labels area, Category is in the ... problems as you change the layout, with fields that don’t behave as expected, or features that are unavailable after you move a field. You may want to alter the labels or values in the pivot table, and...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20
Formatting a Pivot Table
... this chapter are based on data in the sample file named Regions.xlsx. 4.1. Using PivotTable Styles: Applying a Predefined Format Problem You create several pivot tables each week. Each pivot table ... is in the Row Labels area, Territory is in the Column Labels area, and Sales is in the Values area. You applied Above Average conditional formatting to the Values cells, and it is working as ... Formatting a Pivot Table N ew formatting features were introduced for pivot tables in Excel 2007, including PivotTable Styles, Document Themes, Conditional Formatting, and Report Layouts, which add...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20
Programming a Pivot Table
... wizard, 10, 15 planning a pivot table, 1-4 preparing source data, 4–14 previewing styles, 71 print area resetting automatically, 231 adjusting automatically, 170 printed format, sharing information ... custom calculation and, 52 Index custom calculation and, 55 new, automatically including with source data, 141 organizing data in, 4 rules Data Bar, 88 order of, changing for conditional formatting, ... Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _ Cancel As Boolean) Dim pt As PivotTable If Me.PivotTables .Count = 0 Then Exit Sub For Each pt In Me.PivotTables If Not Intersect(Target, pt.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20
Updating a Pivot Table
... External Data Range is created for the imported data. If you base the pivot table on this named range, it expands automatically as new records are added, and the pivot table contains all the data. ... Data: Automatically Including New Data in an External Data Range Problem In your workbook, you imported a text file that contains billing data, on to the BillingData worksheet. This created an ... external data source, and for pivot tables based on data in the same Excel file as the pivot table. 1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and then click PivotTable Options. 2. On the Data tab,...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20
Printing a Pivot Table
... the pivot table and need to print the data. For the most part, pivot tables print the same as other data on a worksheet, but there are a few special settings that you can apply to a pivot table. Some ... printing issues, such as printing a copy of the pivot table for each item in the page field, can be solved by programming, and examples are given in Chapter 13. 11.1. Repeating Pivot Table Headings ... columns and rows that contain the headings appear on each printed page. The Repeat item labels on each printed page pivot table option ensures that labels print at the top of each page if an item...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2013, 22:20
Publishing a Pivot Table
... list and add more fields to the pivot table. The Summary functions for the data fields are those that appeared in the original Excel PivotTable and can’t be changed. You can create custom calculations, ... the values, or remind visi- tors that values will be displayed when they point to a data point on the chart. Publishing the Web Page To create an HTML file from your PivotChart and PivotTable ... 222 211 CHAPTER 10 ■ ■ ■ Publishing a Pivot Table A fter you create a PivotTable report, you may want to publish the pivot table, its pivot chart, or the entire workbook, on a web page. In Excel,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2013, 22:20
Securing a Pivot Table
... Creating, changing, or viewing scenarios ã Grouping or outlining data ã Inserting automatic subtotals ã Working with XML data ã Using a data form to add new data ã Adding or changing Excel 4 dialog ... PM Page 194 8.4 ■ PROTECTION: PREVENTING CHANGES TO A PIVOT TABLE1 88 The following features are disabled in a shared workbook: ã Creating or changing PivotTable reports ã Creating or changing ... charts or PivotChart reports ã Creating lists ã Creating data tables ã Inserting or deleting a range of cells ã Deleting worksheets ã Writing, recording, changing, viewing, or assigning macros ã...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2013, 22:20
... Typed DataSet Problem When a column in a database has a null value, you want the value in the DataSet to be a string indicating that no value is available. Solution Use annotations in the ... the default or annotated schema file is used. In either case, data is loaded into the DataSet. A row is added to the Categories table with a Description value of null. The data in the table is ... Description values are replaced with the string "- no description available -". The annotations are marked in bold in Example 2-25 . Example 2-25. File: TypedDataSets\CategoriesDS_AnnotatedNull.xsd...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16
... of lblSQLString. Then the string is used in a data adapter that was created to fill the dtResults data table. Last, the data table is set as the data source for dgResults. Listing 6.7 frmHowTo6_3.vb: ... placing your use of wild cards and allowing for ranges of values, you can make your applications and the querying of data more versatile than ever! Label Text To TextBox Name txtFromDate ... MyBase.Load GenerateData() End Sub 3. In the class module for the form, add the code in Listing 6.7 to create the GenerateData routine. After creating the SQL statement, this routine assigns...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16
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